Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 416/832 Installation Manual
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INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSlXLLATION & MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Issue 1, November 1994 3.55 The ProWPro68E Card also has a 60-pin ribbon cable connector so that it can be connected to the HDLC Card. These cards are connected to permit control of the HDLC serial link to the telecommunication cards. NOTE: The ribbon cable for the new Pro68E Card is much shorter than the ribbon cable that is used with the older Pro68 Card. If an existing Pro68 Card is replaced with a new Pro68E Card,...
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SPECIF’lCATlONS Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INS’WLLATION & MAINTENANCE G. TELECOMMUNI CATIONS COMPLEX 3.65 The bottom half of the main equipment cabinet contains the main Telecom Motherboard and telecom- munication circuit cards that control and coordinate the functions of the main system. Up to 27 cards may be connected to the main Telecom Motherboard, includ- ing: 1 m l-268 l-2.P l-25. l-25 l-25 l-25 l-9 Matrix Card (MXC) -required Keyset Card (DKSC, KSC,...
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INTEB-TEL PBACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INS’IXILATION % MAINTENANCE SPECIF’ICATIONS Issue 1, November 1994 0 on/four seconds off). Ring in for the relay can be programmed for day and/or night modes. - Any of the relays 2-4 can be used for night switch to turn on or off lights, an alarm system, or other devices. The relay, which is activated when an attendant in the designated tenant group places the system in night mode, causes the swing connection to move from the “break” to the “make” position....
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SPECIFICATIONS Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Expansion (EXP) Card 3.70 The EXP Card, which works in conjunction with the Matrix Card, provides the central digital switching element for the expansion cabinet. It contains the fol- lowing system resources: Voltage test points for checking the expansionpow- er supply +5VDC, -mDc, +12vDC, -12vDC, +3OVDC, -48VJX, and AC-ring voltage levels. To measure system voltage levels, voltmeter probes are...
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INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 416/832 INS’J.XLLATION & MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Issue 1, November 1994 1 Keyset Cards (DKSCs, KSCs, or KSC-Ds) and Single-Line Cards (SLCs) 3.71 Station instruments are connected to the station I cards in the equipment cabinet. Digital keysets are con- nected to Digital Keyset Cards. Analog keysets, analog DWBLF Units, and Attendant Computer Consoles are connected to Keyset Cards. Enhanced Single-Line Sets (ESLSs), Single-Line Instruments (SLIs), industry-...
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I I SPECIFICATIONS INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1. November 1994 IMX/GMX 416/832 DXMLLATION & MAINTENANCE ment cabinet and the location of the circuit on the card. For example, circuit 1.2 is the second circuit on the first card installed in the equipment cabinet. NOTE: In the default database configuration, there are no keyset circuits assigned for 8-line IMX AIM keysets installed two to a circuit (e.g., 1.2A and 1.2B). 3.82 When the system is tirst powered up, one of three default configurations...
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INTER-TELPRACTKES IMX/GMX 416/832 INS’IYALLATION & MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Issue 1, November 1994 Loop/Ground Start Cards (LGCs) and Loop Start Q*(Lsw 3.84 Each LGC and LX! has circuitry for up to eight trunks. LGC and LSC circuits may also be used for in- stalling external paging equipment. LSCs can have only loop start trunks connected to them. LGCs can have either loop start or ground start trunks. Each circuit on the LGC has two jumper straps for designating whether the circuit is loop...
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SPECIFICATIONS Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTXCES IMX/GMX 416/832 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Inward Dialing Cards (IDCs) 3.93 IDCs are used for connecting direct inward dial- ing (DlD) trunks and off-premises single-line stations. Like SLCs (described on page 2-17), IDCs may also be used for connecting on-premises single-line sets and playback devices. In fact, for optimal performance, it is recommended that voice mail units and automated at- tendant playback devices be installed on IDC...
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INTER-TELPRAcTIcEs IMX/GMX 416/832 INS’IXLLATION & MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Issue 1, November 1994 E&M Cards (EMCs) 3.100 E&M trunks, also called “tie” lines, are special trunks that tie individual telephone systems together. They allow the users of either telephone system trans- parent access to the users and resources of the other tele- phone system, often for less than what it would cost to use normal long distance service. 3.101 E&M (literally “ear” and “mouth”) refers to the pair of...
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SPECIFICATIONS INTER-TELPRACTICES Issue 1, November 1994 IMWGMX 416/832 INSIXLLA~ON 81 MAINTENANCE Page 2-22 Tl carcIs (Tics) NOTE: The acronym for the Tl Card -TlC-should not be confused with the special TlC digital carrier sys- tem (which operates at twice the data rate of the standard Tl carrier system). The 416/832 Tl Card does not sup port TlC. 3.114 The term “Tl” refers to a specific digital meth- od of transmitting voice and data; it is the basic 24-than- nel time-division multiplex...