Epson Projector PowerLite Pro G6450WU User Manual
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Adjusting theLamp s Brightness When projecting withmultiple projectors, youmust adjust thebrightness settingsothat allprojectors are as bright asthe darkest lamp(PowerLite ProG6050W/G6150/G6550WU/G6750WU/G6800/G6900WU). Note: Evenafteradjusting thebrightness levels,thebrightness ofeach lampmaynotmatch exactly. 1. Turn onallthe projectors anddisplay thesame image. 2. Select Normal forthe Power Consumption setting. 3. Select Multi-Projection or3D Multi-Projection (for3Dimages) forthe color mode. 4. Press theMenu button. 5. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 6. Select theMulti-Projection settingandpress Enter. 7. Select theBrightness Levelsetting andpress Enter. 8. Select abrightness level. 9. Press Esctoreturn tothe previous screen. Parent topic:UsingMultiple Projectors Related concepts Color Mode Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Blending theImage Edges You canusetheprojectors EdgeBlending featuretocreate aseamless imagefrommultiple projectors. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 141

3. Select theMulti-Projection settingandpress Enter. 4. Select theEdge Blending settingandpress Enter. You seethisscreen: 5. Turn onthe Edge Blending ,Guide Display ,and Pattern Guidesettings. Note: Ifthe projected guideisunclear, trychanging theGuide Colors setting. 6. Select theedge youwant toblend andpress Enter. You seeascreen likethis: 7. Select theBlending settingandselect On. 8. Select theBlend Range settingandselect thewidth ofthe blended area. 142

The range should beset sothat thedisplayed guidesareatthe edges ofthe overlapping area between thetwo images. 9. Press Esctogo back tothe previous screen. 10. Select theBlend Curve setting (PowerLite ProG6050W/G6150/G6450WU/G6550WU/G6750WU) and select agradient forthe shaded area. 11. When youarefinished, presstheMenu button. Parent topic:UsingMultiple Projectors Adjusting theBlack Level When twoimages overlap, theoverlapping areacanbedifferent inbrightness andtone from theareas that donot overlap. Youcanusetheprojectors BlackLevelsetting toreduce thisdifference andmake it less noticeable (PowerLite ProG6800/G6900WU). 143

Note: • You cannot adjusttheblack levelwhen atest pattern displayed. • The brightness andtone ofthe overlapping areasmaydiffer fromtherest ofthe image evenafter adjusting theblack level. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 3. Select theMulti-Projection settingandpress Enter. 4. Select theEdge Blending settingandpress Enter. You seethisscreen: 144

5. Select theBlack Levelsetting andpress Enter. You seethisscreen: 6. Select theArea Correction settingandpress Enter. The points youcanusetoset the range forblack leveladjustments aredisplayed. 145

Note: Thepoints displayed differdepending onthe edge settings (Top Edge ,Bottom Edge,Right Edge ,Left Edge )and thegeometric adjustment methodselected. Forexample, ifLeft Edge isset and 5× 5is selected forthe Point Correction setting,youseeascreen likethis: 7. Use thearrow buttons toselect anadjustment pointandpress theEnter button. The selected pointturns orange. 8. Use thearrow buttons tomove thepoint. 146

9. Tomove another point,press theEsc button andrepeat theprevious twosteps. 10. When youarefinished, presstheEsc button twiceandselect Yeswhen youseetheconfirmation message toreturn tothe Black Levelmenu screen. Note: Changing anyofthe Top Edge ,Bottom Edge,Right Edge,or Left Edge settings willreset the Black Levelsetting toits default value. 11. Select theColor Adjustment settingandpress Enter. You seethisscreen: 12. Adjust thebrightness andtone ofthe areas thatdonot overlap tomatch theareas thatoverlap using the displayed adjustment sliders. 13. When youarefinished, presstheMenu button toexit. Parent topic:UsingMultiple Projectors Matching theImage Colors You canmatch thedisplay qualityofmultiple projectors thatwillproject nexttoeach other. Note: Makesureyouselect Multi-Projection or3D Multi-Projection (for3Dimages) forthe color mode. Brightness andcolors maynotmatch exactly evenafterperforming thesteps below. 1. Press theMenu button. 147

2. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 3. Select theMulti-Projection settingandpress Enter. 4. Select theMulti-screen settingandpress Enter. You seethisscreen: Note: PressEntertotoggle between theprojected imageandtheadjustment screen. 5. SettheAdjustment Levelsetting to1and press Enter. 6. Settheremote controlIDtomatch thesecond projector. 7. Access theExtended menuMulti-screen settingonthe second projector andsetthe Adjustment Level setting to1. 8. Adjust theBrightness Correct.settingonthe projector withthedarkest displaysoitmatches the lighter display, andpress Enter.(You mayneed toswitch theremote controlIDback andforth to make adjustments toeach projector inall ofthese steps.) 9. Change theAdjustment Levelsetting to5on each projector, butthis time match thelighter display to the darker one. 10. Adjust theBrightness Correct.settingonAdjustment Level2,3 ,and 4in the same way. 11. Adjust theColor Correct. settingsforgreen-to-red (G/R )and blue-to-yellow (B/Y )balance forallthe levels onboth projectors inthe same way. 12. Ifyou need tomatch moreprojectors, repeatthesestepsmatching projector3to projector 2,4to 3, and soon. Parent topic:UsingMultiple Projectors Related concepts Color Mode 148

Viewing 3DImages Using anoptional polarizer and3Dglasses, youcanusetwoprojectors toproject andview passive 3D images. Seetheinstructions suppliedwiththeoptional equipment forsetup anduse. For optimal viewing, selectthe3DImages settingfromtheSignal menuandselect oneofthe 3Dcolor modes. Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Related concepts Color Mode Saving Settings toMemory andUsing Saved Settings You cansave customized settingsforeach ofyour video inputs andthen select thesaved settings whenever youwant touse them. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. 2. Press theMenu button. 3. Select theSettings menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theMemory settingandpress Enter. You seethisscreen: 149

5. Select oneofthe following options: • Load Memory :Overwrites yourcurrent settings withsaved settings • Save Memory :Saves yourcurrent settings tomemory (10memories withdifferent namesare available) Note: Amemory namethatisbeing usedisindicated byagreen mark.Saving overapreviously saved memory overwrites thesettings withyour current settings. • Erase Memory :Erases theselected memorysettings • Rename Memory:Renames asaved memory Parent topic:Adjusting ProjectorFeatures Saving aScheduled Event You cansave aprojector command suchasturning theprojector onoroff, orswitching inputsources, as an event tothe projectors scheduleandhave theprojector automatically executethecommand atthe scheduled time. Note: TheTime/Schedule Protectionsettinginthe Password Protection menumustbeturned offto schedule anevent. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theExtended menuandpress Enter. 3. Select theSchedule Settingssettingandpress Enter. The Schedule Settingsscreenappears. 4. Select theSchedule menuandpress Enter. 5. Select AddNew andpress Enter. 6. Inthe Event Settings section,selecttheevents youwant tohave occur. (Select NoChange for events thatyoudonot want tooccur.) 7. Inthe Date/Time Settingssection,setthe date andtime forthe scheduled eventstooccur. 8. When youarefinished, selectSaveandpress Enter. 9. Toschedule moreevents, repeattheprevious 4steps. 10. Select Setup complete andselect Yestosave yourchanges. 150