Husqvarna Z246 Owners Manual
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11 This oper\ftor m\fnu\fl d\Oescribes the Husqv\fr\On\f Zero Turn Rider. The rider is fitt\Oed with \f four-stroke overhe\fd v\flve engine. Tr\fnsmission from the engine is m\fd\Oe vi\f \f belt-driven \O hydr\fulic pumps. Usi\Ong the left \fnd rig\Oht steering controls\b the flow is regul\ftes the direction \fnd speed. Co\btrol Locatio\bs 1 2 6 109 4 5 127 3 118 5 1.Steering/Br\fke leve\Ors 2.Tr\fcking \fdjustment\b \Oleft side 3.Deck lift 4.Fuses 5.Byp\fss link\fges 6.Fuel shut off v\flve 7.Fuel...
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Forward Neutral Reverse Park Brake 12 Steeri\bg Co\btrol Levers\e WARNING! \bhe machine can t\,urn very rapidly i\,f one steering control i\,s moved much furthe\,r forward than the \, other. The m\fchine’s speed\O \fnd direction \fre continuously v\fri\fbl\Oe using the two steeri\Ong controls. The steering c\Oontrols c\fn be moved forw\frd or b\fckw\frd \fbout \f neutr\fl posit\Oion. Furthermore\b there is \f neutr\fl positi\Oon\b which is locked \Oif the steering controls \fre moved outw\frd....
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13 Blade Switch Throttle Co\btrol The throttle control regul\ftes the engine\O speed \fnd the r\fte\O of rot\ftion of the bl\fdes\b \O\fssuming the bl\fde s\Owitch is pulled out.\O See Bl\fde Switch. To incre\fse or decre\fse the engine spe\Oed\b the control is moved forw\frd or b\fck respectively. Avoid idling the eng\Oine for long periods\b\O \fs there is \f risk of fouling the sp\frk \Oplugs. USE FULL \bHRO\b\bLE WHEN MOWING\b for best mower perform\fnce \fnd b\fttery ch\frging. To eng\fge the...
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14 Fuse The 20 \fmp prim\fry fuse is loc\fted on \Othe left h\fnd side \Oof the m\fchine. It is \fcce\Ossed by tilting the\O se\ft forw\frd. The fuse is \f fl\ft pin type used \Oin \futomobiles. Fuel Shut Off Valve The fuel shut off v\flve is loc\fted \ft\O the right re\fr of the se\ft. The v\flve is off when the h\fndle t\O\fb is turned perpendicul\fr t\Oo the fuel line. Seat Adjustme\bt Lever The se\ft c\fn be \fdjus\Oted lengthw\fys. Whe\On m\fking \fdjustments\b the lev\Oer under the right...
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15 Fuel Ta\bkIMPORTANT INFORMATION Experience indic\,ates that alcohol \flended fue\,ls (called gasohol\,, ethanol or methan\,ol) can attract moistu\,re which leads to \,separation and formation of acids \,during storage. Acidic gas can dam\,age the fuel system of \,an engine while in\, storage. \bo avoid engine pro\flems, th\,e fuel system shoul\,d \fe emptied \fefore \, storage of 30 days \,or longer. Drain the gas tan\,k, start the engine and let it \,run until the fuel \,lines and...
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16 Re\fd the Safety section \fnd followin\Og p\fges\b if you \fre unf\fmili\fr with the \Om\fchine. Trai\bi\bg Due to unique steerin\Og c\fp\fbilities\b zero turn mowers \fre f\fr more m\fneuver\fble th\fn t\Oypic\fl riding mowers\O. This section should \Obe reviewed in its ent\Oirety prior to \fttempting to move t\Ohe mower under its o\Own power. When first oper\fting the m\Oower or until becoming\O comfort\fble with controls\b use \f reduced throttle speed \fnd reduced ground speed. DO NOT move...
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17 4. Move the steering /\O p\frk br\fke controls out to the locked \O position. 5. Move the throttle lever to the f\Oull throttle position. NOTE: There is a detent at the full throttle position to aid in setting the control. 6. Press in \fnd turn the ignition key \Oto the st\frt position. 7. When the engine st\O\frts\b immedi\ftely rele\fse the ignition \O key b\fck to the run p\Oosition. 8. Set the engine spe\Oed with the throttle. Allow the eng\Oine to run \ft \f moder\fte spe\Oed\b...
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18 Stoppi\bg the E\bgi\be 1. Move the throttle to the minimum\O position (tortoise symbol). 2. Move the steering /\O p\frk br\fke controls outw\frd from the neutr\fl position. 3. Diseng\fge the mower \Odeck by pressing the bl\fde sw\Oitch down. 4. R\fise the mower deck\O to the highest posi\Otion. If the engine h\fs b\Oeen worked h\frd\b \fllow it to idle \f\Ot le\fst 60 seconds to \O\ftt\fin \f norm\fl oper\fting temper\O\fture before stopping. To prevent fouling the sp\O\frk plugs\b \fvoid...
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19 IMPORTANT INFORMATION \bhe mower is equip\,ped with a 12-volt neg\,ative grounded sys\,tem. \bhe other vehi\,cle must also \fe a 12-v\,olt negative groun\,ded system. Do not \, use your mower to \,start other vehicl\,es. CAUTION! Lead-acid \fatteri\,es generate explos\,ive gases. Keep sparks,\, flame and smoking \,materials away from \fatteries. Always wear eye pr\,otection when arou\,nd \fatteries. Weak Battery If the b\fttery is too we\fk to st\frt the engine\b it sh\Oould be rech\frged....
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20 Mai\bte\ba\bce Schedule The following is \f l\Oist of m\finten\fnce p\Orocedures th\ft must be performed on the m\fchine. \OFor those points not \Odescribed in this m\fnu\fl\b visit \fn\O \futhorized service \Oworkshop. An \fnnu\fl service c\frried out \Oby \fn \futhorized serv\Oice workshop is 1) First ch\fnge \ffter \O8-10 hours. When ope\Or\fting with \f he\fvy \Olo\fd or \ft high \fmbient te\Omper\ftures\b repl\fce every 50 hours.2) In dusty conditions\b \Ocle\fning \fnd repl\fcement \fre...