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NEC Projector VE280X User Manual

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Page 21

2. Installation and Connections
	Making Connections
Connecting Your PC or Macintosh Computer
NOTE: When using with a notebook PC, be sure to connect the projector and notebook PC while the projector is in standby mode 
and before turning on the power to the notebook PC.
In most cases the output signal from the notebook PC is not turned on un\
less connected to the projector before being powered up.
* If the screen goes blank while using your remote control, it may be the result of the computer's...

Page 22

2. Installation and Connections
NOTE:	Refer	to	your	DVD	player's	owner's	manual	for	more	information	about	your	DVD	player's	video	output	requirements.
Connecting Your DVD Player with Component Output
Use	audio	equipment	for	stereo	sound.
The	projector's	built-in	speaker	is	monaural.
DVD player
Audio Equipment Optional 15-pin - to 
- RCA (female) ×3 
cable (ADP-CV1E)
Component video RCA×3 
cable (not supplied)
Audio cable (not supplied)
Stereo mini plug - to - RCA...

Page 23

2. Installation and Connections
Connecting Your VCR
Use	audio	equipment	for	stereo	sound.
The	projector's	built-in	speaker	is	monaural.
Video cable (not supplied)
Audio equipment
Audio cable (not supplied)
NOTE:	Refer	to	your	VCR	owner's	manual	for	more	information	about	your	equipment's	video	output	requirements.
NOTE:	An 	image 	may 	not 	be 	displayed 	correctly 	when 	a 	Vi deo 	source 	is 	played 	back 	in 	fast-forward 	or 	fast-rewind 	vi a 	a 	scan...

Page 24

2. Installation and Connections
Connecting HDMI Input (VE281X/VE281/VE282X/VE282 only)
You	can	connec t 	the 	HDMI 	output 	of 	your 	DVD 	player, 	hard 	disk 	player, 	Blu-ray 	player, 	or 	notebook 	type 	PC 	to 	the 	
HDMI	IN	connector	of	your	projector.
NOTE:	The	HDMI	IN	connector	supports	Plug	&	Play	(DDC2B).
Audio cable (not supplied)
HDMI cable (not supplied)
Use High Speed HDMI® 
TIP:	For	users	of	audio	video	equipment	with	an	HDMI	connector:
Select	“Enhanced”	rather	than...

Page 25

2. Installation and Connections
Connecting the Supplied Power Cord
Connect	the	supplied	power	cord	to	the	projector.
First	connect	the 	supplied 	power 	cord's 	three-pin 	plug 	to 	the 	AC 	IN 	of 	the 	projector, 	and 	then 	connect 	the 	other 	plug 	
of	the	supplied	power	cord	in	the	wall	outlet.
To wall outlet
The	projector	will 	go 	into 	standby	
mode.	When	in 	standby 	mode, 	the 	
POWER	indicator 	will 	light 	orange 	
and	the	STATUS 	indicator 	will 	light 	
green	when	[NORMAL] 	is...

Page 26

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
This	section	describes	how	to	turn	on	the	projector	and	to	project	a	picture	onto	the	screen.
 Turning on the Projector
1. Press the  (POWER) button on the projector cabinet 
or the POWER ON button on the remote control. 
 The POWER  indicator will turn to green and the projector 
will become ready to use.
NOTE: When the projector is turned on, it may take some time 
before the lamp light becomes bright.
•	 When	the	STATUS 	indicator 	lights 	orange, 	it...

Page 27

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Note on Startup screen (Menu Language Select screen)
When	you 	first 	turn 	on 	the 	projector, 	you 	will 	get 	the 	Startup 	menu. 	This 	menu 	gives 	you 	the 	opportunity 	to 	select 	one 	
of	the	27	menu	languages.
To select a menu language, follow these steps:
1. Use the , ,  or   button  to  select  one  of  the  27 
languages from the menu.
2. Press the ENTER button to execute the selection.
After	this	has 	been 	done,	you 	can 	proceed 	t o 	t he 	menu...

Page 28

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Selecting a Source
Selecting the computer or video source
NOTE:	Turn	on	the	computer	or	video	source	equipment	connected	to	the	projector.
Selecting from Source List
Press	and	quickly 	release 	the 	SOURCE 	button 	on 	the 	projector 	cabinet 	to 	display	
the	Source	list. 	Each 	time 	the 	SOURCE 	button 	is 	pressed, 	the 	input 	source 	will 	
change	as	follow s: 	“COMPUTER”, 	“VIDEO”, 	“HDMI”. 	To 	displa y 	the 	selected 	
source,	press	the	ENTER	button...

Page 29

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Adjusting the Picture Size and Position
Use	the	adjustable	tilt	foot,	the	zoom	lever	or	the	focus	ring	to	adjust	the	picture	size	and	position.
In this chapter drawings and cables are omitted for clarity.
Adjusting	the	throw	angle	(the	height	of	an	image)
[Tilt	foot]	(→	page	21)
Adjusting	the	left	and	right	tilt	of	an	image
[Rear	foot]	(→	page	21)
Finely	adjusting	the	size	of	an	image
[Zoom	lever]	(→	page	22)
Adjusting	the	focus
[Focus	ring]	(→	page	22)...

Page 30

3. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
Adjustable Tilt Foot
Adjust the Tilt Foot
1.  Lift the front edge of the projector.
Do	not	try 	to 	touch 	the 	Exhaust 	Vent 	during 	Tilt 	Foot 	adjustment 	as 	
it	can	become 	heated 	while 	the 	projector 	is 	turned 	on 	and 	after 	it 	is 	
turned	off.
2.  Rotate the  Adjustable Tilt  Foot  on  the  front  of  the  projector  to 
extend the adjustable tilt foot.
 The tilt foot can be extended up to 0.7 inch/18 mm.
 There is...
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