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Communications System
Lucent Technologies CentreVu Call Management System Release 3 Version 5 Manual
Lucent Technologies CentreVu Call Management System Release 3 Version 5 Manual
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Call Volume/Agents Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Hypothetical Financial Report3-63 Table 3-7: Hypothetical Financial Forecast Report Description Report Heading What It Means ACD for Call Handling ProfileThe ACD of the call handling profile used in the forecast. PrintedThe date and time the report was run. ACD for Costs ProfileThe ACD of the costs profile used in the forecast. Forecast for dayThe relative date in the future for which you want the forecast information. Forecast data x days apartThe number of days between data points, as specified in the Hypothetical Financial report input window. Data point (weight)The current data points used for the forecast, and their respective weights (0 to 10), as specified on the Hypothetical Financial report input window. Forecast methodThe method, as specified on the Hypothetical Financial report input window, used to determine forecast data: lNo trending lCurrent trending lExpected calls. % Change FactorThe adjustment, expressed as a percentage, that CentreVu CMS made to its initial forecasted calls carried. CentreVu CMS makes changes, if any, based on the Change Factor you enter on the Hypothetical Financial Input window. User expected callsThe number of calls entered on the Hypothetical Financial Input window, if the expected calls forecast method is used. TimeThe start time of each intrahour interval included in the forecast. Forecast Calls CarriedThe number of calls forecasted to arrive at the split/skill for the associated intrahour interval. Number Agents ReqdThe number of agents that must be logged into the split/skill for the intrahour interval in order to handle the forecasted calls, given the call handling objectives. Avg Speed Answer [Call Handling Profile 1]The targeted average time calls should wait before an agent answers. This objective is specified in the Call Handling Profile selected in the Hypothetical Financial report input window. Service Level % [Call Handling Profile 1]The targeted percentage of calls that the split/skills agents will answer within the time specified in the Service Level sec field. Service Level sec [Call Handling Profile 1]The targeted number of seconds within which the Service Level % of calls should be answered. This objective is specified in the Call Handling Profile selected in the Hypothetical Financial report input window.

Call Volume/Agents Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Hypothetical Financial Report3-64 Agent Occ % [Call Handling Profile 1]The targeted average percentage of time agents should spend on ACD calls while logged in. This objective is specified in the Call Handling Profile selected in the Hypothetical Financial report input window. Avg Serv Time [Call Handling Profile 1]The targeted average number of seconds each agent should spend on an ACD call, including talk time and after-call-work time. This objective is specified in the Call Handling Profile selected in the Hypothetical Financial report input window. Avg Speed Answer [Profile Results] The forecasted average time calls will wait before an agent answers. CentreVu CMS calculates this average after calculating the number of agent positions required to meet the call handling profile objectives. Normally, the forecasted average will be slightly lower than the Average Speed of Answer objective. Service Level % [Profile Results]The forecasted percentage of calls that the split/skills agents will answer within the time specified in the Service Level sec field. CentreVuCMS calculates this percentage after calculating the number of agent positions required to meet the call handling profile objectives. Normally, the forecasted percentage will be slightly higher than the Service Level % objective. Agent Occ % [Profile Results]The forecasted average percentage of time agents will spend on ACD calls while logged in. CentreVu CMS calculates this percentage after calculating the number of agent positions required to meet the call handling profile objectives. Normally, the forecasted percentage will be slightly lower than the Agent Occ % objective. Costs Profile [Costs Profile 1] The number of the costs profile specified in the Financial Input window. The three objectives directly below this heading are specified in the Costs Profile. Cost of Call [Costs Profile 1]The expected average cost of a call to this split/skill, as specified in the Costs Profile window. Cost of Agent [Costs Profile 1]The expected average cost per agent for the intrahour interval, as specified in the Costs Profile window. Revenue per Call [Costs Profile 1]The expected average revenue per call, as specified in the Costs Profile window. Est MarginThe estimated profit per interval, based the number of calls, their associated revenue and costs, and the cost of agents. Table 3-7: Hypothetical Financial Forecast Report Description (Contd) Report Heading What It Means

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 General Information4-1 4 Requirement Forecast Reports General Information4 The following two requirement forecast reports can tell you, given specific call handling objectives, how many calls you can handle. Requirement forecast reports do not require set up and do not use historical data. Therefore, you can begin using these reports immediately.Agent Positions Required ReportThe Agent Positions Required Report provides a table showing how many calls a specified number of agents can handle given specified call handling objectives. This report forecasts the number of agents a split/skill will need as the number of calls increases. Trunks Required ReportThe Trunks Required Report provides a table showing how many calls can be carried by a specified number of trunks given a specified trunk blocking objective. This report forecasts the number of trunks a trunk group will need as the number of calls increases. NoteThese reports do not actually predict the number of calls.

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Guidelines for Requirement Reports4-2 Guidelines for Requirement Reports4 lUse the Agent Positions Required report to determine the number of calls that can be handled by a certain number of agents during an interval given your objectives. lUse the Agent Positions Required report to explore the effects of changing your call handling objectives. The calculation of Calls Carried/Interval field uses the input objectives as boundary conditions for the answer. It is normal for one or two of the results (printed in the report columns) to be close to the corresponding objective. You can determine which input objective to change to alter the Calls Carried/Interval field by comparing the results and your input objectives (at the top of the report) and selecting the item in which the result is closest to the objective. lUse the Trunks Required report to determine the number of calls that can be handled by a certain number of trunks during an interval given your objectives. lVarying the Trunk holding time and/or Trunk blocking probability input fields on the Trunks Required report will vary the Number of Calls Carried/Interval field. lUsage Rate, given in Erlangs, may be thought of as the average number of trunks that are busy on a call at any instant of time. Therefore, this number is always lower than the total number of trunks. Usage Rate can approach the number of trunks only with a very high Trunk Blocking Probability resulting in more blocking calls.

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Agent Positions Required Report4-3 Agent Positions Required Report4 Purpose4The Agent Positions Required Forecast generates a table that tells you, given specific call handling objectives, how many calls per intrahour interval can be handled by variable numbers of agents. The Agent Positions Required Forecast is a quick calculator that lets you see how adjustments to call handling objectives can affect your agents call handling efficiency. Things to Know About Report Data 4 lThe Agent Positions Required Forecast, in addition to calculating the number of calls handled for each number of agents, converts your call handling objectives into performance data for each level of staffing. Comparison of this data to your objectives will show which objective(s) have the most impact on performance. lYou can run a forecast for a single agent or a specific number of agents. You can also specify a range of agents. lIf you specify a range of agents (for example, 100-200), you will get a table with 101 rows, one row for each increment of one agent. However, you can choose to have only gradations of agents listed. For example, instead of having 101 rows (100 to 200) in your report, selecting gradations will cause your performance data to be listed in increments of 10 agents (that is, at 100, 110, 120, and so on). lThe number of agents you specify may be thought of as the number who have a given skill as their top skill. These are the agents that will be handling the calls in this skill when call volume is heavy (for Generic 3 with the Expert Agent Selection [EAS] feature activated). NoteFor a detailed explanation of how CentreVu™CMS generates forecast data, see Chapter 6, “How the Forecast System Generates Data.”

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Agent Positions Required Report4-4 Agent Positions Required Input Window 4 To run an Agent Positions Required Forecast, use the Agent Positions Required Input window (Figure 4-1 ). Figure 4-1: Agent Positions Required Input Window Field Descriptions4Average speed of answer: Enter a number of seconds to define the targeted or expected average wait time for calls to the split/skill. Average agent service time: Enter a number of seconds to define the targeted or expected average time for each agent to spend on an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) call, including talk time and after-call-work (ACW) time. Service level: Enter a number, 1 to 99, to specify the percentage of calls that you are expecting or targeting to be answered by split/skill agents within the specified number of seconds. Also, enter the number of seconds you are targeting as an acceptable speed of answer for most calls.

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Agent Positions Required Report4-5 Agent occupancy: Enter a number, 0 to 100, to specify the percentage of time agents should spend, while logged in, on ACD calls. This percentage should include after-call-work. Number of agents: Enter a number of agents or a range of agents for which you want to see the number of calls that can be handled. Gradations (y/n): Enter y if you specified a range of agents, but you want CentreVu CMS to list agent numbers in reasonable increments rather than listing every number in the range. Report destination (Select one): Enter an x next to Terminal, Printer, or File. lTerminal is the default destination. lIf you selected Printer and want to use a printer other than your default printer, enter the printer name in addition to the x. lIf you selected File, enter a file name. If the file name already exists, the existing file is overwritten with the new report data. The file is in your home directory in the UNIX* system (/usr/) or Solaris system (/export/home/) unless you specify a full path name. *UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Corporation.

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Agent Positions Required Report4-6 Agent Positions Required Report Example 4 A description of each report item follows the report example in the Agent Positions Required Report Description table. Figure 4-2: Agent Positions Required Report Example

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Agent Positions Required Report4-7 Table 4-1: Agent Positions Required Report Description Report Heading What It Means Average Speed of AnswerThe targeted average time calls should wait before an agent answers. You define this parameter on the Agent Positions Required Input window. Average Agent Service TimeThe targeted average time each agent should spend on an ACD call, including talk time and after-call-work time. You define this parameter on the Agent Positions Required Input window. Service Level %The targeted percentage of calls that the agents will answer within the specified number of seconds. You define this parameter on the Agent Positions Required Input window. Service Level calls within ___ secThe targeted number of seconds within which the specified percentage of calls should be answered. You define this parameter on the Agent Positions Required Input window. Agent OccupancyThe targeted average percentage of time agents should spend on ACD calls while logged in. You define this parameter on the Agent Positions Required Input window. Agents ReqdThe number of agents specified on the Agent Positions Required Input Window, or an increment of agents within the range specified on the Agent Positions Required Input window. Avg Speed AnswerThe forecasted average time calls will wait before an agent answers. CentreVu CMS calculates this average after calculating the number of agent positions required to meet the call handling profile objectives. Normally, the forecasted average will be slightly lower than the Average Speed of Answer objective. Service LevelThe forecasted percentage of calls that the split/skills agents will answer within the time specified in the Service Level within ___ sec field. CentreVu CMS calculates this percentage after calculating the number of agent positions required to meet the call handling profile objectives. Normally, the forecasted percentage will be slightly higher than the Service Level % objective. Agent Occ (%) The forecasted average percentage of time agents will spend on ACD calls while logged in. CentreVu CMS calculates this percentage after calculating the number of agent positions required to meet the call handling profile objectives. Normally, the forecasted percentage will be slightly lower that the Agent Occupancy objective. Calls Carried/ Interval The number of calls that the associated number of agents can handle during your intrahour interval.

Requirement Forecast Reports CentreVu CMS R3V5 Forecast 585-215-825 Trunks Required Report4-8 Trunks Required Report4 Purpose4The Trunk Required Forecast generates a table that tells you how many calls per intrahour interval can be handled by variable numbers of trunks. The trunk blocking probability and holding time per call that you specify also affect the number of calls that the trunks can handle. The Trunks Required Forecast is a quick calculator that lets you see how adjusting the number of trunks can affect your centers call handling efficiency. Things to Know About Report Data 4 lThe Trunks Required Forecast, in addition to calculating the number of calls handled for each number of trunks, tells you what the usage rate of your trunks will be. lThe forecast presents the usage rate in Erlangs. An Erlang is 100% occupancy of one trunk in a given time frame — for this forecast, the length of your intrahour interval. If the forecast shows a usage rate of 7 Erlangs and your intrahour interval is 30 minutes, this means the trunk occupancy of all trunks added together would equal 210 minutes (7 times 30 minutes). If your intrahour interval were 15 minutes, 7 Erlangs would equal a total trunk occupancy of 95 minutes. Therefore, you could think of 7 Erlangs as equivalent to 7 trunks occupied for the whole intrahour interval. Or, from a different perspective, you could think of 7 Erlangs as meaning that an average of 7 trunks will be in use at any given time in the interval. lYou can run a forecast for a specific number of trunks or a range of trunks. lIf you specify a range of trunks (for example, 100-200), you will get a table with 101 rows, one row for each increment of one trunk. However, you can choose to have only gradations of trunks listed. For example, instead of having 101 rows (100 to 200) in your report, selecting gradations will cause the forecast to list increments of trunks according to a fixed algorithm (perhaps, at 100, 110, 120, and so on). NoteFor more explanation of how CentreVu CMS generates forecast data, see Chapter 6, “How the Forecast System Generates Data.”