Land Rover 3 5 3 9 4 2 V8 Engine Overhaul 1996 Rover Manual
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ENGINEOVERHAUL 15 6. Engine numbers withoutsuffixB:Locate slotted adaptor tooil pump driveshafttongue. 7. Check thatcentre lineofrotor armisaligned with No.1 spark plugsegment indistributor cap and reference marksondistributor bodyand clamp arealigned; reposition distributor if necessary. 8. Remove rotorarm. 9. Rotate distributor toposition pick-upopposite nearest reluctortooth. 10.Fitdistributor clampnutensuring that counterbored portionistowards clamp;tighten nut. 11. Fitrotor arm. CAUTION:...
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ENGINE 16OVERHAUL OIL PUMP -ENGINE NUMBERS WITHOUT SUFFIX B Oil pump -remove 1. Remove sump. 2. Remove distributor. 3. Remove timingcover. 4. Remove oilcooler adapter -if fitted. 5. Remove oilpressure reliefvalve plug,discard sealing washer. 6. Withdraw pressurereliefvalve spring and valve. 7. Remove oilpressure switch,discard sealing washer. 8. Remove boltssecuring oilpump cover. 9. Remove cover,remove anddiscard gasket. 10. Withdraw oilpump gears. Oil pump -inspection 1. Throughly cleanoilpump...
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ENGINEOVERHAUL 17 Oil pump -refit 1. Lubricate reliefvalve, spring, andbore in housing withclean engine oil. 2. Fitrelief valve andvalve spring. 3. Fitnew sealing washer toplug, fitplug and tighten tocorrect torque. 4. Pack oilpump housing withPetroleum Jelly. CAUTION: Useonly Petroleum Jelly,no other grease issuitable. 5. Fitoilpump gearsensuring thatPetroleum Jelly isforced intoevery cavity between teeth of gears. CAUTION: Unlesspumpisfully packed with Petroleum Jellyitmay notprime itself when...
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ENGINE 18OVERHAUL Oil pressure reliefvalve -remove 1. Remove circlip. 2. Remove reliefvalve plug,remove anddiscard O ring. 3. Remove reliefvalve spring andpiston. Oil pump -inspection 1. Thoroughly cleanoilpump drivegear, cover plate, rotors andhousing. Removealltraces of Loctite fromcover platesecuring screws; ensure tappedholesintiming coverareclean and free from oil. 2. Check mating surfaces ofcover plate,rotors and housing forscoring. 3. Assemble rotorsandoilpump drivegearin housing ensuring...
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ENGINEOVERHAUL 19 6.Place astraight edgeacross housing. 7. Using feelergauges, checkclearance between straight edgeandrotors: Maximum clearance =0.1 mm Oil pressure reliefvalve -inspection 1. Clean reliefvalve components andpiston bore in timing cover. 2. Check pistonandbore forscoring andthat piston slidesfreelyinbore withnoperceptible side movement. 3. Check reliefvalve spring fordamage and distortion; checkspring freelength: Spring freelength =60.0 mm Oil pump -refit 1. Lubricate rotors,oilpump...
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ENGINE 20OVERHAUL CAMSHAFT ANDTAPPETS Camshaft andtappets -remove 1. Remove rockershaftassemblies. 2. Remove pushrods andstore infitted order. 3. Remove timingchainandgears. 4.Remove tappetsandretain withtheir respective pushrods. NOTE:Iftappets cannotberemoved due to damaged camshaftcontactarea, proceed asfollows: 5. Lift tappets inpairs tothe point where damaged faceisabout toenter tappet bore and fitrubber bandstoretain tappets. Repeat until alltappets areretained clearofcamshaft lobes. Thetappets...
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ENGINEOVERHAUL 21 Camshaft andtappets -refit 1. Lubricate camshaftjournalswithclean engine oil and carefully insertcamshaft intocylinder block. 2. Immerse tappetsinclean engine oil.Before fitting, pumptheinner sleeve oftappet several times using apushrod, toprime tappet and reduce tappetnoisewhenengine isfirst started. 3. Lubricate tappetboreswithclean engine oil and fittappets inremoved order. NOTE:Sometappet noisemaybeevident on initial start-up. Ifnecessary, runthe engine at2500 rev/min forafew...
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ENGINE 22OVERHAUL Pistons -remove 1. Clamp hexagon bodyofLRT-12-013 invice. 2. Screw largenutback untilflush withendof centre screw. 3. Push centre screwforward untilnutcontacts thrust race. 4. Locate pistonadapter LRT-12-014 withitslong spigot insideboreofhexagon body. 5. Fitparallel sleeve,grooved endfirst, onto centre screwandsmear outside diameter with engine oil. 6. Locate pistonandconnecting rodassembly on centre screwanduptoadapter LRT-12-014. 7. Fitremover/replacer bushofLRT-12-014 on centre...
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ENGINEOVERHAUL 23 Cylinder bore-inspection 1. Measure cylinderborewear intwo axis 40to 50 mm from topofbore. Piston tocylinder boreclearance =0.018 to 0.033 mm. NOTE: Pistons areavailable inservice standard sizeand0.508 mmoversize. Service standard sizepistons aresupplied 0.0254 mmoversize. Whenfitting newservice standard sizepistons, checkforcorrect pistonto bore clearance, honeboreifnecessary. CAUTION: Thetemperature ofpiston and cylinder blockmustbethe same toensure accurate measurement. Whenreboring...
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ENGINE 24OVERHAUL 8. Fitgudgeon pinonto centre screwandinto piston boreuptoconnecting rod. 9. Fitremover/replacer bushwithflanged end towards gudgeon pin. 10. Screw thestop nutonto centre screwand position pistonagainst faceofadaptor LRT-12-014. 11. Lubricate centrescrewthreads andthrust race with graphited oil,fit,and screw largenutupto thrust race. 12. Adjust stopnutleaving clearance B,between nut and remover/replacer bush. Clearance B=0.8 mm. 13. Lock thestop nutsecurely withlockscrew. 14. Settorque...