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NEC Projector V311x User Manual

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Page 91

6. Maintenance
❷ Replacing the Lamp\c

Page 92

6. Maintenance
2. Remove the lamp housin\Sg.
(1)	Loosen	the	three 	scre ws 	secur ing 	the 	lamp 	housing 	until 	the 	phillips 	scre wdriver 	goes 	into 	a 	free wheeling 	condi-
•	 The	three	screws	are	not	removable.
•	 There	is 	an 	inter lock 	on 	this 	case 	to 	pre vent 	the 	r isk 	of 	electr ical 	shoc k.	Do 	not 	attempt 	to 	circumv ent 	this 	
(2)	Remove	the	lamp	housing	by	holding	it.

Page 93

6. Maintenance
5. Connect the suppli\Sed power cord, and turn on the p\Srojector.
6. Finally, select the menu → [RESE\b] → [CLEAR LAMP \fOURS]\S to reset the lamp\S usage hours.
NOTE:	When	you 	continue 	to 	use 	the 	projector 	for 	another 	100 	hours 	after 	the 	\bamp 	has 	reached 	the 	end 	of 	its 	\bife, 	the 	projector 	
cannot	turn	on	and	the	menu	is	not	disp\bayed.
If	this	happens,	press	the	HELP	button	on	the	remote	contro\b	for	10	seconds	to	reset	the	\bamp	c\bock	back	to	zero.
When	the...

Page 94

7. Appendix
❶ Troubleshooting

Page 95

7. Appendix
Common Problems & Solutions

Page 96

7. Appendix
If there is no pict\vure, or the picture is n\vot displayed correctly.
• P

Page 97

7. Appendix
❷ Specifications

Page 98

7. Appendix

Page 99

7. Appendix
310 (12.2)96 (3.8)
247 (9.7)
❸ Cabinet \fimensions\c
Lens	center
Lens	center

Page 100

7. Appendix
❹ Pin Assignments o\cf \f-Sub COMPUTER In\cput Connector
Mini \f-Sub 15 Pin C\connector
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