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NEC Projector VE280X User Manual

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Page 81

7. Appendix
 Cabinet Dimensions
Lens center
Lens center
Unit:	mm	(inch)

Page 82

7. Appendix
Mini D-Sub 15 Pin Connector
 Pin Assignments of D-Sub COMPUTER Input Connector
Signal	Level
Video	signal	:	0.7Vp-p	(Analog)
Sync	signal	:	TTL	level
14 23 10
11 12 13 14 15
69 78
 Pin No.   RGB Signal (Analog)  YCbCr Signal
	 1	 Red	 Cr
	 2	 Green	or	Sync	on	Green	 Y
	 3	 Blue	Cb
	 4	 Ground
	 5	 Ground
	 6	 Red	Ground	 Cr 	 Ground
	 7	 Green	Ground	Y 	 Ground
	 8	 Blue	Ground	Cb 	 Ground
	 9	 No	Connection
	 10	 Sync	Signal	Ground
	 11	 No	Connection	
	 12	 Bi-directional	DATA	(SDA)

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7. Appendix
 Compatible Input Signal List
Horizontal:	15KHz	to	100KHz	(RGB:	24KHz	or	over)
Vertical:	50Hz	to	85Hz
Analog RGB
( dots )Aspect	RatioRefresh	Rate(	Hz	)VGA 640×480 4:360/72/75/85/
SVGA 800×600 *
14:3 56/60/72/75/85/
XGA 1024×768 *
24:3 60/70/75/85/
WXGA 1280×768 15:9 60
1280 ×800 *
316:10 60
Quad-VGA 1280×960 4:3 60
SXGA 1280×1024 5:4 60
SXGA+ 1400×1050 4:3 60
UXGA 1600×1200 4:3 60
MAC	13"640×480 4:3 67MAC	16"832×624 4:3 75MAC	19"1024×768 4:3 75...

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7. Appendix
NOTE: Contact your local dealer for a full list of the PC Control Codes \
if needed.
Cable Connection
Communication	Protocol
Baud rate �����������������������������������������38400 bps
Data length
 ��������������������������������������8 bits
 �����������������������������������������������No parity
Stop bit
 ��������������������������������������������One bit
X on/off
Communications procedure
 �������������Full duplex

Page 85

7. Appendix
No image is displayed from your PC or video equipment to the projector�
Still no image even though you connect the projector to the PC 
first, then start the PC.
Enabling your notebook PC’s signal output to the projector�
• A combination  of  function  keys  will  enable/disable  the external display� Usually, the combination of the “Fn” key along with one of the 12 function keys turns the external display on or off� 
No image (Logo, blue or black background, no display)�
Still no image...

Page 86

7. Appendix
In the space below please describe your problem in detail.
Information on application and environment where your projector is usedProjectorModel number:
Serial No�:
Date of purchase:
Lamp operating time (hours):
Eco Mode:   Off    On
Information on input signal:
Horizontal synch frequency [      ] kHz
Vertical synch frequency [     ] Hz
Synch polarity H  (+)  (−)
 V  (+)  (−)
Synch type  Separate  Composite
  Sync on Green
STATUS Indicator:
Steady light  Orange  Green
Flashing light [...

Page 87

7. Appendix
 REGISTER YOUR PROJECTOR! (for residents in the United States, 
Canada, and Mexico)
Please	take	time 	to 	register 	your 	new 	projector. 	This 	will 	activate 	your 	limited 	parts 	and 	labor 	warranty 	and 	InstaCare 	
service	program.
Visit	our	web 	site 	at 	www.necdisplay.com, 	click 	on 	support 	center/register 	product 	and 	submit 	your 	completed 	form 	
Upon	receipt,	we 	will 	send 	a 	confirmation 	letter 	with 	all 	the 	details 	you 	will 	need 	to 	take 	advantage...

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©	NEC	Display	Solutions,	Ltd.	20127N951841 
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