Faroudja Fdp-Dila1 Installation And Operations Manual
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41 O PER ATE V O L. P AG EBAC K P R ESET Z O OMFO CUS CO M PU TE RVID EO Q UIC KALIG N.AVM UTIN G W T M EN U/E N TE R M EN U/E N TE R butto n C urs o r b utto ns P AG E B AC K b utto n O pera tin g t h e M ain M en u ( C ont.) A dju stin g P ic tu re Q ualit y ( C ont.) G ets d ark e r. (– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets b rig hte r. (– 30 ® 0 ® +30) G ets lo w er.(– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets h ig her.(– 30 ® 0 ® +30) G ets le ss r e dd is h .(– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets m ore r e dd is h .(– 30 ® 0 ® +30) G ets le ss g re e nis h .(– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets m ore g re e nis h .(– 30 ® 0 ® +30) G ets le ss b lu is h .(– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets m ore b lu is h .(– 30 ® 0 ® +30) S ets a m od e w hic h a ll o w s e asy te xt r e ad in g . R ese ts a ll a dju stm ent v a lu es o f it e m s o n th e P IC TU RE q uali t ym enu to th e f a cto ry -s e t s ta tu s(a dju stm ent v a lu es: 0 , te xtm ode : N O RM AL). A dju stm en t i t e mB utto nA dju stm en t c o nte n t B R IG HTN ESS C O NTR A ST R -G AIN G -G AIN B -G AIN T E XT M ODE ALL R ESET 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 M EN U/EN TE R N ote •T here is a r e la tio nsh ip b etw een th e a d ju stm en t o f it e m s R -G AIN , G -G AIN ,and B -G AIN a nd th at o f it e m C O NTR AST. F or e xa m ple , w hen a dju stm ent va lu es a re : R -G AIN : 0 , G -G AIN : 5 , B -G AIN : 0 , a nd C O NTR AS T: 0 , c h an gin gC O NTR AST t o 1 c h ang es t h e a d ju stm en t v a lu es a s f o llo w s: R -G AIN : 1 , G -GAIN : 6 , a nd B -G AIN : 1 . A ls o , w hen th e a dju stm ent v a lu e o f a n y o f R -G AIN , G -G AIN , a nd B -G AINh as re a ch ed -3 0 (m in im um ) o r + 30 (m axim um ), C O NTR AST c a nnot b eadju ste d t o a ny h ig her v a lu e . F or e xa m ple , w hen R -G AIN is 0 , G -G AIN is 5 , B -G AIN is 0 , a nd C O NTR AST is 0 , in cre a sin g C O NTR AST a llo w s t h e o th era dju stm en t v a lu e s to in cre ase u n til R -G AIN : 2 5 , G -G AIN : 3 0, a nd B -G AIN :25, th en C O NTR AST b eco m es 2 5 a nd c a nnot b e a d ju ste d to a ny h ig he r va lu e. N O RM ALTE XT1 TE XT2 N O RM ALTE X T1 TE X T2 nR em ote c o ntr o l u nit nS ubm en u it e m s P IC TU RE ( S XG A2) B R IG HTN ESS C O NTR AST R -G AIN G -G AIN B -G AIN T E XT M ODE N O RM AL A LL R ESET 00000 Note s •T he s e le cte d it e m is s h ow n in m agenta c o lo r. Ite m s s h ow nin g ra y c o lo r c a nnot b e o pera te d o r s e t in t h e c u rre nt m ode. •A dju stm ent i t e m s ( o n t h e P IC TU RE m enu) a re d iff e re nt w henAV s ig nals a re i n put a nd w hen c o m pute r-r e la te d s ig nals a rein put. [ P IC TU RE m en u] N O TIC E: T H IS P R O JE C TO R H AS B EEN O PTIM IZ E D B Y F A RO UDJA . D O N O T A DJU ST S ETTIN G S T H A T A FFE C T IM AG E L E VELS . U SE T H E C O NTR O LS IN T H E F A R O UDJA P R O CESSO R F O R S ETTIN G L E VELS .

42 OPERATE VOL. PAGE BACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING WT MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Adjusting Sound Quality Submenu item (SOUND) Adjust the quality (treble/bass) of sound. 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu appears on the screen. 2Select the ÒSOUNDÓ with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The selected item (displayed in text) is shown in magenta color on the screen. 3Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥The submenu items of the SOUND menu appear on the screen. (SOUND menu) 4Adjust ÒTREBLEÓ and ÒBASSÓ with the cursor buttons. ¥ Adjust the quality (TREBLE and BASS) of sound. * To reset to the factory-set adjustment values, press the remote controlÕs PRESET button. The treble and bass are reset to the factory-set adjustment values. ¦To return to the main menu, press the PAGE BACK button. To finish the main menu, press PAGE BACK again. ¥ To finish the menu display from the submenu display (SOUND menu), press PAGE BACK twice. Gets weaker.(Ð5 ¬ 0 ¬ +5) Gets stronger. (Ð5 ® 0 ® +5) Gets stronger. (Ð5 ® 0 ® +5) Gets weaker. (Ð5 ¬ 0 ¬ +5) Adjustment item Button Adjustment content TREBLE BASS2 3 5 ¥ nRemote control unit nMain menu Note ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. SOUND TREBLE BASS 0 0 VIDEO NTSC(480i) PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC(480i)) ENGLISH

43 ENGLISH OPERATE VOL. PAGEBACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING W T MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Submenu item (OPTIONS) Setting and Adjusting Other Functions (OPTIONS) The following optional functions can be set (adjusted). ¥ MENU AUTO OFF ¥ LINE DISPLAY ¥ RIGHT LEFT REV. ¥ TOP BOTTOM INV. ¥ CLAMP ¥ RESIZE ¥ BACK COLOR ¥ COLOR TEMPERATURE ¥ ASPECT CHANGE ¥ SLEEP TIME ¥ LAMP TIME Memo About the lamp use time The lamp use time indicates the accumulated used hours of the light-sour\ ce lamp and cannot be set or adjusted. When you have replaced with a new light-source lamp, reset the lamp use time (see page 50). Note ¥ The RESIZE function works for only computer system input. It does not wo\ rk for video system input. 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu appears on the screen. 2Select the ÒOPTIONSÓ with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The selected item (displayed in text) is shown in magenta color on the screen. 3Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The submenu items of the OPTIONS menu are displayed. (OPTIONS menu) n Remote control unit n Main menu Note ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. ¥ Items to be set (adjusted) are different when AV signals are input and when computer system signals are input. OPTIONS MENU AUTO OFF LINE DISPLAY RIGHT LEFT REV. TOP BOTTOM INV. CLAMP RESIZE BACK COLOR COLOR TEMP. ASPECT CHANGE SLEEP TIME LAMP TIME NO ON OFF OFF BP ON BLUE MIDDLE 4:3 30 MIn. 10 H. 4Select the item to set (adjust) with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The item to set (adjust) is shown in magenta color.. (To be continued on the next page) VIDEO NTSC(480i) PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC(480i)) ENGLISH

44 OPERATE VOL. PAGE BACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING WT MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Setting and Adjusting Other Functions (OPTIONS) (Cont.) Notes ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. ¥ Items to be set (adjusted) are different when AV signals are input and when computer-system signals are input. ¥ When you turn the RESIZE function ON, allowing the screen to be enlarged virtually to its full size for projection (resizing display), the video image (resolution) becomes coarse. 5Set (adjust) the desired item with the cursor button 2 or 3. ¥ To adjust multiple items, repeat steps 4 and 5. Sets whether to clear the menu display automatically a fixed time later or not. (Factory setting : NO) YES: Clears the display automatically in about 25 seconds. NO: Does not clear the display automatically. NO YES Sets whether to show the line display (Y/C, VIDEO, etc.) at the top of the projected screen or not. (Factory setting : ON) OFF: Does not show the line display. ON : Shows the line display. (The line display disappears about 5 seconds after it is shown.) OFF ON Reverses video image right-to-left. (Factory setting : OFF) OFF: For the front method ON: For upside hanging from the ceiling OFF ON Inverses video image upside-down. (Factory setting : OFF) OFF: For normal set-up ON: For upside hanging from the ceiling OFF ON Sets the clamp pulseÕs position at the back porch (BP) or on the sink tip (ST). Normally, the clamp is used at BP. If, with some PCs or workstations, the screen becomes unstable such as being too dark or too bright, try to switch to ST. (factory setting: BP) BP: The clamp pulse is positioned at the back porch. ST: The clamp pulse is positioned on the sink tip. BP ST When the number of pixels (resolution) sought by the input video is smaller than that (resolution) of D-ILA device, the video image is then enlarged to virtually full screen size of D-ILA device and projected (resizing display). (Factory setting : ON) Does not work (cannot be set) for video system input. OFF: Does not enlarge the video image for projection. When the number of pixels sought by video image is smaller than that of D-ILA device, projection takes place on a small screen size with a black area around the screen. ON: Enlarges virtually to the full screen size of D-ILA device for projection (resizing display). OFF ON Adjustment item Button Adjustment content MENU AUTO OFF LINE DISPLAY RIGHT LEFT REV. TOP BOTTOM INV. CLAMP RESIZE 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 nRemote control unit nSubmenu items [OPTIONS menu] (To be continued on the next page) OPTIONS MENU AUTO OFF LINE DISPLAY RIGHT LEFT REV. TOP BOTTOM INV. CLAMP RESIZE BACK COLOR COLOR TEMP. ASPECT CHANGE SLEEP TIME LAMP TIME NO ON OFF OFF BP ON BLUE MIDDLE 4:3 30 MIn. 10 H.

45 ENGLISH OPERATE VOL. PAGEBACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING W T MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Notes ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. ¥ Items to be set (adjusted) are different when AV signals are input and when computer-system signals are input. Setting and Adjusting Other Functions (OPTIONS) (Cont.) Sets background color when there is no input signal. (Factory setting : BLUE) BLUE CYAN BLACK GREEN YELLOW RED MAGENTA Sets the color temperature of the video image being projected. Make adjustment when the image becomes reddish or bluish. (Factory setting : MIDDLE) LOW : Color temperature decreases (video image becoming reddish). MIDDLE : Results in middle color temperature. HIGH : Color temperature increases (video image becoming bluish). LOW MIDDLE HIGH Sets the vertical-to-horizontal ratio (4 : 3 or 16 : 9) of the video image projected. (Factory setting : 4 : 3) 4 : 3 : The aspect ratio of the screen becomes 4 : 3. Set it to 4 : 3 for video of NTSC, NTSC4.43, PAL, SECAM. 16 : 9 : The aspect ratio of the screen becomes 16 : 9. Set it to 16 : 9 for Hi- Vision devices (W-VHS VCR, etc.) 4 : 3 16 : 9 Sets the length of sleep time which automatically brings the projector into stand- by state. You can select one of the following sleep times : 10 minutes, 20 minute, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes. (Factory setting : 30 minutes) 10 20 30 60 Adjustment item Button Adjustment content BACK COLOR COLOR TEMP. ASPECT CHANGE SLEEP TIME 2 /3 2 /3 2 /3 2 /3 ¦ To return to the main menu, press the PAGE BACK button. To finish the main menu, press PAGE BACK again. ¥ To finish the menu display from the submenu display (OPTIONS menu), press PAGE BACK twice. Note ¥ When you view a conventional (normal) 4 :3 video picture, which is not\ wide video picture, on the projectorÕs screen the aspect change function, the upper and lower parts of the video picture become partially invisible. View such an original video picture in 4 :3 mode, respecting the producerÕs intention. n Remote control unit n Submenu items OPTIONS MENU AUTO OFF LINE DISPLAY RIGHT LEFT REV. TOP BOTTOM INV. CLAMP RESIZE BACK COLOR COLOR TEMP. ASPECT CHANGE SLEEP TIME LAMP TIME NO ON OFF OFF BP ON BLUE MIDDLE 4:3 30 MIn. 10 H. [OPTIONS menu]

46 Input mode Factory setting Input mode Factory setting VIDEO NTSC(480i) COMPUTER 1 AUTO Y/C NTSC(480i) COMPUTER 2 AUTO Y, P B/B-Y, PR/R-Y AUTO Ñ Ñ VIDEO AUTO(NTSC(480i)) PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC(480i)) ENGLISH OPERATE VOL. PAGE BACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING WT MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Changing (Setting) the Source Submenu item [SOURCE] Normally, use the source setting in AUTO. If use in AUTO is unstable such as color not appearing, the screen being disturbed or the screen being intermitted, set to the dedicated source (forced mode) in accordance with the input signal. ¥ When shipped from the factory, the source settings are as follows: Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) nRemote control unit nMain menu Notes ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. ¥ Items that can be set are different when video signals are input and when computer signals are input. ¥ For dedicated source signals (corresponding frequency, etc.) for computer signals, see page 19. Notes ¥ Depending on the signal from a device connected, adjustment may be needed after a dedicated source is set. If that is the case, adjust the appropriate items. ¥ When the input mode (SOURCE) is VIDEO or Y/C, and if AUTO is set, the automatic detecting function may work, possibly causing the screen to be intermitted or disturbed. In that case, set to a dedicated source (forced mode). ¥ When special effect playback (fast-forward/ twice-speed/triple-speed) is performed on a video deck, etc, the picture may be disturbed or intermitted, depending on the device. ¥ When inputting 480p or 720p-DTV-format signal in COMPUTER2 input mode, use the dedicated source mode ÒSDTV(480p)Ó or ÒHDTV1(720p)Ó. (At AUTO, 480p or 720p signal can not be detected.) 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu appears on the screen. 2Select a submenu item ÒSOURCEÓ using the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The SOURCE item (shown in text) is indicated in magenta color. 3Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The submenu items, SOURCE menu, appears on the screen. 4Select the item to set using the cursor buttons 5/¥ or 2/3. ¥ The item to set is shown in magenta color. The display in ( ) shows the currently set status. (SOURCE menu) SOURCE (AUTO) AUTO NTSC(480i) SDTV(480p) HDTV1(720p) HDTV2(1080i) PAL/SECAM PC-98 VGA1 VGA3 MAC13 VGA VESA SVGA1 SVGA2 MAC16 XGA1 XGA2 MAC19 MAC21 SXGA1 SXGA2 SXGA3 SOURCE (AUTO) AUTO NTSC PAL/SECAM EDTV II HDTV PC-98 VGA1 VGA3 MAC13 VGA VESA SVGA1 SVGA2 MAC16 XGA1 XGA2 MAC19 MAC21 SXGA1 SXGA2 SXGA3 (To be continued on the next page)

47 ENGLISH OPERATE VOL. PAGEBACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING W T MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Changing (Setting) the Source (Cont.) 5Press the MENU/ENTER button to set (fix) it. n When AUTO is selected: The main menu is automatically cleared, completing the setting procedure, and the source display inputted appears. ¥ Both line display and source display appear on the screen and disappear in five seconds. However, they do not appear if the line display is set to OFF. Press the PAGE BACK button. n Remote control unit n Submenu item Notes ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. ¥ Items that can be set are different when video signals are input and when computer signals are input. ¥ For dedicated source signals (corresponding frequency, etc.) for computer signals, see page 19. n When other than AUTO is selected: The selected item is shown in ( ) beneath the indicated text ÒSOURCEÓ at the top of the screen, completing the setting procedure. ¥ To finish the menu display, press the PAGE BACK button twice (the first press returns you to the main menu and the second press clears it). The menu display is finished. SOURCE (NTSC(480i)) AUTO NTSC(480i) SDTV(480p) HDTV1(720p) HDTV2(1080i) PAL/SECAM PC-98 VGA1 VGA3 MAC13 VGA VESA SVGA1 SVGA2 MAC16 XGA1 XGA2 MAC19 MAC21 SXGA1 SXGA2 SXGA3 s SOURCE (NTSC(480i)) AUTO NTSC(480i) SDTV(480p) HDTV1(720p) HDTV2(1080i) PAL/SECAM PC-98 VGA1 VGA3 MAC13 VGA VESA SVGA1 SVGA2 MAC16 XGA1 XGA2 MAC19 MAC21 SXGA1 SXGA2 SXGA3 s VIDEO NTSC PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC) ENGLISH Press the PAGE BACK button.s VIDEO AUTO(NTSC(480i)) PAGE BACK PAGEBACK (SOURCE menu) SOURCE (AUTO) AUTO NTSC(480i) SDTV(480p) HDTV1(720p) HDTV2(1080i) PAL/SECAM PC-98 VGA1 VGA3 MAC13 VGA VESA SVGA1 SVGA2 MAC16 XGA1 XGA2 MAC19 MAC21 SXGA1 SXGA2 SXGA3

48 Replacing the Light-Source Lamp The light-source lamp has its service life. It is approximately 1000 hou\ rs. When the light-source lamp approaches the end of its service life, its d\ egradation progresses rapidly. When the lampÕs used hours exceed 900 hours, the projectorÕs LAMP indicator comes on. Also, at the start of projection (lamp energized), the message ÒREPL.-LAMPÓ appears on the projection screen for about two minute\ s. Then, replace with a new light-source lamp, or arrange for a replacement lamp. When lampÕs service has reached 1000 hours, the projectorÕs LAMP indicator starts blinking, and if you press the OPERATE button (or press the remote controlÕs OPERATE button for more than one second), the light-source lamp does not turn on. The specified lamp replacement period is 1000 hours, but depending on us\ e conditions, the replacement period may vary. If video image is dark and its color tint is extraordinary even after \ you have adjusted color tint and brightness, replace the light-source lamp a little earlier. Purchase new light-source lamps (part No. : BHL5001-SU) from the Faroudja dealer where you have purchased the projector, or contact Faroudja service. CAUTIONS and NOTES ¥ If the projector is set up in a tight place which is unsuitable for work\ , and if you perform replacement work there, this coul d hurt you. Move the projector to a place wide enough for work, and then replac\ e the lamp. ¥ Use a genuine product for the light-source lamp. If you use other than a\ genuine product, this could cause a malfunction. Also , never use an old light-source lamp. An old lamp could cause marked degradation in performance or explode its\ elf, possibly causing the projector to malfunction. Also, its broken pieces could come out of the projector and harm you whe\ n replacing the light-source lamp. ¥ Do not replace the light-source lamp immediately after the projector has\ been used. The temperature of the light-source lamp is still high and could cause a burn. Be sure to allow a cooling period \ of one hour or more before performing replacement work. ¥ Before starting lamp replacement work, turn off the MAIN POWER switch (see page 26), and disconnect the power cord \ from the wall outlet. If you perform the replacement work with the power cord\ left connected, this could cause harm or electric shock. ¥ Never discard an old light-source lamp (used lamp), as is. Otherwise, \ this could involve a great danger. The lamp contains a xenon gas inside, which is applying a high pressure. If the gas is not r\ emoved, it could cause the lamp to explode. For handling used lamps, refer to the manual supplied with the new repla\ cement lamp you have purchased. If you have any questions, consult a JVC-authorized dealer where you have bought the rep\ lacement lamp or nearest JVC Service center. Screw Lamp-replacement opening cover Be careful not to damage the claw. 1Remove the lamp-replacement opening cover by loosening screws. Loosen the two screws with a flat-end screwdriver. Note ¥ The screws are fitted so that they do not come off the lamp- replacement opening cover.

49 ENGLISH 2Loosen the lamp-unit screws, raise the handle, and pull out the lamp unit. Loosen the two screws with a flat-end screwdriver. ScrewLamp unit Handle Lamp unit Handle Screw Lamp-replacement opening cover Be careful not to damage the claw. 3Insert the new lamp unit fully inside and fasten the screws. Fasten the two screws with a flat-end screwdriver. CAUTION ¥ Do not touch the glass surface of the light-source lamp directly with your hand as well as staining it. If you touch with a bare hand, stains on your hand may adhere to the lamp, possibly preventing the lamp from performing as specified due to a shortened lamp life, a darkened screen, etc. To handle a new light-source lamp, hold its plastic part. Never touch the metal part or the front glass surface. CAUTIONS ¥ Install the lamp unit and close the lamp-replacement opening cover corre\ ctly; otherwise, a safety switch is activated to prevent the projector from operating. ¥ If the claw on the lamp-replacement opening cover is damaged, the projec\ tor may not possibly operate. Then, replace with a new lamp-replacement opening cover. ¥ After replacing the lamp, be sure to reset the lamp use time (see page \ 50). 4Replace the lamp-replacement opening cover and fasten the screws. Fasten the two screws with a flat-end screwdriver. 1 2 Replacing the Light-Source Lamp (Cont.) Note ¥ The screws are fitted so that they do not come off the lamp-unit. 1 2

50 Replacing the Light-source Lamp (Cont.) Resetting the Lamp Use Time After replacing with a new light-source lamp, reset the counter inside the projector. This works to reset the life calculation of the light-source lamp, allowing the used time of the new light-source lamp to be accumulated. 1Turn on the MAIN POWER switch to go into stand-by mode. ¥ON [ y ]:The main power turns ON and the STAND BY indicator lights. 2Press and hold down the ÒVIDEOÓ, ÒSETTINGÓ and ÒQUICK ALIGN. + 3Ó at the same time for six seconds or more. ¥ The STAND BY and OPERATE indicators come on at the same time. 3While the STAND BY and OPERATE indicators are on, press the ÒVIDEOÓ, ÒSETTINGÓ, and ÒCOMPUTERÓ buttons at the same time. ¥ The STAND BY and OPERATE indicators blink two seconds alternately, and after blinking, the projector returns to stand-by state (the STAND BY indicator lights). * This completes the resetting of the lamp use time. Memo To check the lamp use time has been reset : You can check it by LAMP TIME on the OPTIONS menu. CAUTIONS ¥ After replacing with a new light-source lamp, be sure to reset the lamp use time. When the lamp use time indicates 1000 hours, and if it is not reset, the projector does not operate. (The light-source lamp does not turn on.) ¥ Reset the lamp use time only when you have replaced with a new light-source lamp. Never reset it at a halfway time. Otherwise, the replacement time may become unclear, degrade performance markedly, or cause lamp explosion. nProjectorÕs button [MAIN POWER switch] [Control panel] 1 STAND BY LAMP TEMP EMERGENCY VIDEO COMPUTER SETTING QUICK ALIGN. -2 +3 OPERATE 32 OPERATE indicator STAND BY indicator