Epson Projector PowerLite Pro G6450WU User Manual
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7. Use thearrow buttons onthe projector orthe remote controltoselect thearea youwant toadjust. Then press Enter. Note: Toreset yourCurved Surface adjustments, presstheEsc button foratleast 2seconds to display areset screen, thenselect Yes. 8. Use thearrow buttons onthe projector toadjust theshape. 101

Note: Ifthe triangle pointing inthe direction youareadjusting theshape turnsgray,youcannot adjust theshape anyfurther inthat direction. 9. Press theEsc button toreturn tothe Curved Surface menuscreen. 10. Repeat theprevious threesteps asnecessary toadjust anyremaining imageparts. If the image expands orcontracts, continuewiththenext steptoadjust thelinearity. 11. Select oneofthe following fromtheCurved Surface menuscreen: • Horizontal Linearity:Adjusts horizontal expansion orcontraction • Vertical Linearity :Adjusts verticalexpansion orcontraction 12. Select adisplayed linetouse asabaseline andpress Enter. The selected baseline flashesredand white. 13. Adjust thelinearity bydoing oneofthe following: • Press theleftarrow button toshrink orcontract thedistance between thelines closest tothe baseline • Press theright arrow button toexpand thedistance between thelines closest tothe baseline 14. When youarefinished, pressMenu toexit. 102

Note: Ifnecessary, youcanfinetune theresults ofyour Curved Surface adjustments usingPoint Correction. Parent topic:Image Shape Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Related tasks Displaying aTest Pattern Correcting ImageShape withPoint Correction Correcting ImageShape withPoint Correction You canusetheprojectors PointCorrection featuretoadjust theimage viapoints onagrid. Thisis useful toadjust overlapping areasinmultiple projections thatdonot line upcorrectly. 1. Press theMenu button. 2. Select theSettings menuandpress Enter. 3. Select theGeometric Correction settingandpress Enter. 4. Select thePoint Correction settingandpress Enter. Note: Ifyou seeaconfirmation messagetocontinue, pressEnter again. You seethisscreen: 103

5. Select thePoint Correction settingandpress Enter. 6. Select thenumber ofgrid lines todisplay andpress Enter. 7. Use thearrow buttons onthe projector orremote controltomove tothe point onthe grid thatyou want toadjust. Thenpress Enter.The boxwillchange fromasingle linetoadouble-lined square. 8. Use thearrow buttons tocorrect thedistortion inall necessary directions. Note: Youcanpress Enter toshow orhide theimage andgridtocheck theresults. 9. Press Esctoreturn tothe previous screenandselect another pointtocorrect, ifnecessary. 10. When youarefinished, pressMenu toexit. Parent topic:Image Shape Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Related tasks Displaying aTest Pattern 104

Correcting ImageShape withCorner Wall You canusetheprojectors CornerWallsetting toadjust theshape ofan image projected onasurface with right angles, suchasarectangular pillarorthe corner ofaroom (PowerLite ProG6800/G6900WU). 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingtheSettings menu. Note: Theimage maynotbeevenly focused throughout evenafterperforming thesteps below. 2. Press theMenu button. 3. Select theSettings menuandpress Enter. 4. Select theGeometric Correction settingandpress Enter. 5. Select theCorner Wallsetting andpress Enter. Note: Ifyou seeaconfirmation messagetocontinue, pressEnter again. You seethisscreen: 105

6. Select theCorner Typesetting andpress Enter. 7. Select oneofthe following: • Horizontal Cornerwhenthesurfaces lineuphorizontally • Vertical Cornerwhenthesurfaces lineupvertically 8. Press theEsc button toreturn tothe Corner Wallmenu screen. 9. Select theCorrect Shapesettingandpress Enter. 106

10. Adjust theprojectors positionandusethelens shiftoption tocenter theimage overthecorner ofthe wall orthe point where thetwo surface areasmeet.(Therestofthese stepsshows Horizontal Corner asthe selected CornerTypebuttheworkflow isthe same forVertical Corner.) Note: Youcanpress Enter toshow orhide theimage andgridtocheck theresults. 11. Use thearrow buttons onthe projector orthe remote controltoselect thearea youwant toadjust. Then press Enter. Tip: When Horizontal Cornerisselected, adjustthetoparea byusing thelowest point(indicated by the blue arrow) asyour reference andadjusting theareas indicated bythe toptwo black arrows. Adjust thelower areabyusing thehighest point(indicated bythe red arrow) asyour reference and adjusting theareas indicated bythe bottom twoblack arrows. 107

When Vertical Cornerisselected, adjusttheleftand right areas usingthepoints nearest thecenter of the image asyour reference points. Note: Toreset yourCorner Walladjustments, presstheEsc button foratleast 2seconds todisplay a reset screen, thenselect Yes. 12. Use thearrow buttons onthe projector orremote controltoadjust theshape. 13. Repeat theprevious twosteps asnecessary toadjust anyremaining imageparts. If the image expands orcontracts, continuewiththenext steptoadjust thelinearity. 14. Press theEsc button toreturn tothe Corner Wallmenu screen. 15. Select theLinearity settingandpress Enter. 16. Adjust thelinearity bydoing thefollowing: • Press theleftarrow button toshrink orcontract thedistance between thelines closest tothe leftor top side ofthe image • Press theright arrow button toshrink orcontract thedistance between thelines closest tothe right or bottom sideofthe image 108

17. When youarefinished, pressMenu toexit. Note: Ifnecessary, youcanfinetune theresults ofyour Corner Walladjustments usingPointCorrection. Parent topic:Image Shape Related references Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Related tasks Displaying aTest Pattern Correcting ImageShape withPoint Correction Resizing theImage WiththeZoom Ring 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Wait30minutes afterturning onthe projector before setting thefocus, zoom, andlens shiftformaximum accuracy. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingtheSettings menu. 2. Toenlarge orreduce theimage size,rotate theprojectors zoomring. 109

Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related tasks Displaying aTest Pattern Focusing theImage UsingtheFocus Ring 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Wait30minutes afterturning onthe projector before setting thefocus, zoom, andlens shiftformaximum accuracy. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingtheSettings menu. 2. Tosharpen theimage focus,rotatetheprojector ’s focus ring. Focusing theImage withtheOptional ShortThrow Lens Parent topic:UsingBasicProjector Features Related tasks Displaying aTest Pattern Focusing theImage withtheOptional ShortThrow Lens If the optional shortthrow lens(ELPLU01) isinstalled andthelens hasbeen shifted usingthelens shift option, youcanfocus theimage usingthedistortion andfocus rings. 1. Turn onthe projector anddisplay animage. Note: Youcandisplay apattern toaid inadjusting theprojected imageusingtheSettings menu. 110