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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Digital Networking Guide

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Page 31

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-3 Disk Sizing for Local and Remote Subscribers 
15-Hour Disk Combinations
For the 15-hour d isk, two c omb inations are given. There c an b e either 1000 loc al 
and  8000 remote sub sc rib ers or 500 loc al and  12,000 remote sub sc rib ers or 
some other valid c omb ination. Use the following  eq uation to d etermine what c an 
b e sup p orted  on the 15-hour d isk:

Page 32

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-4 Digital Networking Configurations 
Digital Networking Configurations
DEFINITY AUDIX d ig ital networking is an op tional feature that p rovid es users with 
the ab ility to exc hang e voic e messag es with users on other DEFINITY AUDIX 
systems, Intuity AUDIX systems, and  AUDIX R1 systems. The remote system may 
b e c oloc ated  with or g eog raphic ally d istant from the loc...

Page 33

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-5 Digital Networking Configurations 
Figure 2-1. Mode 2 DCP Port with 7400A Data Module
nElec tronic  Ind ustries Assoc iation (EIA) p ort (c onnec ts to a TN726 c irc uit 
p ac k), async hronous d ata unit (ADU), mod em, and  analog  p ort as shown 
in the following  fig ure.
Figure 2-2. Mode 2 with EIA Port and ADU
port Analog
DCP port

Page 34

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-6 Control Link and Display Set Integrations 
Multistage Dialing
DCP Mod e 2 mod em/d ata module arrang ements use multistage d ialing . 
Multistage dialing permits a DEFINITY AUDIX digital networking port to place a 
c all to another DEFINITY AUDIX system in three stag es.
1. Call a DCP-to-mod em c onversion resourc e.
2. Initiate a sec ond  c all off p remises over analog  fac...

Page 35

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-7 How the Digital Networking Ports Work 
How the Digital Networking Ports 
Wo r k
The DEFINITY AUDIX networking  p orts emulate the operation of a Dig ital 
Terminal Data Mod ule (DTDM) whic h c an b e attac hed  to a 7405D d ig ital 
telep hone. The networking  p orts ap pear to b e DTDMs to the switc h and  use the 
sec ond , p reviously unused , DCP I-c hannel. Therefore, d ig...

Page 36

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-8 Features/Functionality Not Supported 
Networking Port Administration Overview
To administer a networking  p ort, you ad minister the d ata mod ule sc reen for a 
voic e port. To administer one networking port, you administer the data module 
sc reen for voic e p ort one. With Release 3.2 you c an administer a sec ond 
networking  p ort. To ad minister a sec ond  networking p...

Page 37

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-9 Considerations for Intersystem Networks 
Intuity AUDIX System
Intuity AUDIX systems that have fax c ap ability c annot send  faxes over a network 
to a DEFINITY AUDIX system sinc e the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not 
support fax messaging. 
The Intuity AUDIX system and  the DEFINITY AUDIX system b oth use the CELP 
voic e messag ing  enc od ing  alg orithm, so the voic e q...

Page 38

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DEFINITY AUDIX Digital Networking Considerations 
2-10 Considerations for Intersystem Networks 

Page 39

DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 
3-1 Considerations 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps
This c hapter d esc rib es Dig ital Communic ations Protoc ol (DCP) Mod e 3. DCP 
Mod e 3 is a hig h-sp eed , 64 Kb p s c onnec tion. Use this typ e of network 
connec tion when the systems to be networked are co-located (serving the same 
switc h) or when they are in d ifferent loc ations. (Two DEFINITY AUDIX systems 
c annot serve the same switc h, but a DEFINITY...

Page 40

DEFINITY AUDIX System Digital Networking  585-300-534  Issue 2
May 1999
DCP Mode 3 — 64 Kbps 
3-2 General Information 
nFor remote c onfig urations, the c ustomer need s ac c ess to 64 Kb ps p ub lic  
or p rivate telep hone network fac ilities; these should  normally b e a T1 
c arrier with DS1 servic es or Integ rated  Servic es Dig ital Network Primary 
Rate Interfac e (ISDN PRI). The c ustomer need s a DS1 or ISDN interfac e 
on the switc h to c onnec t to these network fac ilities. 
nT1 to E1 c...
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