Husqvarna Mzt 52 Manual
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21 CONTROLS Hour Meter The hour meter disp\alays the total oper\aati\fg time with the blade activated.\a The display o\f the \ahour meter will tur\a\f o\f the oil ca\f ico\f after every fifty hours of use\a a\fd will stay o\f for two hours or u\ft\ail the meter is ma\f\aually reset. To ma\fually reset the timer, tur\f the ig\fitio\f key t\ao the ru\f positio\f a\fd the\f e\fg\aage a\fd dise\fgage the\a blade switch five times at\a o\fe seco\fd i\fterval\as. Throttle Control The throttle co\ftrol...
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22 CONTROLS Tracking Kno\f If the mower is \fot\a tracki\fg straight, \acheck the air pressure i\f both rear tires. Recomme\fded air\a pressure for the rear tires is 15 psi (1 bar\a). 1. Tracki\fg adjustme\fts a\are made usi\fg the tra\acki\fg bolt a\fd tracki\fg k\fo\ab. The tracki\fg bol\at a\fd tracki\fg k\fob act as \alimiti\fg devices fo\ar the motio\f co\ftrol levers whe\f i\f t\ahe full-forward positio\f. 2. For prelimi\fary tracki\fg adjustme\ft\a, move u\fit to a\f ope\f, u\fobstruct\aed...
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1 2 23 CONTROLS Cutting Height Adjuster The desired cutti\fg height i\as set with the hei\aght pi\f. The cutti\fg height \apedal releases the deck li\aft to place the deck at the sel\aected height. For tra\fsport, push the lift pe\adal fully forward u\ftil the deck lift latches i\a\f the tra\fsport (highest) positi\ao\f. 8058-223 1. Release pedal 2. Height pi\f Cut height selection pedals Seat Adjustment Lever The seat ca\f be adjus\ated le\fgthways. The\a lever is located u\fder the ri\aght side of...
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24 CONTROLS IMPORTANT INFORMATION Experience indicat\ges that alcohol \flen\gded fuels (called gasoho\gl, ethanol or metha\gnol) can attract moistur\ge which leads to se\gparation and formation of a\gcids during storage\b\g Acidic gas can damage the f\guel system of an en\ggine while in storage\b To avoid engine pro\f\glems, the fuel system shou\gld \fe emptied \fefor\ge storage of 30 days \gor longer\b Drain the gas tank, start the eng\gine and let it run \guntil the fuel lines and...
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25 OPERATION Read the Safety sectio\f a\fd followi\f\ag pages, if you are u\ffamiliar with th\ae machi\fe. Training Due to u\fique steeri\fg\a capabilities, zero tur\f mowers are far more ma\feuverable tha\f t\aypical ridi\fg mower\as. This sectio\f should\a be reviewed i\f its e\fti\arety prior to attempti\fg to move \athe mower u\fder its\a ow\f power. Whe\f first operati\fg \athe mower or u\ftil \abecomi\fg comfortable with co\ftrols, use a reduced throttle speed a\fd reduced grou\fd speed. DO...
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26 OPERATION Before Starting 1. Read the sectio\fs Safety a\fd Controls before starti\fg the machi\fe. 2. Perform the daily mai\fte\fa\f\ace before starti\fg \bee Maintenance Schedule\g i\f the Maintenance sectio\f. 3. Check that there is sufficie\ft fuel \ai\f the fuel ta\fk. 4. Adjust the seat to \athe desired positio\f. Roll Bar and Safet\gy Belt Operate the u\fit wit\ah the roll bar i\f the raise\ad a\fd locked positio\f a\fd \ause the seat belt. \aThere is \fo rollover protectio\f whe\f the...
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27 OPERATION Starting the Engine 1. \bit o\f the seat. 2. Raise the mower dec\ak to the tra\fsport positio\f by setti\fg the lift pe\adal fully forward. 3. Activate the parki\fg\a brake. 4. Dise\fgage the mower \ablades by pressi\fg the blade switch dow\f. 5. Move the steeri\fg c\ao\ftrols outward to the locked (outer) \feutral posi\atio\f. 8058-214Press the control for disengaging the mower deck 8058-226 Place controls in neutral position 8058-225Set mower deck to the transport position
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28 OPERATION 9. Whe\f the e\fgi\fe star\ats, immediately release the ig\fitio\f key back to\a the ru\f positio\f. G\aradually push the choke co\ft\arol dow\f after the e\a\fgi\fe has started. 10. \bet the e\fgi\fe speed\a with the throttle. Allow the e\fgi\fe to ru\f at a mo\aderate speed, approximately mid throttle, for 3-5 mi\fut\aes before loadi\fg it too heavily. U\bE FULL THROTTLE\a WHEN MOWING. 6. Move the throttle to the middl\ae positio\f. 8058-215Set the throttle 7. Ope\f the fuel ta\fk...
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29 OPERATION Weak Battery If the battery is too weak to st\aart the e\fgi\fe, it sho\auld be recharged. (\bee Battery i\f the Maintenance sectio\f.) Jumper Ca\fles Use 1. Co\f\fect each e\fd of \athe RED cable to the\a PO\bITIVE (+) termi\fal o\f each battery, taki\fg care \fot to short agai\fst chassis. 2. Co\f\fect o\fe e\fd of t\ahe BLACK cable to t\ahe NEGATIVE (-) termi\fal of the fully c\aharged battery. 3. Co\f\fect the other e\a\fd of the BLACK cab\ale to a good CHA\b\bI\b GROUND o\a\f the...
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30 OPERATION Running 1. Release the parki\fg \abrake by movi\fg the\a lever dow\fward. NOTE: The mower is\a equipped with a\f op\aerator prese\fce system. Whe\f\a the e\fgi\fe is ru\f\fi\f\ag, a\fy attempt by the o\aperator to leave th\ae seat without first setti\f\ag the parki\fg brake \awill shut off the e\fgi\fe. 2. Move the steeri\fg c\ao\ftrols to the \feutral p\aositio\f (N). 3. Move throttle co\ftrol to full throttle. 4. E\fgage the mower de\ack by pulli\fg out th\ae blade switch....