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Multi-Tech Systems MultiVOIP Model Mvp400/800 Standalone Voice/ip Gateway User Guide

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    							31 Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
    Phase 2: Configure Your Slave MultiVOIPs
    The slave MultiVOIPs can be another MVP 400 or MVP 800 unit or a MultiVOIP-series.
    If your slave MultiVOIP is an MVP 400 or MVP 800, perform the following software loading
    If your slave is a MultiVOIP-series, connect your command port cable and power up the unit
    according to the cabling procedure in the MultiVOIP-series Quick Start.  Then configure the unit as a
    slave per the Installing Your MultiVOIP Software section in the MultiVOIP-series Quick Start.
    If you are installing a MultiVOIP behind a firewall, you need to add the following UDP ports to your
    Q.931 Signaling, Ch1[900] Q.931 Signaling, Ch2 [902]
    Q.931 Signaling, Ch3[904] Q.931 Signaling, Ch4 [906]
    Q.931 Signaling, Ch5[908] Q.931 Signaling, Ch6 [910]
    Q.931 Signaling, Ch7[912] Q.931 Signaling, Ch8 [914]
    Status [5000]
    Ch1 RTP [5004] Ch1 RTCP [5005]
    Ch2 RTP[5006] Ch2 RTCP [5007]
    Ch3 RTP[5008] Ch3 RTCP [5009]
    Ch4 RTP[5010] Ch4 RTCP [5011]
    Ch5 RTP[5012] Ch5 RTCP [5013]
    Ch6 RTP[5014] Ch6 RTCP [5015]
    Ch7 RTP[5016] Ch7 RTCP [5017]
    Ch8 RTP[5018] Ch8 RTCP [5019]
    Refer to your firewall user documentation to enter and open these ports.
    1 Disconnect the pc from the command port of the Master MultiVOIP and connect it to the
    command port on the Slave MultiVOIP.
    2Win 3.1 users - from the Program Manager, click the MultiVOIP Configuration icon in the
    MultiVOIP Program Group.  The main menu is displayed.
    Win95/98/NT users - from your desktop, click Programs I MultiVOIP I MultiVOIP
    Configuration.  The main menu is displayed.   
    							32 MultiVOIP User Guide
    3 The IP Setup dialog box is displayed.
    The default Frame Type is TYPE_II. If this does not match your IP network, change the Frame
    Type by clicking on the drop down box. The Frame Type choices are TYPE_II and SNAP.
    4 In the Port Address group, enter the IP Address and IP Mask. In the Gateway Address
    group, enter the gateway IP address for the slave unit.
    The IP address is your unique LAN IP address, and the Gateway address is the IP address of
    the device connected to the Internet/Intranet.
    Click OK when you are finished. The main menu is displayed.
    5 From the main menu, click on the Voice Channels button and the Channel Setup dialog box
    is displayed. The Channel Setup dialog boxes define the channel interface, voice coder, fax
    parameters, and regional telephone parameters for each channel.
    Configure each channel for the type of interface you are connecting to.  The Interface tab
    defaults to channel 1 in the Select Channel group.  To change the channel number, click on
    the down arrow for the Select  Channel and a drop down menu appears with all the channels
    displayed.  Highlight the channel number you want to configure.
    6 The Interface group defaults to FXS (Loop Start).  Select the interface option to correspond
    to the interface type being connected to the Voice/Fax connector on the back panel of the
    If you are connecting a station device, e.g., analog telephone, fax machine, or Key Telephone
    System (KTS) to the Voice/Fax connector on the back of the unit, then  the FXS (Loop Start)
    will likely be the correct Interface option.
    If the station device uses ground start, then chose FXS (Ground Start) option.  Refer to the
    device’s user documentation.     
    							33 Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
    If you are using an extension from your PBX, then chose FXO option.  Check with your in-
    house telephone personnel to verify connection type.
    If you chose an FXO interface, then the Dialing Options Regeneration group is enabled.
    Check with your local in-house telephone personnel to verify whether your local PBX dial
    signaling is Pulse or tone (DTMF). Set the Regeneration option accordingly.
    If you are connecting to a E&M trunk on your PBX, then chose E&M option.
    If you chose an FXO interface, then the Dialing Options Regeneration group is enabled.
    Check with your local in-house telephone personnel to verify whether your local PBX dial
    signaling is Pulse or tone (DTMF). Set the Regeneration option accordingly.
    If you are connecting to a trunk on your PBX, then choose E&M option.
    For FXO-to-FXO communications, you can enable a specific type of FXO Disconnect -- either
    current loss, tone detection, or silence detection. (Check with your in-house phone
    personnel to verify the preferred type of disconnect to use.) For tone detection, you can
    select from drop-down lists either one or two tones that will cause the line to be
    disconnected; the person hanging up a call must then hit the key(s) that will produce those
    tones. For silence detection, select One Way or Two Way, then set the timer for the
    number of seconds of silence before disconnect. Note: the default value of 15 seconds may
    be shorter than desired for your application.
    If you choose the E&M interface, then the E&M Options group is enabled.  Check with your
    local in-house phone personnel to determine if the signaling is Dial Tone or Wink and if the
    connection is 2-wire or 4-wire.  If Wink signaling is used, then the Wink Timer is enabled
    with a default of 250 milliseconds.  The range of the Wink Timer is from 100 to 350
    milliseconds. Consult with your local in-house phone personnel for this timer setting.
    If you want to dedicate a local voice/fax channel to a remote voice/fax channel (so you will
    not have to dial the remote channel), click the Auto Call Enable option in the Auto Call
    group. Then enter the appropriate phone number in the Phone Number field.
    Note: After configuring a given channel, you can copy that channel’s configuration to any
    other channel by clicking the Copy button. Everything on the Interface tab will be copied to
    the other channel.
    7 Repeat the above step to configure the interface type for each voice/fax channel.
    8 The Voice/Fax tab displays the parameters for the voice coder, faxing, DTMF gain, billing
    charges for inbound and/or outbound calls, password authentication on inbound and/or
    outbound calls, and auto disconnect which limits call duration. 
    							34 MultiVOIP User Guide
    9 To change the voice coder, first select the channel by clicking the Select Channel down
    arrow and highlighting the channel number, then click the Voice Coder down arrow and
    highlight your new voice coder entry.
    If you changed the voice coder, ensure that the same voice coder is used on the voice/fax
    channel you are calling; otherwise, you will always get a busy signal.
    10 If you selected the FXO interface and are using touchtone dialing, you can set up the DTMF
    gain (or output level in decibels - dB) for the higher and lower frequency groups of the DTMF
    tone pair. Make your selections in the drop-down lists in the DTMF Gain group.
    Note: Only change the DTMF gain under the direction of Multi-Tech Technical Support
    11 The Fax group enables you to send and receive faxes on the selected voice/fax channel. You
    can set the maximum baud rate for faxes in the drop-down list in the Fax group. If you do not
    plan to send or receive faxes on a given voice/fax channel, you can disable faxes in the Fax
    12 You can set up billing options for inbound and/or outbound calls by checking them in the
    Billing Options group and then typing in the charge in cents per x seconds.
    13 Password protection can be enabled for outbound and/or inbound calls on the selected voice/
    fax channel. If you enable password Authentication on inbound or outbound calls, you need
    to also enter a password of up to 14  numeric characters in the Password field.
    14 The Automatic Disconnect option limits call duration to the number of seconds entered in
    the Timer: (sec) field. The default value of 180 seconds can be changed to any other value
    up to 65,535 (roughly 18.2 hours).
    Note: After configuring a given channel, you can copy that channel’s configuration to the
    other channel by clicking the Copy button. Everything on the Voice/Fax tab will be copied to
    the other channel.
    If your country/region is not the default USA, click the Regional tab and proceed to step 15;
    otherwise, proceed to step 16 to begin building your phone directory database.   
    							35 Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
    15 To change the Tone Pairs on the Regional tab, click the Country/Region down arrow and
    highlight your specific country or region.
    The Tone Pairs group parameters change per your choice.  Click OK and you are returned to
    the main menu.
    16 From the main menu, click Phone Book to display the Phone Directory Database dialog box.
    In the Database Type group, click the Slave option.  The Master IP Address field becomes
    17 Enter the IP address of the master MultiVOIP in the Master IP Address field.
    18 Click OK and you are returned to the main menu.
    19 Click Download Setup to write the new configuration to the slave unit.  The Save Setup
    dialog is displayed.       
    							36 MultiVOIP User Guide
    20 Select (check) Save Current Setup as the User Default Configuration, then click OK.
    21 The Writing Setup dialog box is displayed as the setup configuration is written to the
    After the setup is written to the MultiVOIP, the unit reboots.
    22 Check that the BTG LED on the MultiVOIP is Off after the download is complete. This may
    take several minutes as the MultiVOIP reboots.
    23 You are returned to the main menu.
    Your MultiVOIP is operational at this time.         
    							37 Chapter 3 - Software Loading and Configuration
    Phase 3:  Deploy the VOIP Network
    Phase 3 involves the VOIP Administrator developing the VOIP Dialing Directory and deploying the
    preconfigured slave MultiVOIPs to their remote sites.  The remote site administrators need only
    connect power to the preconfigured MultiVOIP, connect it to their Ethernet LAN and predefined
    telephone equipment, and then wait for the phone directory database to be down loaded.
    The slave units can be another MVP 400 or MVP 800 unit or a MultiVOIP-series.  Therefore, the
    depolyment procedure for the remote site administrator may be more general, so you may need to
    refer Cable Connection Figure in the appropriate Quick Start.  Perform the following procedure to
    deploy your VOIP Network.
    VOIP Administrator
    1 Establish your VOIP Dialing Directory based on your Phone Directory Database for the
    numbers to connect the MultiVOIP’s  to your VOIP network and the telephone extension
    number you need to connect the Voice/Fax channels.  A sample VOIP Dialing Directory is
    provided below for your consideration and use.
    To call fromCall ProcessDialing
    VOIP Dialing Directory
    2 Send the slave MultiVOIPs to their remote sites.
    Remote Site Administrator
    3 Unpack your MultiVOIP.
    4 Connect one end of the power supply to a live AC outlet and connect the other end to the
    Power connection on your MultiVOIP.
    PSTNEthernet Connection
    Power Connection
    Voice/Fax Channel
    Figure 2-4.  Remote Site Cable Connection
    5 Connect a network cable to the ETHERNET 10BASET connector on the back of your
    6 If you are connecting a station device (e.g., analog telephone, fax machine, or Key Telephone
    System (KTS) to your MultiVOIP, connect one end of an RJ11 phone cord to the Voice/Fax
    Channel 1 FSX connector on the back of the MultiVOIP and the other end to the station
    							38 MultiVOIP User Guide
    If you are connecting the station side of a telephone switch (PBX) to your MultiVOIP, connect
    one end of an RJ11 phone cord to the Voice/Fax Channel 1 FXO connector on the back of
    the MultiVOIP and the other end to the phone jack.
    If you are connecting an E&M trunk from a telephone switch to your MultiVOIP, connect one
    end of an RJ45 phone cord to the Voice/Fax Channel 1 E&M connector on the back of the
    MultiVOIP and the other end to the trunk. Refer to Appendix B for E&M cabling pinout.
    If you are connecting to an E&M trunk, you need ensure that the E&M trunk jumper is in the
    correct position for the E&M type trunk.  The default E&M jumper position is E&M type 2.  To
    change the E&M jumper position, perform the E&M jumper block positioning procedure.
    7 Repeat the above step to connect the remaining telephone equipment to each Voice/Fax
    Channel on your MultiVOIP.
    8 Turn on power to the MultiVOIP by placing the ON/OFF switch on the back panel to the ON
    position. Wait for the BOOT LED on the MultiVOIP to go OFF before proceeding. This may
    take a couple of minutes to go OFF.
    9 At this time your VOIP network should be fully operational, dial one of the sites in your
    network using the dialing directory supplied by your VOIP Administrator. 
    							40 MultiVOIP User Guide
    This chapter describes the MultiVOIP software with the intent to show you how to make changes to
    the configuration of your MultiVOIP. The major configuration parameters were established during the
    loading of the software (Chapter 3), and the MultiVOIP software and configuration utilities allow you
    to make changes to that initial configuration.
    The MultiVOIP software allows you to refine your configuration based on your network connections.
    The software is based on a main menu (MultiVOIP Configuration) that allows you to consider all the
    parameters for a particular feature (e.g., voice channels and phone book). These features, along with
    others are discussed in detail in the MultiVOIP Configuration section later in this chapter.
    The other six configuration utilities offer additional functionality. Download User Defaults utility allows
    you download your default settings, configured during the loading of the software.  If you have made
    changes to your configuration and wish to revert to the default setup, you can do so through this
    utility.  Download Factory Defaults utility allows you to sequence through the software loading
    sequence and change any previous installation parameters.  Download Firmware allows you to
    download new versions of firmware when enhancements become available. The Configuration Port
    Setup utility allows you to change the method by which you access the MultiVOIP (i.e., direct
    connection of a PC to the Command Port on the MultiVOIP, or via your Internet connection to the
    LAN port on the MultiVOIP).  The Download Voice Coders utility allows you to download voice
    decoders which may also be necessary during repair or upgrade. The Uninstall MultiVOIP
    Configuration utility is designed to remove the software from your PC.
    Your MultiVOIP software includes the MultiVOIP Help system. The Help menus define each button,
    option, field, and recommend values where applicable.  The Help menus are a dynamic help system
    which provides information corresponding to the active dialog box.
    Before You Begin
    The MultiVOIP software operates in a Microsoft Windows® environment. Your MultiVOIP program
    group contains all of the utilities described above, and is accessible in Windows by clicking Start |
    Programs | MultiVOIP | (utility), or by double clicking on the utility icon in the program group in My
    Computer. The program group is shown here:   
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