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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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Page 171

4.	 Tighten	the	two	screws	on	both	sides	of	the	slot.
•	 Be	sure	to	tighten	the	screws.
	 This	will	complete	installation	of	the	optional	board.
	 To	select	the	optional	board	source,	select	SLOT	as	the	input.
•	 Mounting	the	optional 	board 	may 	cause 	the 	fans 	to 	run 	in 	the 	standby 	mode 	for 	the 	purpose 	of 	cooling 	depending 	on 	the 	optional 	
board.	The	fan 	speed 	may 	also 	increase 	in 	order 	to 	cool 	the 	projector 	properly . 	Both 	of 	these 	instances 	are 	considered...

Page 172

❸ Compatible Input Signal List
Analog Computer Signal
SignalResolution	(	dots	)Aspect	RatioRefresh	Rate	(	Hz	)VGA640×480 4:3 60/72/75/85/iMac
SVGA 800×600 4:3 56/60/72/75/85/iMac
XGA 1024×768 4:3 60/70/75/85/iMac
XGA+ 1152×864 4:3 60/70/75/85
WXGA 1280
×768 *
115:9 60
1280 ×800 *116:10 60
1360 ×768 *216:9 60
1366 ×768 *216:9 60
Quad-VGA 1280×960 4:3 60/75/85
SXGA 1280×1024 5:4 60/75/85
SXGA+ 1400×1050 4:3 60/75
WXGA+ 1440×900 16:10 60
WXGA++ 1600×900 16:9 60
UXGA 1600×1200 *
34:3 60/65/70/75

Page 173

SignalResolution	(	dots	)Aspect	RatioRefresh	Rate	(	Hz	)VGA640×480 4:3 60
SVGA 800×600 4:3 60
XGA 1024×768 4:3 60
HD 1280×720 *
116:9 60
WXGA 1280
×768 *115:9 60
1280 ×800 *116:10 60
1366 ×768 *216:9 60
Quad-VGA 1280×960 4:3 60
SXGA 1280×1024 5:4 60
SXGA+ 1400×1050 4:3 60
WXGA+ 1440×900 16:10 60
WXGA++ 1600×900 16:9 60
WSXGA+ 1680×1050 16:10 60
UXGA 1600×1200 *
34:3 60Full	HD1920×1080 *316:9 60
WUXGA 1920×1200 *316:1060	(Reduced	Blanking)2K 2048×1080 17:9 60WQHD	 iMac	27"2560×1440 16:9 60...

Page 174

SignalResolution	(	dots	)Aspect	RatioRefresh	Rate	(	Hz	)VGA640×480 4:3 60
SVGA 800×600 4:3 60
XGA 1024×768 4:3 60
HD 1280×720 *
116:9 60
WXGA 1280
×768 *115:9 60
1280 ×800 *116:10 60
1366 ×768 *216:9 60
Quad-VGA 1280×960 4:3 60
SXGA 1280×1024 5:4 60
SXGA+ 1400×1050 4:3 60
WXGA+ 1440×900 16:10 60
WXGA++ 1600×900 16:9 60
WSXGA+ 1680×1050 16:10 60
UXGA 1600×1200 *
34:3 60Full	HD1920×1080 *316:9 60
WUXGA 1920×1200 *316:1060	(Reduced	Blanking)2K 2048×1080 17:9 60WQHD	 iMac	27"2560×1440...

Page 175

❹ Specifications
Model	namePX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK/PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK
MethodSingle	DLP®	chipSpecifications	of	main	partsDMD	panelSizePX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK:	 0.67" 	 (aspect 	 ratio:	 16:10)PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK:	0.65" 	 (aspect 	 ratio:	 16:10)Pixels	(*1)PX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK:	2,304,000 	 (1920 	 dots 	 × 	 1200 	 lines)PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK:	1,024,000 	 (1280 	 dots 	 × 	 800 	 lines)Projection	lensesZoomManual	(zoom	range	depends	on	lens)FocusManualLens	shiftingManualLight	source3.5W	Laser...

Page 176

Model	namePX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK/PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BKUSB	portUSB	type	A	×	1Ethernet/HDBaseT	portRJ-45	×	1,	Supports	BASE-TXRemote	terminalStereo	mini	jack	×	13D	SYNC	output	terminal5	V	 / 	 10 	 mA, 	 synchronized 	 signal 	 output 	 for 	 3D 	 useUsage	environmentOperating	temperature:	5 	 to 	 40°C 	(*6)
Operating	humidity:	20 	 to 	 80% 	 (with 	 no 	 condensation)Storage	temperature:	-10 	 to 	 60°C 	(*6)
Storage	humidity:	20 	 to 	 80% 	 (with 	 no 	 condensation)Operating	altitude:	0 	 to...

Page 177

Option	lens	(sold	separately)
Option	lens	for	PX602UL-WH/PX602UL-BK
NP34ZLPower	lens	shift,	Power	zoom,	Power	focus(Throw	ratio	0.96–1.23:1,	F	2.3–2.57,	f	=	0.55–0.71"/14.03–17.95	mm)NP35ZLPower	lens	shift,	Power	zoom,	Power	focus(Throw	ratio	1.23–1.54:1,	F	2.0–2.32,	f	=	0.71–0.89"/18.07–22.59	mm)NP37ZLPower	lens	shift,	Power	zoom,	Power	focus(Throw	ratio	1.53–2.94:1,	F	2.3–3.39,	f	=	0.89–1.69"/22.56–42.87	mm)
Option	lens	for	PX602WL-WH/PX602WL-BK
NP34ZLPower	lens	shift,	Power	zoom,	Power...

Page 178

❺ Cabinet Dimensions
Unit:	mm 	 (inch)
484.4 (19.1)
150 (5.9)
509 (20)
195 (7.7) 217 (8.5)
101 (4)
89 (3.5) 94.5 
(3.7) 150 (5.9) 150 (5.9)
574.8 (22.6)
300 (11.8)Lens	center
Lens	center
6-M4×L8	(Max)	for	Ceiling	Mount*
*	 The	screws	specifications	for	Ceiling	Mount:	 Screw	type:	 M4	 Maximum	screw	length:	 8 	 mm 	 (0.31")	 Minimum	screw	length:	6 	 mm 	 (0.24")
Do	not	attempt	to	mount	the	projector	on	a	ceiling	yourself.
The	projector	m ust 	be 	installed 	b y 	qualified...

Page 179

❻ Pin assignments and signal names of main terminals
COMPUTER 1 IN/ Component Input Terminal (Mini D-Sub 15 Pin) 
Connection and signal level of each pin
14 23 10
11 12 13 14 15
69 78
Signal Level
Video	signal	:	 0.7Vp-p 	 (Analog)
Sync	signal	:	TTL	 level
Pin	No.	RGB	Signal	(Analog)YCbCr	Signal1Red Cr
2Green	or	Sync	on	GreenY
3 Blue Cb
4 Ground
5 Ground
Red	GroundCr	Ground7Green	GroundY	Ground8Blue	GroundCb	Ground9No	Connection10Sync	Signal	Ground11No	Connection12Bi-directional	DATA...

Page 180

Ethernet/HDBaseT Port (RJ-45) 
Pin	No.	Signal
1 TxD+/HDBT0+
2 TxD−/HDBT0−
3 RxD+/HDBT1+
4 Disconnection/HDBT2+
5 Disconnection/HDBT2−
6 RxD−/HDBT1−
7 Disconnection/HDBT3+
8 Disconnection/HDBT3−
USB Port (Type A) 
Pin	No.	Signal
1 V
3 D+
4 Grounding
PC CONTROL Port (D-Sub 9 Pin) 
5 6789
Communications protocol
Pin	No.	Signal
1 Unused
RxD	reception 	 data3TxD	transmission 	 data 	4Unused
5 Grounding
6 Unused
RTS	transmission 	 request8CTS	transmission	 allowed9Unused
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