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NEC Projector V311x User Manual

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Page 101

7. Appendix
❺ Compatible Input S\cignal List

Page 102

7. Appendix
❻ PC Control Codes and Cable \cConnection
PC Control Codes
Fu\bctio\b Code Data
POWER ON 02H 00H  00H  00H  00H  02H
POWER OFF 02H 01H  00H  00H  00H  03H
INPUT SELECT COMPU\dTER 1 02H 03H  00H  00H  02H  01H  01H  09H 
INPUT SELECT COMPU\dTER 2 02H 03H  00H  00H  02H  01H  02H  0AH 
INPUT SELECT HDMI 02H 03H  00H  00H  02H  01H  1AH  22H 
INPUT SELECT VIDEO\d 02H 03H  00H  00H  02H  01H  06H  0EH
INPUT SELECT S-VID\dEO 02H 03H  00H  00H  02H  01H  0BH  13H

Page 103

7. Appendix
No  image  is  displa\fed  from  \four  PC  or  video  equipme\bt  to  the 
projector.Still \bo image eve\b though \fou co\b\bect the projector to the PC 
first, the\b start the\d PC.
E\babli\bg \four \botebook \dPC’s sig\bal output to t\dhe projector.
•	 A	combination	o f	f unction	k eys	w i\b\b	e nab\be/disab\be	t he	e xter-na\b	disp\bay.	Usua\b\by , 	the 	combination 	of 	the 	“Fn” 	key 	a\bong 	with	one	of 	the 	12 	function 	keys 	turns 	the 	externa\b 	disp\bay 	on	or	off.	
No image...

Page 104

7. Appendix
In \fhe s\bace below \bl\Oease describe your \O\broblem in de\fail.
Informa\fion on a\b\bli\Oca\fion and environm\Oen\f where your \broj\Oec\for is usedProjectorModel \bumber:
Serial No.:
Date of purchase:
Lamp operati\bg time \d(hours):
Eco Mode: □ Off □ O\b
I\bformatio\b o\b i\bput s\dig\bal:
Horizo\btal s\f\bch freque\d\bc\f [      ] kHz
Vertical s\f\bch freque\d\bc\f [     ] Hz
S\f\bch polarit\f H □ (+) □ (−)
 V □ (+) □ (−)
S\f\bch t\fpe □ Separate □ Composite
 □ S\f\bc o\b Gree\b...

Page 105

7. Appendix
❽ REGISTER YOUR PRO\cJECTOR! \bfor residents in the Un\cited 
States, Canada, an\cd Mexico)

Page 106

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