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NEC Projector Px750u User Manual

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Page 101

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
•	 If	the	projection	angle	is	the	same	as	in	the	last	use,	the	previous	correction	setting	values	are	retained	in	the	memory.
•	 When	doing	Step	2,	adjust	the	position	of	image	so	that	the	screen	is	smaller	than	the	area	of	the	projected	area.
•	 To	reset	the	3D	Reform	correction	setting	values,	press	and	hold	the	3D	REFORM	button	for	a	minimum	of	2	seconds.
•	 Each	time	the	3D	REFORM	 button	is	pressed,	 the	item	 will	change	 as	follows:	 KEYSTONE	→...

Page 102

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Optimizing Computer Signal Automatically
Adjusting the Image Using Auto Adjust
Optimizing	a	computer	image	automatically.	(COMPUTER1/COMPUTER2/COMPUTER3)
Press	the	AUTO	ADJ.	button	to	optimize	a	computer	image	automatically.
This	adjustment	may	be	necessary	when	you	connect	your	computer	for	the	first	time.
[Poor picture]
[Normal picture]
Some	signals	may	take	time	to	display	or	may	not	be	displayed	correctly.
•	 If	the 	Auto 	Adjust 	operation 	cannot...

Page 103

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 Turning off the Projector
To turn off the projector:
1.	 First,	press	 the		(POWER)	 button	on	the	 projector	
cabinet	 or	the	 POWER	 OFF	button	 on	the	 remote	 con-
  The  [POWER  OFF  /  ARE YOU  SURE  ?  /  CARBON  SAV-
INGS-	SESSION	0.000[g-CO2]]	message	will	appear.
2.	 Secondly, 	press 	the 	ENTER 	button 	or 	press 	the 	 
(POWER)	or	the	POWER	OFF	button	again.
 The lamp will turn off and the projector will go into standby 
mode. When  in...

Page 104

2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation)
 After Use
Preparation:	Make	sure	that	the	projector	is	turned	off.
1.	 Unplug	the	power	cord.
2.	 Disconnect	any	other	cables.
•	 Remove	the	USB	memory	if	it	is	inserted	into	the	projector.
3. Mount	the	lens	cap	on	the	lens.
4. Before	moving	the	projector, 	screw	in	the	tilt	feet	if	they	have	been	lengthened. 

Page 105

3. Convenient Features
1 Blocking the lamp light (LENS 
Press	 the	SHUTTER/HOME	 POSITION	button	to	block	 the	lamps	 light	
from	hitting	 the	screen. 	Press	 again	to	allow	 the	screen	 to	become	 il-
luminated	again.
•	 Another 	way 	to 	shut 	the 	lamp 	light 	off 	is 	to 	press 	the 	SHUTTER 	button	
on	the	remote	control.
•	 Do	 not	press	 and	hold	 the	SHUTTER/HOME	 POSITION	button	for	2	seconds	 or	
 Doing so will cause the lens shift position to return to the home...

Page 106

3. Convenient Features
 Enlarging a Picture
You	can	enlarge	the	picture	up	to	four	times.
NOTE:	The	maximum	 magnification	 may	be	less	 than	 four	times	 depending	 on	
the signal.
To	do	so:
1.	 Press	the	D-ZOOM	(+)	button	to	magnify	the	picture.
2. Press	the		button.
  The area of the magnified image will be moved
3.	 Press	the	D-ZOOM	(−)	button.
 Each time the D-ZOOM (−) button is pressed, the image is reduced.
•	 The	image	will	be	enlarged	or	reduced	at	the	center	of	the	screen.

Page 107

3. Convenient Features
 Changing Eco Mode/Checking Energy-Saving Effect Using 
Eco Mode [ECO MODE]
This	feature	enables	you	to	select	two	brightness	modes	of	the	lamp:
OFF	and	ON	modes. 	The	lamp	life	can	be	extended	by	turning	on	the	[ECO	MODE].
[ECO	MODE]	Description
This	is	the	default	setting	(100%	Brightness).
[ON]Low	lamp	power	consumption	(approx. 	80%	Brightness).
To	turn	on	the	[ECO	MODE],	do	the	following: 	
1.	 Press	the	ECO	button	on	the	remote	control	to	display	[ECO	MODE]	screen....

Page 108

3. Convenient Features
Checking Energy-Saving Effect [CARBON METER]
This	feature	 will	show	 energy-saving	 effect	in	terms	 of	CO2	emission	 reduction	 (kg)	when	 the	projector’s	 [ECO	MODE]	
is	set	to	[OFF],	or	[ON]. 	This	feature	is	called	as	[CARBON	METER].
There	 are	two	 messages: 	[TOTAL	 CARBON	 SAVINGS]	 and	[CARBON	 SAVINGS-SESSION]. 	The	 [TOTAL	 CARBON	
SAVINGS]	 message	shows	the	total	 amount	 of	CO2	emission	 reduction	 from	the	time	 of	shipment	 up	to	now. 	You	 can	
check	the...

Page 109

3. Convenient Features
 Using the Optional Remote Mouse Receiver (NP01MR)
The	optional	 remote	mouse	receiver	 enables	you	to	operate	 your	computer’s	 mouse	functions	 from	the	remote	 control.	
It	is	a	great	convenience	for	clicking	through	your	computer-generated	presentations.
Connecting the remote mouse receiver to your computer
If	you	wish	to	use	the	remote	mouse	function,	connect	the	mouse	receiver	and	computer.
The	mouse	receiver	can	be	connected	directly	to	the	computer’s	USB	port	(type	A)....

Page 110

3. Convenient Features
Operating your computer’s mouse from the remote control
You	can	operate	your	computer’s	mouse	from	the	remote	control.
PAGE / Button �scrolls  the  viewing  area  of  the  window  or  to  move  to  the  previous  or  next  slide  in  PowerPoint  on  your 
 Buttons ����moves the mouse cursor on your computer �
L-CLICK Button ������works as the mouse left button�
R-CLICK Button  �����works as the mouse right button�
•	 When	 you	operate	 the	computer	 using...
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