NEC Projector V311x User Manual
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34 4. Convenient Feat\cures ❻ Preventing the Unaut\chorized Use of the\c Projector [SECURITY] \f
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35 4. Convenient Feat\cures 7. \bype in the same co\Smbination of △▽◁▷ buttons and press t\She EN\bER button. The confirmation screen will be displayed. 8. Select [YES] and pr\Sess the EN\bER button. The SECURITY function has been enabled. To turn on the projector when \fSECURI\vTY] is enabled: 1. Press and hold the\S POWER button. The projector will be turned on and display a message to the effect that the projector is locked. 2. Press the MENU button. 3. \bype in the correct\S keyword and press...
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36 4. Convenient Feat\cures To disable the SECURITY fu\vnction: 1. Press the MENU button. The menu will be displayed. 2. Select [SE\bUP] → [INS\bALLA\bION] → [SECURI\bY] and pre\Sss the EN\bER button. The \bFF/\bN menu will be displayed. 3. Select [OFF] and pre\Sss the EN\bER b utton. The KEYW\bRD C\bNFIRMATI\bN screen will be displayed. 4. \bype in your keyword and press the EN\S\bER button. When the correct keyword is entered\f the SECURITY function will be disabled. NOTE: If you forget your...
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39 4. Convenient Feat\cures ❽ Using the Compute\cr Cable \bVGA) to Op\cerate the Projector \bVirtual Remote Tool)
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40 4. Convenient Feat\cures Step 1: Install Virtual Remote Tool on the computer\c Supported OS