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InFocus Projector Play Big In74ex User Manual

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    Optimizing video imagesYour projector has been factory optimized for very good performance no 
    matter what the source. However, if you wish to make further changes you 
    can optimize the image using onscreen menus. For general information on 
    using the menus, see 
     Adjust the Keystone, Contrast, Brightness, Color, or Tint in the Picture 
    menu (
     Select a Sharpness setting (
     Use the Color Control to adjust the color gain and offset (
     Adjust the Color Temperature. Select a listed value (
     Turn on Overscan to remove noise on the edges of the video image 
     Change the Aspect ratio (
     22). Aspect ratio is the ratio of the image 
    width to image height. TV screens are usually 1.33:1, also known as 4:3. 
    HDTV and most DVDs are 1.78:1, or 16:9 (the projector ’s default). 
    Choose the option that best fits your input source in the menus, or 
    press the Resize button on the remote to cycle through the options. See page
     Select a specific Color Space. See 
     Select a different Video Standard. Auto tries to determine the standard 
    of the incoming video. Select a different standard if necessary. See 
     Make sure your DVD player is set for a 16:9 television. See your DVD 
    player ’s user ’s guide for instructions.
    Customizing the projectorYou can customize the projector for your specific setup and needs. See page
     26 to 
     28 for details on these features.
     For rear projection, turn rear mode on in the Settings>System menu. For ceiling mounted projection, turn ceiling mode on in the Set
    tings>System menu. 
     Turn the projector ’s display messages on and off. Turn on power saving features.  Specify blank screen colors and start up logos. Specify the language viewed on the menus. Save settings for the active source as a preset. 
    Using the menusTo open the menus, press the Menu button on the keypad or remote. (The 
    menus automatically close after 60 seconds if no buttons are pressed.) The 
    Main menu appears. Use the arrow buttons to move up and down to high
    light the desired submenu, then press the Select button. To change a menu setting, highlight it, press Select, then use the up and 
    down arrow buttons to adjust the value, select an option using radio but
    tons, or turn the feature on or off using check boxes. Press Select to confirm 
    your changes. Use the arrows to navigate to another setting. When your 
    adjustments are complete, navigate to Previous or Exit, then press Select to 
    go to the previous menu; press the Menu button at any time to close the 
    menus. Dots appear before the menu name. The number of dots indicate menu’s 
    level, ranging from one (the Main menu) to four (the most nested menus). The menus are grouped by usage: The Picture menu provides image adjustments. The Settings menu provides set-up type adjustments that are not 
    changed often. The Source Info menu provides a read-only display of information 
    about the projector and source. Certain menu items may not be visible or may be grayed depending upon a 
    particular source being connected. Differences are also seen in analog ver
    sus digital video sources and interlaced versus progressive sources. Menu options are grayed out only if the source is selected but no signal is 
    present. For example, if the projector is set to a video source but the source, 
    such as a DVD player, is turned off video menu options are grayed out.
    keypad navigation
    Main menubuttons
    menu menu
    Source Info menu 
    Picture menuTo adjust the following settings, highlight the setting, press Select, use the 
    up and down arrows to adjust the values, then press Select to confirm the 
    changes.Ke y s t o n e: adjusts the image vertically and makes a squarer image. Tilt the 
    projector up or down to adjust for keystone before using the digital key
    stone correction in the menu.Contrast: controls the degree of difference between the lightest and darkest 
    parts of the picture.Brightness: changes the intensity of the image.Color: adjusts a video image from black and white to fully saturated color. Tint: adjusts the red-green color balance in the image of NTSC video 
    images. The tint setting applies to NTSC video sources only.Aspect Ratio: Aspect ratio is the ratio of the image width to image height. 
    TV screens are usually 4:3. HDTV and most DVDs are 16:9. The projector ’s 
    default is 16:9. See 
    “Choosing the aspect ratio” on page
     6 for more informa
    tion.Select Native to see the unmodified input with no resizing by the projector.
    Select 16:9 to watch enhanced widescreen DVDs. Select Letterbox to pre
    serve the 16:9 aspect ratio. If you have a 16:9 source and screen, the image 
    fills the screen. If your source is letterboxed, the image is expanded to fill 
    the screen. Select Natural Wide to stretch a 4:3 image to fill the entire 16:9 
    screen. The center two-thirds of the image is unchanged; the edges of the 
    image are stretched.For more information regarding Aspect Ratio, see 
    Picture menu
    increasing keystonedecreasing keystoneAspect ratio 
    Presets: This allows you to customize settings and save the settings to be 
    restored later. To restore the factory default settings, choose Factory Reset in 
    the Settings>Service menu. To set a preset for the current source, adjust the image, select Save Settings 
    in the Presets menu, then choose Save User 1, 2, or 3. You can recall these 
    settings in the future by selecting the appropriate user presets. All settings 
    in the Picture menu (except Keystone) are saved and recalled.Gamma
    : Gamma tables contain preset intensity configurations optimized 
    for the input source. You can select a gamma table that has been specifically 
    tuned for either film, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), video, PC, or Bright Room 
    input. (Film input is material originally captured on a film camera, like a 
    movie; video input is material originally captured on a video camera, like a 
    TV show or sporting event.) White Peaking increases the brightness of 
    whites that are near 100%.NOTE: Your viewing preferences may vary. Cycle through the gamma 
    options and pick the one you like the best.
    Advanced menuRemember that not all options in the menus are available for all sources/
    signals. Phase: adjusts the horizontal phase of a computer source.Tr a c k i n g: adjusts the vertical scan of a computer source.Horizontal/Vertical Position: adjusts the position of a computer source.Sync Threshold Adjust: (progressive signals only) If a hardware device, 
    such as a DVD player, is not syncing properly with the projector, adjust this 
    option to help it to sync when connected to the projector. Flesh Tone Correction: this modifies colors to make the skin complexion 
    better.Film Mode: controls deinterlacing and is On by default. When checked, it 
    assumes the incoming signal is film material and optimizes the image 
    accordingly. Sharpness: (video sources only) changes the clarity of the edges of a video 
    image. Select a sharpness setting.Color Space: This option applies to computer and component video 
    sources. It allows you to select a color space that has been specifically tuned 
    for the input signal. When Auto is selected, the projector automatically 
    determines the standard. To choose a different setting, turn off Auto, then 
    choose RGB for computer sources, choose either REC709 or REC601 for 
    component video sources.
    Advanced menu
    Sharpness Color Space 
    Color Temperature: changes the intensity of the colors. Select a value. 
    Native means an uncorrected/unchanged color temperature. Other values 
    change the white point of the colors. 6500K is generally used for film con
    tent and 9300K is used for TV video.Color Control: allows you to individually adjust the gain and offset of the 
    red, green, and blue colors. These advanced controls have the same effect as 
    contrast and brightness, but each controls a single color only.Video Standard: when it is set to Auto, the projector attempts to automati
    cally pick the video standard based on the input signal it receives. (The 
    video standard options may vary depending on your region of the world.) If 
    the projector is unable to detect the correct standard, the colors may not 
    look right or the image may appear “torn.” If this happens, manually select 
    a video standard by selecting NTSC, PAL, or SECAM from the Video Stan
    dard menu.Overscan
    : removes noise around the edges of the video image. Select Zoom 
    to remove the outer 3% of the image and scale the image back up to its orig
    inal size. Select Crop to remove the outer 3% of the image without rescaling 
    the image.Noise Reduction
    : adjusts signal noise reduction. Choose Enable then adjust 
    the level. The software determines the differences between successive image 
    frames and averages the changes out to reduce the noise.
    Color Control
    Video StandardOverscanNoise Reduction 
    Settings menuSources: 
    allows programming of source buttons, enables autosource, and 
    enables the SCART RGB source. When Autosource is selected, the Source 
    Enable feature indicates which sources the projector attempts to lock onto. 
    You can use the Source Enable feature to eliminate certain sources from this 
    search, which will speed the search. By default, the check boxes for all 
    sources are checked except SCART RGB. Uncheck a source box to eliminate 
    it from the search. When Autosource is not checked, the projector defaults 
    to Component initially, then defaults to whatever the last active source was 
    when the projector was powered down. To display another source, you 
    must manually select one by pressing the Source button on the remote or 
    keypad. This cycles through all the sources that are selected in the Source 
    Enable menu. The Source 1, 2, and 3 menus in the Sources menu allow you to assign a 
    source to the Source 1, 2, and 3 buttons on the remote. The Source 4 menu 
    selection would apply to the Custom key if that option is chosen in the Cus
    tom key menu, see 
    To use the SCART RGB source, you must first select it in the Source Enable 
    menu (the projector cannot automatically detect this source). Enabling 
    SCART will disable Component and Composite sources.System>Rear: reverses the image so you can project from behind a translu
    cent screen. Ceiling: turns the image upside down for ceiling-mounted pro
    jection. Auto Ceiling: uses an internal sensor to automatically turn on 
    ceiling mount mode if the projector is inverted. High Power: maximizes the 
    light output of the lamp. Auto Power: When Auto Power is checked, the 
    projector automatically goes into the startup state after the projector 
    receives power. This allows control of ceiling mounted projectors with a 
    wall power switch Display Messages: displays status messages (such as 
    “Searching”) in the lower-left corner of the screen.Tr a n s l u c e n t  O S D: makes 
    the menus translucent. This prevents the image from being completely cov
    ered by the menus while you are making image adjustments. Sleep Timer: 
    automatically turns off the projector after 4 hours. Pow e r  S av e: automati
    cally turns the lamp off after no signals are detected for 20 minutes. After 10 
    additional minutes with no signal, the projector powers down. If an active 
    signal is received before the projector powers down, the image is displayed. 
    Settings menu
    System menu 
    Startup Logo: allows you to display a blank screen or a custom captured 
    image (IN72 only) instead of the default screen at startup. To capture a new image, display the image and select Capture New. A mes
    sage appears. Select Captured in the Startup Logo menu to display your 
    new image. Note that this feature will not work on interlaced signals.Blank Screen
    : determines what color is displayed when you select Blank 
    Screen in the Startup Logo menu and when no source is displayed. Language: allows you to select a language for the onscreen display.Custom key: allows you to assign a different function to the Custom key on 
    the remote, allowing you to quickly and easily use the effect. Highlight an 
    effect and press Select to choose a different one.Blank Screen: displays a solid blank image.Freeze: takes a snapshot of the projected image. If you’re watching 
    video, the source video continues to run but the image is frozen.Source Info: the default effect. It opens a window with projector and 
    source information.Service Info: opens the Service info window.Source 4: selects source 4 (by default, Source 4 is the Composite input). 
    This gives you 4 direct source options on the remote. See 
    Startup LogoBlank Screen
    Language menu
    Custom Key 
    Service: To use these features, highlight them and press Select.
    Factory Reset: restores all settings to their default.Reset Lamp hours: resets the lamp hours used counter in the Service 
    Info menu to zero. Do this only after changing the lamp. Test Pattern: displays a test pattern. To display test patterns, first you 
    must assign Blank Screen to the Custom key (
     27), then click the 
    Test pattern check box in the Service menu to turn the option on, exit 
    the menus, then press the Custom button on the remote. To select the 
    patterns, use the up/down arrows on the remote or keypad. To exit the 
    test patterns, press the Custom button.Blue Only: turns off the Red and Green portions of the input, allowing 
    you to properly adjust the color balance with a SMPTE color bar pat
    tern.HDMI DDC: turns off the EDID extension. Some graphic cards cannot 
    recognize the projector ’s EDID. Uncheck this box if you have trouble 
    using HDMI or DVI sources.Service Info: provides information about the projector ’s software, 
    serial number, and lamp.Service Code: only used by authorized service personnel.
    Source Info: provides information about the active source.
    Service menu
    Service Info 
    Source Info menu 
    MaintenanceCleaning the lens1
    Apply a non-abrasive camera lens cleaner to a soft, dry cloth. Avoid using an excessive amount of cleaner, and don’t apply the 
    cleaner directly to the lens. Abrasive cleaners, solvents or other harsh 
    chemicals might scratch the lens.
    Lightly wipe the cleaning cloth over the lens in a circular motion.
    Replacing the projection lampThe lamp hours timer in the Service Info menu counts the number of hours 
    the lamp has been in use. Twenty hours before the lamp life expires, a mes
    sage appears on the screen at startup indicating that you should change the 
    lamp. The LED on top of the projector also blinks red twice to indicate that 
    the lamp should be changed.NOTE: You can order new lamp housings from www.infocus.com (in select 
    areas), your retailer or your dealer. Use only a replacement lamp with the 
    same type and rating as the original lamp.1
    Turn off the projector and unplug the power cord. If ceiling mounted, 
    disconnect all cables and detach the projector from the ceiling mount.
    Wait 60 minutes to allow the projector to cool thoroughly.
    Turn the projector upside down on a soft cloth so that the lamp door is 
    facing you. Remove the base or ceiling mount plate, if attached, by 
    removing the 3 screws.
    Lamp hours used
    wait 60 minutes turn off and unplug
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