Epson Brightlink 425wi Users Guide
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Displayaspotlighteffectthathidesmostoftheimageandrevealsacirculararea.Dragthe spotlightframetorevealdifferentpartsoftheimage. Covertheprojectedimagewithashade.Dragthesidestomoveorresizetheshadedarea. Printthecurrentlydisplayedimage.Inwhiteboardmode,youcanprintallofthecurrentpages orselecttheonesyouwant. Openthesettingsscreen,whichletsyouselectgeneralsettings,language,andsettingsfor savingyourpages. Changethenextpentaptoaright-click(interactivemousemodeonly) DisplayHelpinformationforEasyInteractiveTools(interactivemousemodeonly) Parenttopic:UsingEasyInteractiveToolsforSaving,Printing,andMore WorkingWiththePageList YoucandisplaythumbnailimagesofthepagesyouareworkingwithinthecurrentEasyInteractive Toolssession. 1.SelectthePagelisttool. Thumbnailimagesofthecurrentpagesopenonthesideofyourscreen: 121

2. Doone ofthe following: • To keep thepage listopen, select the icon. • To close thepage list,select theXin the upper rightcorner. Parent topic:UsingEasyInteractive ToolsforSaving, Printing, andMore Saving YourPages You cansave yourscreen orpages as.jpg, .bmp, .png,or.pdf files andselect thelocation whereyou want tostore yourfiles. To save as.jpg files inyour Documents >Easy Interactive Toolsfolder, simply selectthe Save tool. Easy Interactive Toolsnames yourfileautomatically basedonthe date andtime. Youcansave the 122

current screenwithannotations ininteractive mode,orall the pages inthe current session inwhiteboard mode. You canalso select otherlocations andformats forsaving yourfiles, asdescribed here.Ifyou save as PDF, forexample, allyour whiteboard pagesarecombined inone file. 1. Select the Keyboard tool. The on-screen keyboardisdisplayed. 2. Select the Othertoolsicon. You seeadditional tools. 3. Select the Settingstool. The Settings windowopens. 4. Select theSave Settings tab. You seeascreen likethefollowing: 123

5. Select thelocation, filename, andfiletype forsaving annotation modeandwhiteboard modepages. Easy Interactive Toolswillautomatically addthedate andtime toeach fileyou save. 6. Ifyou want toselect different settingseachtimeyousave, select theCheck whensaving checkbox. 7. Select OKtoclose theSettings window. 8. When youwant tosave, select the Savetool. If you selected Checkwhensaving ,the on-screen keyboardisdisplayed, alongwithawindow like the following: 124

9. Select thelocation andfiletype andenter afile name usingtheon-screen keyboardifnecessary. 10. Select Save. Parent topic:UsingEasyInteractive ToolsforSaving, Printing, andMore Selecting Language andGeneral Settings You canchange thefollowing settingsinEasy Interactive Tools: • Toolbar size • Page listdisplay position • Spotlight shape • Language (Windowsonly) 1. Select the Othertoolsicon. You seeadditional tools. 2. Select the Settingsicon. The Settings windowopens. 125

3. Select thetoolbar size,page listdisplay position, andspotlight shape. 4. Ifyou want tochange thelanguage, selecttheLanguage settingstab,then select thelanguage you want. 5. Select OKtoclose theSettings window. Parent topic:UsingEasyInteractive ToolsforSaving, Printing, andMore Windows TabletPCand InkTools If you areusing Windows 7or Windows Vista,youcanusetheTablet PCand Inktools toadd handwritten inputandannotations toyour work. Using Windows TabletPCand InkFeatures Parent topic:UsingtheInteractive Pens 126

Using Windows TabletPCand InkFeatures If you areusing Windows 7or Windows Vista,youcanusetheTablet PCinput panel toadd handwritten input andconvert itto text. If you have Microsoft Office2003orlater, youcanalso usetheInkfunction toadd handwritten notestoa Word document, Excelspreadsheet, orPowerPoint presentation. Note: Option names forthe annotation functionsmayvarydepending onyour version ofMicrosoft Office. • To open theTablet PCinput panel, select >All Programs >Accessories >Tablet PC>Tablet PC Input Panel. You canwrite inthe box using thepen, thenselect fromavariety ofoptions toedit and convert the text. • To add Inkannotations inMicrosoft Officeapplications, selecttheReview menu,thenselect Start Inking . You canselect fromavariety ofInk Tools: 127

• To annotate yourPowerPoint slidesinSlideshow mode,pressandhold thepen against theprojection surface toright-click, thenselect Pointer Options >Pen from thepop-up menu. Note: Thisalsoworks inWindows XP. For more information aboutthesefeatures, seeyour Windows Help. Parent topic:Windows TabletPCand InkTools 128

Adjusting theMenu Settings Follow theinstructions inthese sections toaccess theprojector menusystem andchange projector settings. Using theProjector s Menus Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Projector SetupSettings -Extended Menu Projector NetworkSettings-Network Menu Projector Information Display-Info Menu Projector ResetOptions -Reset Menu Using theProjector s Menus You canusetheprojectors menustoadjust thesettings thatcontrol howyour projector works.The projector displaysthemenus onthe screen. 1. Press theMenu button onthe control panelorremote control. You seethemenu screen displaying theImage menusettings. 129

2. Press theupordown arrow buttons tomove through themenus listedonthe left. The settings for each menu aredisplayed onthe right. Note: Theavailable settingsdependonthe current inputsource. 3. Tochange settings inthe displayed menu,pressEnter. 4. Press theupordown arrow button tomove through thesettings. 5. Change thesettings usingthebuttons listedonthe bottom ofthe menu screens. 6. Toreturn allthe menu settings totheir default values, selectReset. 7. When youfinish changing settingsonamenu, pressEsc. 8. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Settings onthe Image menuletyou adjust thequality ofyour image forthe input source youarecurrently using. Theavailable settingsdependonthe currently selectedinputsource. 130