Land Rover
Land Rover Discovery Lhd Models Etm 1995 4th Edition Exp Rover Manual
Land Rover Discovery Lhd Models Etm 1995 4th Edition Exp Rover Manual
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ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUA L E2 ETM Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 6 DISCOVERY P126 Fascia Fuse Box Z148 Multi±Function Unit (MFU) 5 15 10 A Z142 Instrument Cluster 0.5 LG S214 0[1] X149 Oil Pressure Switch [1] 0.19±0.40 Bar (2.75±5.75 psi) 3 C204 1 C142 14 C208 0.5 WN P126 Fascia Fuse Box 2 C222 Instruments Warnings and Indicators5 C208F 14 A C222 0[1]X238 Differential Lock Switch [1] Transfer Box in Diff Lock 18 C215 0.5 BO 6 C221 1 C373 1.0 WN 0.7 WN 0.5 WN 3 C217300Tdi with EDC MFI±V8 300Tdi without EDC MFI±T16 0.5 WN 1 C105 0.5 BU S343 1 C374 0.5 B E201 See Ground Dis- tribution See Fuse Details

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL ETM E2 Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 7 DISCOVERY P126 Fascia Fuse Box15 10 A Z142 Instrument Cluster 0.5 LG 3 C222 2 C222 Instruments 5 C208F 14 0.5 KO P !Warnings and Indicators E201 S288 S271 22 C215 2 C127[1] 0X111 Brake Fluid Level Switch [1] Low S214 0.5 B HJ11 1 C347 [1]0 1 C127 0.5 LGK 0.5 KO See Ground Dis- tribution See Fuse Details X191 Handbrake Switch [1] Handbrake On 13

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUA L E2 ETM Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 8 DISCOVERY 15 F 14 10 A S2015S214C208 5 See Fuse Details 0.5 LG C221 8 Z142 Instrument Cluster C221 9 0.5 WR C215 10 C205 12 Z148 Multi±Function Unit (MFU) C205 7 0.5 RW C378 2 X120 Drivers Seat Buckle Switch [1] Buckled C378 1 0.5 B HJ10 See Ground Dis- tribution E200P126 Fascia Fuse Box 0[1]

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL ETM E2 Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 9 DISCOVERY X174 Transfer Box Oil Temperature Switch [1] < 130C (266F) [2] > 145C (293F) P126 Fascia Fuse Box Z142 Instrument Cluster 0.5 LG S214 8 C105 0.5 BLG 10 C207 2 C222 5 C208 1 C371 S343 S2023 1 C1016 Instruments Warnings and Indicators 2 C1016 19 C215 S205 10 A F 14 See Fuse Details See Ground Dis- tributionSee Ground Dis- tribution 0.5 B [1][2][1][2] 2 C371 15 X108 Automatic Trans- mission Oil Tem- perature Switch [1] < 123C (253F) [2] > 130C (266F) 0.5 B HJ11 1 C166 2 C166 0.5 PB

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUA L E2 ETM Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 10 DISCOVERY Z142 Instrument Cluster [3] Fuel Gauge [4] Temperature Gauge [8] CPU [9] 3±Sec. Timer [10] Low Fuel Warning and Anti- slosh Con- trol1 C255[10] [3][4][8]Instruments 9.1 5 C221 15 F 14 10 A 0.5 B ± + See Fuse Details 5 C208 2 C222 0.5 LG [9] Warnings and Indicators Instruments 0.5 NYInstruments Warnings and Indicators 24 C215 17 C217 0.7 NY Z106 Generator See Ground Dis- tribution S207S214 P126 Fascia Fuse Box 220 E2011.0 NYMFI±V8 300Tdi D+ MFI±T16 without Air Conditioning MFI±T16 with Air Conditioning A E2-3Not used

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL ETM E2 Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 11 DISCOVERY 15 F 14 10 A K103 A.B.S. Warning Relay 85 E204 S2051 See Ground Dis- tribution See Fuse Details 30 C35086 86 87a30C207 2C222 2 C207 1 S2056S214 Anti±Lock Brake System 1.0 B 1.0 B 1.0 B 1.0 NK 0.5 BS 0.5 LG 0.5 LG 26 C312 27 C350 85 87aInstruments Warnings and Indicators C208 5 P126 Fascia Fuse Box Z142 Instrument Cluster Z108 Anti±Lock Brake System ECU 1.0 BSC209 20 1.0 BS E203 1.0 BS C222 6 C22110 Not usedNot used C312 Not used

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUA L E2 ETM Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 12 DISCOVERY P126 Fascia Fuse Box15 10 A Z142 Instrument Cluster [2] Tachometer [5] SRS Indica- tor Control [6] SRS Indica- tor 1 [7] SRS Indica- tor 2 1 0.5 P 14 3 C223 3 C252 0.5 S 22 C2020 Z151 Air Bag Diagnos- tic Control Mod- ule 1 C223 19 C204F 7 See Fuse Details 15 10 A 0.5 LG S214 7 C2075 C208F 14 [2] 16 C209 0.5 G [6] [7] [5] 5 Instruments Warnings and Indicators S207 E201 See Ground Dis- tribution 1 C221 0.5 B 0.5 B10 C222

WARNINGS AND INDICATORS (EXCEPT NAS) 13 ETM E2 DISCOVERY ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS If more than one warning light is out, check power and ground wires common to all affected warning lights. If they are OK, replace Instrument Cluster (Z142). If the Brake Warning Light does not operate at all, check Instrument Cluster (Z142) and K Wire. SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS 15. If the Charge Warning Light does not operate, go to Section B1. 16. If the Oil Pressure Warning Light remains illuminated with the oil pressure OK, do Test A. 17. If the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Check Engine) does not operate, do Test B for MFI±V8 engines, Test C for 300TDI with EDC engines. 18. If the Glow Plug Indictor does not operate, do Test D. 19. If the Brake Warning Light does not operate with the Brake Fluid Level low, do Test E. 20. If the Brake Warning Light does not operate with the Handbrake applied, do Test F. 21. If the Differential Lock Indicator remains on after the differential lock has been disengaged, transmission ªwind upº may be present. Drive the vehicle in reverse for a short distance, then drive forward for a short distance. If the light remains on after driving in reverse, do Test G. 22. If the Fasten Seat Belt Indicator does not operate with the ignition on, do Test H. 23. If the Transmission/Transfer Box Oil Temperature Warning Light is illuminated with both the Transfer Box Oil Temperature and the Automatic Transmission Oil Temperature OK, do Test I. 24. If a warning light exhibits any symptom not mentioned above, check the associated bulb, wires, switches, and components.

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUA L E2 ETM Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 14 DISCOVERY ! Z132 Engine Control Module (ECM) # ! X149 Oil Pressure Switch # Oil Pressure Switch $$ Engine Control Module (ECM) $ 1234 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 285 6 7 8 9 10111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

ELECTRICAL TROUBLESHOOTING MANUAL ETM E2 Warnings and Indicators (except NAS) 15 DISCOVERY # $# Z142 Instrument Cluster Z132 Engine Control Module (ECM) # $# Instrument Cluster % % Engine Control Module (ECM) % ! ! % # $# R550001 19 37 551 20 38