Faroudja Fdp-Dila1 Installation And Operations Manual
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31 ENGLISH Operating the Setting Menu Making Basic Settings nProjectorÕs buttons nSetting menu Description of adjustment and setting items TRACKING : If wide vertical stripes appear on the screen, adjust the lateral video size and display area so that they disappear. (Ð255 « 0 « +255) PHASE : If characters on the screen flicker or become dim, adjust so they become clear. (Ð127 « 0 « +127) H. POS. : If the screen position is displaced to the right or left, adjust the horizontal position of the screen. (Ð255 « 0 « +255) V. POS. : If the screen position is displaced upward or downward, adjust the vertical position of the screen. (Ð120 « 0 « +120) FOCUS : Adjust the focus of video picture. Ð: Focuses on near points. +: Focuses on farther points. ZOOM : Adjust the screen size (angle of view). T : Becomes smaller. W : Becomes larger. AUDIO-VOL. : Adjust the sound level. (0 « 50) Here, we make basic video adjustment and sound volume adjustment which are set up after installation (connection). Notes ¥ This adjustment menu (setting menu) can be displayed with only the projectorÕs button. After displaying the setting menu, you can select or set (adjust) items with cursor buttons on the remote control unit. ¥ If settings and connections are changed, adjust and set those items again. ¥ After this adjustment (setting menu), if video picture adjustment is necessary by using the devices connected, perform the details setting and adjustment on the main menu (pages 34 to 47). ¥ For computer-related inputs, use of the quick alignment function allows automatic adjustment of TRACKING, PHASE, H. POS. and V. POS. (See pages 31, 37 and 38). 1Press the SETTING button of the projector. ¥ The setting menu is displayed on the screen. 2Press the SETTING button to select the desired item. ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Each timeyou press the button, the selected item changes as follows: TRACKING PHASE H. POS. V. POS. Menu clearing AUDIO-VOL. ZOOM FOCUS Memo To select items using the remote control unit: Items can be selected using the cursor buttons 5 (backward) or ¥ (forward) on the remote control unit. In this case, menu clearing in the above order is not available. The selection changes from AUDIO- VOL to TRACKING directly. 3Adjust and set the selected item using the QUICK ALIGN. buttons + 3 or Ð 2. ¥ To adjust and set multiple items, repeat steps 2 and 3. ¥ To reset the adjustment value of the selected item (TRACKING, PHASE, H. POS. or V. POS.) to the factory-set value, press the remote controlÕs PRESET button. This button does not work for focus, zoom or sound volume. Memo To adjust and set items using the remote control unit: Items can be adjusted and set using the cursor buttons 2 or 3 on the remote control unit. 4Clear the setting menu by pressing the SETTING button repeatedly. Memo To clear the setting menu using the remote control unit: You can also clear the setting menu by pressing the PAGE BACK button on the remote control unit. Memo Using the quick alignment function: This function works only for computer-related signals inputted. Press the remote controlÕs QUICK ALIGN. button, or after clearing the menu displayed, press the projectorÕs QUICK ALIGN. buttons Ò+ 3Ò and ÒÐ 2 Ò at the same time. TRACKING, PHASE, H. POS. and V. POS. are automatically adjusted. During the adjustment, ÒQUICK ALIGNMENTÓ appears on the screen, and disappears after the adjustment finishes. EMERGENCY VIDEO COMPUTER SETTING QUICK ALIGN. -2 +3 SETTING button QUICK ALIGN. buttons SETTING TRACKING PHASE H.POS. V.POS. FOCUS – ZOOM W AUDIO -VOL. 0 0 0 0 + T 0 Adjustment • setting level

32 O pera tin g t h e M ain M en u C onfig ura tio n t h e M ain M en u ( AV I n put) F or c o m pute r i n puts , s ee t h e f o ll o w in g p ag e. N O TIC E: T H IS P R O JE C TO R H AS B EEN O PTIM IZ E D B Y F A RO UDJA . D O N O T A DJU ST S ETTIN G S T H AT A FFE C T IM AG E L E VELS . U SE T H E C O NTR O LS IN T H E F A RO UDJA P R O CESSO R F O R S ETTIN G L E VELS . U SIN G P R O JE C TO R C O NTR O LS F O R G EO M ETR Y S ETU P IS O KAY. M ain m en u ( AV in puts : D urin g AV IN in put s ig nal) P IX EL C LO CKTR AC KIN G:Norm all y, n o a dju stm ent i s r e q uir e d. T he l a te ra l s iz e a n d d is p la y a re a o f v id eo i m age a re a d ju ste d . P H ASE:N orm all y, n o a dju stm ent is r e q uir e d. F li c ke rin g o r d im v id e o im ag e is a dju ste d. P O SIT IO NV. P O S.:The v e rtic a l p osit io n o f th e v id eo im age b ein g p ro je cte d is a dju ste d . H . P O S.:The h oriz o nta l p osit io n o f th e v id eo im age b ein g p ro je cte d is a d ju ste d. P IC TU REBR IG HTN ESS:The b rig htn ess o f th e v id eo im age b ein g p ro je cte d is a d ju ste d . C O NTR AST:The c o ntr a st o f th e v id eo im ag e b ein g p ro je cte d is a dju ste d. S H AR PN ESS:The s h arp ness o f th e v id eo im age b ein g p ro je cte d is a d ju ste d. C O LO R:The c o lo r d ensit y o f th e v id eo im age b ein g p ro je cte d is a dju ste d. T IN T:The tin t o f th e v id eo im age b ein g p ro je cte d is a dju ste d. ( D is p la ye d o nly fo r N TS C s ig na l) A LL R ESET:All th e it e m s a dju ste d a re r e se t. S O UNDTR EBLE:T he tr e ble o f th e a udio s o und b ein g in put is a dju ste d. B ASS:The b ass o f th e a udio s o und b ein g in put is a dju ste d. O PTIO NSM EN U AU TO OFF:S ets w heth er to tu rn o ff m enu d is p la y a uto m atic a lly ( Y ES) o r n ot ( N O ). L IN E D IS PLAY:S ets w heth er to m ake th e li n e d is p la y e ffe ctiv e ( O N) o r n ot ( O FF) f o r a b out 5 s e co nds a ft e r in put sw it c h in g. R IG HT LE FT R EV.:Vid eo im age is r e ve rs e d r ig h t- to -le ft ( fo r u psid e-d ow n h ang in g ( c e ili n g )). TOP B O TTO M I N V.:Vid eo im age is in ve rte d t o p-to -b o tto m ( fo r u psid e-d ow n h ang in g ( c e ilin g)) . C LA M P:Sets t h e c la m p p uls e ’s p osit io n a t t h e b ack p orc h ( B P) o r o n t h e s in k t ip ( S T). N orm ally, t h e c la m p puls e is u se d a t B P. If, w it h s o m e P C s o r w ork sta tio ns, th e s cre en b eco m es u nsta ble s u ch a s b ein g to o d ark o r to o b rig h t, t r y to s w it c h to S T. R ESIZ E:D oes n ot w ork w it h AV ( v id eo ) in pu t. ( R ESIZ E is s h ow n in g ra y.) B AC K C O LO R:Specif ie s th e b ackg ro und c o lo r w he n th ere is n o v id eo s ig nal. B ackg ro und c o lo r c a n b e s e le cte d fr o m B LU E, C YAN , B LA C K, G REEN , M AG EN TA, R ED , a nd Y ELLO W. CO LO R TE M P.: Adju sts th e c o lo r te m pera tu re o f th e im ag e b ein g p ro je cte d . M ake a dju stm ent w hen th e im age beco m es r e ddis h o r b lu is h . C olo r te m pera tu re c a n b e s e t to L O W, M ID D LE , o r H IG H. ASPEC T C HAN G E: S ele cts th e v e rtic a l- to -h oriz o nta l r a tio o f th e im ag e p ro je cte d. T he fa cto ry -s e t r a tio is 4 : 3 . W he n pro je ctin g h ig h-v is io n v id eo im age , a r a tio o f 1 6 : 9 c a n b e s e le cte d. S LE EP TIM E:Sets t h e le ngth o f s le ep t im e. A s e t s le ep t im e a ft e r in put s ig nal is d eple te d, t h e p ro je cto r g oes in to a s ta nd-b y s ta te . S le ep tim e c a n b e s e le cte d fr o m 1 0 m in ute s, 2 0 m in ute s, 3 0 m in u te s, a nd 6 0 m in ute s. L A M P TIM E: In dic a te s th e a ccu m ula te d u se d h ou rs o f th e lig ht- s o urc e la m p. S O URCE:Norm ally u se d in A U TO . I f u se in A U TO is u n sta ble s u ch a s c o lo r n o t a ppea rin g, t h e s cre e n b ein g d is tu rb ed o r t h e scre en b ein g in te rm it te d, s e t to th e d edic a te d s o urc e ( fo rc e d m ode) in a cco rd a nce w it h th e in put s ig n al. D EC O DER:N orm all y, s e t t o A U TO . T he c o lo r s yste m o f a n in pu t s ig nal is a u to m atic a ll y id e ntif ie d a n d s h ow n in () . W hen u se in A U TO is u nsta ble s u ch a s n o c o lo r b ein g s h ow n, s e t th e d edic a te d c o lo r s yste m in a cco rd a nce w it h th e in put sig nal. Yo u c a n s e le ct fr o m AU TO , N TS C (4 80i) , N TS C 4.4 3, PA L, a nd S EC AM . LA N G UAG E:Text o n th e s cre en c a n b e c h anged to a la ngu ag e o th e r th a n E ng li s h . L an gu ag es th at c a n b e d is p la ye d a re th e fo llo w in g s ix : ( J a panese ), E N G LIS H , D EU TS C H ( G erm an ), E SPAÑ O L ( S panis h ), ITA LIA N O ( Ita li a n), a nd F R AN ÇAIS ( F re nch ). H ow eve r, s o m e t e xt s u ch a s “ Q UIC K ALIG NM EN T”, e tc . a re s h o w n o nly in E ngli s h .

33 ENGLISH Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Configuration of the Main Menu (Computer-related input) Main menu (Computer-related inputs : During COMPUTER IN-1 or -2 input signal) PIXEL CLOCK TRACKING : The lateral size and display area of video image are adjusted. PHASE : Flickering or dim video image is adjusted. POSITION V. POS. : The vertical position of the video image being projected is adjusted. H. POS. : The horizontal position of the video image being projected is adjusted. PICTURE BRIGHTNESS : The brightness of the video image being projected is adjusted. CONTRAST : The contrast of the video image being projected is adjusted. R-GAIN : The gain in red signal of the video image being projected is adjusted. G-GAIN : The gain in green signal of the video image being projected is adjusted.\ B-GAIN : The gain in blue signal of the video image being projected is adjusted. TEXT MODE : Adjust easiness for reading text during RESIZE. ALL RESET : All the items adjusted are reset. SOUND TREBLE : The treble of the audio sound being input is adjusted. BASS : The bass of the audio sound being input is adjusted. OPTIONS MENU AUTO OFF : Sets whether to turn off menu display automatically (YES) or not (NO). LINE DISPLAY : Sets whether to make the line display effective (ON) or not (OFF) for about 5 seconds after input switching. RIGHT LEFT REV. : Image is reversed right-to-left (for upside-down hanging (ceiling)).\ TOP BOTTOM INV. : Image is inverted top-to-bottom (for upside-down hanging (ceiling)).\ CLAMP : Sets the clamp pulseÕs position at the back porch (BP) or on the si\ nk tip (ST). Normally, the clamp pulse is used at BP. If, with some PCs or workstations, the screen becomes unstable such as\ being too dark or too bright, try to switch to ST. RESIZE : When the number of pixels (resolution) sought by the video image input\ is smaller than that (resolution) of D-ILA device, the video image is then enlarged to a vi\ rtually full screen size of D-ILA device and projected. (Resizing indication) BACK COLOR : Specifies the background color when there is no image signal. Background\ color can be selected from BLUE, CYAN, BLACK, GREEN, MAGENTA, RED, and YELLOW. COLOR TEMP. : Adjusts the color temperature of the video image being projected. Make a\ djustment when the video image becomes reddish or bluish. Color temperature can be set to LOW, MIDDLE, or HIGH. ASPECT CHANGE : Selects the vertical-to-horizontal ratio of the video image projected. The factory-set ratio is 4 : 3. When projecting high-vision image, a ratio of 16 : 9 can be selected. SLEEP TIME : Sets the length of sleep time. A set sleep time after input signal is depleted, the projector goes into a stand-by state. Sleep time can be selected from 10 minutes, 20 minutes\ , 30 minutes, and 60 minutes. LAMP TIME : Indicates accumulated used hours of the light-source lamp. SOURCE : Normally used in AUTO. If use in AUTO is unstable such as color not appearing, the screen being disturbed or\ the screen being intermitted, set to the dedicated source (forced mode) in\ accordance with the input signal. DECODER : Does not work with computer-related inputs. (The color system is indica\ ted in gray.) LANGUAGE : Text on the screen can be changed to a language other than English. Langu\ ages that can be displayed are the following six : (Japanese), ENGLISH, DEUTSCH (German), ESPA„OL (Spanish), ITALIANO (Italian), and FRAN‚AIS (French). However, some text such as ÒQUICK ALIGNMENTÓ, etc. are shown only in English. Normal Text 1 Text 2 : Normal : Display the outline of small letters already. : Makes the outline of large letters sharp.

34 VIDEO NTSC PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC) ENGLISH Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Operating the Main Menu (Basic Operation of the Main Menu) Submenu items Input line Source Decoder (color system) Language For projectorÕs menus, the setting menu and the main menu are available. Here, we explain about the operation of the main menu. (see pages 34 to 47) For the setting menu, refer to ÒMaking Basic SettingsÓ on page 31. 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu is displayed on the screen. 2Select an item with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The selected item (displayed text) is shown in magenta color on the screen. 3Set (adjust) the item. nWhen you have selected DECODER or LANGUAGE, ¥ Set it with the cursor button 2 or 3. * To finish the main menu, press the PAGE BACK button. nWhen you have selected an item on the submenu, ¥ Press the MENU/ENTER button to display the submenu, then set (adjust) the item with the cursor buttons 2 / 3 or 5 / ¥. * To return to the main menu, press PAGE BACK again. (To finish the main menu from the submenu, press PAGE BACK twice.) nAbout main menu display: Line display:The selected input-mode designation is displayed. For input-mode designation, ÒY/ CÓ, ÒVIDEOÓ, ÒY, P B/B-Y, PR/R-YÓ, ÒCOMPUTER 1Ó and ÒCOMPUTER 2Ó are available. Source display:The type of signal being input is displayed. With this projector, unique designations are previously given to specific horizontal and vertical frequencies. This allows the source selected under SOURCE (submenu item) to be indicated. The source setting can be selected from AUTO mode and dedicated (forced) modes. When AUTO is selected, the horizontal and vertical frequencies of a signal being input are detected and the matched designation is displayed in ( ). Display example: ÒAUTO (NTSC(480i))Ó Therefore, be careful as the source display does not always correspond to the indication or type of the input signal. For the unique designations for the specific horizontal and vertical frequencies, see pages 19 and 46. Submenu item display: PIXEL CLOCK : See page 37. POSITION : See page 38. PICTURE : See pages 39~41. SOUND : See page 42. OPTIONS : See pages 43~45. SOURCE : See pages 46 and 47. Decoder (Color system) display :See page 35. Language display :See page 36. nRemote control unit nMain menu (Example: During video signal input) OPERATE VOL. PAGE BACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING WT MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button

35 ENGLISH OPERATE VOL. PAGEBACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING W T MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Changing the Color System Color system (DECODER) display AUTO is set for the color system when the projector is shipped from the factory. Normally, use it in AUTO. If operation in AUTO is unstable such as with color not being shown, set to a dedicated color system in accordance with the color system of the signal being input. 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu is shown on the screen. 2Select ÒDECODERÓ with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The selected item (displayed in text) is shown in magenta color on the screen. 3Set the color system with the cursor button 2 or 3. ¥ Each time you press the cursor button 2 or 3, the color system changes as follows. 3 : Forward / 2 : Backward AUTO ................... Normally, set to AUTO. The color system of a signal being input is automatically identified. NTSC(480i) .......... Dedicated to NTSC(480i). NTSC4.43 ............ Dedicated to NTSC4.43. PAL ...................... Dedicated to PAL. SECAM ................ Dedicated to SECAM. Memo About automatic signal identification ¥ AUTO is selected when shipped from the factory. In AUTO, the color system (DECODER) of the signal being input is automatically identified and in\ dicated in ( ). Refer to the main menu display. ¥ If operation in AUTO is unstable such as with color not being shown, set to a dedicated color system in accordance with the color system of the signal\ being input. When the dedicated color system is set, be careful as autom\ atic identification does not work. ¦ To finish the main menu, press the PAGE BACK button. n Remote control unit n Main menu Note ¥ When computer-related signal is input, the display of the color system is changed to gray color, making operation impossible. When video signals from AV devices are input, the item for the color system can be set. VIDEO NTSC(480i) PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC(480i)) ENGLISH

36 OPERATE VOL. PAGE BACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING WT MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Changing the Language Display Language display The language in the menu display is set to English when shipped from the factory. When you want to change to another language, set it as follows. 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu is shown on the screen. 2Select ÒLANGUAGEÓ with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The selected item (displayed in text) is shown in magenta color on the screen. 3Set the desired language with the cursor button 2 or 3. ¥ Each time you press the cursor button 2 or 3, the selected language changes as follows. 3 : Forward / 2 : Backward ............ Japanese ............ English ............ German ............ Spanish ............ Italian ............ French Memo About language display English is selected when the projector is shipped from the factory. The languages in the menu display are the following six : (Japanese), ENGLISH, DEUTSCH (German), ESPA„OL (Spanish), and FRAN‚AIS (French). However, some text such as ÒQUICK ALIGNMENTÓ is displayed only in English. Unique designations such as line display and source display are similarly indicated. ¦To finish the main menu, press the PAGE BACK button. nRemote control unit nMain menu Note ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray cannot be operated or set in the current mode. VIDEO NTSC(480i) PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC(480i)) ENGLISH

37 ENGLISH OPERATE VOL. PAGEBACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING W T MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) Adjusting the Pixel Clock Submenu item (PIXEL CLOCK) The pixel clock should be adjusted mainly for computer-related inputs. (Normally, it does not need to be adjusted for video inputs.) If a wide stripe appears on the screen, adjust the lateral size of video image and the display area (tracking adjustment) so the stripe disappears. Also, if text on the video screen appears flickering or dim, make adjustment so it becomes clear (phase adjustment). 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu appears on the screen. 2Select ÒPIXEL CLOCKÓ with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The selected item (displayed in text) is shown in magenta color on the screen. 3Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The submenu items of the PIXEL CLOCK menu appears on thescreen. (PIXEL CLOCK menu) 4Adjust ÒTRACKINGÓ and ÒPHASEÓ with the cursor buttons. ¥ Adjust the tracking and phase of the video screen beingprojected. To adjust the phase, first check for correct tracking adjustment. * To reset to the factory-set adjustment values, press the remote controlÕs PRESET button. Tracking and phase are reset to the factory-set adjustment values. ¦ To return to the main menu, press the PAGE BACK button. To finish the main menu, press PAGE BACK again. ¥ To finish the menu display from the submenu display (PIXEL CLOCK menu), press PAGE BACK twice. The screen shrinks laterally (right-to-left). (Ð255 ¬ 0 ¬ +255) The screen extends laterally (right-to-left). (Ð255 ® 0 ® +255) Set to a position where text appears clear. (Ð127 ® 0 ® +127) (Ð127 ¬ 0 ¬ +127) Adjustment item Button Adjustment content TRACKING PHASE 2 3 5 ¥ n Remote control unit n Main menu Notes ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. ¥ A dim screen could be caused by insufficient adjustment of brightness and contrast. Before adjusting phase, make sure that brightness and contrast are correctly adjusted. PIXEL CLOCK TRACKING PHASE 0 0 PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER AUTO( ) LANGUAGE ENGLISH COMPUTER1 SXGA2

38 OPERATE VOL. PAGE BACK PRESET ZOOMFOCUS COMPUTERVIDEO QUICK ALIGN.AV MUTING WT MENU/ENTER MENU/ENTER button Cursor buttons PAGE BACK button Adjusting the Screen Position Submenu item (POSITION) Adjust the position of the screen if it is displaced. 1Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The main menu appears on the screen. 2Select ÒPOSITIONÓ with the cursor button 5 or ¥. ¥ The selected item (displayed in text) is shown in magenta color on the screen. 3Press the MENU/ENTER button. ¥ The submenu items of the POSITION menu appear on the screen. (POSITION menu) 4Adjust ÒH. POS.Ó and ÒV. POS.Ó with the cursor buttons. ¥ Adjust the horizontal and vertical positions of the video picture screen being projected. * To reset to the factory-set adjustment values, press the remote controlÕs PRESET button. H. POS. and V. POS. are reset to the factory-set adjustment values. ¦To return to the main menu, press the PAGE BACK button. To finish the main menu, press PAGE BACK again. ¥ To finish the menu display from the submenu display (POSITION menu), press PAGE BACK twice. The screen moves to the left.(Ð255 ¬ 0 ¬ +255) The screen moves to the right. (Ð255 ® 0 ® +255) The screen moves upwards. (Ð120 ® 0 ® +120) The screen moves downwards. (Ð120 ¬ 0 ¬ +120) Adjustment item Button Adjustment content H. POS. V. POS.2 3 5 ¥ Operating the Main Menu (Cont.) nRemote control unit nMain menu Note ¥ The selected item is shown in magenta color. Items shown in gray color cannot be operated or set in the current mode. POSITION H.POS. H.POS. 0 0 VIDEO NTSC(480i) PIXEL CLOCK POSITION PICTURE SOUND OPTIONS SOURCE DECODER LANGUAGE AUTO(NTSC(480i)) ENGLISH

39 O PER ATE V O L. P AG EBAC K P R ESET Z O OMFO CUS CO M PU TE RVID EO Q UIC KALIG N.AVM UTIN G W T M EN U /E N TE R M EN U/E N TE Rbutto n C urs o r b utto ns P AG E B AC K b utto n O pera tin g t h e M ain M en u ( C ont.) A dju stin g P ic tu re Q ualit y S ubm enu it e m ( P IC TU RE) N O TIC E: T H IS P R O JE C TO R H AS B EEN O PTIM IZ E D BY F A RO UDJA . D O N O T A DJU ST S ETTIN G S T H AT A FFE C T IM AG E L E VELS . U SE T H E C O NTR O LS IN TH E F A R O UDJA P R O CESSO R F O R S ETTIN G L E VELS . 1P re ss t h e M EN U/E N TE R b utto n. •The m ain m en u a ppears o n th e s cre en. 2S ele c t “ P IC TU R E” w it h th e c u rs o r butto n o r ¥. •T he s e le cte d it e m ( d is p la ye d in t e xt) is s h ow n in m age nta c o lo r on t h e s cre en. 3P re ss t h e M EN U/E N TE R b utto n. •T he s u bm enu it e m s o f th e P IC TU RE m enu a pp ear o n th e scre en. nW hen AV s ig nals a re in put (P IC TU R E m enu) (P IC TU RE m enu) nW hen c o m pute r-r e la te d s ig nals a re i n p ut 4S ele ct t h e i t e m t o a d ju st w it h t h e c u rs o r b utto n o r ¥. •T he i t e m s t o a dju st ( s h o w n i n t e xt) i s d is p la ye d i n m ag enta c o lo r. nR em ote c o ntr o l u nit nM ain m en u N ote s •T he s e le cte d it e m is s h ow n in m agenta c o lo r. Ite m s s h ow nin g ra y c o lo r c a nnot b e o pera te d o r s e t in t h e c u rre nt m ode.•A dju stm ent i t e m s ( o n t h e P IC TU RE m enu) a re d iff e re nt w hen AV s ig nals a re i n put a nd w hen c o m pute r-r e la te d s ig nals a rein put. P IC TU RE ( N TS C ) BR IG HTN ESS C O NTR AS T S H AR PN ES S C O LO R – T IN T 1 A LL R ESET 0033 (To b e c o n tin ued o n th e n e xt p age) V ID EO N TS C (4 80i) P IX EL C LO CK P O SIT IO N P IC TU R E S O UND O PTIO NS S O URCE D EC O DER L A N G UAG E AU TO (N TS C (4 80i) )E N G LIS H P IC TU RE ( S XG A2) B R IG HTN ESS C O NTR AST R -G AIN G -G AIN B -G AIN T E XT M ODE N O RM AL A LL R ESET 00000

40 O PER ATE V O L. P AG EBAC K P R ESET Z O OMFO CUS CO M PU TE RVID EO Q UIC KALIG N.AVM UTIN G W T M EN U/E N TE R M EN U/E N TE R butto n C urs o r b utto ns P AG E B AC K b utto n A dju stin g P ic tu re Q ualit y ( C ont.) O pera tin g t h e M ain M en u ( C ont.) 5M ake a d ju stm en t w it h th e c u rs o r butto n o r . N ote •T he a dju stm ent it e m , T IN T, is d is p la ye d o nly fo r N TS C s yste m . It is n otdis p la ye d (c a nnot b e a dju ste d) w he n PAL o r S EC AM s yste m s ig n als a rein pu t. •W hen v id eo s ig nals a re in put t o t h e C O M PU TE R I N -2 t e rm in al, a dju stm entit e m s “ C O LO R” a nd “ T IN T” a re in dic a te d b ut c a nno t b e a dju ste d. nF or c o m pute r s y ste m in put •To a dju st m ult ip le it e m s, r e peat s te ps 4 a nd 5 . •To re se t a ll it e m s (to fa cto ry -s e t a dju stm ent v a lu es “0 ”), s e le ct A LL R ESET w it h t h e c u rs o r b utto ns a nd p re ss t h e M EN U /E N TE R butto n. •To re se t o nly th e s e le cte d it e m s (A LL R ESET e xclu ded) to th e fa cto ry -s e t a dju stm ent v a lu e, p re ss t h e r e m ote c o ntr o l’s P R ESET butto n. T he s e le cte d it e m is r e se t to th e fa cto ry -s e t a dju stm en t va lu e. G ets d ark e r.(– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets b rig hte r.(– 30 ® 0 ® +30) G ets lo w er.(– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets h ig her.(– 30 ® 0 ® +30) G ets s o fte r.(0 ¬ 7) G ets s h arp er. (0 ® 7) G ets s o fte r. (– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets d ee per. (– 30 ® 0 ® +30) G ets r e dd is h .(– 30 ¬ 0 ¬ +30) G ets g re e nis h .(– 30 ® 0 ® +30) R ese ts a ll a dju stm ent v a lu es o fit e m s o n th e P IC TU RE m enu to th e f a cto ry -s e t v a lu es ( 0 ). A dju stm en t it e mB utto nA dju stm en t c o nte n t B R IG HTN ESS C O NTR A ST SH A RPN ESS C O LO R TIN T A LL R ESET 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 M EN U/ EN TE R nR em ote c o ntr o l u nit nS ubm en u it e m s Note s •T he s e le cte d it e m is s h ow n in m agenta c o lo r. Ite m s s h ow nin g ra y c o lo r c a nnot b e o pera te d o r s e t in t h e c u rre nt m ode. •A dju stm ent i t e m s ( o n t h e P IC TU RE m enu) a re d iff e re nt w henAV s ig nals a re i n put a nd w hen c o m pute r-r e la te d s ig nals a rein put. P IC TU RE ( N TS C (4 8 0i) ) B R IG HTN ESS C O NTR AST S H AR PN ES S C O LO R – T IN T 1 A LL R ESET 0033 (To b e c o n tin ued o n th e n e xt p age) [P IC TU RE m en u] N O TIC E: T H IS P R O JE C TO R H AS B EEN O PTIM IZ E D B Y F A RO UDJA . D O N O T A DJU ST S ETTIN G S T H A T A FFE C T IM AG E L E VELS . U SE T H E C O NTR O LS IN T H E F A R O UDJA P R O CESSO R F O R S ETTIN G L E VELS .