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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description Instructions Manual
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Index 301 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 S SAKIs,122 SCCs (sing le carrier c ab inets) ac oustic noise levels ,47 config urations ,33 DC power supp ly (676B) ,66 duplicated control cabinets ,97 fan units ,69 p ort cab inets (J58890H) ,101 p ower systems ,65 typ es ,92 typ ic al stac ks ,94 SC SI d r i ve s ,167 servic e c ircuit p ac ks ,122 Sing apore ,246 sing le mode fib er op tic s ,187 sing le phase 240 VAC ,49 sing le point g round terminals ,64 sing le-p hase 120/240 VAC p ower ,47 site req uirements ,27 small battery power b ackup ,58 SN carriers ,11, 77, 79, 91 SN clock circuit packs ,91, 143 sneak fuse p anels (507B) ,70 sneak protectors ,69 SNIs (TN573/B) ,9, 91, 143 softp hones availab le with IP Solutions CentreVu IP Ag ent ,26 Dual-Connec tion ,25 list of ,24 VOI P ,25 solid state voltag e p rotec tion ,69 Sp ai n MFE (TN744B/C/D) ,146 ring ing patterns ,246 speech synthesizers TN433 ,137 TN457 ,138 TN725B ,144SPEs ,8 standard reliab ility ,108, 111, 112 standard s electromagnetic comp atib ility ,ii, 46 general ,ix Sw ed e n ,246 system ac c ess/maintenance ,165 ad ministration ,19 arc hitec ture ,11 cab inet c omp onents ,12 comp onents ,3 config urations ,4 dup lic ation options ,18 initialization ,240 layout/c abling d istances ,234 p rotec tions ,69 rec overy ,240 reliab ility config urations c ritic al ,109, 112 high ,109, 111, 115 stand ard ,108, 111, 112 response times ,195 version comparisons ,16 T T-1 (24-c hannel) c ircuit p acks TN574 ,143 TN1654 ,166 T-1 d ig ital network interfac e ,188 tap e d rives, d ata c assettes ,135 t ap e d r i ve s , SC SI ,167 TCP/IP ,164 TDM b us es ,8 tec hnic al sp ecific ations ,193 temp erature ,42
Index 302 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 terminals grounding ,64 sup p orted ,17 wireless ,252 three phase 208 VAC p ower ,47 three phase 220/380 VAC power ,49 tie trunk c ircuit p ac ks TN437 ,138 TN439 ,138 TN458 ,138 TN760B/C/D ,151, 174 TN2140/B ,168 TN2305 ATM-CES trunk/p ort-network interfac e ,178 TN2313 DS1 Interface ,179 TN2499 Net/Pac field up g rad e ,179 TN417 auxiliary trunk ,136 TN419B tone c loc k ,106, 136 TN420 tone d etec tor ,136 TN429/B DIOD trunk ,137 TN433 sp eec h synthesizer ,137 TN436B DID trunk ,137 TN437 tie trunk ,138 TN438B CO trunk ,138 TN439 tie trunk ,138 TN447 CO trunk ,138 TN457 sp eec h synthesizer ,138 TN458 tie trunk ,138 TN459B DID trunk ,139 TN465/B/C CO trunk ,140 TN468B analog line ,140 TN479 analog line ,140 TN553 pac ket d ata line ,141, 145 TN556/B/C ISDN–BRI line ,141 TN566/B alarm ,134 TN567 multifunction ,134 TN570/B/C EI ,106, 143, 155 TN572 SN c loc k ,91, 143 TN573/B SNI ,9, 91, 143 TN574 DS-1 converter ,143 TN577 PGATE ,144TN722B DS-1 tie trunk ,144 TN725B sp eec h synthesizer ,144 TN726/B DTE ,141, 145 TN735 MET line ,145 TN742 analog line ,145 TN746/B analog line ,147, 150, 159, 175, 176 TN747B CO trunk ,148 TN748/B/C/D tone-detector ,148 TN750/B/C announc ement ,148 TN753 DID trunk ,149 TN755B neon p ower ,150, 153 TN756 tone-d etec tor ,151 TN758 p ooled mod em ,151 TN760B/C/D tie trunk ,151, 174 TN762B hyb rid line ,151 TN765 p rocessor ,139, 158 TN768 tone c loc k ,153 TN769 analog line ,153 TN771D maintenanc e/test ,154 TN772 d up lication ,155, 158 TN775/B maintenanc e ,106, 155 TN776 EI ,155 TN777B network c ontrol c irc uit pack ,156, 158 TN780 tone c loc k ,156 TN787F/G multimed ia ,157 TN788B multimedia ,157 TN789 RC ,158, 250 TN790 p rocessor ,8, 158 TN798 p rocessor ,8, 163 TN1648 system maintenance ,165 TN1654 DS-1 c onverter ,166 TN1655 p ac ket interfac e ,139, 166 TN1656 tape d rive ,167 TN1657 disk drive ,167 TN2135 analog line ,167 TN2136 DLC 2-wire DCP ,167 TN2138 CO trunk ,167 TN2139 DID trunk ,168 TN2140/B tie trunk ,168
Index 303 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 TN2144 analog line,168 TN2146 DID trunk ,168 TN2147/C CO trunk ,168 TN2149 analog line ,169 TN2169 alarm ,134, 169 TN2170 alarm/ethernet ,134, 135, 169 TN2180 analog line ,169 TN2181 d igital line ,169 TN2182/B tone cloc k/d etec tor & c all c lassifier ,170, 242 TN2183 analog line ,176 TN2184 DIOD trunk ,170 TN2185 ISDN–BRI 4-wire ,171 TN2198 ISDN–BRI 2-wire ,172, 238 TN2199 CO trunk ,172 TN2202 ring g enerator ,56, 150, 173 TN2208 multifunc tion ,135, 174 TN2224 2-wire, 24-p ort DCP ,176 TN79 4 ,162 TN794/TN2400 ,162 TN794 network control/p acket interfac e ,162 TN799 control LAN interfac e ,164 TN801 LAN Gateway interface ,164 TNCCSC-1 ,181 TNCCSC-2 ,182 tone clock c ircuit p acks TN419B ,106, 136 TN768 ,153 TN780 ,156 TN2182/B ,170, 242 tone detector c ircuit p acks TN420 ,136 TN2182/B ,242 TN748/B/C/D ,148 TN756 ,151 TN2182/B ,170 trunks ,193 H.323 ,23 IP ,24 Type-approval labels ,291 U UN330B duplication,182 UN331B p roc essors ,8, 183 UN332 network c ontrol ,183 United Kingd om ringing patterns ,246 TN447 CO trunk ,138 TN457 speech synthesizer ,138 TN458 tie trunk ,138 TN459B DID trunk ,139 TN468B analog line ,140 TN4198B tone c loc k ,136 UPS ,55, 57, 58 W WATS trunks,148 WFB. See wireless fixed b ase. WFB s ,251 wireless fixed b ase ,158 wireless terminals ,252, 253 WP-1217A Power Sup ply ,133 WP-91153 AC p ower ,65 WP-92464 AC p ower ,251 X X. 25 li n ks,9
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