Epson Brightlink 485wi Users Guide
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by the Free Software Foundation, writetothe Free Software Foundation; wesometimes make exceptions forthis. Ourdecision willbeguided bythe two goals ofpreserving thefree status ofall derivatives ofour free software andofpromoting thesharing andreuse ofsoftware generally. NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THELIBRARY ISLICENSED FREEOFCHARGE, THEREISNO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TOTHE EXTENT PERMITTED BYAPPLICABLE LAW.EXCEPT WHENOTHERWISE STATED INWRITING THECOPYRIGHT HOLDERSAND/OROTHERPARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY ASISWITHOUT WARRANTY OFANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.THEENTIRE RISKASTO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OFTHE LIBRARY ISWITH YOU.SHOULD THELIBRARY PROVEDEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THECOST OFALL NECESSARY SERVICING,REPAIRORCORRECTION. 16. INNO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BYAPPLICABLE LAWORAGREED TOINWRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER,ORANY OTHER PARTYWHOMAYMODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY ASPERMITTED ABOVE,BELIABLE TOYOU FORDAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESARISINGOUTOFTHE USE OR INABILITY TOUSE THELIBRARY (INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TOLOSS OFDATA ORDATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE ORLOSSES SUSTAINED BYYOU ORTHIRD PARTIES ORA FAILURE OFTHE LIBRARY TOOPERATE WITHANYOTHER SOFTWARE), EVENIFSUCH HOLDER OROTHER PARTYHASBEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGES. END OFTERMS ANDCONDITIONS How toApply These Terms toYour NewLibraries If you develop anew library, andyouwant itto be ofthe greatest possible usetothe public, we recommend makingitfree software thateveryone canredistribute andchange. Youcandosoby permitting redistribution undertheseterms (or,alternatively, undertheterms ofthe ordinary General Public License). To apply these terms, attachthefollowing noticestothe library. Itis safest toattach themtothe start of each source filetomost effectively conveytheexclusion ofwarranty; andeach fileshould haveatleast the copyright lineand apointer towhere thefullnotice isfound. < one linetogive thelibrarys nameandabrief ideaofwhat itdoes. > Copyright ©) This library isfree software; youcanredistribute itand/or modify itunder theterms ofthe GNU Lesser General PublicLicense aspublished bythe Free Software Foundation; eitherversion 2.1ofthe License, or (at your option) anylater version. 231

This library isdistributed inthe hope thatitwill beuseful, butWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteven the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY orFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.Seethe GNU Lesser General PublicLicense formore details. You should havereceived acopy ofthe GNU Lesser General PublicLicense alongwiththislibrary; if not, write tothe Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51Franklin Street,FifthFloor, Boston, MA02110-1301 USA Also addinformation onhow tocontact youbyelectronic andpaper mail. You should alsogetyour employer (ifyou work asaprogrammer) oryour school, ifany, tosign a copyright disclaimer forthe library, ifnecessary. Hereisasample; alterthenames: Yoyodyne, Inc.,hereby disclaims allcopyright interestinthe library `Frob(alibrary fortweaking knobs) written byJames Random Hacker. < signature ofTy Coon >,1 April 1990 Ty Coon, President ofVice Thats allthere isto it! BSD License (Berkeley SoftwareDistribution License) This projector productincludes theopen source software programUniversity ofCalifornia ,Berkeley License (Berkeley SoftwareDistribution License)whichapplies theterms andconditions providedby owner ofthe copyright tothe BSD License. The BSD License areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofBSD License programs busybox-1.13.4 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe BSD License areasfollows. Copyright (c)The Regents ofthe University ofCalifornia . All rights reserved. This code isderived fromsoftware contributed toBerkeley byKenneth Almquist. Redistribution anduseinsource andbinary forms, withorwithout modification, arepermitted provided that thefollowing conditions aremet: 1. Redistributions ofsource codemustretain theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer. 232

2. Redistributions inbinary formmust reproduce theabove copyright notice,thislistofconditions andthe following disclaimer inthe documentation and/orothermaterials providedwiththedistribution. 3. Neither thename ofthe University northenames ofits contributors maybeused toendorse or promote products derivedfromthissoftware withoutspecific priorwritten permission. THIS SOFTWARE ISPROVIDED BYTHE REGENTS ANDCONTRIBUTORS ASISAND ANY EXPRESS ORIMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING,BUTNOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSEARE DISCLAIMED. INNO EVENT SHALLTHEREGENTS ORCONTRIBUTORS BELIABLE FORANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO,PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODSORSERVICES; LOSS OFUSE, DATA, ORPROFITS; ORBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVERCAUSEDANDON ANY THEORY OFLIABILITY, WHETHER INCONTRACT, STRICTLIABILITY, ORTORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OROTHERWISE) ARISINGINANY WAY OUTOFTHE USE OFTHIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IFADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OFSUCH DAMAGE. libjpeg This projector productincludes theopen source software programlibjpegwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe libjpeg. The libjpeg areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List oflibjpeg programs libjpeg-6b License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe libjpeg areasfollows. Copyright (C)1994-1997, ThomasG.Lane. This fileispart ofthe Independent JPEGGroups software. For conditions ofdistribution anduse, seetheaccompanying READMEfile. This distribution containsthesixth public release ofthe Independent JPEGGroups freeJPEG software. You arewelcome toredistribute thissoftware andtouse itfor any purpose, subjecttothe conditions under LEGAL ISSUES, below. LEGAL ISSUES ============ In plain English: 1. We dont promise thatthissoftware works.(Butifyou findany bugs, please letus know!) 233

2. You canusethissoftware forwhatever youwant. Youdont have topay us. 3. You may notpretend thatyouwrote thissoftware. Ifyou useitin aprogram, youmust acknowledge somewhere inyour documentation thatyouve usedtheIJG code. In legalese: The authors makeNOWARRANTY orrepresentation, eitherexpress orimplied, withrespect tothis software, itsquality, accuracy, merchantability, orfitness foraparticular purpose.Thissoftware is provided ASIS,and you, itsuser, assume theentire riskastoits quality andaccuracy. This software iscopyright (C)1991-1998, ThomasG.Lane. All Rights Reserved exceptasspecified below. Permission ishereby granted touse, copy, modify, anddistribute thissoftware (orportions thereof)for any purpose, withoutfee,subject tothese conditions: (1) Ifany part ofthe source codeforthis software isdistributed, thenthisREADME filemust beincluded, with thiscopyright andno-warranty noticeunaltered; andanyadditions, deletions,orchanges tothe original filesmust beclearly indicated inaccompanying documentation. (2) Ifonly executable codeisdistributed, thentheaccompanying documentation muststatethatthis software isbased inpart onthe work ofthe Independent JPEGGroup. (3) Permission foruse ofthis software isgranted onlyifthe user accepts fullresponsibility forany undesirable consequences; theauthors acceptNOLIABILITY fordamages ofany kind. These conditions applytoany software derivedfromorbased onthe IJG code, notjust tothe unmodified library. Ifyou useourwork, youought toacknowledge us. Permission isNOT granted forthe use ofany IJGauthors nameorcompany nameinadvertising or publicity relatingtothis software orproducts derivedfromit.This software maybereferred toonly as the Independent JPEGGroups software. We specifically permitandencourage theuse ofthis software asthe basis ofcommercial products, provided thatallwarranty orliability claimsareassumed bythe product vendor. ansi2knr.c isincluded inthis distribution bypermission ofL.Peter Deutsch, soleproprietor ofits copyright holder,Aladdin Enterprises ofMenlo Park,CA.ansi2knr.c isNOT covered bythe above copyright andconditions, butinstead bythe usual distribution termsofthe Free Software Foundation; principally, thatyoumust include sourcecodeifyou redistribute it.(See thefileansi2knr.c forfull details.) However, sinceansi2knr.c isnot needed aspart ofany program generated fromtheIJG code, thisdoes not limit youmore thantheforegoing paragraphs do. The Unix configuration scriptconfigure wasproduced withGNU Autoconf. Itis copyright bythe Free Software Foundation butisfreely distributable. Thesame holdsforitssupporting scripts(config.guess, 234

config.sub, ltconfig, Anothersupportscript,install-sh, iscopyright byM.I.T. butisalso freely distributable. It appears thatthearithmetic codingoptionofthe JPEG speciscovered bypatents ownedbyIBM, AT &T, and Mitsubishi. Hencearithmetic codingcannot legallybeused without obtaining oneormore licenses. Forthis reason, supportforarithmetic codinghasbeen removed fromthefree JPEG software. (Since arithmetic codingprovides onlyamarginal gainover theunpatented Huffmanmode,itis unlikely that very many implementations willsupport it.)So faraswe are aware, therearenopatent restrictions on the remaining code. The IJGdistribution formerlyincluded codetoread andwrite GIFfiles. Toavoid entanglement withthe Unisys LZWpatent, GIFreading supporthasbeen removed altogether, andtheGIF writer hasbeen simplified toproduce uncompressed GIFs.Thistechnique doesnotuse theLZW algorithm; the resulting GIFfiles arelarger thanusual, butare readable byallstandard GIFdecoders. We arerequired tostate thatThe Graphics Interchange Format(c)isthe Copyright propertyof CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm)isaService Markproperty ofCompuServe Incorporated. libpng This projector productincludes theopen source software programlibpngwhichapplies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe libpng. The libpng areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List oflibpng programs libpng-1.2.7 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe libpng are asfollows. For conditions ofdistribution anduse, seecopyright noticeinpng.h Copyright (c)1998-2004 GlennRanders-Pehrson (Version 0.96Copyright (c)1996, 1997Andreas Dilger) (Version 0.88Copyright (c)1995, 1996GuyEricSchalnat, Group42,Inc.) This copy ofthe libpng notices isprovided foryour convenience. Incase ofany discrepancy between this copy andthenotices inthe filepng.h thatisincluded inthe libpng distribution, thelatter shallprevail. COPYRIGHT NOTICE,DISCLAIMER, andLICENSE: If you modify libpngyoumay insert additional noticesimmediately followingthissentence. 235

libpng version 1.2.6,September 12,2004 ,is Copyright (c)2004 Glenn Randers -Pehrson, andis distributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense aslibpng-1.2.5 withthefollowing individual added tothe listofContributing Authors Cosmin Truta libpng versions 1.0.7,July1,2000 ,through 1.2.5-October 3,2002 ,are Copyright (c)2000-2002 Glenn Randers-Pehrson, andaredistributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense aslibpng-1.0.6 with the following individuals addedtothe listofContributing Authors Simon-Pierre Cadieux Eric S.Raymond Gilles Vollant and with thefollowing additions tothe disclaimer: There isno warranty againstinterference withyour enjoyment ofthe library oragainst infringement. There isno warranty thatourefforts orthe library willfulfill anyofyour particular purposes orneeds. This library isprovided withallfaults, andtheentire riskofsatisfactory quality,performance, accuracy,and effort iswith theuser. libpng versions 0.97,January 1998,through 1.0.6,March 20,2000 ,are Copyright (c)1998, 1999Glenn Randers-Pehrson, andaredistributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense aslibpng-0.96, with the following individuals addedtothe listofContributing Authors: Tom Lane Glenn Randers-Pehrson Willem vanSchaik libpng versions 0.89,June1996, through 0.96,May1997, areCopyright (c)1996, 1997Andreas Dilger Distributed accordingtothe same disclaimer andlicense aslibpng-0.88, withthefollowing individuals added tothe listofContributing Authors: John Bowler Kevin Bracey Sam Bushell Magnus Holmgren Greg Roelofs Tom Tanner libpng versions 0.5,May 1995, through 0.88,January 1996,areCopyright (c)1995, 1996GuyEric Schalnat, Group42,Inc. 236

For thepurposes ofthis copyright andlicense, Contributing Authorsisdefined asthe following setof individuals: Andreas Dilger Dave Martindale Guy EricSchalnat Paul Schmidt Tim Wegner The PNG Reference Libraryissupplied ASIS.The Contributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. disclaim all warranties, expressedorimplied, including, withoutlimitation, thewarranties ofmerchantability andof fitness forany purpose. TheContributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. assume noliability fordirect, indirect, incidental, special,exemplary, orconsequential damages,whichmayresult fromtheuse ofthe PNG Reference Library,evenifadvised ofthe possibility ofsuch damage. Permission ishereby granted touse, copy, modify, anddistribute thissource code,orportions hereof,for any purpose, withoutfee,subject tothe following restrictions: 1. The origin ofthis source codemustnotbemisrepresented. 2. Altered versions mustbeplainly marked assuch andmust notbemisrepresented asbeing the original source. 3. This Copyright noticemaynotberemoved oraltered fromanysource oraltered sourcedistribution. The Contributing AuthorsandGroup 42,Inc. specifically permit,without fee,and encourage theuse of this source codeasacomponent tosupporting thePNG fileformat incommercial products.Ifyou use this source codeinaproduct, acknowledgment isnot required butwould beappreciated. A png_get_copyright functionisavailable, forconvenient useinabout boxesandthelike: printf(%s,png_get_copyright(NULL)); Also, thePNG logo(inPNG format, ofcourse) issupplied inthe files pngbar.png andpngbar.jpg (88x31) andpngnow.png (98x31). Libpng isOSI Certified OpenSource Software. OSICertified OpenSource isacertification markofthe Open Source Initiative. Glenn Randers-Pehrson [email protected] September 12,2004 237

zlib This projector productincludes theopen source software programzlibwhich applies theterms and conditions providedbyowner ofthe copyright tothe zlib. The zlib areWITHOUT ANYWARRANTY; withouteventheimplied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE. List ofzlib programs zlib-1.1.4 License termsofconditions ofeach program whichareprovided byowner ofthe copyright tothe zlib are asfollows. Copyright notice: (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loupGaillyandMark Adler This software isprovided as-is,without anyexpress orimplied warranty. Inno event willthe authors be held liable forany damages arisingfromtheuse ofthis software. Permission isgranted toanyone touse this software forany purpose, including commercial applications, andtoalter itand redistribute itfreely, subject tothe following restrictions: 1. The origin ofthis software mustnotbemisrepresented; youmust notclaim thatyouwrote theoriginal software. Ifyou usethissoftware inaproduct, anacknowledgment inthe product documentation would be appreciated butisnot required. 2. Altered sourceversions mustbeplainly marked assuch, andmust notbemisrepresented asbeing the original software. 3. This notice maynotberemoved oraltered fromanysource distribution. Jean-loup GaillyMarkAdler [email protected] [email protected] If you usethezlib library inaproduct, wewould appreciate *not*receiving lengthylegaldocuments to sign. Thesources areprovided forfree butwithout warranty ofany kind. Thelibrary hasbeen entirely written byJean-loup GaillyandMark Adler; itdoes notinclude third-party code. If you redistribute modifiedsources,wewould appreciate thatyouinclude inthe fileChangeLog history information documenting yourchanges. mDNSResponder This projector productincludes theopen source software programmDNSResponder whichapplies the following licensetermsApache LicenseVersion2.0,January 2004. List ofmDNSResponder 238

mDNSResponder-107.6 (only mDNSResponderPosix isused) License termsApache LicenseVersion2.0,January 2004areasfollows. Apache License Version 2.0,January 2004 TERMS ANDCONDITIONS FORUSE, REPRODUCTION, ANDDISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. License shallmean theterms andconditions foruse, reproduction, anddistribution asdefined by Sections 1through 9of this document. Licensor shallmean thecopyright ownerorentity authorized bythe copyright ownerthatisgranting the License. Legal Entity shallmean theunion ofthe acting entityandallother entities thatcontrol, arecontrolled by, orare under common controlwiththatentity. Forthepurposes ofthis definition, controlmeans(i) the power, directorindirect, tocause thedirection ormanagement ofsuch entity, whether bycontract or otherwise, or(ii) ownership offifty percent (50%)ormore ofthe outstanding shares,or(iii) beneficial ownership ofsuch entity. You (orYour) shallmean anindividual orLegal Entity exercising permissions grantedbythis License. Source formshall mean thepreferred formformaking modifications, includingbutnotlimited to software sourcecode,documentation source,andconfiguration files. Object formshall mean anyform resulting frommechanical transformation ortranslation ofaSource form, including butnotlimited tocompiled objectcode,generated documentation, andconversions to other media types. Work shallmean thework ofauthorship, whetherinSource orObject form,made available underthe License, asindicated byacopyright noticethatisincluded inor attached tothe work (anexample is provided inthe Appendix below). Derivative Worksshallmean anywork, whether inSource orObject form,thatisbased on(or derived from) theWork andforwhich theeditorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, orother modifications represent, asawhole, anoriginal workofauthorship. Forthepurposes ofthis License, Derivative Works shall notinclude worksthatremain separable from,ormerely link(orbind byname) tothe interfaces of, the Work andDerivative Worksthereof. Contribution shallmean anywork ofauthorship, includingtheoriginal versionofthe Work andany modifications oradditions tothat Work orDerivative Worksthereof, thatisintentionally submittedto Licensor forinclusion inthe Work bythe copyright ownerorby an individual orLegal Entity authorized to submit onbehalf ofthe copyright owner.Forthepurposes ofthis definition, submitted meansanyform 239

of electronic, verbal,orwritten communication senttothe Licensor orits representatives, includingbut not limited tocommunication onelectronic mailinglists,source codecontrol systems, andissue tracking systems thataremanaged by,oron behalf of,the Licensor forthe purpose ofdiscussing andimproving the Work, butexcluding communication thatisconspicuously markedorotherwise designated inwriting by the copyright ownerasNot aContribution. Contributor shallmean Licensor andanyindividual orLegal Entity onbehalf ofwhom aContribution has been received byLicensor andsubsequently incorporatedwithintheWork. 2. Grant ofCopyright License.Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grantstoYou aperpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,royalty-free, irrevocable copyright licensetoreproduce, prepareDerivative Worksof,publicly display, publiclyperform, sublicense, anddistribute theWork andsuch Derivative WorksinSource orObject form. 3. Grant ofPatent License. Subjecttothe terms andconditions ofthis License, eachContributor hereby grants toYou aperpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,royalty-free, irrevocable(exceptas stated inthis section) patentlicense tomake, havemade, use,offer tosell, sell,import, andotherwise transfer theWork, where suchlicense applies onlytothose patent claims licensable bysuch Contributor that arenecessarily infringedbytheir Contribution(s) aloneorby combination oftheir Contribution(s) with the Work towhich suchContribution(s) wassubmitted. IfYou institute patentlitigation againstanyentity (including across-claim orcounterclaim inalawsuit) alleging thattheWork oraContribution incorporated withintheWork constitutes directorcontributory patentinfringement, thenanypatent licenses grantedtoYou under thisLicense forthat Work shallterminate asofthe date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution. Youmay reproduce anddistribute copiesofthe Work orDerivative Worksthereof in any medium, withorwithout modifications, andinSource orObject form,provided thatYou meet the following conditions: (a) You must giveanyother recipients ofthe Work orDerivative Worksacopy ofthis License; and (b) You must cause anymodified filestocarry prominent noticesstatingthatYou changed thefiles; and (c) You must retain, inthe Source formofany Derivative WorksthatYou distribute, allcopyright, patent, trademark, andattribution noticesfromtheSource formofthe Work, excluding thosenotices thatdonot pertain toany part ofthe Derivative Works;and (d) Ifthe Work includes aNOTICE textfileaspart ofits distribution, thenanyDerivative WorksthatYou distribute mustinclude areadable copyofthe attribution noticescontained withinsuchNOTICE file, excluding thosenotices thatdonot pertain toany part ofthe Derivative Works,inat least oneofthe following places:withinaNOTICE textfiledistributed aspart ofthe Derivative Works;withintheSource form ordocumentation, ifprovided alongwiththeDerivative Works;or,within adisplay generated bythe Derivative Works,ifand wherever suchthird-party noticesnormally appear.Thecontents ofthe NOTICE file are forinformational purposesonlyanddonot modify theLicense. Youmay addYour ownattribution notices withinDerivative WorksthatYou distribute, alongsideoras an addendum tothe NOTICE text 240