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HP DesignJet T610 A0 User Manual

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8 Practical printing examples
●Print a draft for revision with the correct scale
Print a project
Print a presentation
Print and scale from Microsoft Office
Printing examples

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Print a draft for revision with the correct scale
This section demonstrates how to print a draft for revision with the correct scale from Adobe Acrobat.
Using Adobe Acrobat
1.In the Acrobat window, bring the mouse cursor to the bottom left corner of the screen to check the
plot size.
2.Select File > Print.
NOTE:The page size will not be automatically selected according to the drawing size.
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Printing examples

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3.In order to keep the scale, set Page Scaling to None (which is not the default setting).
4.Press the Properties button and then select the Paper/Quality tab.
5.Choose whatever Document Size and Print Quality you want to use. If you want to define a new
custom paper size, press the Custom button.
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Printing examples

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6.Select the Features tab, and then Autorotate.
7.Click OK, and check that the print preview in the Print dialog box seems correct.
Print a project
This section demonstrates how to print a project from Autodesk Design Review and AutoCAD.
Using Autodesk Design Review
Autodesk Design Review offers the Use HP Instant Printing option. This needs to be enabled once,
after which it is taken as the default printing option until it is disabled.
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Enabling HP Instant Printing from Autodesk Design Review
1.Start Autodesk Design Review and select File > Print.
Alternatively, click the Print icon on the toolbar.
2.In the Print dialog box, check the Use HP Instant Printing box. You can select your printer and
paper size here, or in the next window.
3.Ensure that the printer and paper size are correct, then click OK to start printing.
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Printing examples

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Enabling HP Instant Printing from the Batch Print Wizard
1.Make sure you have installed the Batch Print Wizard. Start Autodesk Design Review and select
File > Batch Print Wizard.
2.In the Welcome box, click Next.
3.Select the DWF files to print, then click Next.
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4.Use the Shift key if you want to select multiple files to configure. Then click Print Setup, and the
printing configuration will be applied to all the files you have selected..
5.In the Print dialog box, check the Use HP Instant Printing box. You can select your printer and
paper size here, or in the next window.
6.Ensure that the printer and paper size are correct, then click OK. The paper size is automatically
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7.Back in the Choose print settings box, click Next.
8.Save or start the batch print job.
Using HP Instant Printing
●Make sure Use HP Instant Printing has been selected. To print, click the Print icon in the toolbar
or select File > Print. Choose your preferred printing settings and click OK.
●Alternatively, Use HP Instant Printing can be launched directly from its own toolbar icon. In this
case, it starts immediately, using the settings you defined previously.
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Using AutoCAD
1.The AutoCAD window shows the Model tab followed by a tab for each layout. Normally one of the
layouts is printed rather than the model.
2.Select File > Plot.
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3.You can see further options by pressing the circular button in the lower right corner of the window.
NOTE:The Quality option here does not refer to the final print quality but to the quality of AutoCAD
viewport objects that are sent for printing.
4.Press the Properties button.
70 Chapter 8   Practical printing examples ENWW
Printing examples
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