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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 291 Overview C — National Type-Approval Labels Overview This section contains displays of national type-approval labels. The presence of these displays in this document makes it unnecessary to apply the labels to the physical product. Hong Kong These are the type-approval labels for the systems that have shown compliance with their technical specifications. The Telecommunications Authority has granted certificates of approval to sell these systems in Hong Kong. Figure 51. Type-approval label for Lucent DEFINITY G3si
292 Overview DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 Figure 52. Type-approval label for Lucent DEFINITY ProLogix Figure 53. Type-approval label for Lucent DEFINITY G3r
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 Index 293 INIndex Numerics 2-wire DCP circuit p acks TN2181 ,169 TN2224 ,176 2-wire U-interfac es (TN2198) ,172 4-wire E & M lead sig naling tie trunks ,168 4-wire S/T-NT interfaces ,141 4C3S-75 solid state p rotec tors ,69 105D Isolating Data Interfac e ,185 1217A ,133 127A Quad Balun b ox ,186 16-p ort DCP c irc uit p ac ks ,169 24-p ort DCP c irc uit p ac ks ,176 48-VDC b atteries ,55 120A CSUs ,186 122A music on hold interfac e ,186 300A fib er op tic transc eivers ,187 315x-series CSUs ,188 507B sneak fuse p anels ,69, 70 631DA1/B1 AC p ower units ,53, 132 644A1 DC p ower units ,132 645B1 DC p ower units ,53, 132 649A DC p ower units ,53, 62, 132 650A AC power units ,53, 133 676B DC p ower units ,66, 134 700A DS-1 CPE loop b ack ,188 982LS c urrent limiters ,134 9601-typ e wireless terminals ,252 9823A/B lig htwave transceivers ,190 A AC p ower b attery chargers ,54 circ uit breakers ,52 converting to DC power ,75 distribution units ,54 g round ing ,62 power feeders ,47 rec eptac le strip s ,75 single-phase ,47, 49 sup p ly WP-91153 ,65 WP-92464 ,251 three p hase ,47, 49 units 631DA1/B1 ,53, 132 650A ,133 acoustic noise levels ,45, 47 ad junc ts, tab le ,183 ad ministered ring ing p atterns ,246 ad ministration ,19 ADUs (TN726/B) ,145 air p urity ,44 alarm c irc uit p ac ks ,134, 169 alarm p anel information ,165 alarm with ethernet (TN2170) ,134 alarm with Ethernet interfac e ,169 alarms, external ,191 allocation of b uttons ,229 altitude and air pressure ,42 analog line c ircuit p ac ks TN468B ,140 TN 4 7 9 ,140 TN 7 4 2 ,145 TN746/B ,147, 150, 159, 175, 176 TN 7 6 9 ,153 TN2135 ,167
Index 294 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 analog line c irc uit p ac ks, (continued ) TN2144 ,168 TN2149 ,169 TN2180 ,169 TN2183 ,176 announc ement circuit p acks ,148 app lications layers ,11 app roved ground s ,62 architec ture ,11 ASAI links ,141 Asynchronous Transfer Mod e (ATM) ,77, 112, 190 T-1/E-1 sp litter ,188 ATM Network Dup lic ation ,110 aud ib le ring ing p atterns ,245 AUDIX, c ircuit-p ack assemb ly ,134 Australia ring ing patterns ,246 TN419B tone clock ,136 TN436B DID trunk ,137 TN437 tie trunk ,138 TN439 tie trunk ,138 TN468B analog line ,140 AUX connec tors ,74 auxiliary cab inets ,15 auxiliary trunk c irc uit pac ks TN417 ,136 B backup power,55, 58 b atteries 48 VDC ,55 BIUs (BU3200A/B) ,190 chargers ,55, 252 small assemb lies ,58 BCCs (J58890L) ,14, 92, 96 Belg ium ,168, 246 BTD08 b usy tone disc onnect ,190BU3200A/B BIUs ,190 b us buffers ,122 b usy tone disc onnect ,190 b utton allocations ,229 C cabinets AC p owered ,65 ac oustic noise levels ,45 auxiliary (J58886N) ,75 cabling distances ,234 CBCs ,64 comp onents ,12 cooling fans ,68 DC powered ,70, 134 dimensions/c learanc es ,27 earthq uake p rotec tions ,71 environmental c onsid erations ,41 lig htning p rotec tion ,70 minimum c onfig urations ,106 power sources ,47 version comparisons ,16 cabling distances ,120, 234, 238 c all p rocessing performanc e ,194 c all p rogress tones ,240, 242 c all-c lassifier circ uit p ac ks TN2182/B ,170, 242 c alls p er hour ,194 CallVisor ASAI ,136 CallVisor ASAI over DEFINITY LAN Gateway p ort assemb lies R1 (ED-1E546) ,135 c arriers circuit pack slots ,95 COMSPHERE 3000-series ,188 power control (TN1648) ,165 version comparisons ,16 CAUs ,252
Index 295 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 CBCs,64, 70 CE marks ,iii CFY1B c urrent limiters ,80, 134 c irc uit b reakers ,52, 54, 55 circuit packs ,124to132 apparatus code tables ,124 carrier slots ,80, 95 sneak c urrent protec tion ,70 typ es ,121 CMCs (J58890T) ,12to14 config urations ,31 dimensions ,27 fan units ,68 heat d issip ation ,41 CO trunk circuit p acks TN438B ,138 TN447 ,138 TN465/B/C ,140 TN747B ,148 TN2138 ,167 TN2147/C ,168 TN2199 ,172 c ommercial floor loading c od e ,30 Comminic ore mob ility manag er ,191 COMSPHERE 3000-series carriers ,188 concrete encased grounds ,63 c ond uit, as g round ,64 c onfig urations ,4, 193 connector blocks, DC ,75 control cabinets d up lic ated (J58890M) ,92, 97 c ontrol c arriers ,11, 75, 79 control circuit packs ,121 c ontrol LAN Interface (TN799) ,164 C ON VERSA N T c o nn ec t i vi ty TN464F ,139, 180 TN2183 ,176 c onverters, AC to DC power ,75 c ooling fans ,68 c orrosive g as c ontaminants ,44c oup led b onding c ond uctor (for g rounding) ,64 c ritic al reliab ility systems ,109, 112 cross-connect field ,41, 120 CSS ,3, 10 CSUs 120A units ,186 315x-series ,188 CT2 technolog y ,191, 249 Current Limiter ,134 c urrent limiters 982LS ,134 CFY1B ,80, 134 c ustomer p remises eq uip ment (315x-series CSUs) ,188 D d ata line c irc uit p ac ks,141, 145 DC p ower circuit b reakers ,52 connector blocks ,75 d istrib ution units J58890CF ,60 J58890CG ,66 ground ing ,62 relays ,55, 56 req uirements ,52, 53 units 644A1/B1 ,132 645B1 ,132 649A ,62, 132 676B ,66, 134 DCCs ,110 DCS X.25 sig naling ,144 DEFINITY AUDIX R3 p ort assemb lies (ED-1E546) ,134, 135 Definity AUDIX slim ,126
Index 296 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 DID trunk c irc uit p ac ks TN436B ,137 TN459B ,139 TN753 ,149 TN2139 ,168 TN2146 ,168 DIOD trunk c ircuit p acks TN429/B ,137 TN2184 ,170 disk drives ,135, 167 DLC pac ks 2-wire DCP (TN2136) ,167 2-wire DCP (TN2181) ,169 2-wire, 24-port DCP (TN2224) ,176 DMIs (TN1655) ,166 DS-1 c onverter circuit p acks TN574 ,143 TN1654 ,166 DS-1 CPE loopb ack jac ks ,188 DS1 remoting transmission distances ,240 DS-1 tie trunk circuit p acks ,144 DSLACs ,168 Dual p ort network c ab inet ,78 d up licated control cab inets (J58890M) ,11, 14, 92 d up licated control carriers (J58890AJ) ,75, 79 d up lication interfac es TN772 ,155, 158 UN330B ,182 d up lication strategy ,18 E E-1 (32-c hannel) c irc uit p ac ks TN464C/D/E/F ,139, 173 TN1654 ,166earth ,63 earthquake protec tions ,71 ED - 1E5 46 p or t a sse mb l ie s ,134, 135 EI A i n te r f ac e ,141 EI s TN570/B/C ,106, 143, 155 TN776 ,155 elec tric al comp onents, power distribution units ,54 elec tromag netic c ompatib ility standard s ,ii emergency transfer c ontrol c irc uit packs ,165 EMI filters ,56 enhanc ed DC rectifier cab inet ,66 environmental c onsid erations ,41 EPN c abinets (J58890A) ,15, 77, 107 EPN s ,3 ESD ,121 ethernet interface (TN2170) ,135, 169 exp ansion c ontrol c ab inets C8890AF ,89 J58890AF ,77, 79 SC C s ,14 exp ansion p ort c arriers (J58890BB) ,77 external alarms ,191 F features ad d itional hard ware req uirements ,195 wireless terminal acc ess ,253 fiber optic cabling distances ,238 fib er op tic transc eivers ,187 floor area requirements ,27 floor g round s ,64 floor load s ,30 floor p lans ,31
Index 297 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 Forum Personal Communications Manag er (PCM) ,191 Fr an c e 50-Hz 8RG p ower unit slots ,81, 95 122A music on hold ,186 TN2202 ring generator ,173 Fr ee Wor k s wi re l es s telecommunications ,249 fuse p anels (J58889AB) ,75 fuses 20-amp ,56 sneak c urrent protec tors ,70 G Germany,170 g round isolation ,61 g round ring ,63 g round wiring ,53 grounding, AC and DC ,62, 63, 64 H hard ware, tab le of ad d itional req uirements ,195 heat dissipation ,41 hig h reliab ility systems ,109, 111, 115 Hong Kong typ e-ap p roval lab els ,291 humid ity ,42 Hung ary ,168 hyb rid line c ircuit p acks ,151 I IDFs,120 India ,246ind icator lig ht signals ,247 initialization ,240 international req uirements ,26, 52, 53 intra-premises c abling ,234 IP softp hones CentreVu IP Ag ent ,26 Dual-Connec tion ,25 VO I P ,25 IP Solutions ,22 mod es Med Pro ,23 Tr u nk ,23 softp hones CentreVu IP Agent ,26 Dual-Connec tion ,25 g eneral information ,24 op tions availab le ,24 VOI P ,25 TN802/TN802B interface assemb ly ,23 trunks H.323 ,23 IP ,24 ISDN–BRI line interfac es 2-wire U-LT ,172, 238 4-wire S/T-NT ,141 4- wi r e S/ T-TE ,171 ISDN–PRI DASS c onverters ,181 DPNSS c onverters ,182 Isolating Data Interfac e ,185 isolator interfac es ,61 Italy ringing patterns ,246 TN433 speech synthesizer ,137 TN2138 CO trunk ,167 TN2139 DID trunk ,168 TN2140/B tie trunk ,168
Index 298 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 J J58886N auxiliary c ab inets,75 J58889AB fuse p anels ,75 J58890A EPN/PPN c abinet ,75, 77 J58890AF exp ansion control cabinets ,77, 79 J58890AH control c arriers ,75, 79, 82 J58890AJ d up lic ated control c arriers ,75, 79, 83 J58890AP p rocessor c arriers ,75, 79, 85 J58890BB p ort c arriers ,75, 77, 79, 87 J58890CE-2 AC power distribution units/b attery c harg ers ,54 J58890CF-2 DC p ower d istrib ution units ,60 J58890CG DC p ower d istrib ution units ,66 J58890CH-1 AC power distribution units ,57 J58890H port cab inets ,14, 101 J58890L BCCs ,14, 92, 96 J58890M d up lic ated control cabinets ,92, 97 J58890MA-1 CallVisor ASAI over DEFINITY LAN Gateway p ort assemblies ,135 J58890R enhanced DC rec tifier cabinets ,66 J58890SA SN c arriers ,11, 77, 79, 91 Jap an ring ing patterns ,246 TN429/B DIOD trunk ,137 TN439 tie trunk ,138 JC8890AF expansion c ontrol cabinets ,89 K KS-21906, L9 48 VDC b attery,55 L lab els, type-app roval,291 LAN Gateway ,136 large battery power backup ,59 LASER d evic es ,178, 238 lig ht intensity ,44 light signals ,247 lightning protection ,70 lig htwave transc eivers ,190 lines, rep resentative numb ers ,193 Loc al Area Network (LAN) ,164, 169 DEFINITY LAN gateway ,95 CallVisor ASAI ,135 loop bac k tests ,154 M main system c onfig urations,4 maintenance circ uit pac ks TN771D ,154 TN775/B ,106, 155 TN1648 ,165 Malaysia ,246 mass storag e (UN332) ,183 MCCs (multicarrier c ab inets) AUX connector capacity ,74 auxiliary c ab inets ,75 carrier typ es ,15, 79 config uration guidelines ,35 control c arriers ,82 DC power d istribution ,61 DC powered layout ,73
Index 299 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 MCCs (multic arrier c ab inets), (c ontinued ) duplicated control carrier ,83 exp ansion c ontrol c ab inet ,89 fan units ,68 ground integrity ,70 p ort carriers ,87 p ower distrib ution ,56, 57 p ower systems ,53 PPN c ab i n et s ,75 SN c arriers ,91 MET line c irc uit p ac ks ,145 MF Esp ana ,146 mic rop roc essor/external RAM ,122 Mobility Manager ,250, 253 multifunc tion circuit p acks TN567 ,134 TN2208 ,135, 174 multimed ia interfac es ,157 multimed ia voice c ond itioners ,157 multimod e fib er transceivers ,190 music on hold interfac es ,186 N neon p ower units,150, 153 NETCON. See network c ontrol c irc uit pack. Netherland s ,246 network c ontrol (UN332) ,183 network c ontrol c irc uit pac k ,158 network c ontrol/p ac ket interface circuit packs TN7 94 ,162 New Zealand ,246 non-US power req uirements ,52, 53 N PEs ,123 O OPS p o r t s TN464C/D/E/F ,139, 173, 180 TN767C/D/E ,152 Oryx/Pec os op erating system ,11 OTDR tests ,239 overvoltag e p rotections ,69 P PACCON. See packet control circuit pack. packet bus logical links ,9 p ac ket control circuit p ack ,156, 158, 172 p ac ket data line circ uit pac ks ,141, 145 p ac ket gateway circuit p ack ,144 p ac ket interfac es ,139, 166 p erip herals, g round isolation ,61 PGATE. See p ac ket gateway circuit pack. pipe grounds ,63 PN s ,8 p oc ket telep hones ,250 POEs ,194 pooled modem circuit packs ,151 port cabinets ,14, 101 p ort c arriers ,75, 77, 79 p ort c irc uit log ic al links ,9 p ort c irc uit pac ks ,121 power AC to DC converters ,75 backup ,57, 58 control for carriers ,165 current limited ,80 DC req uirements ,52, 53 feeders ,47
Index 300 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 System Description 555-233-200 Issue 1 April 2000 p ower, (continued ) g lob al req uirements ,52, 53 sing le p hase 240 VAC ,49 sourc es ,47 transformers ,64 WFB s ,251 p ower c onverters 631DA1/B1 ,53, 132 644A1/B1 ,132 645B ,53 645B1 ,132 649A ,53, 62, 132 650A ,53, 133 Pow er Sup p l y, A C , 6 5 0A ,133 Pow er Sup p l y, A C , WP- 12 1 7A ,133 Pow er Sup p l y, D C , 6 4 4A ,132 Pow er Sup p l y, D C , 6 4 5B ,132 Pow er Sup p l y, D C , 6 4 9A ,132 power units AC 631DA1/B1 ,53, 132 650A ,133 J58890CE-2 ,54 DC 644A1/B1 ,132 645B1 ,132 649A ,62, 132 676B ,66, 134 distribution ,54 d istrib ution (J58890CH-1) ,57 electrical c omp onents ,54 neon (TN755B) ,150, 153 PPN s alarms (TN1648) ,165 cab inets ,15, 75, 106 SPEs ,3 PRI c onverters DASS (TNCCSC-1) ,181 DPNSS (TNCCSC-2) ,182p roc essors circuit packs TN7 90 ,8, 158 TN7 98 ,8, 163 interfaces (TN765) ,139, 158 J58890AP carriers ,75, 79, 85 UN331B ,8, 183 PROM (TN790) ,158 p rotections, system ,69 protective grounds ,63 R radio c ontroller (TN789),158 radio freq uenc y noise ,44 RC. See rad io c ontroller. RC s ( TN 7 89 ) ,250 recep tac le strips ,75 recovery (resets) ,240 rectifier modules ,190, 192 relays, DC p ower ,55, 56 reliab ility systems ,108 representative lines/trunks ,193 req uirements floor areas ,27 international ,26, 52 sites ,27 resp onse times ,195 ring g enerators ,56, 150, 173 ringing patterns ,245, 246 RISC p rocessors ,8 RM0850HA100 rec tifier mod ules ,190, 192 Russia MF (TN744B/C/D) ,146 MFR (TN2182/B) ,170 MFR (TN744B/C/D) ,146 TN2199 CO trunk ,172