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Multi-Tech Systems Mvp-2400/2410/3010, Mvp-210/410/810 Voice/ip Gateways S000249C User Guide

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Page 441

MultiVOIP User Guide Index
Status Freeze Signalling Active (E1
stats) field.................................. 345
Status Freeze Signalling Active (T1
stats) field.................................. 341
Subject (email logs) field
analog........................................ 212
T1/E1 ........................................ 138
supervisory signaling
analog telephony ......................... 33
supervisory signaling (analog) ...... 189
supervisory signaling parameters
(analog telephony)...

Page 442

Index MultiVOIP User Guide
Retrieve Sequence.....................149
Transfer Sequence.....................148
Supplementary Services Parameter
fields (T1/E1)
Alerting Party............................152
Allowed Name Types151, 152,
153, 154
Busy Party.................................153
Call Hold Enable.......................149
Call Name Identification Enable150
Caller ID ...................................155
Calling Party .............................151
Connected Party...

Page 443

MultiVOIP User Guide Index
T1/E1/ISDN Parameters screen,
accessing ................................... 113
T1/E1/ISDN parameters, setting ... 113
T1/ISDN Parameter definitions .... 118
T1/ISDN Parameter fields
Country ..................................... 118
Enable ISDN-PRI ..................... 118
Operator .................................... 118
Terminal Network ..................... 118
table-top voip models...................... 60
TCP/UDP compared

Page 444

Index MultiVOIP User Guide
Transmit Line Open (E1 stats) field
.................................................. 346
Transmit Line Open (T1 stats) field
.................................................. 342
Transmit Line Short (E1 stats) field
.................................................. 345
Transmit Line Short (T1 stats) field
.................................................. 341
Transmit Slip (E1 stats) field ........ 346
Transmit Slip (T1 stats) field ........ 342
Transmit Slip Negative...

Page 445

MultiVOIP User Guide Index
E1 .............................................. 291
T1.............................................. 247
Use Proxy (SIP) field
E1 .............................................. 292
T1.............................................. 248
user default configuration, creating
analog........................................ 234
T1/E1 ........................................ 160
user defaults, downloading ........... 362
user defaults, setting ..................... 362
user name...

Page 446

Index MultiVOIP User Guide
DTMF Gain (Low Tones) .........106
DTMF In/Out of Band ..............106
Duration (DTMF) ..................... 106
Dynamic Jitter Buffer ............... 110
Echo Cancellation .....................109
Fax Enable ................................ 107
Fax Volume .............................. 107
Forward Error Correction .........109
Input Gain .................................106
Jitter Value ................................ 112
Jitter Value (Fax) ...................... 107...

Page 447

MultiVOIP User Guide Index
analog models ............................. 25
E1 models ................................... 24
T1 models ................................... 23
weight loading
in rack .........................................66
weight of unit
lifting precaution ......................... 60
personnel requirement................. 60
Well Known Ports......................... 406
well-known port number, SMTP
...................................... 211...

Page 448

Page 449

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