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Konica Minolta bizhub C550 User Manual

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Page 11

C550x-10 Any feedback is very welcome.
email: m-mat @ math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (remove space)
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Page 12

Trademarks and registered trademarks  ......................................... x-2
OpenSSL statement  ....................................................................... x-2
NetSNMP License  .......................................................................... x-4
Kerberos ......................................................................................... x-8
Mersenne Twister...

Page 13

C550x-12 2.2 Authentication and user boxes that can be accessed .................. 2-6
When user authentication and account track settings are not 
specified ......................................................................................... 2-6
When only user authentication settings are specified  .................... 2-7
When only account track settings are specified ............................. 2-8
When user authentication and account track settings are 
specified and synchronized...

Page 14

C550x-13 2.7 Display and operation of the left panel  ......................................... 2-67
Job List  ......................................................................................... 2-67
Job List - Delete  ........................................................................... 2-68
Job List - Job Details .................................................................... 2-68
Settings when saving documents  ................................................ 2-73

Page 15

C550x-14 Specifying Finishing settings  .......................................................... 4-9
Adding a binding margin  .............................................................. 4-16
Adding cover pages (Cover Sheet)  ............................................... 4-19
Adding insertions (Insert Sheet) .................................................... 4-24
Inserting chapter title pages (Chapters)  ....................................... 4-29
Printing the date/time (Date/Time)...

Page 16

C550x-15 5.4 Bind TX  ............................................................................................. 5-52
Available combined sending parameters  ..................................... 5-52
To perform a combined transmission ........................................... 5-52
5.5 Checking settings before sending ................................................. 5-56
Deleting unnecessary destinations ............................................... 5-57
6 Printing/sending a system...

Page 17

C550x-16 7.4 Registering user boxes  ..................................................................... 7-6
Registering user boxes  ................................................................... 7-7
Registering annotation user boxes  ............................................... 7-11
7.5 Maximum Number of User Boxes .................................................. 7-18
7.6 User Box Settings  ........................................................................... 7-20...

Page 18

About this manual
This User’s Guide covers the bizhub C550 box functions.
This section introduces the structure of the manual and notations used for 
product names, etc.
This manual is intended for users who understand the basic operations of 
computers and the machine. For the operating procedures of Windows or 
Macintosh operating system and application programs, refer to the respec-
tive manuals.
In addition, software, such as HDDTWAIN and PageScope Box Operator, 
which are used...

Page 19

Explanation of manual conventions
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Page 20

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