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Garmin G500 Manual

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    							4-25190-01102-02  Rev. DGarmin G500 Pilot’s Guide
    ForewordSec 1 
    System Sec 2 
    PFD Sec 3 
    MFD Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features Sec 6 
    & Alerts Sec 7 
    Symbols Sec 8 
    Glossary Appendix A Appendix B 
    4.7.3  TIS Limitations
     NOTE:   This  section  on  TIS  Limitations  is  not  comprehensive.  Garmin 
    recommends the user review the TIS Limitations section of the Aeronautical  Information Manual, Section 1-3-5. 
    TIS is NOT intended to be used as a collision avoidance system and does not 
    relieve the pilot of responsibility to “see and avoid” other aircraft. TIS should not 
    be used for avoidance maneuvers during IMC or other times when there is no 
    visual contact with the intruder aircraft. TIS is intended only to assist in visual 
    acquisition  of  other  aircraft  in  VMC.  No  recommended  avoidance  maneuvers 
    are  provided  for,  nor  authorized,  as  a  direct  result  of  a  TIS  intruder  display  or 
    TIS advisory. 
    While  TIS  is  a  useful  aid  to  visual  traffic  avoidance,  it  has  some  system 
    limitations that must be fully understood to ensure proper use.  Many of these 
    limitations  are  inherent  in  secondary  radar  surveillance.  In  other  words,  the 
    information  provided  by  TIS  will  be  no  better  than  that  provided  to  ATC.  TIS 
    will only display aircraft with operating transponders installed. 
    TIS  relies  on  surveillance  of  the  Mode  S  radar ,  which  is  a  “secondary 
    surveillance”  radar  similar  to  the  ATCRBS.  TIS  operation  may  be  intermittent 
    during  turns  or  other  maneuvering.  TIS  is  dependent  on  two-way,  “line-of-
    sight” communication between the aircraft and the Mode S radar. Whenever the 
    structure of the client aircraft comes between the transponder antenna (usually 
    located  on  the  underside  of  the  aircraft)  and  the  ground-based  radar  antenna, 
    the  signal  may  be  temporarily  interrupted.  Other  limitations  and  anomalies 
    associated with TIS are described in the AIM, Section 1-3-5.  
    							4-26Garmin G500 Pilot’s Guide190-01102-02  Rev. D
    Sec 1 
    Sec 2 
    Sec 3 
    Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features
    Sec 6 
    & Alerts
    Sec 7 
    Sec 8 
    Appendix A
    Appendix B 
    Garmin is not responsible for Mode S 
    geographical coverage. Operation of the 
    ground stations is the responsibility of the 
    FAA. Refer to the Aeronautical Information 
    Manual for a Terminal Mode S Radar Site Map  covering the U.S. 
     NOTE: TIS will be unavailable at low altitudes in many areas of the U.S., 
    particularly in mountainous regions. Also, when flying near the “floor” of radar coverage in a particular area, intruders below the client aircraft may not be detected by TIS. 
    TIS  information  is  collected  one  radar  scan  prior  to  the  scan  during  which 
    the  uplink  occurs.  Therefore,  the  surveillance  information  is  approximately 
    five  seconds  old.  In  order  to  present  the  intruders  in  a  “real  time”  position, 
    the  TIS  ground  station  uses  a  “predictive  algorithm”  in  its  tracking  software. 
    This algorithm uses track history data to extrapolate intruders to their expected 
    positions consistent with the time of display in the cockpit. Occasionally, aircraft 
    maneuvering  will  cause  this  algorithm  to  induce  errors  in  the  display.  These 
    errors primarily affect relative bearing information and traffic target track vector 
    (it  will  lag);  intruder  distance  and  altitude  will  remain  relatively  accurate  and 
    may be used to assist in “see and avoid.” Some of the more common examples 
    of these errors follow: 
    •	 When	 client	or  intruder  aircraft  maneuvers  excessively  or  abruptly,  the 
    tracking  algorithm  may  report  incorrect  horizontal  position  until  the 
    maneuvering aircraft stabilizes. 
    •	 When	 a	rapidly	 closing	intruder	 is	on	 a	course	 that	crosses	 the	client	 aircraft	
    course at a shallow angle (either overtaking or head on) and either aircraft 
    abruptly changes course within 0.25 NM, TIS may display the intruder on 
    the opposite side of the client than it actually is. 
    These  are  relatively  rare  occurrences  and  will  be  corrected  in  a  few 
    radar scans once the course has stabilized.  
    							4-27190-01102-02  Rev. DGarmin G500 Pilot’s Guide
    ForewordSec 1 
    System Sec 2 
    PFD Sec 3 
    MFD Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features Sec 6 
    & Alerts Sec 7 
    Symbols Sec 8 
    Glossary Appendix A Appendix B 
    4.7.4  TIS Alerts
    When the number of Traffic Advisories (TAs) on the Traffic Map Page increases 
    from one scan to the next, the following occur: 
    •	 A	single	“Traffic” voice alert is generated. 
    •	 A	 TRAFFIC	 Annunciation	 appears	to	the	 top	 left	of	the	 Attitude	 Indicator	
    on the PFD, flashing for 5 seconds and remaining displayed until no TAs are 
    detected in the area. 
    To  reduce  the  number  of  nuisance  alerts  due  to  proximate  aircraft, 
    the  “Traffic”  voice  alert  is  generated  only  when  the  number  of  TAs 
    increases. For example, when the first TA is displayed, a voice and visual 
    annunciation are generated. As long as a single TA remains on the display, 
    no  additional  voice  alerts  are  generated.  If  a  second  TA  appears  on  the 
    display or if the number of TAs initially decreases and then subsequently 
    increases, another voice alert is generated. 
    A “Traffic Not Available” (TNA) voice alert is generated when the TIS service 
    becomes unavailable or is out of range. 
    Traffic may not be displayed in the radar coverage area due to the following: 
    •	 Radar site TIS Mode S sensor is not operational or is out of service. 
    •	 Traffic	 or	requesting	 aircraft	is	beyond	 the	maximum	 range	of	the	 TIS-
    capable Mode S radar site. 
    •	 Traffic	 or	requesting	 aircraft	is	above	 the	radar	 site	in	the	 cone	 of	silence	 and	
    out of range of an adjacent site. 
    •	 Traffic	 or	requesting	 aircraft	is	below	 radar	coverage.	 In	flat	 terrain,  the 
    coverage  extends  from  about  3000  feet  upward  at  55  miles.  Terrain  and 
    obstacles  around  the  radar  site  can  further  decrease  radar  coverage  in  all 
    •	 Traffic	does	not	have	an	operating	transponder .  
    							4-28Garmin G500 Pilot’s Guide190-01102-02  Rev. D
    Sec 1 
    Sec 2 
    Sec 3 
    Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features
    Sec 6 
    & Alerts
    Sec 7 
    Sec 8 
    Appendix A
    Appendix B 
    4.7.5  Traffic Pop-Up
    When the GDU 620 MFD is displaying any page (other than the NAV Traffic 
    page)  and  a  traffic  alert  becomes  active,  the  Traffic  Warning  pop-up  will  be 
     NOTE:   The  traffic  pop-up  will  not  appear  when  your  aircraft  is  on  the 
    Pr ess ENT to go directly to the Traffic page. 
    Press CLR to return to the previously viewed page. 
    Traffic Pop-Up
    Figure 4-19  Traffic Pop-Up
    4.7.6  TIS System Status
    The  GDU  620  performs  an  automatic  test  of  TIS  during  power-up.  If 
    TIS passes the test, TIS enters Standby Mode on the ground or Operating 
    Mode in the air. If TIS fails the power up test, an annunciation is shown 
    in the center of the Traffic Map Page. 
     NOTE:  An alert will be generated when Standby is selected and the  aircraft is in the air.  
    							4-29190-01102-02  Rev. DGarmin G500 Pilot’s Guide
    ForewordSec 1 
    System Sec 2 
    PFD Sec 3 
    MFD Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features Sec 6 
    & Alerts Sec 7 
    Symbols Sec 8 
    Glossary Appendix A Appendix B 
    Traffic Map Page 
    Annunciation Description
    NO DATA* Data is not being received from the transponder
    DATA FAILED* Data is being received from the transponder, but 
    a failure is detected in the data stream
    FAILED* The transponder has failed
    UNAVAILABLE TIS is unavailable or out of range
    * Contact a service center or Garmin dealer for corrective action
    Table 4-11  TIS Failure Annunciations
    The traffic mode is annunciated in the upper left corner of the Traffic Map 
    Page. When the aircraft is on the ground, TIS automatically enters Standby 
    Mode. If traffic is selected for display on another map while Standby \
    Mode is 
    selected, the traffic display enabled icon is crossed out (also the case when TIS 
    has failed). Once the aircraft is airborne, TIS switches to Operating Mode and 
    traffic information is displayed. The mode can be changed manually usi\
    ng soft 
    keys or the page menu. 
    ModeTraffic Mode Annunciation 
    (Traffic Map Page) Traffic Display Enabled Icon 
    (Other Maps)
    TIS Operating OPERATING
    TIS Standby STANDBY
    (Also shown in white in center of  page)
    TIS Failed* FAIL
    Table 4-12  TIS Modes
    Switching Between TIS Operating Modes
    1) Turn the large  MFD knob to the MAP page group and then turn the small  MFD 
    knob to the Traffic Map Page. 
    2)  Select the 
    STANDBY or OPERATE soft key to switch between modes. The mode 
    is displayed in the upper left corner of the Traffic Map Page. 
    							4-30Garmin G500 Pilot’s Guide190-01102-02  Rev. D
    Sec 1 
    Sec 2 
    Sec 3 
    Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features
    Sec 6 
    & Alerts
    Sec 7 
    Sec 8 
    Appendix A
    Appendix B 
    1)  Press the MENU key. 
    2)  Select Operate mode or Standby mode whether airborne or on the ground. 
    3)  Press the ENT key. 
    The annunciations indicate the status of traffic information appear in a banner 
    at the lower left corner of maps on which traffic can be displayed. 
    Traffic Status  Banner 
    Annunciation Description
    TA OFF SCALE* A Traffic Advisory is outside the selected display range 
    Annunciation is removed when traffic comes within the selected 
    display range 
    TA X.X ± XX  ↕** System cannot determine bearing of Traffic Advisory 
    Annunciation indicates distance in NM, altitude separation 
    in hundreds of feet, and altitude trend arrow (climbing/
    AGE MM:SS Appears if traffic data is not refreshed within 6 seconds 
    If after another 6 seconds data is not received, traffic is removed 
    from the display 
    The quality of displayed traffic information is reduced as the age 
    TRFC COAST The displayed data is not current (6 to 12 seconds since last 
    The quality of displayed traffic information is reduced when this 
    message is displayed
    TRFC RMVD Traffic is removed because it is too old for coasting (12 to 60 
    seconds since last message) 
    Traffic may exist within the selected display range, but it is not 
    TRFC FAIL Traffic data has failed
    NO TRFC DATA Traffic has not been detected
    TRFC UNAVAIL The traffic service is unavailable or out of range
    *Shown as symbol on Traffic Map Page
    **Shown in center of Traffic Map Page
    Table 4-13  TIS Traffic Status Annunciations 
    							4-31190-01102-02  Rev. DGarmin G500 Pilot’s Guide
    ForewordSec 1 
    System Sec 2 
    PFD Sec 3 
    MFD Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features Sec 6 
    & Alerts Sec 7 
    Symbols Sec 8 
    Glossary Appendix A Appendix B 
    4.8  Xm weather (Optional)
    The  primary  map  for  viewing  XM  Weather  data  are  the  Weather  Data  Link 
    Pages in the Map Page Group. These are the only GDU 620 map displays capable 
    of all available XM weather products. The Wx Weather pages may be oriented to 
    either Track Up or North Up. Canadian Radar provided by Environment Canada.
    4.8.1  Using XM Satellite Weather Products
    When  a  weather  product  is  active  on  the  Weather  Data  Link  Page  or  the 
    Navigation Map Page, the age of the data is displayed on the screen. The age of 
    the product is based on the time difference between when the data was assembled 
    on  the  ground  and  the  current  GPS  time.  Weather  products  are  refreshed  at 
    specific intervals (defined in the Refresh Rate column). 
    If  for  any  reason,  a  weather  product  is  not  refreshed  within  the  30,  60,  90, 
    or 120 minute Expiration Time intervals, the data is considered expired and is 
    removed from the display. This ensures that the displayed data is consistent with 
    what  is  currently  being  broadcast  by  XM  Satellite  Radio  services.  If  more  than 
    half  of  the  expiration  time  has  elapsed  from  the  time  the  data  is  received,  the 
    color of the product age displayed changes to yellow. 
    4.8.2  Customizing the XM Weather Map
    Each  Wx  Data  Link  Map  page  may  be  customized  individually.  The  Wx 
    Data Link Map pages are customized by selecting options from the Page Menu. 
    The  Page  Menu  options  include  choices  for  Weather  Setup  and  displaying  the 
    Weather Legends. The Weather Setup choice covers selections for adjusting the 
    viewing ranges of the weather products. 
    1)  While  viewing  a  WX  Data  Link  Map  page  of  the  WX  page  group,  press  the 
    MENU  key  to  display  the  Page
      Menu  Options.  The  cursor  flashes  on  the 
    “Weather Setup” option. Press
     Figure 4-20  Weather Page Menu Options
    2)  With the Data Link Setup Menu displayed, turn the Large  MFD knob to select 
    the desired item and press ENT.  
    							4-32Garmin G500 Pilot’s Guide190-01102-02  Rev. D
    Sec 1 
    Sec 2 
    Sec 3 
    Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features
    Sec 6 
    & Alerts
    Sec 7 
    Sec 8 
    Appendix A
    Appendix B 
    Figure 4-21  Weather Data Link Setup Menu Options
    3)  Turn the small MFD knob to select the desired weather feature option. 
    Figure 4-22  Weather Data Link Setup Menu Option Selection
    4) Press ENT to save a selection. 
    5)  Turn  the  large  MFD  knob  to  the  next  desired  option 
    or  press  the  small  MFD 
    knob to cancel and return to the XM Weather Data Link Map Page.  
    							4-33190-01102-02  Rev. DGarmin G500 Pilot’s Guide
    ForewordSec 1 
    System Sec 2 
    PFD Sec 3 
    MFD Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features Sec 6 
    & Alerts Sec 7 
    Symbols Sec 8 
    Glossary Appendix A Appendix B 
    WX Page Menu - Weather Setup
    Menu Item Adjustment
    Map OrientationNorth Up, Track Up
    NEXRAD Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    NEXRAD Legend On/Off
    Echo Top Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Cloud Top Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Lightning Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Cell Mov Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    SIG/Air Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    METAR Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Surface Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Surface Data  Time Current, 12 Hr, 24 Hr, 36 Hr, and 48 Hr
    Frz Lvl Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Wnd Aloft Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Wnd Aloft Altitude Surface, 3000 feet to 42000 feet
    County Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
    Cyclone Data Viewing Range Off, 50 NM to 2000 NM
     Table 4-14  Weather Page Menu Setup Options 
    							4-34Garmin G500 Pilot’s Guide190-01102-02  Rev. D
    Sec 1 
    Sec 2 
    Sec 3 
    Sec 4 
    Sec 5 
    Additional  Features
    Sec 6 
    & Alerts
    Sec 7 
    Sec 8 
    Appendix A
    Appendix B 
    4.8.3  XM Weather Symbols and Product Age
    The  weather  product  symbols,  the  expiration  time  and  the  refresh  rate  are 
    shown in the following table. The refresh rate represents the interval at which XM 
    Satellite Radio broadcasts new signals that may or may not contain new weather 
    data. It does not represent the rate at which weather data is updated or new content 
    is received by the Data Link Receiver. Weather data is refreshed at intervals that are 
    defined and controlled by XM Satellite Radio and its data vendors. 
    Symbol Weather Product Expiration 
    (Minutes) Refresh Rate 
    NEXRAD (NEXRAD and Echo Top 
    are Mutually Exclusive) 30
    Echo Top (Cloud Top and Echo Top 
    Mutually Exclusive)  (NEXRAD and 
    Echo Top Mutually Exclusive) 30
    Cloud Top (Cloud Top and Echo Top 
    Mutually Exclusive) 60
    XM Lightning 305
    Cell Movement 301.25
    SIGMETs / AIRMETs 6012
    METARs 9012
    City Forecast 9012
    Surface Analysis 6012
    Freezing Levels 12012
    Winds Aloft 9012
    County Warnings 605
    Cyclone Warnings 6012
    Table 4-15  Weather Product Symbols and Aging Times 
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