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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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Page 181

❼ Troubleshooting
This	section	helps	you	resolve	problems	you	may	encounter	while	setting	up	or	using	the	projector.
Indicator Messages
POWER	Indicator
Indicator	display	Projector	status	Procedure
Off	Power	is	off.–
Blue	(short	flashes)Preparing	to	turn	power	onWait	a	while.
Blue	(long	flashes)Off	timer	(enabled)
Program	timer	(off	time	enabled)
Orange	(short	flashes)Projector	coolingWait	a	while.
Orange	(long	flashes)Program	timer	(on	time	enabled)–
Lit Blue
Power	on–
Red	Standby	mode...

Page 182

LIGHT Indicator
Indicator	display	Projector	status	Procedure
The	light	module	is	
turned	off.
Lit Green
Light	module	lit–
TEMP.	Indicator
Indicator	display	Projector	status	Procedure
No	problem
FlashingRed	(cycles	
of	2)
Temperature	problemThe	temper ature 	protector 	has 	been 	activ ated.	If 	the 	room 	
temperature	is	high, 	mo ve 	the 	projector 	to 	a 	cool 	place .	If 	
the	problem	still 	persists , 	contact 	an 	NEC 	projector 	cus-
tomer	support	center.
LitOrangeHigh	surrounding...

Page 183

Common Problems & Solutions
(→	“POWER/STATUS/LIGHT	 Indicator”	 on 	 page 	168,	169.)
ProblemCheck	These	 Items
Does not turn on
or shut down•	 Check	that	the 	power 	cord 	is 	plugged 	in 	and 	that 	the 	power 	button 	on 	the 	projector 	cabinet 	or 	the 	remote 	control is on� (→ pages 13, 14)•	 Check	to	see 	if 	the 	projector 	has 	overheated. 	If 	there 	is 	insufficient 	ventilation 	around 	the 	projector 	or 	if 	the 	room where you are presenting is particularly warm, move the projector t\...

Page 184

ProblemCheck	These	 Items
Remote control does 
not work•	 Install	new	batteries.	(→ page 10)•	 Make	sure	there	are	no	obstacles	between	you	and	the	projector.•	 Stand	within	22	feet	(7	m)	of	the	projector.	(→ page 11)
Indicator is lit or 
•	 See	the	POWER/STATUS/LIGHT	Indicator.	(→ page 168, 169)
Cross color in RGB 
•	 Press	the	AUTO	ADJ.	button	on	the	projector	cabinet	or	the	remote	control.	(→ page 23)•	 Adjust	the 	computer 	image 	manually 	with 	[CLOCK]/[PHASE] 	in 	[IMAGE...

Page 185

If there is no picture, or the picture is not displayed correctly.
•	 Power	on	process	for	the	projector	and	the	PC.
	 Be	sure	to 	connect 	the 	projector 	and 	notebook 	PC 	while 	the 	projector 	is 	in 	standb y 	mode 	and 	bef ore 	tur ning 	on 	
the	power	to	the	notebook	PC.
	 In	most	cases 	the 	output 	signal 	from 	the 	notebook 	PC 	is 	not 	tur ned 	on 	unless 	connected 	to 	the 	projector 	bef ore 	
being	powered	up.
NOTE:	You	can 	check 	the 	horizontal 	frequency 	of 	the 	current...

Page 186

❽ PC Control Codes and Cable Connection
PC Control Codes
Function Code Data
POWER ON 02H  00H   00H   00H   00H   02H
POWER OFF 02H  01H   00H   00H   00H   03H
INPUT SELECT HDMI 02H  03H   00H   00H   02H   01H   A1H  A9H
INPUT SELECT DisplayPort 02H  03H   00H   00H   02H   01H   A6H  AEH
INPUT SELECT BNC 02H  03H   00H   00H   02H   01H   02H   0AH
INPUT SELECT BNC(CV) 02H  03H   00H   00H   02H   01H   06H   0EH
INPUT SELECT BNC(Y/C) 02H  03H   00H   00H   02H   01H   0BH  13H

Page 187

❾ Troubleshooting Check List
Before	contacting	y our 	dealer 	or 	ser vice 	personnel, 	chec k 	the 	f ollowing 	list 	to 	be 	sure 	repairs 	are 	needed 	also 	b y 	
referring	to	the 	“T roubleshooting”	section 	in 	y our 	user’ s 	man ual.	This 	chec klist 	belo w 	will 	help 	us 	solv e 	y our 	prob lem 	
more	efficiently.
*	 Print	this	page	and	the	next	page	for	your	check.
Frequency of occurrence □ always □	sometimes	(How	often?_____________________)	□	other	(__________________)
□	No power...

Page 188

In the space below please describe your problem in detail.
Information on application and environment where your projector is used
Blu-ray	player
ProjectorModel number:
Serial No�:
Date of purchase:
Light module operating time (hours):
Eco Mode: □ OFF □ ON
Information on input signal:
Horizontal synch frequency [      ] kHz
Vertical synch frequency [     ] Hz
Synch polarity H □ (+) □ (−)
 V □ (+) □ (−)
Synch type □ Separate □ Composite
 □ Sync on Green
STATUS Indicator:
Steady light □...

Page 189

©	NEC	Display	Solutions,	Ltd.	20147N952061 
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