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Hitachi Projector CP-A222WN User Manual

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Page 91

Presentation tools
You can also control the images by using the menu on the Thumbnail screen.
PC-LESS Presentation (continued)
Operating by the menu on the Thumbnail screen
Item Functions
Moves to an upper folder.
SORT Allows you to sort files and folders as following.
RETURNPress the ► cursor button or ENTER to return to the Thumbnail 
NAME UP Sorts in ascending order by file name.
NAME DOWN Sorts in descending order by file name.
DATE UP Sorts in ascending order by file date.
DATE DOWN Sorts in...

Page 92

Presentation toolsPresentation tools
PC-LESS Presentation (continued)
• These operations are not accessible while the projector OSD is displayed.
• The Thumbnail mode is able to display up to 20 files in one page.
• It is not possible to change the input port by using the INPUT button when the 
Thumbnail screen, Slideshow, or Full Screen is displayed.
• The image quality may deteriorate when playing back audio data included in 
a movie. If you want to give priority to the image quality, turn off the...

Page 93

Presentation tools
PC-LESS Presentation (continued)
The Full Screen mode shows a full display image. To display in Full Screen mode, 
select an image in the Thumbnail screen. Then press the ENTER button on the 
remote control, the INPUT button on the 
control panel or click [ENTER] on the 
Web Remote Control.
Full Screen Mode
Button operation
FunctionsThe remote 
controlControl panelWeb Remote 
► [▼]  
Shows the next file.

Page 94

Presentation tools
PC-LESS Presentation (continued)
Button operation
The remote 
controlControl panelWeb Remote 
▲▲ [▲]
 (Play) /  (Pause) toggle
► ► [►] (FF) Fast-forward
◄ ◄ [◄] (REW) Fast-rewind
ENTER INPUT[ENTER] (Stop), Displays Thumbnail.
Shows the next file.
PAGE UP–[PAGE UP]Shows the previous file.
• These operations are not accessible while the projector OSD is displayed.
• It is not possible to change the input port by using the INPUT button when the...

Page 95

Presentation tools
PC-LESS Presentation (continued)
Slideshow mode
While the Slideshow is displayed, the following button operations are enabled 
when still images are displayed, and the same button operations in the Full 
Screen mode are enabled when movies are displayed. 
• These operations are not accessible while the projector OSD is 
• It is not possible to change the input port by using the INPUT button when the 
Thumbnail screen, Slideshow, or Full Screen is displayed.
When the...

Page 96

Presentation tools
PC-LESS Presentation (continued)
You can play the Slideshow at your desired configuration. 
Configure the Slideshow items in the Thumbnail.
1) RETURN   : 
Returns to the thumbnail mode. 
2) PLAY   :  Play the Slideshow.
3) START    :  
Set the beginning number of the 
4) STOP    : Set the end number of the Slideshow.
5) INTERVAL   :  Sets the interval time for displaying still 
images during the Slideshow. 
It is not recommend to set the interval 
time very short something...

Page 97

Presentation tools
PC-LESS Presentation (continued)
The Playlist is a DOS format text file, which decides the order of displayed still 
image files in the Thumbnail or Slideshow.
The playlist file name is “playlist.txt” and it can be edited on a computer.  
It is created in the folder that contains the selected image files when the PC-LESS 
Presentation is started or the Slideshow is configured.
[Example of “playlist.txt” files] 
START setting : STOP setting : INTERVAL setting : PLAY MODE setting...

Page 98

Presentation tools
USB Display(Windows computer)
The projector can display images transferred from a computer via an USB cable (10).
Select the USB DISPLAY for the USB TYPE B item in the OPTION menu.
When you connect your computer to the USB TYPE B port on the projector 
using a USB cable, the projector will be recognized as a CD-ROM drive on your 
computer. Then, the software in the projector, “LiveViewerLiteForUSB.exe”, will 
run automatically and the application, “LiveViewer Lite for USB”, will be...

Page 99

Presentation tools
This application will appear in the Windows 
notification area once it starts. You can quit the 
application from your computer by selecting “Quit” on 
the menu.
• The “LiveViewer” (refer to the  
Network Guide) and this application cannot 
be used at the same time. If you connect your 
computer to the projector by using a USB cable 
while the “LiveViewer” is running, the following message will be displayed.
• Depending on the software installed on your computer, images on your...

Page 100

Presentation tools
Display :  The Floating menu is displayed, and the icon disappears from the 
Windows notification area.
Quit :  The application is closed, and the icon disappears from the Windows 
notification area. The menu shown in the right will be displayed 
when you right-click the application icon in the 
Windows notification area.
USB Display(Windows computer) (continued)
Right-Click menu
• If you wish to restart the application, you need to unplug the USB 
cable and plug it again.NOTE
If you...
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