Land Rover Defender Electrical Library Elld970e Rover Manual
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION DEFENDER 97MY 4.1 ENGINE IMMOBILISATION ANDALARM SYSTEM (IFFITTED) DESCRIPTION Although akey isused inthe normal waytolock andunlock thevehicle, this will not fully armtheengine immobilisation/alarm system.Thesystem isfully armed withanRF handset, whichtransmits arolling code.Thiscode is received bythe alarm ECU.Ifa door isopened withoutthealarm ECU receiving thecorrect signalfromthehandset, thealarm willsound. The alarm ECUalsoinforms theengine immobilisation ECUifan incorrect...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION 4.2 DEFENDER97MY 9. Finally, OPENandCLOSE thedrivers door.Ifthe code hasbeen entered correctly, theanti-theft indicatorlampwillextinguish andtheengine can be started. NOTE: Ifthe vehicle hasbeen previously armed,andthehandset is inoperative, thealarm willsound throughout theEKA entering process. OPERATION Feed fromthepositive batteryterminal isconnected tothe engine compartment fuse box(C632-1) byabrown wire.Current flowsthrough fusiblelink1and fusible link2ofthe engine...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION DEFENDER 97MY 4.3 The same principle istrue ofthe LHdoor switch andthebonnet switch.TheLH door switch (C033-1) isconnected tothe alarm ECU(C061-16) bya purple/blue wire,andthebonnet switch(C007-2) isconnected tothe alarm ECU (C061-9) byaorange/blue wire.Thebonnet switchisearthed (C007-1) on a black wire.Bothinteract withtheBBUS inexactly thesame wayasthe RH door switch. In addition tobeing supplied withaconstant batteryfeed(C666-2), theBBUS also hasitsown internal powersupply,...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION 4.4 DEFENDER97MY IMMOBILISATION With theignition switchinposition II,power flowsacross theswitch (C094-1) and supplies afeed tofuse 20ofthe passenger compartment fusebox (C580-39) onawhite wire,andtothe engine immobilisation ECU(C868-8 & C863-5) onablack wire. The immobilisation ECUisprovided withapermanent earth(C863-1) ona black wire. Fuse 20ofthe passenger compartment fusebox(C580-40) isconnected tothe alarm ECU(C061-10) byagreen wire,theengine immobilisation warninglamp...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION DEFENDER 97MY 4.5 The immobilisation ECUalsocontrols thefuel cut-off solenoid (C198-1), which is connected (C863-4)byablack wire.Theimmobilisation ECUfailstoprovide the solenoid afeed ifthe vehicle hasbeen immobilised. In addition tothe features directlycontrolled bythe immobilisation ECU,a passive coilisfitted around theignition barrel.Thisisauser friendly wayof re-mobilising theengine. Thepassive coil(C663-1) receivesapower supply from thealarm ECU(C057-7) onanorange/green...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION 4.6 DEFENDER97MY CHARGING ANDSTARTING -DIESEL DESCRIPTION The charging systemconsists ofan alternator containing arectifier packand regulator tomaintain aconstant directcurrent (dc)voltage inthe system. The alternator isbelt driven fromthecrankshaft andcooled byafan mounted behind thepulley. Thealternator hasafixed coilwound statorinwhich afield coil rotor rotates. Sliprings conduct currenttoand from thefield coils via2 carbon brushes. Theregulator sensesoutputvoltage andcontrols...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION DEFENDER 97MY 4.7 When thealternator outputsavoltage equaltothat supplied bythe battery, the warning lampisextinguished asthe potential difference acrossthelamp is0 volts. Thediode between thealternator andwarning lampprevents reverse flow. The regulator functions asan electronic controlswitchonthe earth sideofthe field coils. Theregulator rapidlyswitches theearth circuit offand ontocontrol the generated voltageandcurrent tosafe limits. If the battery isin alow state ofcharge...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION 4.8 DEFENDER97MY Glow Plugs Glowplugs arefitted tothe TDi engine toassist starting. Aconstant batteryfeed is supplied byfusible link3(C907-3) tothe glow plugtimer (C189-5) ona brown wire.When theignition switchisturned toposition II,asecond feedis supplied tothe glow plugtimer (C189-3). Thistriggers afeed (C189-6) tothe glow plugs. With theignition switchinposition II,theglow plugwarning lamp(C230-4) is provided afeed viafuse 17(C580-33) ofthe passenger compartment fusebox on...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION DEFENDER 97MY 4.9 CHARGING ANDSTARTING -V 8 DESCRIPTION The charging systemconsists ofan alternator containing arectifier packand regulator tomaintain aconstant directcurrent (dc)voltage inthe system. The alternator isbelt driven fromthecrankshaft andcooled byafan mounted behind thepulley. Thealternator hasafixed coilwound statorinwhich afield coil rotor rotates. Sliprings conduct currenttoand from thefield coils via2 carbon brushes. Theregulator sensesoutputvoltage andcontrols...
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DESCRIPTIONANDOPERATION 4.10 DEFENDER97MY When thealternator outputsavoltage equaltothat supplied bythe battery, the warning lampisextinguished asthe potential difference acrossthelamp is0 volts. Thediode between thealternator andwarning lampprevents reverse flow. The regulator functions asan electronic controlswitchonthe earth sideofthe field coils. Theregulator rapidlyswitches theearth circuit offand ontocontrol the generated voltageandcurrent tosafe limits. If the battery isin alow state ofcharge...