Honda C70 Manual
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Page 181
r"'“\ I. ~"'“I |-it-‘J F". II-I"-I ‘B2 ADDENDUM IIIIIIITEIIIIIIDE SDIIEDIILE pl rfm-m ‘ht p|qE-1:g|gE 1|'-,I5pE¢TIflfl In I11; IJIII-he-I'=_I'IIIenueI at e-euh ir;l1I':-dule-d Irteé-ntenancr: partied- I; |,|-Igzpflclf and Gleam. II'IId[II|II1., Luhriurtn 0-1 Renlee-e If neea-Ir-0rrI'. f;l§'1fll.'} '. Clean : Repleue Adjufl Lu hrleete ITEM : H Eu“ EHCY FIRST :§ EV E H Y '|'IlHICHE'II"ER...
Page 182
___1 HONDA I 2. LLIBRIBATIUN BIL IIEBBIIIIEIIDITIIIIIIS U51: HUNUJ1 I1-STHUKE IIJIL or uquwal9n1_ API SERVICE CLF-SSIFFCATIDNI SE r.Ir SF 'b"|5CO5|T‘I"' SHE IEIW I1-U Dthar '|'Is|:'.c|:-ities sh-zrwn |l'l 111: |:I-mr: rn.1-,.- |',||: u5E-ll w|||:rI !h*_' uuerag: H:rrI|'_|n-raturu In I,':\q_.|r rid-nI;| -1-rrr=| -L within the In-::lI-|:a.Iud wflgv. 3. INSPEIITIUII Illlll ADJUSTMENT HIEL STRLIIIER Tum ‘ihe {u:| nruiuq...
Page 184
‘B2 ADD E NDLIM HONDA /’_ crn WINE CLEARANCE NOTES: I inspect and adjust valve clearance witrle Ill: -engine is euitl lbeluw 35-"-"C. BEEF]. I ltt-eta the lne.e1lur| u‘l' the "T" mark. Tu cheek the ualye clearance, tempyg thg flrflltltahnlt. tlrninq marit hole and value mspec titan cups. I"-l|ri2ljlJ5‘l' tlfluflrfln-tr: IT n:r_'.955.a;'y train“ ualya ad- iultnt IIITBIIIB-G B-HBDIII II:-ee page 3-E-I. HE sure in relmtall thfl...
Page 185
E, egg) C?" eeaneeneum y--‘ml [care Identification nu. I PBIEA . at QI§§%%i%% I Hep-In-::e the battery it euifati-an at sediment! hlue lI.'_!l;lJ|'I"|1JIlI1'lH.I12lIl the brill-::||‘n. CAUTION: When r:hedtlr||| the battery lilac» trulytl lfiei ut ltllllng distilled ureter, nuke T‘ nure ihe breather tuba in ea-nneratad tn the hetllry hrnafliar r:n.|'I:Il:1 -ell:-aw as shown. I.- II. FIIEL SYSTEM SPEEIFICATIUNS EMITIIIN | ‘l INSERT THE BITT...
Page 186
HONDA Ia 'e2 ADDENDUM [III] -5' Hllil-I lLTlTI.|lJE '|i'.Il1er- lrle vehicle =1 to big operated |;r_Ji|lir1u uur-li.i mntrr E,-[I00 meters ll:i‘_iiDiIl It!l'!1| the carburetor mus! be .'I|J_||.H]:|"|.I to i-‘l'l!IlI'D'|‘E' di ivo- ill-ill W end -‘Ii-r-r-'ie5e eiilteuiit 'll‘fl‘liL'Sl'|',I|'l"| I. FIE'r|"i|2|'|E HIE r_'z-rrI’1i..rrr1i;Iir 2. FII.?IT'-lJ'ii'B ‘H19...
Page 187
.-F‘-it. |" - I.»-PH. 3""-. J,-_‘\. F‘-. r"‘"- -*-*- HONDA. C70 '32 ADD E H DUM 5. CYLINDER HEAD/‘MLVE EPEUFFEA1 HZIHS STANDARD SERVICE LIMIT m I mm - | Ca mt ct". mum z1_.g-g5__ ' |1.1t:t|: mt ggts mm _t_1_.t_r§§e rm IE.'U?Etl'!l'|'l[1.l]'2BBiI1P 15.59111!" [1.UH'|I'I'l| ETUHIIER HEM] HEMDV AL Hesnnua the front I:-uvtlr Dimnnnect the mtaltlt rltnr Truth Ihfl cvlinder head. Htlmcwv the...
Page 188
20-12 ‘B2 ADD-E NIJUM B.BLflTGH HONDA ’_ cm _/ H — I ITEM 1 STAN D Clutch gpri-ng tr git -.; *' L“ "x trm § tan-as mar —_“____ _ __L I‘ -'== 1. . E H‘ " It ,- AHD SERVICE LIMIT N lanqm I 15-I mrrl [I175 in} I15 mm 10.39 in] it Q fit I I % ~ .‘. -J G I T" ' _ -. E!’ . _ :1 _. ., . ' 3.5»-4.5 it _ _|'I - I-1‘. ____:r__r___:_ ._ In Q ' . _ _. -. ~-__ _.--j"T- wt: I'll . 'I:|| t ._\...
Page 189
P‘-"h_ |r""‘-. ,.|-ifi-.__ |./"1 r, r"‘- ._\\ /i HONDA C70 ‘B2 It DDEN DU M CLUTCH WEIGHT IJFIWEFLATE NIJTE: For disassemble and lnitt-eI:tit:|rI =-H: page B-3. | |CLUTCH I WEI HT ASSEMBLY lr\.t.taII the -::|utc|| weights on me eluteh Gl‘l'|‘fl plate at i‘I‘|O'|\'I1 Install ‘thl: |-.tL||.t .-lug and the eiutc-h springs. STOP FI I HG C LUTCH DU TE Fl 1|-11taII therdriue pkatu in the clutch outer Md I (1 tighturl the...
Page 190
Hanna,-5'1 ‘e2 ADDENDUM C10 /I _.-.. T. TIIIIIISIIIISSIIIII 5F'ECIF ICATIUII-IE I __ ITEM §rI§r~IeAHD seevice LIMIT _ |5h'n‘ttorIt |.t:». IH-.UT5—T.'I-lI.ILl:lmmII.3-415-1I-I425-trti 3'-1‘I.1flrr|n11l,I3-IH-ir|I B. IIIIII BIIIIII TEIISIIIIIIEII IE rnn1BflLT _ e ITEM ETANUMU 5 |_?“'|'-|'?'E I PK‘ IT I M I _ Sr.Ir|nt| Ire! Ie-|t',|tI\ 2|-II -'r'.m I13 |r'.| 1'1‘ i'|‘.F| ' I'3.II In] -- ._||...