Epson Brightlink 485wi Users Guide
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Setting Options Description Easy Interactive Function Auto Calibration Selects variousoptionsrelatedto interactive penoperation Manual Calibration The twoCalibration optionsstart Use Source auto ormanual calibration Number ofPen Users Use Source letsyou select the Pen Operation Mode image source forinteractivity (using EasyInteractive Tools) Enable RightClick Number ofPen Users letsyou Advanced specify OneUser (for compatibility withWindows Tablet PCand Inkfeatures) or Two Users Pen Operation Modeletsyou select Mouse orPen mode when one penuser isselected Enable RightClickletsyou use a long penpress asaright click when mouse modeisselected Advanced letsyou assign Right Click orLeft Click tothe Pen Tip Button andselect either Auto Adjust PenArea or Manual Adj.PenArea Language Various languages available Selects thelanguage for projector menuandmessage displays (notchanged byReset option) Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Projector NetworkSettings-Network Menu Settings onthe Network menuletyou view network information andsetupthe projector formonitoring and control overanetwork. 161

Setting Options Description Net. Info-Wireless LAN Connection mode Displays wirelessnetworkstatus and details Antenna level Projector Name SSID DHCP IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Address MAC Address Region Code Net. Info-Wired LAN Projector Name Displays wirednetwork status and details DHCP IP Address Subnet Mask Gateway Address MAC Address 162

Setting Options Description Network Configuration Accesses additional network Configures yournetwork settings menus Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Projector Information Display-Info Menu You candisplay information abouttheprojector andinput sources byviewing theInfo menu. However, you cannot change anysettings inthe menu. Note: Available settingsdependonthe current inputsource. Thelamp usage timerdoesnotregister any hours untilyouhave usedthelamp foratleast 10hours. Information item Description Lamp Hours Displays thenumber ofhours (H )the lamp hasbeen usedin Normal andECO Power Consumption modes;ifthe information is displayed inyellow, obtainagenuine Epsonreplacement lamp soon Source Displays thename ofthe port towhich thecurrent inputsource is connected Input Signal Displays theinput signal setting ofthe current inputsource 163

Information item Description Resolution Displays theresolution ofthe current inputsource Video Signal Displays thevideo signal format ofthe current inputsource Refresh Rate Displays therefresh rateofthe current inputsource Sync Info Displays information thatmay beneeded byaservice technician Status Displays information aboutprojector problems thatmay beneeded by aservice technician Serial Number Displays theprojectors serialnumber Event ID Displays theEvent IDnumber corresponding toaspecific projector problem; seethelistofEvent IDcodes Event IDCode List Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Related references Optional Equipment andReplacement Parts Projector LampSpecifications Event IDCode List If the Event IDoption onthe Info menu displays acode number, checkthislistofEvent IDcodes forthe solution tothe projector problemassociated withthecode. Event IDcode Cause andsolution 0432 The EasyMP NetworkProjection programdidnot start. Turntheprojector offand then onagain. 0435 0434 Unstable networkcommunication. Checkthenetwork communication status,waita few moments, andtryconnecting tothe network again. 0482 0484 0485 0433 Cannot displaythetransferred images.RestarttheEasyMP NetworkProjection program. 164

Event IDcode Cause andsolution 0481 Communication withcomputer wasdisconnected. RestarttheEasyMP Network Projection program. 0483 The EasyMP NetworkProjection programquitunexpectedly. Checkthenetwork communication status,thenturntheprojector offand then onagain. 04FE 0479 A projector systemerrorhasoccurred. Turntheprojector offand then onagain. 04FF 0891 Cannot findanaccess pointwiththesame SSID. Setyour computer, accesspoint, and projector tothe same SSID. 0892 The WPA/WPA2 authentication typedoes notmatch. Makesurethewireless network securitysettingsarecorrect. 0893 The WEP/TKIP/AES encryptiontypedoes notmatch. Makesurethewireless network securitysettingsarecorrect. 0894 Communication withunauthorized accesspointwasdisconnected. Contactyour network administrator. 0898 Failed toacquire DHCP.MakesuretheDHCP serverisoperating correctly.Ifyou are notusing DHCP, turnoffthe DHCP setting inthe Network menus. 0899 A communication errorhasoccurred. Tryrestarting theEasyMP NetworkProjection program andrestarting yourprojector. Ifthat does notsolve theproblem, contact Epson forhelp. Parent topic:Projector Information Display-Info Menu Projector ResetOptions -Reset Menu You canreset mostofthe projector settingstotheir default valuesusingtheReset Alloption onthe Reset menu. You canalso reset theprojectors lampusage timertozero when youreplace thelamp using theReset Lamp Hours option. 165

You cannot resetthefollowing settingsusingtheReset Alloption: • Input Signal • Users Logo • Language • Network menuitems • Lamp Hours • Password • Zoom • Image Shift Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings 166

Maintaining andTransporting theProjector Follow theinstructions inthese sections tomaintain yourprojector andtransport itfrom place toplace. Projector Maintenance Transporting theProjector Projector Maintenance Your projector needslittlemaintenance tokeep working atits best. You may need toclean theprojection windowandobstacle sensorperiodically, andclean theairfilter and airvents toprevent theprojector fromoverheating duetoblocked ventilation. The only parts youshould replace arethelamp, airfilter, andremote controlbatteries. Ifany other part needs replacing, contactEpsonoran authorized EPSONservicer. Warning: Beforecleaning anypart ofthe projector, turnitoff and unplug thepower cord.Never open any cover onthe projector, exceptasspecifically explainedinthis manual. Dangerous electricalvoltages in the projector caninjure youseverely. Warning: Donot trytoservice thisproduct yourself, exceptasspecifically explainedinthis manual. Refer allother servicing toqualified servicers. Cleaning theProjection Window Cleaning theObstacle Sensor Cleaning theProjector Case Air Filter andVent Maintenance Projector LampMaintenance Replacing theRemote ControlBatteries Replacing thePen Batteries Replacing thePen Tips Parent topic:Maintaining andTransporting theProjector Cleaning theProjection Window Clean theprojection windowperiodically, orwhenever younotice dustorsmudges onthe surface. • To remove dustorsmudges, gentlywipetheprojection windowwithlens-cleaning paper. 167

• To remove stubborn smudges, moistenasoft, lint-free clothwithlens cleaner andgently wipethe projection window. Warning: Donot use alens cleaner thatcontains flammable gas.Thehigh heat generated bythe projector lampmaycause afire. Caution: Donot used canned air,orthe gases mayleave aresidue. Parent topic:Projector Maintenance Cleaning theObstacle Sensor Clean theprojectors obstaclesensorglass(circled inred) periodically, orifyou seeamessage telling you toremove anyobstacles thatareinterfering withtheprojection area. • To remove dustorsmudges, gentlywipetheobstacle sensorglasswithlens-cleaning paper. • To remove stubborn smudges, moistenasoft, lint-free clothwithlens cleaner andgently wipethe obstacle sensorglass. Warning: Donot use alens cleaner thatcontains flammable gas.Thehigh heat generated bythe projector lampmaycause afire. Caution: Donot used canned air,orthe gases mayleave aresidue. Parent topic:Projector Maintenance 168

Cleaning theProjector Case Before cleaning theprojector case,turnoffthe projector andunplug thepower cord. • To remove dustordirt, useasoft, dry,lint-free cloth. • To remove stubborn dirt,useasoft cloth moistened withwater andmild soap. Donot spray liquid directly onthe projector. Caution: Donot use wax, alcohol, benzene, paintthinner, orother chemicals toclean theprojector case. These candamage thecase. Donot use canned air,orthe gases mayleave aresidue. Parent topic:Projector Maintenance Air Filter andVent Maintenance The projectors airfilter keeps theintake airclean. Ifdust collects onthe airfilter orvents, cleanthemas described inthis manual. Dustclogs maycause theprojector tooverheat duetoimproper ventilation. Be sure toclean theairfilter andvents ifyou seeamessage tellingyoutodo so. Also make surenothing blocks thevents. Cleaning theAirFilter andVents Replacing theAirFilter Parent topic:Projector Maintenance Cleaning theAirFilter andVents Clean theprojectors airfilter orvents ifthey getdusty, orifyou seeamessage tellingyoutoclean them. 1. Turn offthe projector andunplug thepower cord. 169

2. Gently remove thedust using asmall vacuum designed forcomputers oravery softbrush (suchas a paintbrush). Note: Youcanremove theairfilter soyou canclean bothsides ofit.Do not rinse theairfilter in water, oruse anydetergent orsolvent toclean it. Caution: Donot use canned air,orthe gases mayleave aresidue. 3. Ifdust isdifficult toremove orthe airfilter isdamaged, replacetheairfilter. Parent topic:AirFilter andVent Maintenance Replacing theAirFilter You need toreplace theairfilter inthe following situations: • After cleaning theairfilter, youseeamessage tellingyoutoclean orreplace it • The airfilter istorn ordamaged You canreplace theairfilter while theprojector ismounted onthe wall orceiling. 1. Turn offthe projector andunplug thepower cord. 170