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NEC Projector Px750u User Manual

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Page 121

5. Using On-Screen Menu
NATIVEThe	projector	 displays	the	current	 image	in	its	 true	 resolution	 when	the	incoming	 computer	 signal	
has	a	lower	or	higher	resolution	than	the	projector’s	native	resolution. 	(→	page	2, 215)
When	the	incoming	 computer	 signal	has	a	higher	 resolution	 than	the	projector's	 native	resolution,	
the	center	of	an	image	will	be	displayed.
LETTER	BOXThe	image	 of	a	letterbox	 signal	(16:9)	is	stretched	 equally	in	the	 horizontal	 and	vertical	 directions	
to	fit	the...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Using Noise Reduction [NOISE REDUCTION]
This	function	is	used	to	reduce	video	noise.
RANDOM NR ���������Reduces flickering random noise in an image� 
MOSQUITO NR ������Reduces mosquito noise that appears around the edges of an image during \
DVD playback�
BLOCK NR  �������������Reduces block noise or mosaic-like patterns by selecting ON�
Selecting Interlaced Progressive Conversion Process Mode [DEINTERLACE]
This	function	allows	you	to	select	an...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
This	function	 selects	video	signal	 level	when	 the	projector’s	 HDMI	and	DisplayPort	 input	connectors	 and	an	external	
device	are	connected.
AUTO ���������������������The video level is switched automatically based on the information from \
the device outputting the signal�
Depending on the connected device, this setting may not be made properly � In this case, switch to “NORMAL” 
or “ENHANCED” from the menu and view with the optimum setting�

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
 Menu Descriptions & Functions [SETUP]
Correcting	Vertical	Keystone	Distortion	Manually	[KEYSTONE]
You	can	correct	vertical	distortion	manually. 	(→	page	26)
TIP:	When	this	option	is	highlighted,	pressing	the	ENTER	button	will	display	its	slide	bar	for	adjustment.
Selecting Cornerstone Mode [CORNERSTONE]
This	option	allows	you	to	correct	trapezoidal	distortion.
Selecting	this	item	will	display	the	Cornerstone	adjustment	screen. 	(→	page	37)

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
This	option	allows	you	to	select	a	sub	picture	signal.
The	options	are:	OFF,	VIDEO	and	S-VIDEO.
Selecting	[OFF]	will	cancel	the	PIP/PICTURE	BY	PICTURE	mode	and	return	to	the	normal	screen.
Using the Wall Color Correction [WALL COLOR]
This	function	allows	for	quick	adaptive	color	correction	in	applications	where	the	screen	material	is	not	white.
The	projector	is	designed	to	accept	two	lamps	(dual	lamp	system). 	
This	dual	lamp	system	provides	prolonged...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting the lamp to be used [LAMP SELECT]
This	feature	allows	you	to	select	which	lamp	to	be	used.	
NOTE: This option is not displayed in the Basic menu. 
 ���������������������Select to use the two lamps at the same time to increase brightness� 
SINGLE ������������������Lights either lamp 1 or 2 whichever was used last� This option also selects Lamp 1 or Lamp 2 according to 
the time preset with Lamp Interval� 
LAMP 1 ONLY ��������Select to use the Lamp 1 of the two...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Setting the day for changing the lamp [LAMP SWITCHING DAY]
This	allows	you	to	set	the	day	for	changing	the	lamp.
The	options	 are:	SUN	 (Sunday),	 MON	(Monday),	 TUE	(Tuesday),	 WED	(Wednesday),	 THU	(Thursday),	 FRI	(Friday),	
and	SAT	(Saturday).
•	 This	function	is	available	only	when	[1	WEEK]	is	selected	for	[LAMP	INTERVAL	MODE].
Setting Closed Caption [CLOSED CAPTION]
This	 option	 sets	several	 closed	caption	 modes	that	allow	 text	to	be	 superimposed	 on	the...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Menu Color [COLOR SELECT]
You	can	choose	between	two	options	for	menu	color:	COLOR	and	MONOCHROME.
Turning	On	/	Off	Source	Display	[SOURCE	DISPLAY]
This	option	 turns	on	or	off	 input	 name	 display	 such	as	COMPUTER	 1,	COMPUTER2,	 COMPUTER3,	HDMI,	Display-
Port,	VIDEO,	S-VIDEO,	 VIEWER,	NETWORK	to	be	displayed	on	the	top	right	of	the	screen.
Turning messages on and off [MESSAGE DISPLAY]
This	option	selects	whether	or	not	to	display	projector	messages	at	the...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
When	[OFF]	is	selected	for	[ECO	MODE]
Pressing	the	ENTER	button	will	display	the	[ECO	MODE]	screen.	(→	page	33)
To	close	the	message,	press	the	EXIT	button.
Selecting Menu Display Time [DISPLAY TIME]
This	option	 allows	 you	to	select	 how	long	 the	projector	 waits	after	the	last	 touch	 of	a	button	 to	turn	 off	the	 menu. 	The	
preset	 choices	 are	[MANUAL],	 [AUTO	5	SEC],	 [AUTO	 15	SEC],	 and	[AUTO	 45	SEC]. 	The	 [AUTO	 45	SEC]	 is	the	 fac-
tory	preset.
Selecting	a...

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5. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting Aspect Ratio and Position for Screen [SCREEN]
Screen	typeSets	the	aspect	ratio	of	the	projection	screen.
4:3	screen For	a	screen	with	a	4:3	aspect	ratio
16:9	screen For	a	screen	with	a	16:9	aspect	ratio
16:10	screen For	a	screen	with	a	16:10	aspect	ratio
Display	positionWhen	the	screen	 type	is	set	 to	16:9	 or	16:10,	 adjusts	 the	vertical	 position	 of	the	 display	
After	changing...
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