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Lucent Technologies Definity Systems Little Instruction Book For Basic Administration

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Page 101

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
Keeping records 
85 Paper records 
Keeping records
Record keeping plays a vital role in system administration. Your 
records should provide a current status of what hardware and 
features are installed on your system. Your records also help you 
determine which phone features are available for your users. 
Whether you are the administrator of a new or existing switch, 
follow your own company policy...

Page 102

Keeping records 
86 Paper records 
DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
For example, to print a list of stations that are currently 
administered on your system, complete the following steps at the 
command prompt:
1. Type 
list station print and press RETURN.
To print a screen or report to the system printer, end a list or 
display command with the word 
schedule. The system then 
prompts you to select to print immediately or schedule...

Page 103

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
Keeping records 
87 Paper records 
nlist configuration all print — prints your slot and port 
nlist extension-type print — prints information for each 
extension on your system
nlist station print — prints information for each station on 
your system
nlist data print — prints information for each data module 
on your system
nlist type group print — where type can be replaced with 
hunt, trunk,...

Page 104

Keeping records 
88 Paper records 
DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
Other information
You may find that you want to keep track of information that is 
not stored on the system and is specific to your company, such as:
nswitch locations and handles (names)
ngroups of extensions you’ve reserved for certain 
departments or types of lines
nlogin names and privileges
ncustomized soft-key assignments
Basically, you can track whatever...

Page 105

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
Keeping records 
89 Preparing to contact Lucent 
Preparing to contact Lucent
Do you need to call Lucent for additional information or help in 
solving a problem?
If you do, please have the following information handy. This 
helps the person taking your call find the answer to your question.
nYour installation location ID (also called your IL)
(Write your IL number here for easy reference)
nYour name

Page 106

Keeping records 
90 Preparing to contact Lucent 
DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000

Page 107

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
Abbreviated Dialing
A feature that allows callers to place calls by dialing just one or two digits.
access code
A dial code used to activate or cancel a feature or access an outgoing trunk.
analog phone
A phone that receives acoustic voice signals and sends analog electrical 
signals along the phone line.
ARS partitioning
A feature that allows you to route calls differently for...

Page 108

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
Audio Information Exchange (AUDIX)
A fully-integrated voice-mail system. Can be used with a variety of 
communications systems to provide call-history data, such as subscriber 
identification and reason for redirection.
Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR)
A feature that routes calls to alternate routes when facilities are unavailable.
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) 
A feature that gives...

Page 109

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
call appearance
For the phone or attendant console, a button labeled with an extension and 
used to place outgoing calls, receive incoming calls, or hold calls. Lights 
next to the button show the status of the call appearance.
Call Detail Recording (CDR)
A feature that records call data.
Call Vectoring
A feature that allows users to provide flexible, customized call handling by 
writing a...

Page 110

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book
for basic administration  555-233-756  Issue 1
April 2000
Class of Service (COS)
A feature that determines whether users can activate certain features.
coverage answer group
A group of phones that ring simultaneously when a call is redirected to it.
coverage path
The order in which calls are redirected to alternate phones.
coverage point
An extension designated as an alternate phone in a coverage path.
data module
A digital interface device...
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