Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies Ds1/Cept1/Isdn Pri Reference Manual
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Page 121
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-5 ISDN PRI Layer 2 5 G2.2 Layer 2 Termination G2.2 trad itional mod ules use a sp ec ial DS1 b oard , the ANN35, to terminate ISDN PRI layer 2 sig naling . Firmware on this b oard d oes all the layer 2 p roc essing . Bec ause this b oard is d esig ned sp ec ific ally to p roc ess ISDN PRI layer 2 sig naling , however, it c annot b e used for DS1 b it...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-6 ISDN PRI Layer 2 5 — Add a data module of the type procr-intf , and its extension and assig n it to the p ort (p hysic al c hannel) on the PI b oard (s) (p orts 1- 8) to whic h you want the D c hannel to c ommunic ate. — Use the c ommand change communication-interface links to d isp lay the interfac e links form. Ad minister the link c orresp ond ing...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-7 ISDN PRI Layer 2 5 the network sid e and the slave sid e is c alled the user sid e. If the ECMA layer 3 p eer p rotoc ol is used , the layer 2 terms are master and slave in G3V2. In all DEFINITY systems ad ministration exists to c ontrol the master-slave/user-network status of the interfac e. In G2.2, you ad minister the layer 2 user-network protoc ol...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-8 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 peer-slave , the layer 2 p rotoc ol op erates the same as user . See the sec tion ‘‘User-Network and Peer Protoc ols’’ for further exp lanation on the layer 3 p rotoc ol. NOTE: When a G3V2 DS1/CEPT1 interfac e ad ministered with a user-network p rotoc ol is c onnec ted to a G2.2 interfac e, the G3V2 interfac e must b e administered...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-9 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 AT&T personnel attemp ting to imp lement ISDN PRI c apab ilities. The sub jec ts c overed in the CCITT, AT&T network, and other glob al ISDN PRI sp ec ific ations serve as the temp late for the subjec ts in this c hap ter. ISDN PRI layer 3 is the p rotoc ol d efining the p roc ed ures for using a set of messag es to estab lish,...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-10 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 nAUSTEL (the Australian Stand ard s Institute) TS 014.1/1990; PRI Connec tion Volume I: Interfac e Sp ec ific ation for Layers 1,2, and 3.LI nECMA 143 Basic Circ uit Switc hed Call Control nETSI (the Europ ean Telec om Stand ards Institute) ETS 300102-1; ISDN User-Network Interfac e Layer 3 Sp ec ific ation for Basic Call Control...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-11 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 nIf NFAS is ad ministered , a sing le D c hannel c an c ontrol up to 479 B c hannels on any c omb ination of interfac es anywhere in the rest of the system. For examp le, a D c hannel c an b e ad ministered to c ontrol only the other 23 B c hannels on the same interfac e, yield ing the same results as if NFAS is not ad ministered ,...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-12 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 1. Ad minister the ISDN interfac e (c irc uit p ac k) loc ations in p roc ed ure 260, word 1. — If you want this interfac e to c ontain 24 B c hannels, assig n a 1 in field 7. — If you want this interfac e to c ontain a D c hannel, assig n a 0 in field 7. 2. Assig n the D c hannel g roup numb ers in p roc ed ure 262, word 2....
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-13 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 G3V2 FAS/NFAS Implementation FAS and NFAS in G3V2 is imp lemented in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form, the sig naling g roup form, and the ISDN PRI trunk g roup form. If you ad minister isdn-pri in the Signaling Mode field on the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form, then the c hannels on that interfac e will c onsist of 23 DS1 or 30 CEPT1 b...
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-14 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 The following list describes how to implement ISDN PRI signaling in G3V2: nNFAS and D c hannel b ac kup are not sup ported unless the c ountry p rotoc ol is 1 (U.S.) in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form for the b oard s c ontaining the p rimary and sec ond ary D c hannels. nAd minister the sig naling mode in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k...