honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Page 81
,T Alternator Overhaul NOTE: Do not remove the pulley unless the front bear- ing needs replacement. To loosen the pulley locknut, use the tools as shown. lf necessary, use an impact wrench. PULLEY LOCKNUT111 N.m (11.3 kgf.m,81.7 lbf.ft) FRONT BEARING CAUTION: Do not get grease or oil on the slip rings. BRUSH HOLDERINSULATOB ^.^t%THROUGH BOLT PULLEY PULLEY LOCKNUT111 N.m {11.3 kgf.m, 81.7 lbf,ft)RECTIFIERASSYTest. page 4 32 PULLEY BEARING INSULATOR COVER REAR HOUSING 4-31
Page 82
Charging System IRectifier Test NOTE: The diodes are designed to allow current to pass in one direction while blocking it in the opposite direc tion. Since the alternator rectifier is made up of eight diodes (four pairs), each diode must be tested for continuity in both directions with an ohmmeter that has diode checking capability; a total of 16 checks. l. Check for continuity in each direction between- the B and P terminals.- E (ground) and P terminals. All diodes should have continuity in only one...
Page 83
Rotor Slip Ring Test 1. Check the resistance between the slip rings. There should be 1.8 - 3.0 ohms. . lf resistance meets the specification, go to step 2 . lf resistance does not meet the specification, replace the alternator. SLIP RINGS Check that there is no continuity between the slip rings and the rotor or rotor shaft. lf the rotor fails either continuity check, replace the alternator. ROTOR SHAFT 4-33 Stator Test 1. Check that there is continuity between each pair of leads. Check that there is no...
Page 84
Charging System Alternator Belt Inspection and Adjustment NOTE: When using a new belt, first adjust the deflectionor tension to the values for the new belt, then readjustthe deflection or tension to the values for the used beltafter running engine for five minutes. Deflection methodi Apply a force of 98 N (10 kgt,22lbll, and measure thedeflection between the alternator and crankshaft pulley. Detlection: Used Belt:8.5 - 11.5 mm (0.33 - 0.45 inlNew Beft: 5.5 - 8.0 mm 10.22 - 0.31 inl NOTEr lf the belt is...
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lf adjustment is necessary: 1. Loosen the mounting nut and the locknut. 2. Move the alternator to obtain the proper belt ten- sion, then retighten the nuts. LOCKNUT8 x 1.25 mm MOUNTING NUT10 x 1.25 mm14 N.m {4.5 kgl.m.33 lbf.ft) Recheck the deflection or tension of the belt. NOTE: For the power steering pump belt and A,/C compressor belt adjustments, refer to section 17 and section 22. 24 N.m (2.4 kgtm,17 lbf ft) 4-35
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Gruise Control Component Location Index CRUISE CONTROL UNITInput Test, page 4 38 CRUISE INDICATOR LIGHT(Built into gauge assembly)Bulb Locations. section 23 swtTcHTest, page 4-44 SET/RESUME SWITCHTest, page 4 40Beplacement, page 4-40 ACTUATOfi ASSEMBLYand VACUUM TANKTest, page 4 41Solenoid Test, page 4 44 CLUTCH INTERLOCKswrTcH {M/T)Test, page 4-43Switch poskion adjustment,section 12 Pedal Height Adjustment,section 19. ACTUATOR CAELEAdjustment, page 4-43A/T GEAB POSITIONswlTcH (A/TlTest, section 14 +36...
Page 87
UNDER.OASH FUSARELAY BOX INDICATORLIGHT(0.84W) lPIOSET 526712813 CRUISE CONTROT UNLT 10 11114 COMEINATONL GHI SWITCH f7 IRED/BLK Gircuit Diagram *: 98 00 models withAutomatic Transmission. J BRAK€LGHTSPNK BLK BLK I L_l tl 4F /lr,mcern I I Y{^ i?tr.flffiJF ) l I t loN : Pedar rereasedl /l 8LK BLK TI G101 G401 CRUISECONTROLACTUATOR tBLK n: G202 IGNIT ONSWITCHUNDER.HOOD FUSEi RELAY BOX No 41 (100A) No 42 (404) 4-37
Page 88
Cruise Control Control Unit Input Test SRS components are located in this area. Review the SRS component locations. precautions, and procedures in the SRS section (241 before performing repairs or seryice. 1. Remove the drivers dashboard lower cover and knee bolster {see section 20). 2. Disconnect the l4P connector from the control unit. 3. Inspect the connector and socket terminals to be sure they are all making good contact lf the terminals are bent, loose, or corroded, repair them as necessary, and...
Page 89
Disconnest the lilP connector from the control unit. Csvity WireTest condition R€conn€ct tho 14P connGctor to the control unit. Test: Desired resultPossible cause it result is not obtained BRNArVHTUnder all conditionsCheck for resistance to groundl There should be 80 - 120 o. Faulty actuator solenoid Poor ground (G202) An open in the wire1BRNUnder all conditionsCheck for resistance to groundl There should be 40 - 60 0. 11BRN/BLKUnder all conditionsCheck for resistance to ground: There should be 70 - 110...
Page 90
Cruise Control 1. Main Switch Test/Replacement Carefully pry the switch out of the instrument panel. Disconnect the 6P connector from the switch, Terminal side of malerermtnats 6P CONNECTOR / Check for continuitv between the terminals in each switch position according to the table. lf there is no continuity, replace the switch. BULES {0.84 Wt Terminal ;;; -_\56 OFFG-@oG(9,{) ONG@-oo-@-o 4-40 Set/Resume Switch Test/Replacement 1.Disconnect the baftery negative cable, then discon- nect the positive...