Honda C70 Manual
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Page 191
HONDA. -H $2’) c]'[] 112 ADDENDUM CHANIILSHA FT CCIVEH R E MDVAL JFK Renteve the tenelnner nI..I1~I=I rud [pine 29- IAI- If"-‘\- ' Ftemeue the A.C. genereter nn-d Ilvwhflll IPIBI I'D-IEI. Fiemove the starter chain and mrocltets Ieege 1&5-II. F Ftnmaue the ttrlniuthult c.|:w-ur ant! the I:IirI'I chain teneinfler. Cite-t:It the tenunner S-FIrUCIt|:1 ler wear or _-—~ damage. TEIISIIIIEI/I'II$I'I IIIII] INSTALLATION D-RING HJLT AM...
Page 192
‘B2 ADDENDUM Hanna. cm ,,»~ -» IFIEIHII 'I‘II"IB IIIUSII I't'.‘t\Il.I_ 5|:|nrt_r,t_ |,i,|'fl5hEe flttgi 5|;Iq!I'|'||'| I:It:I|t. NCITE: MIIIIII sure tI‘|E pueh rtt-t:l '|';eih,Itt| i5 free Irnrn rlutt before ||l5'lt|tIIa1Itjt-n Ttarqtte the tealinq belt TDl'-‘IEIIUE: 2.0--2.5 l-cg-in (TB tB1‘t-lhi FIII the titer‘-ltI:-alae with the retrurnrnettctett tel Ittaea 2D--'Ii- PIIII-Ir EIIIBI1 engine oil through 1I'|: 5 mm...
Page 193
"-1. _ . -Jet I-Icutirnat tr"-'-, %7 [I1 I] ‘B2 ttttteetteutn I“ 9. tnntr vrnttt/susrtnstnn E11“? -'"_ __ _ 1' fir (-- e.e-en kfrn _______,,_fl “ABLE I11-3-H-5 ft-Ibl e e??? NOTE: Flemcwe the dtelte cable "II" heItl:ItIt IttI tllltlettnlct the nl:|I| t I‘-t I"_22 H'IhI ' f I‘rtItt the ti-IHIIIII lever to 1'I|'I'llII'l'l F“ the Ieft hltulleblr ltulteh. - e t.t.-ttt... 3» ,I5-g§gI;e=t-tttt~- I1...
Page 194
"B2 ADDENDUM ..~.. 11. BAITEIII/BIIAIIBIIIB ststtrt _ SPECIF ICATIDNS B-ttltertr II.‘-e|=ItI:lttr _T EAI-I _§_|:_|e-cifie g1Iev||'¥ I210-1.290 IIUDGIB-FF] _DtIttIng_rem ‘I.-II ampere: maximum -III’_"3II-- HEAIJLIGHTSWITGH . - - I///' I BATTEFIY - ~ - - - ., ,’=“-'iY_‘-1.. t ' . '---.5 ‘______-' -._ :3’-""-t.,___L____l_| FUfl_.E___,.. .-- "_"'-t .,__u__L_ ‘I’ -1 '?*‘*"*-1.-.t~e:' ..-- "--?--_:_...
Page 195
,6 I-II)1\TD..Ht r-- [:10 'ee ADDENDUM D-B. LC. GEIIIEFIAT-DH GDUFLEFI INSPECT I GIN FIerflUit'E' the item e-i:II-Ier- ."’-I"- t' Diseein neet the A-..I;. gnrierater counter Mttatturq the reeismnee between the termi- rials. RESISTANCE: fr" White-Green: til 3- -0.5 I’?-IIIIrI:I 't"e|li:iin—Green: El-.2-B-6 Dhm: Fteeilaee the eta-tnr IIlt1.BI'I'|II|I'ItI IP eflhlf I'Bit¥l- grtttie tt ntit withtn reriee. t-"-\....
Page 196
___—__ HONDA. 5" 112 muzuuum [fig J,- F|Efl1Cr|'|: ‘[wC| llfllui I|.'r|:w: :|n|_1 stator frnrrl the |I-‘H C|'i||'||‘:€iil? CUYBT. Um the fil,-wheel l1|L||rJ|:r nr n hand mug huldgr and mrur-u 'rh|| fh-who-el tn |'.-raw!"-1 ‘mu wank shaft from :|.||n|r|g. Humane the genenum rn1.q|' nu1_ finmcwu the -utor STA LEFT FLYWHEEL HDLDEH SCREWS D?§L'5-G84-UDOU bind strip hnlde-r H DTU H DT'H3-3-4-BDIUDOD 195 L'lal:-:;|1|1:u::...
Page 197
Iffi fr’-‘-1. F“ I'- fr- Fl- F1. r__ F“ F“ HONDA ctll tlklfyl ‘B2 ADDENDUM F YWH EE L HDLDE F- Align tha rl:-tor kuvv-at-' with thlr kflv lJr~ T|lE' cnmkstlart and lrutall the gnneratur rI::-tur Tghtqerl fl1E tflt-l.|t ."lLlt. T-DRDUE: 3.0-3.8 kg-ltl 122-213 ft lbil WIRE FHIJTEIITUH STATDH Irlstnll the BIHSCH an me left crankcase cnuuf wlth the 5lJHJ'WI Rn-my th-u |]|;l'||t|'tl.ltH leads |:sru:-u=|-,r an-cl install 1|-tr: -me...
Page 198
'a2 ADD ENDUM ___ 12. IGIIITIBN SYSTEM ,_ . _',__‘.,{T.‘t ll . || |' I .. ,. ,- IGNIT [DH EDI I, I _- _ _ iilir I|_-ill‘ '- "' —i——“ ._ Eh .. :1;-'1? '?""" l 4;; . -gift‘ 7 "if a. -a.{E,-ll»-T -1 I ‘\ ‘L-TL-‘.1-:- it ""'l-I. '5' ' '-—.'L---':' l' ‘L lift. K '. _ ' __.- - .. ~. hi‘ I. I‘ I _ _ -. ,=,l =- _ '=:' — | _.- ....
Page 199
/T HONDA C70 EPE CIFIEATIDNS 5;:-stilt: plug Standard __ _ For mm climate ennw she |41°F I For E1: randeel high weed riding Spark plug gill lqnltimt tinting “F” tI1a_:|rlc 'l5'_J_B_]-ES;-Bil lditei Fnlt ltdtlanult I'll?" B1iJCt'3,1DU rrlnl TIlllllBLESl'lllilT|llI'i Nu Snlult at Pine 1. Englnll !-lIlZt|II iv-"itch “lIlFF" 2. Pnnrw gnnnected, broken or shct-r:al:l w-res Hem-een AC g-nnerutur and Il]I'l1l:ifl'1‘l...
Page 200
‘B2 ADDENDUM HI‘ |_ Iii — Flemeue the lett sitle eager. Flertletre the relay hex .ITI{.'.t-l:hlt"|g |'lul'_:|-t1.d' halt, Human-e the relay bet: Hemetle the igltltlttll cull mount-ng nut incl remttee the iqrliticln nail. lH5PECT|UN - - — 1 Measure the [E5-l51fll‘lCE ul :1-tu pl'lTl'|iI'\|' nnn til‘llfi R l sect:-nder‘; znll, ll‘ |t' |' all I i ' l ‘ F Ill I ‘ll PHIMRHT: U 2-5 3 Dl‘Ir1"...