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Mountfield Lawn Mower 1125 M / Primo Instructions Manual

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    Sie danach das schwarze Kabel mit dem Batter-
    ieminuspol (-).
    Wenn die Kabel in der umgekehrten 
    Reihenfolge angeschlossen bzw. getren-
    nt werden, besteht das Risiko für einen 
    Kurzschluss sowie eine Beschädigung 
    der Batterie.
    Durch das Vertauschen der Kabel wer-
    den Generator und Batterie zerstört.
    Ziehen Sie die Kabel fest an. Lose Kabel 
    können Brände verursachen.
    Der Motor darf nie bei getrennter Bat-
    terie betrieben werden. Ansonsten be-
    steht die Gefahr für schwere Schäden 
    an Generator und elektrischem System.
    6.11.4 Reinigung
    Oxidierte Batteriepole müssen gereinigt werden. 
    Verwenden Sie dazu eine Stahlbürste und 
    schmieren Sie die Pole mit Polfett ein.
    6.12 LuftfilterDer Vorfilter (Schaumstofffilter; 19:G) ist alle 25 
    Betriebsstunden zu reinigen bzw. auszutauschen.
    Der Luftfilter (Papierfilter; 19:F) ist alle 100 Be-
    triebsstunden zu reinigen bzw. auszutauschen.
    Hinweis: Wird das Gerät unter staubigen Bedin-
    gungen eingesetzt, sind die Filter häufiger zu rein-
    igen bzw. auszutauschen.
    Demontieren bzw. montieren Sie die Luftfilter wie 
    1.  Reinigen Sie den Bereich um das Luftfilterge-
    häuse (18:E) sorgfältig.
    2. Demontieren Sie das Luftfiltergehäuse, indem 
    Sie die zwei Klammern an der Gehäuserück-
    seite lösen. 
    3.  Demontieren Sie die Filter. Der Vorfilter befin-
    det sich am nächsten am Motor. Arbeiten Sie 
    vorsichtig, damit kein Schmutz in den Vergaser 
    gelangt. Reinigen Sie das Luftfiltergehäuse.
    4. Reinigen Sie den Papierfilter, indem Sie ihn 
    leicht gegen eine ebene Fläche klopfen. Wenn 
    der Filter stark verschmutzt ist, sollte er aus-
    gewechselt werden.
    5. Reinigen Sie den Vorfilter. Wenn der Filter stark 
    verschmutzt ist, sollte er ausgewechselt wer-
    6. Gehen Sie bei der Montage in umgekehrter Rei-
    henfolge vor.
    Zur Reinigung des Papierfilters dürfen keine 
    Druckluft oder Lösungsmittel auf Petroleumbasis 
    bzw. kein Petroleum verwendet werden. Dadurch 
    wird der Filter zerstört.
    Der Papierfilter darf nicht eingeölt werden. 
    6.13 ZündkerzeZündkerze bzw. Zündkerzen sind alle 200 Betrieb-
    sstunden auszutauschen.
    Bevor Sie die Zündkerze lösen, reinigen Sie deren 
    : Champion RC12YC oder gleichwer-
    : 0,75 mm.
    6.14 Belüftungsöffnung, Motor 
    Der Motor ist luftgekühlt. Verstopfungen im Kühl-
    system schaden dem Motor. Der Lufteinlass des 
    Motors ist alle 50 Betriebsstunden zu reinigen. 
    Eine gründlichere Reinigung des Kühlsystems 
    wird bei jedem Grundservice ausgeführt.
    6.15 SicherungBei elektrischen Störungen, Sicherung überprüfen 
    bzw. austauschen, 20 A. Siehe Abb. 20.
    Wenn der Fehler weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie 
    sich zwecks Reparatur an eine autorisierte Werk-
    6.16 Mähwerk
    6.16.1 Sicherheit
    Um Unfälle bei Kollisionen zu vermeiden und 
    wichtige Mähwerkskomponenten zu schützen, ist 
    das Gerät mit einer Leistungsbegrenzung versehen 
    (siehe unten).
    • Brechbolzen zwischen Messern und Messerbal-
    • Drehzahlbegrenzung zwischen Zahnrad und 
    • Möglichkeit für den Zahnriemen, vom Kunstst-
    offzahnrad zu rutschen.
    6.16.2 Demontage
    Bei bestimmten Wartungsarbeiten ist es am ein-
    fachsten, wenn das Mähwerk vom Gerät abgenom-
    men wird. Demontieren Sie das Mähwerk wie 
    1. Stellen Sie die maximale Schnitthöhe ein.
    2. Ziehen Sie die Spannrolle (21:H) heraus und 
    führen Sie den Riemen (21:J) seitlich nach unt-
    en um die Spannrolle, um die Riemenspannung 
    zu lockern.
    3. Ziehen Sie den Riemen von der Riemenscheibe 
    4. Heben Sie das Mähwerk an und lösen Sie die 
    Verbindung zur Feder des Hubseilzugs (22:K).
    5. Demontieren Sie auf beiden Seiten die 
    Sicherungsschrauben (23:A).
    6. Nehmen Sie das Mähwerk von den Vorderach-
    sen ab und bewegen Sie es nach vorn. Siehe 
    Abb. 24. 
    Montieren Sie das Mähwerk wie folgt:
    1. Setzen Sie das Mähwerk auf die Vorderachsen. 
    Siehe Abb. 24.
    2. Montieren Sie auf beiden Seiten die 
    Sicherungsschrauben (23:L).
    3. Stellen Sie die maximale Schnitthöhe ein.
    4. Heben Sie das Mähwerk an und hängen Sie den 
    Hubseilzug (22:K) ein.
    5. Legen Sie den Riemen (21:J) um die Riemen-
    6. Ziehen Sie die Spannrolle (21:H) heraus und 
    führen Sie sie um die Außenseite des Riemens, 
    um diesen zu spannen.
    Tragen Sie beim Wechseln von Messern 
    bzw. Klingen Schutzhandschuhe, um 
    Schnittverletzungen auszuschließen.
    Achten Sie stets darauf, dass die Messer scharf 
    sind. So erzielen Sie optimale Mähergebnisse. Die 
    Messer sind einmal pro Jahr zu wechseln.
    Kontrollieren Sie nach einer Kollision stets den 
    Zustand der Messer bzw. Klingen. Bei einer Be-
    schädigung des Messersystems sind defekte Teile 
    Verwenden Sie ausschließlich Original-
    ersatzteile. Die Verwendung anderer 
    Ersatzteile ist mit Risiken verbunden, 
    auch wenn die Teile zum Gerät passen.
    Die Messer sind austauschbar. Um ein gleich-
    mäßiges Mähen zu gewährleisten, sind beide Klin-
    gen am selben Messerbalken stets gleichzeitig zu 
    Beachten Sie bei der Montage Folgendes:
    • Messer und Messerbalken sind wie auf Abb. 25 
    zu montieren.
    • Die Messer können in ihren Befestigungen um 
    120° gedreht werden. Richten Sie die Messer so 
    aus, dass sie um 90° zueinander versetzt sind. 
    Siehe “6.16.5” unten.
    Schrauben (25:P) – 45 Nm
    Brechbolzen (25:Q) – 9,8 Nm
    Bei einer Kollision können die Brechbolzen 
    (18:Q) abbrechen und die Klingen ausweichen. 
    Montieren Sie in diesem Fall Original-Brech-
    bolzen und ziehen Sie sie wie oben beschrieben 
    fest.6.16.5 Synchronisierung, Messer
    Das Mähwerk besitzt synchronisierte Messer.
    Wenn eines der Messer auf einen festen Gegen-
    stand stößt (z.B. auf einen Stein), kann sich die 
    Synchronisierung ändern. Dadurch besteht die Ge-
    fahr, dass die Messer aufeinandertreffen.
    Korrekt synchronisierte Messer müssen um 90° 
    zueinander versetzt sein. Siehe Abb. 26.
    Kontrollieren Sie nach einer Kollision stets die 
    Wenn die Messer nicht synchronisiert sind, kann 
    im Mähwerk einer der folgenden Fehler vorliegen:
    • Der Zahnriemen ist vom Zahnrad gerutscht.
    • Die Drehzahlbegrenzung zwischen Zahnrad 
    und Messerwelle wurde ausgelöst. Die Pfeile 
    auf Abb. 27 müssen bei einer intakten Einheit 
    aufeinander weisen. Wenn die Drehzahlbegren-
    zung ausgelöst wurde, weisen die Pfeile nicht 
    • Der Messerbalken ist falsch an der Messerwelle 
    befestigt. Eine Montage ist in drei Stellungen 
    möglich. Siehe 25:R.
    Liegt eine falsche Synchronisierung aufgrund der 
    ersten beiden Fälle vor, wenden Sie sich zwecks 
    Reparatur an eine autorisierte Werkstatt.
    6.16.6 Reinigung
    Reinigen Sie die Unterseite des Mähwerks nach 
    jedem Gebrauch. 
    Stellen Sie die maximale Schnitthöhe ein und brin-
    gen Sie das Mähwerk in Transportstellung. Die 
    Reinigung wird erleichtert, wenn das Gerät 
    darüber hinaus mit den Vorderrädern auf eine Bret-
    terschicht o.s.ä. gestellt wird.
    Reinigen Sie die Mähwerkunterseite sorgfältig. 
    Verwenden Sie dazu Wasser und eine Bürste.
    Wenn die Oberflächen gänzlich sauber und 
    trocken sind, ist der Lack auszubessern. Tragen 
    Sie verschleißfeste Farbe auf, die für Metall 
    und Außenbereiche ausgelegt ist.
    Dieses Gerät oder Teile von ihm unterliegen fol-
    gendem Patent- und Musterschutz:
    SE 97 0427 und DE M97 07 997.9, EG 
    000503107-0001 und -0002.
    GGP behält sich das Recht vor, ohne vorherige An-
    kündigung Änderungen am Produkt vorzunehmen.  
    This symbol indicates CAUTION. Seri-
    ous personal injury and/or damage to 
    property may result if the instructions 
    are not followed carefully.
    You must read these instructions for use 
    and the accompanying pamphlet 
    ly, before starting up the machine.
    1.1 SYMBOLSThe following symbols appear on the machine. 
    They are there to remind you of the care and atten-
    tion required during use and maintenance.
    This is what the symbols mean:
    Read the instruction manual and the safety 
    manual before using the machine.
    Watch out for discarded objects. Keep on-
    lookers away.
    Always wear hearing protectors.
    The machine must not be driv-
    en in any direction on slopes 
    with a gradient greater than 
    Before starting repair work, remove the 
    spark plug cable from the spark plug. 
    Do not insert your hands or feet under the 
    cutting deck cover when the machine is in 
    Risk of burn injuries. Do not touch the si-
    1.2 References
    1.2.1 Figures
    The figures in these instructions for use are num-
    bered 1, 2, 3, etc. 
    Components shown in the figures are marked A, B, 
    C, etc.
    A reference to component C in figure 2 is written 
    as follows:
    “See fig. 2:C.” or simply “(2:C)”
    1.2.2 Headings
    The headings in these instructions for use are num-
    bered in accordance with the following example:
    “1.3.1 General safety checks” is a subheading to 
    “1.3 Safety checks” and is included under this 
    When referring to headings, only the number of the 
    heading is normally specified. E.g.“See 1.3.1”.
    2.1 Steering wheelSee fig. 2. Install the steering wheel as follows:
    1. Install the steering column jacket on the steer-
    ing column using a drift or similar so that the 
    holes in the steering column jacket and steering 
    column align with each other.
    2. Tap in the supplied tension pin from the other 
    side using a hammer.
    2.2 Backrest (3:N)Install the backrest as follows:
    1. Fold the seat up towards the steering wheel.
    2. Remove the screws (3:O) from the seat.
    3. Install the backrest with the screws (3:O) with-
    out tightening.
    4. Set the backrest to the desired position. See also 
    5. Tighten the screws. Tightening torque: 20-24 
    If the screws are tightened more than 24 
    Nm, the seat will be damaged.
    2.3 Seat (1:A)Adjust the seat backwards/forwards to a comforta-
    ble driving position. 
    See 3.4.7.
    2.4 BatterySee fig. 4. Fold the seat up and install the battery 
    See warnings and instructions in 6.11.
    2.5 Tyre pressureCheck the air pressure in the tyres. See 6.5. 
    3.1 TransmissionThe machine is 2-wheel drive and is driven by the 
    The rear axle has a differential, which distributes 
    the power equally to the rear wheels. So that the 
    machine can be steered by the rear wheels they are 
    equipped with CV joints that give a very smooth 
    rotational transfer.
    So that drive works optimally over uneven ground, 
    the front axle is flexibly suspended and can move 
    +/-4.5° in relation to the rear axle.
    The cutting deck is driven via drive belts. 
    3.2 SteeringThe machine has rear-wheel steering. The rear-
    wheel steering means that the machine can easily 
    turn around trees and other obstacles. The steering 
    force is transferred via a cable.
    3.3 Safety system The machine is equipped with an electric safety 
    system. The safety system stops certain activities 
    that may be hazardous in the event of incorrect op-
    eration. E.g. The engine cannot be started if the 
    clutch-brake pedal is not depressed.
    The safety system’s function must al-
    ways be checked before use.
    The wheels have safety valves that prevent maxi-
    mum pressure from being exceeded in the tyres. 
    Also see “6.5”.
    3.4 Controls
    3.4.1 Steering wheel (1:B)
    The steering wheel is used to steer the machine. 
    Only use the steering wheel when the machine is 
    Never turn the steering wheel when the 
    machine is stationary with the cutting 
    deck lowered. Risk of abnormal loads 
    and damage to the steering mechanism.3.4.2 Clutch - brake (1:D)
    Pedal has the following functions:
    • Clutch
    • Service brake
    • Parking brake
    The pedal has three positions:
    1. Pedal released – forward drive 
    engaged. The machine will 
    move if a gear is engaged. Serv-
    ice brake not activated.
    2. Pedal depressed halfway – 
    forward drive disengaged, gear shifting can be 
    performed. Service brake not activated.
    3. Pedal fully depressed – forward drive disen-
    gaged. Service brake fully activated. Also see 
    “Parking brake” below.
    NOTE! You must never regulate the operating 
    speed by slipping the clutch. Use a suitable gear 
    instead, so that the right speed is obtained. Parking brakeThe pedal (1:D) is also the parking brake.
    1. Depress the pedal (1:D) fully. 
    2. Turn the catch (1:E).
    3.  Release the pedal.
    1. Depress the pedal (1:D) fully. 
    2. Release the pedal.
    3.4.3 Throttle/choke (1:K)
    A control for setting the engine speed and to choke 
    the engine when starting from cold. 
    If the engine runs unevenly there is a 
    risk that the control is too far forward 
    so that the choke is activated. This dam-
    ages the engine, increases fuel con-
    sumption and is harmful to the 
    1. Choke – for starting a cold engine. The 
    choke is located in the top of the groove. 
    Do not drive in this mode when the engine 
    is hot.
    2. Full throttle – when the machine is in 
    operation, full throttle should always be 
    Full throttle is approximately 2 cm behind 
    the choke position.
    3. Idling. 
    3.4.4 Ignition lock (1:M)
    Ignition lock used for starting and stopping the en-
    Do not leave the machine with the key 
    in position 2 or 3. There is a risk of dis-
    charging the battery and causing dam-
    age to it.
    Four positions:
    1. Stop position – the engine is short-
    circuited. The key can be removed.
    2 and 3. Operating position 
    4. Start position – the electric start motor 
    is activated when the key is turned to the 
    spring-loaded start position. Once the en-
    gine has started, allow the key to return to 
    operating position 2 or 3. 
    3.4.5 Gear lever (1:J)
    Never shift gears whilst driving. The 
    machine must be stationary with the 
    service brake depressed before shifting.
    The gear lever is used to select one of the three for-
    ward gears in the gearbox (1-2-3), neutral (N) or 
    reverse (R).
    The pedal (1:D) must be depressed when shifting.
    NOTE! If the desired gear is difficult to engage, re-
    lease and depress the pedal (1:D). Try again. Never 
    force a gear in.
    3.4.6 Cutting deck (1:C) Transport position – Cutting position 
    Pedal for transport position – cutting posi-
    Raising the deck to the transport position
    1. Depress the pedal (1:G) fully. 
    2. Turn the catch (1:F) to the right.
    3.  Release the pedal.
    Lowering the cutting deck to the cutting position
    1. Depress the pedal (1:G) fully. 
    2. Release the pedal. Engaging the cutting deck (1:L)
    The cutting deck must never be en-
    gaged when in the transport position. 
    This will damage the belt transmission.
    Lever for engaging and disengaging the cutting 
    Two positions:
    1.Front/lower position – cutting deck dis-
    2. Rear/upper position – cutting deck en-
    gaged. Setting the cutting height (1:H)The cutting height can be set in 9 fixed positions 
    using the lever (1:H).
    3.4.7 Seat (1, 5:A)
    The seat can be folded and adjusted front-
    rear. To adjust the seat, slacken off the 
    three screws (5:O), set the seat to the de-
    sired position and tighten the screws. 
    Tightening torque: 20-24 Nm.
    If the screws are tightened more than 24 
    Nm, the seat will be damaged.
    The seat is equipped with a safety switch that is 
    connected to the machine’s safety system. This 
    means that certain dangerous activities are not pos-
    sible when there is nobody sitting on the seat. See 
    also 5.4.2.
    3.4.8 Backrest (5:N)
    The backrest can be adjusted laterally and vertical-
    ly. To adjust the backrest, slacken off the screws 
    (5:P), set the backrest to the desired position and 
    tighten the screws. Tightening torque: 20-24 Nm.
    If the screws are tightened more than 24 
    Nm, the seat will be damaged.
    3.4.9 Engine casing
    The machine may not be operated un-
    less the engine casing is folded down. 
    Risk of burns and crushing injuries.
    In order to inspect and carry out maintenance on 
    the engine, the engine casing must be opened. 
    The engine must not be running when 
    the casing is opened. Risk of serious in-
    1.  Fold the seat forward. 
    2.  Grip the casing at the front edge (6:Q) and fold 
    the casing up rearwards.
    Grip the casing at the front edge and fold the cas-
    ing down. Then reset the seat. 
    The machine must only be used for cutting grass in 
    private gardens.
    NOTE! This machine is not intended to be driven 
    on public roads.
    The machine may not be operated un-
    less the engine casing is closed. Risk of 
    burns and crushing injuries.
    Never drive the machine off a trailer 
    with the engine running. Risk of the 
    machine tipping over and causing ma-
    terial damage or fatal injury. 
    If the machine is transported on a flatbed or trailer, 
    the machine must be pushed or lifted off/on. The 
    machine must never be driven off/on with the en-
    gine running as driving on slopes requires great 
    care and the maximum permitted incline can easily 
    be exceeded. Also see “5.5.2” and “5.5.3”.
    5.2 Filling the fuel tankAlways use lead-free petrol. You must never use 
    2-stroke petrol mixed with oil.
    NOTE! Normal unleaded petrol is perishable and 
    must not be stored longer than 30 days.
    Environmental petrol can be used, i.e. alkylate pet-
    rol. This type of petrol has a composition that is 
    less harmful for people and nature.
    Petrol is highly inflammable. Always 
    store fuel in containers that are made 
    especially for this purpose. 
    Only fill or top up with petrol outdoors, 
    and never smoke when filling or top-
    ping up. Fill up with fuel before starting 
    the engine. Never remove the filler cap 
    or fill with petrol while the engine is 
    running or still warm.
    Fill with petrol as follows:
    1. Fold the seat up.
    2. Open the fuel cap (6:R).
    3. Fill with petrol carefully.
    4. Reinstall the fuel cap and fold the seat down.
    Never completely fill the petrol tank. Leave an 
    empty space (= at least the entire filler tube plus 1 
    - 2 cm at the top of the tank) to allow the petrol to 
    expand when it warms up without overflowing.
    5.3 Level check, engine oil On delivery, the crankcase is filled with 
    SAE 10W-30 oil.Check the oil level every time before using to 
    ensure it is correct. The machine should be 
    standing on level ground.
    Wipe clean around the oil dipstick (7:S). 
    Unscrew and pull it up. 
    Wipe the dipstick. 
    Slide the dipstick down completely and tighten it.
    Pull up the dipstick again. Read off the oil level. 
    Top up with oil to the “FULL” mark (7:T) if the oil 
    level is below this mark.
    The oil level must never exceed the “FULL” mark. 
    This can cause the engine to overheat. Drain the oil 
    to the correct level if the oil level exceeds the 
    “FULL” mark.
    5.4 Safety checksCheck that the results of the safety checks below 
    are met when testing the relevant machine.
    The safety checks must always be car-
    ried out before use.
    If any of the results below are not met, 
    the machine must not be used. Take the 
    machine to a service workshop for re-
    5.4.1 General safety checks
    5.4.2 Electric safety check
    The safety system’s function must al-
    ways be checked before use.
    Item Result
    Fuel lines and con-
    nectionsNo leak.
    Power cables All insulation intact.
    No mechanical damage.
    Exhaust system No leakage in the connec-
    All screws tightened.
    Test driving No unusual vibrations.
    No unusual noise.
    Status Action Result
    The clutch-brake pedal 
    not depressed.
    Cutting deck not acti-
    vated.Attempt to 
    start.The engine 
    should not 
    The clutch-brake pedal 
    not depressed.
    The cutting deck not 
    activated.Attempt to 
    start.The engine 
    should not 
    Engine running.
    The cutting deck not 
    activated.The opera-
    tor leaves 
    the seat.The engine 
    should stop.
    Gear engaged Attempt to 
    start.The engine 
    should not 
    5.5 Operating
    5.5.1 Starting the engine
    Before starting the engine, the actions 
    in section 5.2 - 5.4 must be carried out.
    1.  Open the fuel cock (10:V) which is located in 
    front of the casing on the rear right side.
    2.  Check that the spark plug cable is installed on 
    the spark plug.
    3.  Check to make sure that the cutting deck is dis-
    4. Set the gear control to neutral (N).
    5.  Starting cold engine – put the throttle control in 
    the choke position. 
    Starting warm engine – set the throttle control 
    to full throttle (approx. 2 cm behind the choke 
    6.  Depress the clutch – brake pedal fully.
    7.  Turn the ignition key and start the engine.
    8.  Once the engine has started, move the throttle 
    control gradually to full throttle (approx. 2 cm 
    behind the choke position) if the choke has been 
    9.  When starting from cold, do not make the ma-
    chine work under load immediately, but let the 
    engine run for a few minutes first. This will al-
    low the oil to warm up.
    5.5.2 Starting driving
    The machine must not be 
    driven in any direction on 
    slopes with a gradient 
    greater than 10º. 
    See fig. 11.
    Always operate the machine at full throttle when 
    1. Depress the clutch – brake pedal fully.
    2. Engage the desired gear.
    3. Slowly release the clutch-brake pedal fully and 
    the machine starts to move in the desired direc-
    4. Engage the cutting deck.
    5.5.3 Driving tips
    Ensure that the correct amount of oil is in the en-
    gine. Especially when driving on slopes. See 5.3. 
    Be careful when driving on slopes. No 
    sudden starting or stopping when mov-
    ing up or down a slope. Never drive 
    across a slope. Move from the top down, 
    or from the bottom to the top.Reduce the speed on slopes and when 
    making sharp turns to prevent the ma-
    chine from tipping over or you losing 
    Do not turn the steering wheel to full 
    lock when driving in top gear and at full 
    throttle. The machine can easily topple 
    Never drive with the engine casing 
    Never drive with the deck connected in 
    the transport position. This will damage 
    the deck’s drive belt.
    5.5.4 Stop
    If the machine is left unattended, re-
    move the ignition key.
    The engine may be very warm immedi-
    ately after it is shut off. Do not touch the 
    silencer, cylinder or cooling fins. This 
    can cause burn injuries.
    1. Depress the clutch – brake pedal fully.
    2. Set the gear control to neutral (N).
    3. Disengage the cutting deck.
    4. Allow the engine to idle 1 - 2 minutes. Then 
    turn the ignition key to the stop position so that 
    the engine stops.
    5. Lock the parking brake.
    6. Shut off the fuel cock.
    5.6 Cleaning
    To reduce the risk of fire, keep the en-
    gine, silencer, battery and fuel tank free 
    from grass, leaves and oil.
    To reduce the risk of fire, regularly 
    check the machine for oil and/or fuel 
    Clean the machine after use. The following in-
    structions apply to cleaning:
    • If high pressure equipment is used, do not point 
    the washer jet directly at the engine, axle seals 
    or electrical components.
    • Do not point jets of water directly at the engine. 
    • Clean the engine with a brush and/or com-
    pressed air.
    • Clean the engine’s cooling air intake (7:U).
    6.1 ServicingIn order to keep the machine in good condition, as 
    regards reliability and operational safety as well as 
    from an environmental perspective, the mainte- 
    nance work described in this chapter must be fol-
    lowed according o the instructions and at the stated 
    This work should be carried out by an authorised 
    workshop, but can also be carried out by the user. 
    Service, carried out by authorised workshops, 
    guarantees a professional job with original re-
    placement parts.
    We recommend taking the machine to an author-
    ised workshop after each season before it is stored 
    for the winter.
    6.2 Preparation
    Prevent the machine from rolling by al-
    ways applying the parking brake.
    Prevent unintentional starting of the 
    engine by removing the ignition key. 
    All service and all maintenance must be carried out 
    on a stationary machine with the engine switched 
    6.3 Raising
    Jacks must only be placed in the desig-
    nated area. Placing the jack in other lo-
    cations will damage the machine. 
    The machine must only be raised on 
    hard, stable and horizontal surfaces. 
    Otherwise there is a risk of the machine 
    The machine must never be loaded with 
    further weight when it is raised. No-
    body must sit on the machine when it is 
    For certain maintenance work, the rear part of the 
    machine must be raised slightly so that the re-
    quired rear wheel can be removed. Raise the ma-
    chine as follows:
    1. Position the machine on a hard, stable and hor-
    izontal surface.
    2. Raise the machine using a jack, see fig. 12.
    6.4 WheelsFor certain maintenance work, it is necessary to re-
    move a rear wheel. 
    1. Raise the machine according to  6.3.
    2. Remove the cover disc (13:A).
    3. Use a 17 mm wrench and remove the screw 
    (13:B) with disc.
    4. Pull the wheel from the axle.
    1. Slide the wheel onto the axle.
    2. Install the screw (13:B) with disc.
    3. Tighten the screw to 40-45 Nm.
    6.5 Tyre pressureAdjust the air pressure in the tyres as follows:
    Front: 1.2  bar (17 psi).
    Rear: 1.2 bar (17 psi).
    If the maximum tyre pressures are exceeded the 
    safety valve (13:C) will be triggered. If this occurs, 
    reset as follows:
    1. Wait until the tyre has no pressure.
    2. Press in the safety valve using a finger.
    3. Fill with air to the specified pressure.
    6.6 Changing engine oilChange the engine oil for the first time after 5 
    hours of operation, and subsequently after every 
    50 hours of operation or once a season. 
    Change the oil more often (after 25 hours of oper-
    ation or at least once a season) if the engine has to 
    operate under demanding conditions or if the am-
    bient temperature is high.
    Use oil according to the table below.
    Use oil without any additives.
    Do not fill with too much oil. This can cause the 
    engine to overheat. 
    Change oil when the engine is warm.
    The engine oil may be very hot if it is 
    drained off directly after the engine is 
    shut off. So allow the engine to cool a 
    few minutes before draining the oil.
    6.6.1 Draining
    1. Raise the machine so that the left rear wheel is 
    raised a few cm above the ground. See 6.3.
    If the machine is raised too much, oil cannot 
    run freely in the chassis ducts whilst drain-
    2. Remove the left-hand rear wheel. See 6.4.
    3. Place a suitable container under the drain hole 
    (8:W) in the machine’s chassis. 
    4. Insert a 10 mm Allen key through the hole (8:X) 
    in the chassis and unscrew the oil drain plug 
    (9:Y) from the engine. Leave the oil drain plug 
    in place on the Allen key inside the engine com-
    Do not spill any oil on the drive belts.
    5. Reinstall the oil drain plug (9:Y) once all the oil 
    has been drained. 
    Tightening torque: 20 Nm.
    6.  Remove the dipstick (7:S) and fill with new oil. 
    Oil capacity: 1.2 litres.
    7. Reinstall the dipstick (7:S).
    8. Use a cloth or similar and wipe clean the oil 
    duct in the chassis.
    Oil SAE 10W-30
    Grade SJ or greater 
    9. Reinstall the rear wheel and lower the machine. 
    See 6.3 and 6.4.
    10.Start the engine and run at idle for 30 seconds. 
    11.Check to see if there is any oil leakage.
    12.Stop the engine. Wait for 30 seconds and then 
    check the oil level. See 5.3.
    Take the used oil, oily rags etc. to a recycling 
    6.7 Fuel filter (14:Z)Replace the fuel each season.
    Check that there is no fuel leakage once the new 
    filter has been installed.
    6.8 Deck belt (21:J)After 5 hours of operation check that the machine’s 
    belts are intact and not damaged.
    6.9 Adjusting the drive chain (15:U)Check/adjust the belt tension each season as fol-
    1. Raise the machine and remove the right-hand 
    rear wheel. See 6.4.
    2. The chain (15:U) must have 5-10 mm of play. 
    Any required adjustment, see blow.
    Adjust the play by moving the tensioner wheel as 
    1. Slacken off the nut (15:T) and set the tensioner 
    wheel to the desired position.
    2. Tighten the nut and check the play. Adjust again 
    if required.
    3. Tighten the nut to 40-45 Nm when adjustment 
    has been completed.
    6.10 LubricationAll lubrication points according to the table below 
    must be lubricated after every 25 operating hours 
    as well as after each clean.
    6.10.1Drive chain
    Lubricate the drive chain (15:U) using chain spray 
    as follows. Use universal type chain spray.
    1. Trestle up the machine’s right-hand rear wheel 
    so that it can rotate freely. See 6.3.
    2. Brush the chain clean using a wire brush.
    3. Rotate the rear wheel by hand and at the same 
    time spray the chain so that it is fully lubricated.
    4. Lower the machine.6.10.2 Steering cable
    See fig. 16. Lubricate the steering cable using 
    chain spray as below. Use universal type chain 
    1. Brush the chain clean using a wire brush.
    2. Turn the steering wheel and at the same time 
    spray the cable so that it is fully lubricated.
    6.10.3 Tensioning arms moving joints
    Lubricate the bearing points using an oil can at the 
    same time as activating the respective control. 
    Preferably carried out by two people.
    Activate the controls:
    • Steering
    • Clutch, brake
    • Raise the cutting deck
    • Engaging the cutting deck.
    • Setting the cutting height 
    6.10.4 Throttle cable
    See fig. 17. Lubricate the cable ends using an oil 
    can at the same time as activating the respective 
    6.11 Battery
    Never overcharge the battery. Over-
    charging can damage the battery.
    Do not short-circuit the battery’s termi-
    nals. Sparks occur which can result in 
    fire. Do not wear metal jewellery which 
    can come into contact with the battery 
    In the event of damage to the battery 
    casing, cover, terminals or interference 
    to the strip covering the valves, the bat-
    tery should be replaced.
    The battery is a valve-regulated battery with 12 V 
    nominal voltage. The battery fluid does not need to 
    and cannot be checked or topped up. The only 
    maintenance that is required is charging, for exam-
    ple after extended storage.
    The battery must be fully charged be-
    fore being used for the first time. The 
    battery must always be stored fully 
    charged. If the battery is stored while 
    discharged, serious damage will occur. 
    6.11.1 Charging with the engine
    The battery can also be charged using the engine’s 
    generator as follows:
    1. Install the battery in the machine as shown be-
    2. Place the machine outdoors or install an extrac-
    tion device for the exhaust fumes.
    3. Start the engine according to the instructions in 
    the user guide. Item Section below Figure
    Drive chain 6.10.1 15:U
    Steering cable 6.10.2 16
    Tensioning arms 
    and moving joints6.10.3 -
    Throttle cable 6.10.4 17 
    4. Allow the engine to run continuously for 45 
    5. Stop the engine. The battery will now be fully 
    6.11.2 Charging using battery charger
    When charging with the battery charger, a battery 
    charger with continuous voltage must be used.
    Contact your dealer to purchase a battery charger 
    with constant voltage.
    The battery can be damaged if a standard type bat-
    tery charger is used. 
    6.11.3 Removal/Installation
    The battery is placed under the seat. See fig. 4. 
    During removal/installation of the battery, the fol-
    lowing applies regarding connection of the cables:
    • During removal. First disconnect the black ca-
    ble from the battery’s negative terminal (-). 
    Then disconnect the red cable from the battery’s 
    positive terminal (-).
    • During installation. First connect the red cable 
    to the battery’s positive terminal (+). Then con-
    nect the black cable to the battery’s negative ter-
    minal (-).
    If the cables are disconnected/connect-
    ed in the wrong order, there is a risk of 
    a short-circuit and damage to the bat-
    If the cables are interchanged, the gen-
    erator and the battery will be damaged.
    Tighten the cables securely. Loose ca-
    bles can cause a fire.
    The engine must never be driven with 
    the battery disconnected. There is a risk 
    of serious damage to the generator and 
    the electrical system.
    6.11.4 Cleaning
    If the battery terminals are coated with oxide, they 
    should be cleaned. Clean the battery terminals with 
    a wire brush and grease them using terminal 
    6.12 Air filterThe pre-filter (foam filter) (19:G) must be cleaned/
    replaced every 25 operating hours.
    The pre-filter (paper filter) (19:F) must be cleaned/
    replaced every 100 operating hours.
    NOTE! Clean/replace the filter more often if the 
    machine operates in dusty conditions.
    Remove/install the air filters as follows.
    1.  Clean carefully around the air filter housing 
    2. Remove the air filter cover by removing releas-
    ing the two clamps at the rear edge of the cover. 3.  Remove the filters. The pre-filter is located far 
    in towards the engine. Make sure that no dirt 
    gets into the carburettor. Clean the air filter 
    4. Clean the paper filter by gently tapping it 
    against a flat surface. If the filter is very dirty, 
    change it.
    5. Clean the pre-filter. If the filter is very dirty, 
    change it.
    6. Assemble in reverse order.
    Do not use compressed air or petroleum based sol-
    vents such as kerosene to clean the paper filter in-
    sert. This will damage the filter.
    The paper filter insert must not be oiled. 
    6.13 Spark plugThe spark plug(s)  must be replaced after 200 hours 
    of operation.
    Before disconnecting the spark plug, clean around 
    its mounting.
    Spark plug
    : Champion RC12YC or equivalent.
    Electrode distance: 0.75 mm.
    6.14 Engine’s cooling air intake 
    The engine is air-cooled. A blocked cooling sys-
    tem can damage the engine. Clean the engine’s 
    cooling air intake every 50 operating hours. A 
    more thorough clean of the cooling system is car-
    ried out at each basic service.
    6.15 FuseIn the event of electrical faults, check/replace the 
    fuse, 20 A. See fig. 20.
    If the fault persists, contact an authorised work-
    shop for repair.
    6.16 Cutting deck
    6.16.1 Safety
    To reduce the risk of accidental injury in the event 
    of a collision and to protect important parts in the 
    cutting deck, a force limiter is integrated as fol-
    • Shear bolts between blades and blade bar.
    • Torque limiting between gear wheels and blade 
    • Possibility of positive drive belt slipping on the 
    plastic gear wheels.
    6.16.2 Dismantling
    It is easier to carry out certain maintenance work if 
    the cutting deck is removed from the machine. Re-
    move the cutting deck as follows:
    1. Set the maximum cutting height. 
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