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Lucent Technologies CentreVu Call Management System Custom Reports Manual

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Page 171

  Advanced Report Design CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Alternative Row Search Conditions6-31
The question mark (?) matches any single character. Look at the following 
Select rows where: EXTENSION matches 444?
This clause finds all rows where the EXTENSION value is four digits and has 
444 as the first three characters. Thus, 4441, 4440, and 4449 would match. 
However, 444 would not match.
Select rows where: LOGID matches ?000
This clause finds all rows where the LOGID value is four digits,...

Page 172

  Advanced Report Design CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Alternative Row Search Conditions6-32
This statement finds rows for a user-specified split where the agent state is 
one of the following:
ACWIN (numerical value of 20)
ACWOUT (numerical value of 30)
AUXIN (numerical value of 40)
AUXOUT (numerical value of 50)
See the 
CentreVu CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations (585-210-
939) document for a complete list of row search values for string-value 
database items.
Formats for...

Page 173

  Advanced Report Design CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Repeating Aggregate Function Values6-33
Repeating Aggregate Function Values6
Normally, a field (or bar) that contains an aggregate function (sum, max, 
min, or avg) displays just one value. This is true no matter what your 
“Select rows where” criteria are. Therefore, you would normally select 
“discrete” as the field/bar type in the row search ID assigned to aggregate 
However, you may at times want 
CentreVu CMS to display multiple values...

Page 174

  Advanced Report Design CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Repeating Aggregate Function Values6-34
This report would have the following design.
Figure 6-12:  Sample Report Design for Repeated Aggregate Functions
According to the design, 
CentreVu CMS searches the Intrahour Split table 
(Figure 6-13
) for the splits the user ordered when running the report (Splits 1, 
2, and 3 in our example). 
CentreVu CMS also searches for date (07/01/93 in 
our example) and the maximum ACD calls (in boxes) in the selected...

Page 175

  Advanced Report Design CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Repeating Aggregate Function Values6-35
Figure 6-13:  Sample Row Search of Grouped Aggregate Functions
CentreVu CMS would then display the values found in the report. However, 
notice in Figure 6-13
 that CentreVu CMS found four rows with the SPLIT 
value of 1, four rows with SPLIT value 2, and four rows with SPLIT value 3, 
but only displayed each value once in the report. This is because the 
aggregate function max(hsplit.ACDCALLS) field shares the...

Page 176

  Advanced Report Design CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Repeating Aggregate Function Values6-36
If the hsplit.SPLIT field and the max(hsplit.ACDCALLS) fields were 
assigned different row search IDs (with each ID having identical criteria), the 
report for Splits 1, 2, and 3 would show data as shown in Figure 6-14
Figure 6-14:  Sample Display of Group Values
The display of a value only once to represent multiple occurrences of the 
same value is called grouping and can be done only when sum, max, min, 

Page 177

  Database Items and Calculations CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
General InformationA-1
A Database Items and Calculations
General Information1
Reference1Please refer to the CentreVu® CMS R3V8 Database Items and Calculations (585-210-
939) document, for full descriptions of the database items and calculations 
avaialable through the CentreVu Call Management System (CMS). 

Page 178

  Database Items and Calculations CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
General InformationA-2 

Page 179

  Glossary CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Access permissionsPermissions assigned to a CMS user so that user can access different 
subsystems in CMS or administer specific elements (splits/skills, trunks, 
vectors, etc.) of the ACD. Access permissions are specified as read or write 
permission. Read permission means the CMS user can access and view 
data (for example, run reports or view the Dictionary subsystem). Write 
permission means the CMS user can add, modify, or delete data and execute...

Page 180

  Glossary CentreVu CMS Custom Reports
Call-based itemsThe category of database items in CMS that are committed to the database 
after the call completes. If a call starts and ends in different intrahour 
intervals, all of the call-based data is recorded in the interval in which the call 
completed. Most database items are call-based.
Call Management 
System (CMS)A software product used by business customers that have Lucent 
Technologies telecommunications switches/ECS and receive a large volume...
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