Husqvarna Mzt 52 Manual
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2 3 1 41 MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT INFORMATION The sharpening of \fl\gades should \fe carri\ged out \fy an authorized ser\gvice workshop\b Cutting Blades To attai\f the best mo\awi\fg effect, it is importa\ft that blades are well sharpe\fed a\fd\a \fot damaged. Replace blades that \ahave bee\f be\ft or cr\aacked whe\f hitti\fg obstacles. Let the service wo\arkshop decide whet\aher a blade with large \ficks ca\f\a be repaired/grou\fd or must be replaced. Bala\fce the\a blades after sharpe\a\fi\fg. Check...
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3 2 1 4 42 MAINTENANCE WARNING! Blades are sharp\b P\grotect your hands with gloves an\gd/or wrap \flades with a heavy \gcloth when handling\b Adjusting the Mower D\geck Check the tire pressure before adjustme\ft of the \a mower deck. \bee Tire Pressures i\f Maintenance sectio\f. Faulty mowe\ar deck adjustme\fts w\aill cause a\f u\feve\f mowi\fg result. Leveling deck Adjust the deck whi\ale the mower is o\f \aa level surface. Make sure the tires are i\fflated to the co\arrect pressure. \bee...
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43 MAINTENANCE Anti-scalp Rollers\g A\fti-scalp rollers keep the de\ack i\f the proper positio\f to help preve\ft scalpi\fg i\f mo\ast terrai\f co\fditio\f\as. Do \fot adjust the rollers to support the deck. Rollers are properly adjusted whe\a\f they are just slightly off of the grou\fd whe\f the deck i\as at the desired cutti\fg height i\a\f the operati\fg posi\atio\f. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Adjust anti-scalp r\gollers with the mow\ger on a flat level surface\b Caster Wheels Check every 200 hours....
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44 MAINTENANCE Use protective glas\gses when cleaning and washin\gg\b Cleaning Regular clea\fi\fg a\fd w\aashi\fg, especially u\f\ader the mower deck, will i\f\acrease the machi\fe’s l\aife-spa\f. Make it a habit to c\alea\f the machi\fe dir\aectly after use (after it is cooled\a), before the dirt sticks. Do \fot spray water o\f\a the top of the mo\awer deck. Use compressed air to clea\f t\ahe top side of mow\aer deck. Regularly clea\f deck\a a\fd u\fderside of th\ae deck with \formal water...
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45 LUBRICATION 12/12 Every year 1/52 Every Week 1/365 Every day Lubricate with grease gu\f Oil cha\fge Filter cha\fge Level check 8065-095 Lu\frication Schedule\g General Remove the ig\fitio\f\a key to preve\ft u\fi\fte\ftio\fal moveme\fts duri\fg lub\aricatio\f. Whe\f lubricati\fg wit\ah a\f oil ca\f, it must\a be filled with e\fgi\fe oil. Whe\f lubricati\fg with grease, u\fless otherwise stated, use high grade moly\abde\fum disulphide gr\aease. For daily use, the m\aachi\fe should be lub\aricated...
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46 LUBRICATION Wheel and Deck Zerk\gs Use o\fly good qualit\ay beari\fg grease. Grease from well-k\fow\f bra\fd \a\fames (petrochemical compa\fies, etc.) usua\ally mai\ftai\fs a good \aquality. Front Wheel Mount Lubricate with a grease gu\f u\ftil the gr\aease is forced out. Front Wheel Bearing\gs Lubricate 3-4 strokes with a grease gu\f o\f each set of wheel beari\fgs. 8058-068 Lubricating front wheels 8058-131Deck spindle Deck Spindle Lower the cutti\fg d\aeck completely. If a grease gu\f without...
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2 1 3 47 LUBRICATION Drain old oil filte\grs of all free-flow\ging oil prior to disposal\b Place \gused oil in appropr\giate containers and dis\gpose of it in acco\grdance with laws in your a\grea\b Transaxle (Transmission) Fluid \gChange This tra\fsaxle is de\asig\fed with a\f exter\a\fal filter for ease of mai\fte\fa\fce. \aTo e\fsure co\fsta\ft fluid quali\aty levels a\fd lo\fger li\afe, a\f oil filter cha\a\fge i\fterval of every 200 hours is recomme\fded. The followi\fg procedure is performed...
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48 TROUBLESHOOTIN\f \fUI\WDE Pro\flemCause E\fgi\fe will \fot star\at•Blade switch is e\fg\aaged •\bteeri\fg co\ftrols are \fot locked i\f the\a \feutral positio\f •Parki\fg brake is \fot\a activated •Battery is dead •Co\ftami\fatio\f i\f the \acarburetor or fuel li\fe •Fuel supply is clos\aed or the tap for t\ahe fuel ta\fk is i\f t\ahe wro\fg positio\f •Clogged fuel filter \aor fuel li\fe •Faulty ig\fitio\f syst\aem \btarter does \fot tur\f the e\fgi\fe over•Dead battery •Poor co\ftacts o\f the\a...
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49 TROUBLESHOOTIN\f \fUI\WDE Pro\flemCause Machi\fe vibrates•Blades are loose •Blades are i\fcorrectly bala\fced •E\fgi\fe is loose E\fgi\fe overheats•Clogged air i\ftake o\ar cooli\fg fi\fs •E\fgi\fe overloaded •Poor ve\ftilatio\f arou\fd e\fgi\fe •Defective e\fgi\fe spe\aed regulator •Too little or \fo oil\a i\f the e\fgi\fe •Fouled spark plug Battery \fot chargi\fg•Poor co\ftact with b\aattery termi\fal cable co\f\fector\as •Chargi\fg lead is dis\aco\f\fected Machi\fe moves slowl\ay, u\feve\fly, or...
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50 STORA\fE Winter Storage The machi\fe should b\ae readied for storage \aat the e\fd of the mowi\fg s\aeaso\f, or if it will\a \fot be i\f use for more tha\f 30 days. Fuel allowed to sta\f\ad for lo\fg periods \aof time (30 days or more) ca\f leave sticky \aresidues that ca\f plug\a the carburetor a\fd disrupt e\fg\ai\fe fu\fctio\f. Fuel stabilizers are a\f acceptable opti\ao\f as regards to the sticky residues that ca\f occ\aur duri\fg storage. Add stabilizer to t\ahe fuel i\f the ta\fk \aor i\f...