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InFocus Projector Lp580b User Manual

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    							Using LP Utilities
    38LitePro 580 User’s Guide
    Adjusting the Video settings
    1.Double-click the Video control panel icon. 
    • The Video settings dialog box appears.
    2.Make the desired changes.
    • Click any active arrow to increase or decrease a value.
    • Click an option button under Mode to select one of four 
    • Click “Reset” to reset the value to their original settings.
    3.Close the dialog box.
    • Click “OK” to save any changes and close the dialog box.
    You cannot access this dialog when computer input 
    is being displayed.
    Adjusts the sharpness 
    of the image
    Adjusts the color 
    density of the image
    Selects video 
    broadcast format. 
    Resets changes to default settingsCloses dialog box
    Adjusts image 
    Adjusts image 
    Adjusts the tintIndicates source 
    of input 
    							Using LP Utilities
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide39
    Adjusting the Audio settings
    1.Double-click the Audio control panel icon. 
    • The Audio settings dialog box appears.
    2.Make the desired changes.
    • Click any arrow to increase or decrease a value.
    • Click the Loudness check box to select it. Click it again to 
    deselect it.
    • Click an option button under Audio Source to select one of 
    three options.
    • Click “Reset” to reset the value to their original settings.
    3.Close the dialog box.
    • Click “OK” to save any changes and close the dialog box.
    Adjusts treble
    Adjusts the balance 
    between the left 
    and right speakers
    Turns bass boost 
    on and off
    Resets changes to default settingsCloses dialog box
    Adjusts bass
    Adjusts the volume
    Adjusts the audio 
    level between the 
    internal and exter-
    nal speakers
    Activates audio 
    input from the 
    computer, the 
    video, or from 
    whichever source 
    is active
    Indicates source 
    of input 
    							Using LP Utilities
    40LitePro 580 User’s Guide
    Adjusting the Display settings
    1.Double-click the Display control panel icon. 
    • The Display settings dialog box appears.
    2.Make the desired changes.
    • Click an option button under Blank To to select one of three 
    • Click any arrow to increase or decrease a value.
    • Click a check box to select it. Click it again to deselect it.
    • Click “Reset” to reset the value to their original settings.
    3.Close the dialog box.
    • Click “OK” to save any changes and close the dialog box.
    Flips image verti-
    cally so it appears 
    upside down
    Inverts the colors 
    Flips image hor-
    izontally for 
    rear projection
    Resets changes to default settingsCloses dialog box
    Sets the color of 
    the display 
    when the screen 
    is blank
    Indicates source 
    of input
    Adjusts the verti-
    cal display of the 
    Adjusts the hori-
    zontal display of 
    the image 
    							Using LP Utilities
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide41
    Adjusting the Options settings
    1.Double-click the Options control panel icon. 
    • The Options settings dialog box appears.
    2.Make the desired changes.
    • Click an option button under Background to select one of 
    three options.
    • Click any active arrow to increase or decrease a value.
    • Click a check box to select it. Click it again to deselect it.
    • Click “Reset” to reset the value to their original settings.
    3.Close the dialog box.
    • Click “OK” to save any changes and close the dialog box.
    Adjusts the 
    number of 
    minutes the 
    must be idle 
    before the 
    lamp turns off
    Activates on-
    screen display of 
    input source 
    Enables the 
    LP Remote 
    Resets all changes. Click “OK” 
    in the confirmation dialog to 
    reset all default settings.Closes dialog box
    Allows you to 
    select desired 
    pattern when 
    no input sig-
    nal is being 
    Places projector 
    in standby when 
    powered on
    Indicates source 
    of input 
    							Using LP Utilities
    42LitePro 580 User’s Guide
    Adjusting the Custom settings
    1.Double-click the Custom control panel icon. 
    • The Custom Key settings dialog box appears.
    2.Assign a function to the Custom key on the remote.
    • Click an option button to select one of four options.
    • Click “Reset” to reset the values to their original settings.
    3.Close the dialog box.
    • Click “OK” to save any changes and close the dialog box.
    Enables LP Remote 
    Blanks the screen 
    to selected pattern
    Displays input 
    source on screen 
    Resets changes to default settings. Closes dialog box
    Displays the back-
    ground pattern.
    PAT T E R N
    							Using LP Utilities
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide43
    LP Remote Programmer Utility
    LP Remote Programmer allows you to use the remote’s trackball as 
    you do your computer ’s mouse, control presentation software as an 
    electronic clicker, and customize buttons to carry out commands. It 
    also provides button templates for popular presentation software 
    Programmable buttons
    Five of the buttons on the remote control unit are programmable. You 
    can assign a sequence of up to 32 keystrokes to each of these buttons. 
    For example, instead of typing CTRL + TAB to advance to the next 
    screen, you can assign this sequence to one of the buttons. Then, 
    pressing the button has the same effect as typing CTRL + TAB.
    LP Remote Programmer dialog box
    All buttons except the five programmable ones are displayed in gray 
    to indicate that they are unavailable. The text box next to each 
    programmable button shows the keystrokes currently assigned to it. 
    Enter keystrokes here
    changes Saves 
    are displayed
    							Using LP Utilities
    44LitePro 580 User’s Guide
    Macros and templates 
    A sequence of keystrokes assigned to a button is called a macro. A set 
    of macros is stored in a file called a template. You can create as many 
    templates as you like: one for each presentation software application, 
    for example.
    The first time you launch LP Remote Programmer, it opens the 
    default template. In the illustration on the previous page, a template 
    named REMOTDEF.TPT is opened.
    Programming a button
    There are two ways to assign a macro to a button: you can record it or 
    type it. Recording keystrokes is usually preferable. However, if the 
    macro includes control keys (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, etc.), you should 
    type the characters and codes in the text box. 
    To record a macro: 
    1.Click the button you want to program. (You can also press Enter 
    on an IBM-compatible computer or Select on a Macintosh to 
    select a button to program.) 
    • The text box at the top of the window displays the keystrokes 
    that are already assigned to the button. 
    2.Click the Record button to start recording. (You can also press the 
    Scroll Lock key on an IBM-compatible computer to start record-
    3.Type the keystrokes you want to assign to the button, up to 32 
    • If you are using an IBM-compatible computer and the 
    keystroke sequence includes the Scroll Lock key, click the 
    Record button to stop recording, type [SC] (including the 
    brackets), then click Record to start recording again.
    4.Click “OK” to stop recording.
    5.Repeat steps 1-4 for the other buttons.
    6.Save the template by choosing “Save” from the File menu. 
    							Using LP Utilities
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide45
    To  t y p e  a  m a c r o :
    1.Click the button you want to program. (You can also press Enter 
    on an IBM-compatible computer or Select on a Macintosh to 
    select a button to program.)
    • The text box at the top of the window displays the keystrokes 
    that are already assigned to the button. 
    2.Enter the keystrokes you want to assign to the button, up to 32 
    keystrokes. For alphanumeric (character) keys, simply type the 
    key. If you want to include non-character keys in your macro, fol-
    low the guidelines below for either IBM-compatible computers or 
    Macintosh computers.
    To include non-character keys on IBM-compatible computers:
    • Type the code enclosed in brackets. Click the Key Help button 
    to display a list of the non-character key codes. 
    • If two control keys are to be pressed at the same time, put 
    brackets around the entire combination. For example, if 
    Control and Alt are to be pressed at the same time, type 
    • To assign mouse clicks to a button: select the button to be 
    programmed, select “Mouse Button” from the Special menu, 
    then choose the desired mouse click. You can also type the 
    code for the mouse click in the text box next to the button. The 
    codes are listed here: 
    Mouse button Code
    Left Button Click [MLBC]
    Left Button Double-Click [MLBDC] 
    Left Button Down [MLBD]
    Left Button Up [MLBU]
    Left Button Drag On/Off [MLBDG] 
    Right Button Click [MRBC] 
    Right Button Double-Click [MRBDC] 
    Right Button Down [MRBD]
    Right Button Up [MRBU]
    Right Button Drag On/Off [MRBDG] 
    							Using LP Utilities
    46LitePro 580 User’s Guide
    To include non-character keys on Apple Macintosh computers:
    • Use the recording method as described on the previous page; 
    simply press the keys you want to include. Open “Mouse/
    Special Buttons” in the Special menu to insert non-character 
    • If two non-character keys are to be pressed at the same time, 
    use the “Link” special key to connect the keys. For example, if 
    the X key and the Control key are to be pressed at the same 
    time, open “Mouse/Special Buttons” in the Special menu, 
    insert the Control key code, insert the Link key code, then 
    press X.
    • To assign mouse clicks to a button: select the button to be 
    programmed, select “Mouse/Special Buttons” from the 
    Special menu, then choose the desired mouse click. 
    3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other buttons.
    4.Save the template by choosing “Save” from the File menu.
    Activating and verifying the template
    Once you have programmed the buttons in a new template—or if you 
    open another template—you must activate the template so that the 
    remote buttons carry out the assigned macros. To do this, click the 
    Activate button or choose “Activate” from the Special menu. A dialog 
    box appears indicating that the template was activated. 
    To verify the keystroke sequence programmed to a button, click the 
    Button Test button or choose “Button Test” from the Special menu. A 
    text box appears. Press a programmed button. LP Remote 
    Programmer displays the keystrokes assigned to the button.
    To increase or decrease trackball speed on the 
    remote control, choose the desired speed from 
    “Mouse Speeds” in the Special menu. 
    							LitePro 580 User’s Guide47
    This section describes how to:
    • clean the lens
    • clean the air filter
    • replace the projection lamp
    • replace the batteries in the remote control
    • replace the fuse
    Do not open the LitePro case!
    Except for the projection lamp, there are no user-
    serviceable parts inside. Opening the case may 
    cause electric shock! If you are having problems with 
    your LitePro, refer to the “Troubleshooting” section 
    of this manual. Call In Focus Technical Support if 
    necessary. If your LitePro needs repair, they will refer 
    you to an In Focus Authorized Service Provider. 
    Cleaning the lens
    Follow these steps to clean the projection lens.
    1.Apply a non-abrasive glass cleaner to a soft, dry cleaning cloth.
    • Be careful not to use excessive amounts of cleaner.
    • Abrasive cleaners, solvents or other harsh chemicals may 
    scratch the lens.
    2.Lightly wipe the cleaning cloth over the lens.
    3.If you will not be using the LitePro immediately, replace the lens 
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