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InFocus Projector Lp580b User Manual

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    							Using the LitePro 580
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide27 This menu is available only when the source of input is video equipment.
     Video menu functions
    Menu item Function
    Source Indicates input is from a computer or video equipment. 
    Brightness Adjusts image brightness; increases or decreases the 
    brightness of white.
    Contrast Adjusts image contrast; increases or decreases the 
    difference in brightness between black and white.
    Sharpness Sharpens the image.
    Color Adjusts image color saturation or density.
    Video Mode Switches video broadcast format. Choose “Auto” for 
    automatic switching or lock the unit into NTSC, PAL, or 
    SECAM format.
    Tint Adjusts the balance between red and green.
    Reset Deletes changes and resets all items on this menu to 
    default settings. When selected, a dialog box appears 
    asking you to confirm this action.
    							Using the LitePro 580
    28LitePro 580 User’s Guide
     Display menu functions
    Menu item Function
    Source Indicates input is from a computer or video equipment. 
    Horiz Adjusts the horizontal display position of the image.
    Vert Adjusts the vertical display position of the image.
    Menu  Indicates where menu will be displayed on screen. 
    Select bottom or top display.
    Blank to Sets the color of the display when the screen is blank. 
    Choose “Blue,” “White,” or “Black.”
    Rear Proj Flips the image horizontally (left to right) for use in rear 
    Upside down Flips the image vertically (top to bottom).
    Invert Reverses the colors of the projected image. Used mainly 
    for black and white displays.
    Reset  Deletes changes and resets all items on this menu to 
    default settings. When selected, a dialog box appears 
    asking you to confirm this action.
    							Using the LitePro 580
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide29
     Audio menu functions
    Menu item Function
    Source Indicates input is from a computer or video equipment. 
    Volume Adjusts sound volume.
    Balance Adjusts sound balance between the left and right speaker.
    SourceActivates the audio input from the computer source (C), 
    the video source (V), or from either active source (C or V).
    Bass Adjusts low tones.
    Treble Adjusts high tones.
    Loudness Turns bass boost on and off.
    Fade Adjusts the audio level between the internal speaker and 
    the external sound source. If using external speakers, set 
    to “E.”
    Reset Deletes changes and resets all items on this menu to 
    default settings. When selected, a dialog box appears 
    asking you to confirm this action.
    							Using the LitePro 580
    30LitePro 580 User’s Guide
     Options menu functions
    Menu item Function
    Source Indicates whether input is from a computer or video 
    Prompt Displays temporarily at the top of the screen the source 
    of the input. 
    Backgnd Chooses the background pattern that is displayed when 
    the projector and lamp are running and no input signal 
    is being received. Select “Test Pattern,” “Black” 
    background, or “Blue” background.
    Serial Enables LP Utilities. (See “Using LP Utilities” starting on 
    page 35.)
    Power Save Adjusts the number of minutes projector must be idle 
    before the lamp turns off to save power. If set to 0, this 
    function is disabled.
    Dly on Places projector in standby mode when powered on.
    Language Switches the language used in the menus. Select 
    English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, or Japanese.
    Reset ALL Deletes all changes and resets all items on all menus to 
    default settings. When selected, a dialog box appears 
    asking you to confirm this action.
    							Using the LitePro 580
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide31
     Custom menu functions
    Menu item Function
    Source Indicates input is from a computer or video equipment. 
    Pattern Enables the remote’s Custom button to blank the screen 
    to a test pattern.
    Serial Enables the remote’s Custom button to activate LP 
    Utilities. (See “Using LP Utilities” starting on page 35.)
    Blank  Enables the remote’s Custom button to blank the screen 
    to blue, white, or black. The result depends on the 
    setting of the “Blank To” option on the Display menu.
    Prompt Enables the remote’s Custom button to display on 
    screen the source of the projected image. 
    Reset Deletes changes and resets all items on this menu to 
    default settings. When selected, a dialog box appears 
    asking you to confirm this action.
    							LitePro 580 User’s Guide33
    Using LP Utilities
    The LitePro 580 projector provides even greater ease of use with LP 
    Utilities, which include two software programs: LP-Link and LP 
    Remote Programmer. 
    LP-Link allows you to operate the projector directly from the 
    LP Remote Programmer allows you to use the trackball and five 
    programmable buttons on the remote control to operate the 
    presentation software and control projector functions. To use these 
    utilities you must connect your computer to the projector with the LP 
    serial cable and run the LP Utility software. 
    Connecting your computer 
    To connect the projector and your computer, use the LitePro Utilities 
    serial cable (and adapter if needed) provided with the projector.
    1.Turn off your computer, monitor, and LitePro projector.
    2.Plug the round, 8-pin connector of the LP serial cable into the LP 
    Serial port on the projector. 
    3.Plug the other end of the LP serial cable into the serial port on the 
    computer. For a Macintosh, attach the Mac adapter to the serial 
    cable and plug it in the modem or printer port.
    If your IBM-compatible has only a 25-pin serial port, 
    you will need a 25-pin serial adapter. This adapter is 
    available at most computer supply stores. 
    							Using LP Utilities
    34LitePro 580 User’s Guide
    4.Turn on the projector, monitor, and computer.
    Installing the LP Utilities software
    To install the LitePro Utilities software, insert the LP Utilities diskette 
    into your computer.
    For IBM-compatible computers, running Microsoft Windows
    • Select Run from the Program Manager ’s File menu.
    • Enter A:\SETUP (if you inserted the diskette in drive A:) to start 
    the installation process.
    For Macintosh computers:
    • Double-click the diskette icon to open it.
    • Double-click the LP Utilities icon to start the installation process.
    LP Utilities 
    Serial Cable
    Mac Adapter IBM-Compatible PC
    Macintosh(VGA cable must 
    be connected as
    shown on pp. 12-15.)
    							Using LP Utilities
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide35
    LP-Link Utility 
    The LP-Link utility allows you to control your projector from your 
    computer. Having this control on the computer monitor avoids 
    displaying menus and making adjustments on the projection screen 
    during a presentation. 
    Launch the LP-Link program and a window opens displaying two 
    • a control panel on the right, marked “Control,” to control basic 
    functions, and
    • individual control panels on the left, marked “Adjustment,” to 
    adjust settings. 
    							Using LP Utilities
    36LitePro 580 User’s Guide
    Using the control icons
    The LP-Link function controls are the same as those on the projector 
    and the remote. Select a button to change its setting. Select and hold 
    down the mouse button to increase or decrease values. A list of the 
    controls follows:
     LP-Link control icons
    Icon Command Function
    Standby Turns projector lamp on and off.
    (If the LitePro is in standby mode, 
    this is the only icon that is 
    Sync (-) Adjusts a flickering or blurred 
    image. Synchronizes the projector 
    to the computer or video input 
    Sync (+)  Adjusts a flickering or blurred 
    image. Synchronizes the projector 
    to the computer or video input 
      Bright (-) Decreases the brightness of the 
    Bright (+) Increases the brightness of the 
    Volume - Decreases the volume.
    Volume (+) Increases the volume.
    Custom Carries out a function you have 
    assigned with the Custom Key 
    Source Selects either a computer or a 
    video device as the source of the 
    signal to be projected.
    Freeze Freezes the image. To cancel, click 
    the icon again.
    Mute Shuts off the audio. To cancel, 
    click the icon again. 
    							Using LP Utilities
    LitePro 580 User’s Guide37
    Using the adjustment control panels
    LP-Link’s adjustment control panel allows you to adjust the 
    projector ’s input, output, and operational settings. 
    Adjusting the Computer settings
    1.Double-click the Computer control panel icon. 
    • The Computer settings dialog box appears.
    2.Make the desired changes.
    • Click any active arrow to increase or decrease a value.
    • Click the Text check box to select it. Click it again to deselect it.
    • Click “Reset” to reset the value to their original settings.
    3.Close the dialog box.
    • Click “OK” to save any changes and close the dialog box.
    You cannot access this dialog when video is being 
    Adjusts the 
    intensity of red
    Adjusts the 
    intensity of green
    image width
    Synchronizes the 
    projector and the 
    computer to stop 
    flickering or clear 
    blurred images
    Resets changes to default settingsCloses dialog box
    Adjusts image 
    Adjusts image 
    Indicates source 
    of input
    Adjusts image 
    Adjusts the 
    intensity of blue 
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