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Honeywell Gen 4 User Manual

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    --- -----
    ADE Gen4 
    User Guide 
    G4 ACCENTA@ 
    CD 00 0 0006 0®®0 0@@0 
    T---,CD~0"0~0=-'------------------­0006 0®®0 6-6 0@@0 
    Servicing Organisation  (Installer) name: _______________ 
    Telephone  Number: 
    Date  of Installation: 
    AccountNumber: ______________________~ 
    ~-----~ -~---- -----~ ------;;----------~~-~-----:-~~-~~~.--~-~~--~-.::::------~--~-~ 
    -_____ ::.--"'-___________ ~ -_______ ~ _  _ -~ --.~ ~ _:;".0 ~ _ ~~ - - • < 
    Table ofContentsUser Guide 
    FeaturesUser Guide I 	J 
    This User  Guide  tells you how  to operate  your intruder  alann system. To simplify  this User  Guide  we 
    have  assumed  that the alann  system  has been  installed 
    by a professional  intruder alann system  installer 
    (the  installer),  and that  the system  is operated  in a "typical"  way. Aspects 
    ofyour  system  that are not 
    "typical"  will be described 
    by your  installer. 
    NOTE: 	If you have  any questions  about your intruder  alann system,  then consult  your installer,  see 
    contact  details at the  front 
    of this  User  Guide. 
    To operate  the alarm  system  you will  need  to use  a code.  A code  is 4 digits  long, and can be any 
    number  from 0000  to 9999.  By default user  code I is  [0][1][2][3]  but you  should  change  this as soon 
    as  possible. 
    Alarm  System  Operation 
    This booklet  describes  three versions ofthe alarm  system. You operate  the system by pressing  keys on 
    the  keypad  and viewing  the indicators.  Both alann  systems  work the same  way. 
    Personal  Attack 
    Ifthe installer  has programmed  personal attack on the keypads  and if you are under  threat, or are being 
    attacked,  you can activate  the alarm  by pressing  the 4 and  9 keys 
    at the  same  time on any  LED  keypad. 
    You  can also  press  the two  keys  marked  PA on the  remote 
    LCD keypad.  The alann  system  will 
    produce  a loud  alarm  sound,  and the external  siren will 
    be turned  on. 
    Fire Zones 
    Zones  7 and  8 on  your  alarm system  may have  a Fire or Smoke  detector  connected  to it.  In the  event of 
    a fire  the alann  system  will produce  a distinctive,two-tone  fire alarm  sound,  and the outside  siren will 
    pulse  2 seconds  on, 2 seconds  off. You  should  leave the premises  immediately,  and only  re-enter  when 
    it  is  safe  to do  so.  The  alarm  can be silenced  by entering  your code. 
    Power  Indicator 
    The 6 indicator  on the  control  panel or keypad  will light  whenever  the mains  power  supply  is present. 
    If mains  power  fails then  the 6 indicator  will go out,  but the system  will run from  its backup  battery 
    for  several  hours. 
    Ifthe 6 indicator  goes out when  mains  power  is present  then a fault  may have 
    developed  on your  system  and you  should  contact  your installer. 
    Signalling  Device 
    Your alann  system  may have  been fitted  with a signalling  device. This device  uses the telephone  line 
    to  send 
    an alann  message  to an  Alarm  Receiving  Centre in the  event of an alarm.  The operator  at the 
    ARC  may request  the police  to attend  your premises. 
    r-·_·_··_·_··_-_·__· .-.~-~.-.~ 
    . 	How to Set  the  System User Guide 
    How  to Set  the System 
    When  you leave  your premises  you will  need  to set  (or tum on)  the intruder  alarm system. 
    Before  setting the system  you should  ensure that the premises  have been  completely  vacated and that 
    all  doors  and windows  are closed.  Ensure that pets  do not  have  access  to the  protected  areas 
    as they 
    can  cause  a false  alarm.  . 
    NOTE:  The Accenta  Remote LED keypad  is not  shown. 
    NOTE:  There will 
    be no exit  beeps  ifSUent  Timed exit mode  has been  programmed. 
    LCD  Keypad:  the 
    til LED should be on. The  screen  shows the date  and time: 
    -12345678 LED  Keypad:  the til LED should  be on. 	@@@@@@@@ rJ@ -----@­~ ~ ~< I ~ 
    NOTE: 	 You should  wait until  you hear  that the exit  beep  has stopped  before assuming  that the system 
    is set. 
    LCD  Keypad: [4-digit code] Enter  your 4-digit  code (0123  default)  and check  that the 
    system  Sis clear. 
    The  exit tone  begins 
    to sound  and the display  shows program 
    1  in  process 
    Leave  the premises 
    by the  agreed  exit route. 
    The  exit tone  becomes  rapid during  the last  10 seconds  and 
    then  stops  when  the system  sets. The 
    til LED  goes offand 
    SYSTEM  SET appears  on the  screen 
    After  30 seconds  the date  and time  are displayed. 
    I Your Code 
    LED  Keypad: 
    The system is  unset. The (J and tilLEDs  are on. 
    Enter  your 4-digit  code (0123  default)  and check  that the 
    [4-digit  code] 
    system  is clear  (no zone  LEDs  on). 
    The  exit tone  begins  to sound  to indicate  that the system  is 
    in  the  process 
    of setting. 
    Leave  the premises 
    by the  agreed  exit route. 
    The  exit tone  becomes  rapid during  the last  10 seconds  and 
    then  stops  when  the system  sets. The 
    til LED  goes off. 
    How to Unset  the System User Guide 
    How  to Unset  the System 
    When  you enter  your premises  you need  to unset  (tum off) the system. 
    LCD  Keypad: 
    Sunday 01-JanEnter  the premises  by the  agreed  entry route.  The system 
    produces  an entry  tone. The 
    rJ LED  is on  and  the Iil LED  is 14:10 Ioff, indicating  that the system  is set. [ 4-digit code] 
    Enter  your 4-digit  code (0 123  default). I 
    ** The  system  unsets with a double  beep. The Iil LED comes 
    on,  indicating  that the system  is unset. 
    After  30 seconds the  system displays the  date and time. 
    LED Keypad: 
    Ii]Enter  the premises by the  agreed  entry route.  The system ~ SOS 6 
    produces  an entry tone. The rJ LED  is on  and  the Iil LED  is off, 
    indicating  that the system  is set. 
    [4-digit  code] Enter your 4-digit  code (0123 by default). 
    The  system  unsets with a double  beep. The ri1 LED comes  on 6 indicating  that the system is unset. .!i-.. ...tt: 
    Ifany  Zone, ,? (Tamper)  or sos (Attack) LEDs come on then  an alarm  has occurred,  and an intrusion 
    may  have  taken  place.  Seek assistance  before investigating  further as intruders  may still be on  the 
    premises.  Then reset the system. 
    you enter  your premises you have  a short  period oftime,  usually  30 seconds,  to enter  your code. 
    Ifyou fail to do this  the system  goes into alarm.  Enter your code  to stop  the alarm. 
    How to Part Set User Guide 
    How  to Part  Set the System 
    Ifyour  installer  has programmed  your system  for part set operation  you can set certain  zones of the 
    system  while others  remain  unset. Part set operation  is often  used at night  time, and it permits  you to 
    freely  walk around  the bedrooms  while the living  area and outside  doors are protected.  Your system 
    may  have  2 part-set  programs  called Program  2 and  Program  3. 
    Before  part-setting  the system  you should  ensure that all doors  and windows  are closed.  Ensure that 
    pets  do not  have  access  to the  protected  areas. Your installer  may have  instructed  you to use  a different 
    keypad  to the  one  normally  used to set the  system. 
    LCD Keypad: 
    The illLED  should  be on.  The  screen  shows the date  and time: 
    Enter  your code  [0][1][2][3].  The exit beep  starts. 
    CD .  The  exit tone  stops. 
    Select  part-set  program  [2) or [3].  The  system  set after  a 
    short  time.  The 
    illLED goes out. 
    NOTE: 	 There are no exit  beeps 
    if Silent Timed exit mode 
    has  been  programmed. 
    I Program 1 Set "1 
    or 3 
    SYSTEM SET ** 
    How to Silence an Alarm··~User Guide 
    LED Keypad: 
    The til LED should  be on. 
    Enter  your code  [0][1][2][3].  The exit beep  starts. 
    Press  the CD  key.  The exit tone  stops  and the zone  LEDs 
    lto 3 
    come  on. 
    Select  part-set  program  [2] 
    or [3]. The  system  sets after  a 
    short  time.  The 
    til LED goes out. 
    NOTE: 	 There are no exit  beeps 
    ifSilent  Timed  exit mode  has been 
    ©sos ©.-"I @1iI 
    (6)~~(~~~ O'@::. 
    [0][1][2][3]  then CD 
    I [2 or 3] 
    12345678 ©©©©©©©© O'@ __ 	__©sos"'~ ©.-" ©1iI 
    How  to Silence  an Alarm  and Reset  the System 
    Ifyour  system  goes into alarm  then be aware  that intruders  may 
    be  in the  premises.  Seek assistance  before investigating  the 
    ofthe  alarm. 
    LCD Keypad: 
    Enter  your code  [0][ 1 ][2][3].  The alarm  stops. 
    The screen  alternates, showing  what caused  the alarm and 
    prompting  for user  reset. 
    When  two 
    or more alarms  have occured,  the first  alarm 
    an F  below  the zone  number,  Tamper or PA. 
    Subsequent  alarms will have  a 
    1 indicating  where the 
    alarm  has taken  place. 
    0.The  system  resets and displays  the date  and time 
    ifthere  are no open  Tampers, PA or Fire zones  to cause  a 
    fault  lockout. 
    The system  can be reset by the user  only ifthe installer 
    has  programmed  it to  do  so. 
    Ifthe  message  Engineer 
    Restore  Required  appears 
    on screen then the user must 
    contact  the installer. 
    30 seconds  the system  displays  the date  and time. 
    Enter Your Code 
    I [0][1][2][3] 
    by User 
    Sunday Oi-Jan 
    How to Omit Zones 	User Guide 
    LED Keypad: 
    Enter your code  [0][1][2][3]. 
    alann stops,  and the Zone, -? or sos LEDs  come on to show  the 
    ofthe  alann. 
    NOTE: 	 When 
    2 or more LEDs  are on,  the flashing  indicator  shows the first 
    alann,  and the steady  indicators  show the second  and subsequent 
    I Press® . 	® 
    If the  Zone, -? or®  LEDs  go out and the 00 LED comes 
    on,  the system  has been  reset. 
    If any ofthe LEDs  continue to flash  then the system  has been 
    programmed  to 
    be reset by the  installer.  In this  case  you must  call the 
    installer  to reset  the system. 
    Ifall LEDs  light steady  (not flashing),  and the keypad  stops working, 
    then  the system  has entered  a fault-lockout.  You must-call  the installer 
    to  rectifY  this fault. 
    How  to Omit  Zones 
    Ifyou cannot  set the alann system  because  a detector  is faulty  and in constant alann you may need to 
    omit  its zone  from  the alarm system. 
    A zone  which  has been  omitted  cannot cause an alann.  Omitted 
    zones will 
    be restored  after the system  is unset. 
    Before  a zone  can be omitted  it has  to be  enabled 
    by the  installer  as a Used Zone and  as an Omit 
    LCD Keypad: [4-digit  code] 
    Enter  your [ 4-digit  code] to start  the exit  procedure  (for 
    I more infonnation  see How to Set  the System). Program 1 Set 
    Press  8 and  the exit  beep tone stops,  and the first 
    used  zone  that can 
    be omitted  appears on the  display. 
    Press  the zone  [ number] 
    or @ to be omitted. 
    The  display  now shows  the zone  as omitted. 
    Ifa long 
    reject  tone is heard,  then the zone  cannot 
    be omitted. 
    cb Press  GO or allow  the system  to continue  to set. I 
    Program 1 Set 
    NOTE: Zn Zone  number 
    ** SYSTEM SET ** 7 
    12345678 @@@@@@@@ C! @__,___ @sos: 
    How to Quick  Set User Guide 
    LED Keypad: 
    Enter  your [4-digit  code] to start  the exit  procedure  (for 
    more  information  see How  to 
    Set  the  System). 
    Press  8 and  the exit  beep  tone stops,  and all LEOs  for used 
    zones  that can be omitted  come on. 
    Press  the zone  [number]  to be  omitted.  The LED  now flashes  to 
    show  the zone  as omitted. 
    If a flat  reject  tone is heard,  then the 
    zone  cannot  be omitted. 
    Q) or  allow  the system  to set. 
    How  to Quick  Set the  System 
    When  you set the  system  you usually  have about 30 seconds  to exit  the premises.  This also means 
    that  you need  to wait  30 seconds  for the  system  to set.  You  can reduce  this time  to 
    just five seconds by 
    carrying  out a Quick Set. 
    Enter  your [4-digit  code] to start  the exit  procedure.  The exit beep  tone starts. 
    (For  more  information  see 
    How to Set the System). 
    Q) to  Quick  Set the system  and the exit  beep  tone changes  to a more rapid  tone. 
    The  system  sets in five  seconds,  and the exit  tone  stops. 
    Single  Key Setting 
    If enabled  by the  engineer,  the setting  process  can be started  by pressing  Set, rather  than entering  a user 
    O@ ©sos ©.... @Iil 
    How to Set  Up Chime  Mode User Guide 
    How to Set  Up Chime  Mode 
    Chime is a low  security  facility for use  when  the system  is unset. It is  particularly  useful in a shop  to 
    of customers  presence, or in a house  to warn  when  a back  door has been  opened. When  a Chime 
    zone  detects  movement  the system  produces  a 
    brief tw(}-tone  sound, and the Zone  LED comes  on. 
    To set any  zone  to Chime. 
    LCD  Keypad: 
    The lil LED  is on,  indicating  that the system  is unset. 
    ffi. The  screen  shows the first  zone  that is NO already  set up for  Chime  (possibly  none). [Number] 
    Press the zone  [number]  to toggle  it in  and  out of chime. 
    When  you have  finished  using the Chime  mode press ® or ®wait a few  seconds  for the  display  screen to the  date and  time. I Sunday Ol-Jan 
    . 14:10INOTE: Zn = Zone number 
    LED Keypad: 
    The lil LED is on, indicating  that the system  is unset. 
    ffi. The  zone  LEDs  come on to show  those Izones  that are already  set up for  Chime  (possibly  none). 
    Press the zone  [ number] to toggle  it in  and  out of chime. 
    When  you have  finished  using the Chime  mode press 
    ® or 
    wait  a few  seconds.  The zone  LED  goes off. 
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