Electrohome Vistagraphx 10k Roadie Users Manual
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23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO6067 controlling two protectors in the same area and want to work with one projector at a time. Note that if you change a protocol for either sensor to anything other than Off, the protocol for the other sensor also changes. For example, setting the Front IR Keypad option to Vista D also changes the Rear IR Keypad to Vista D. If you want only one sensor to respond to a particular protocol — Vista C, Vista D, or Vista All — disable the other sensor by setting its protocol to Off. ,03257$17
23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO6068 and Other Controls subsection if you need help. Changes made to the Preferences menu will be saved when you exit the menu (press ([L W.) )LJXUH#60481#3UHIHUHQFHV#0HQX ,PDJH#2ULHQWDWLRQ Choose from Front, Rear, Inverted Front, Inverted Rear according to your installation. If the setting is incorrect, the image will be reversed and/or upside down. See 2.6, Operating Orientation for an illustrated explanation. /DQJXDJH Choose to display menu text in English, French, German, Italian or Spanish. &KDQQHO#6HOHFWLRQ Choose how you want to select channels from the &KDQ key. Choices are 1-digit entry, 2-digit entry, or a scrollable list of channels (note that each channel to be included in the list must also be tagged in the In Menu checkbox in the Channel List menu). /DPS#3RZHU Adjust the amount of power applied to the lamp to alter light output on screen. The range of adjustment is 1000-1800 watts. A setting of 1800 (the default) applies 1800 watts; anything less will increase lamp life while decreasing brightness. The higher your lamp power settings, the shorter the life expectancy of the lamp. NOTES: 1) Unlike the other Preferences parameters, the Lamp Power setting affects the current source/channel only and is recalled from source-to-source (channel-to-channel) just as any Image Setting parameter. 2) Lamp power is reduced to its 1000 watt minimum while in Standby.
23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO6069 LVSOD\#6OLGHEDUV Enter a checkmark to superimpose a slidebar over the current image when an adjustable parameter is selected directly. These slidebars include volume, contrast, brightness, position, pixel tracking and phase, and others. If unchecked, these slidebars (or any from )X QF codes) will be hidden during adjustment. LVSOD\#(UURU#0HVVDJHV Enter a checkmark to see on-screen messages indicating errors as they occur. See 3.9, Error Messages. /DPS#7LPHU#0HVVDJH Enter a checkmark if you want a lamp timer message to appear for a moment when the lamp in the projector reaches its 1000-hour life. Once it appears, the lamp timer message will time-out (disappear from screen) after 30 seconds. NOTE: For maximum lamp performance and safety, it is recommended that display of this message remain enabled — enter a checkmark. 9LGHR#7HUPLQDWLRQ Enter a checkmark to terminate the video input (75 6). The input should be terminated unless the signal loops through (continues) to another projector or display device, in which case the last projector in the chain should be terminated. $XWR#3RZHU#8S Enter a checkmark to enable the projector to automatically power up after a power failure. Note that unsaved display adjustments may be lost. ,QWHOOLJHQW#/HQV#6\VWHP Ô ÔÔ Ô Enter a checkmark to enable VistaGRAPHX Intelligent Lens System® functions. With any subsequent channel changes, the projector will automatically return to the zoom, focus and lens offsets previously set for each channel. NOTE: If you ever need to abort an ILS Ô function (such as a focus adjustment) during a switch from one channel to another, press )X QF from presentation level. All lens movements in progress will immediately stop. This primarily read-only menu (Figure 3-16 and Figure 3-17) consists of four separate read-only menus plus a text editing box used for entering the serial number of a new lamp. The four menus list a variety of details about the standard and optional components currently in use on the projector. Refer to these menus for information about hardware and software versions installed, number of lamp hours logged in total and for the current rental period, and projector model and serial number. In addition, the Status Menu identifies the current channel, switcher, slot and frequencies present. Use the Status menu whenever you install a new lamp assembly. 6WDWXV ö
23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO606: )LJXUH#60491#0DLQ#6WDWXV#0HQX#+VDPSOH, )LJXUH#604:1#6WDWXV#6XE0PHQXV#+VDPSOH, /DPS#&KDQJHG When you install a new lamp assembly, select the Lamp Changed button on the main Status menu to record the serial number of the new lamp. Using the arrow keys to navigate, press (QWHU on the keypad to select each number or character needed for the serial number (Figure 3-18). When you are done, select the Accept button to record the new number — or press ([L W to cancel. If you need help with this window, see the Editing Text subsection earlier in this section. )LJXUH#604;1##(QWHULQJ#D#1HZ#/DPS#6HULDO#1XPEHU
23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO606; Recording the serial number of the new lamp automatically resets the lamp timer to 0. The timer will now begin logging each hour of use for the new lamp, recording the current level in the main Status menu as “Lamp Hours”. Note that the “Lamp Counter”, which shows the number of hours the lamp has been used during the current rental period, does not automatically reset when a new lamp is installed. See 4.4, Replacing the Lamp and Filter for complete instructions on installing a new lamp assembly. :$51,1* ,I#\RX#HQWHU#D#VHULDO#QXPEHU#DQG#VHOHFW#WKH#%$FFHSW% EXWWRQ#:,7+287#KDYLQJ#LQVWDOOHG#D#QHZ#ODPS/#WKH WLPHU#ZLOO#LQFRUUHFWO\#UHWXUQ#WR#%3%#DQG#ZLOO#WKHUHIRUH QR#ORQJHU#EH#DFFXUDWH1#7KH#ROG#ODPS#PD\#H[SLUH ZLWKRXW#ZDUQLQJ1 NOTE: Once entered, the new lamp serial number is also automatically added to the Lamp History list of lamp serial numbers in the Service menu (password- protected). The Service menu is password-protected and can be used by qualified service personnel only. However, test patterns from the Service menu can be accessed through the keypad shortcuts shown below. Press ([L W to return to your presentation. &RPPDQG 7HVW#3DWWHUQ )X QF#;3/LVW#RI#WHVW#SDWWHUQV )X QF#;48VHU#,PDJH )X QF#;5&URVV )X QF#;6&KHFNHU )X QF#;7*UH\#6FDOH#45; )X QF#;8*UH\#6FDOH#43 )X QF#;9&RORU#%DUV )X QF#;:%ODFN )X QF#;;
23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO606< When working with multiple projectors, you may want to use the RS-232 ports to chain the projectors together in a network that you control from either a keypad or a computer/controller (see 2.9, Serial Port Connections). Or you may prefer that each projector stands alone, in which case you will probably use a single IR remote keypad. In either case, you can switch back and forth between broadcasting to all projectors or controlling each projector individually. Make sure you have assigned a unique projector number to each projector present — this number will be required in order get the exclusive attention of an individual projector. To assign a projector number: Press 0HQX and select the Preferences icon. In the Preferences menu, scroll down to Projector# and enter a three-digit number (000 to 999) to identify the current projector. Press (QWHU to accept the entry and return to the main menu. Repeat for each projector, using a unique three-digit number for each. Once every projector has its own number, you can begin to control the network. If you are using an IR remote, press to display an editable window. Enter the three-digit number you have assigned to the projector you wish to control. All keypad commands will then affect this projector exclusively until you press again and enter a different number, or until you switch to broadcast mode (below). If you are using a wired remote keypad (optional) in a network of projectors, make sure that the projector to which the keypad is connected has its “Broadcast Keys” option checked. Press to bring up the editable box. Enter the three-digit number assigned to the projector you want to control — keypad commands will now affect only the desired projector until you press again and enter a different number, or until you switch to broadcast mode (below). NOTES: 1) If you are using a computer or controller to issue commands, use the correct RS-232 software command to gain control of a single projector. On the IR remote or wired keypad, press to display the projector box. Press)X QF without entering a number — the keypad commands will now affect all projectors. Make certain that only one projector has its Broadcast Keys option selected (checked) — the remaining projectors should have the option unchecked and their keypads disabled (do this in Preferences menu). The Broadcast Keys projector will then relay keypad commands to the others. If using a wired remote, make sure to select the “Broadcast Keys” option for the projector to which the wired remote is connected. NOTE: 1) If you are using a computer or controller to issue commands, use the correct RS-232 software command to broadcast. 61;8VLQJ#0XOWLSOH 3URMHFWRUV $VVLJQLQJ#Dö %3URMHFWRU&% &RQWUROOLQJ#2QH#3URMHFWRU ö %URDGFDVWLQJ#WRö $OO#3URMHFWRUV
23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO6073 If you would like to be notified on-screen of error conditions, turn on this option from within the Preferences menu (enter a checkmark in the Display Error Messages box). Should a user error message ever appear on screen, press (QWHU key to confirm the message and eliminate the message box. A system error must be resolved in order to eliminate its message box. NOTE: Error messages always appear at the rear LCD above the keypad. ,QYDOLG#8VHU#(QWU\ Any entry not recognized by Vista GRAPHX 10K will call up this message as well as a brief description and suggestions for solving the problem, even if the Display Error Messages box in Preferences menu is unchecked (turned off). Press (QWHU to confirm the message and eliminate the message box. 1R#6LJQDO The message No signal present: check the source or connections to the projector is displayed when there is no signal on the selected input. This means that both HSYNC and VSYNC are inactive and the screen background is black. %DG#6\QF The message Bad Sync followed by a short description of the problem is displayed when HSYNC or VSYNC are active but the signal cannot be displayed. Such a condition occurs when only one of the two signals is present, or when either signal is unstable or of the wrong frequency. NOTE: Bad Sync or No Signal errors must be resolved in order to eliminate the error message. In the meantime, press 0HQX to use the menu system (other functions remain operational). 6WDWXV#/(V If the Status LED on the front of the projector repeatedly flashes a pattern of yellow and red light while the Power LED glows a continuous red, you have encountered a possible system error requiring the attention of a qualified service technician. Contact your dealer if the problem persists. The specific pattern of flashing indicates the 2-digit type code identifying the type of problem detected — the number of yellow flashes represents the first digit and the number of red flashes indicates the second. For example, a pattern of yellow-yellow-red-red-red is Code 23. These codes include: &RGH HVFULSWLRQ &RGH HVFULSWLRQ 44*HQHUDO#)DXOW648QNQRZQ#KDUGZDUH#IDLOXUH 456RIWZDUH#EXJ65030/#9,0/#RU#630#IDXOW\ 46&5HUURU#LQ#FRGH66630/#9,0/#RU#90#IDXOW\ 54030#VHOI#WHVW#IDLOHG67030#RU#0#IDXOW\ 56630#VHOI#WHVW#IDLOHG68,5HUURU 5790#VHOI#WHVW#IDLOHG690#ODPS#LV#RYHUKHDWLQJ 589,0#VHOI#WHVW#IDLOHG7457FKLS#IDLOXUH 590#VHOI#WHVW#IDLOHG7557YHULI\#IDLOXUH 5:0#ODPS#KDV#IDLOHG94&20#VRIWZDUH#EXJ 61
23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO6074 +DUG#5HVHW If the projector does not respond to anything and appears to have inexplicably failed, gently push a very small screwdriver or pen point into the Hard Reset hole just to the right of the power LED. This reset will switch the projector off (note that the power LED turns to yellow to indicate standby mode). Then press 3RZH U- to turn the projector back on. Previously unsaved settings will be lost.
6HFWLRQ#7 0DLQWHQDQFH 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO#704 VistaGRAPHX 10K is CSA approved and is designed for safe and reliable operation. However, safe operation cannot be assured by design alone; installers, maintainers, and users must maintain a safe operating environment for the system. Please read through and understand the following warnings and guidelines promoting safe usage of the projector. :$51,1* 1HYHU#ORRN#GLUHFWO\#LQWR#WKH#SURMHFWRU#OHQV1 7KH#H[WUHPHO\#KLJK#EULJKWQHVV#RI#WKLV SURMHFWRU#FDQ#FDXVH#SHUPDQHQW#H\H#GDPDJH1 :$51,1* )RU#SURWHFWLRQ#IURP#XOWUDYLROHW#UDGLDWLRQ/ NHHS#DOO#SURMHFWRU#VKLHOGLQJ#LQWDFW#GXULQJ#RSHUDWLRQ1 Observe and follow all warnings and instructions marked on the projector. The exclamation point within the equilateral triangle alerts the user to important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the projector. The lightning flash and arrowhead symbol within the equilateral triangle alerts the user to uninsulated dangerous voltage within the projectors enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock. Operate the projector in an environment which meets the operating range specifications in Section 5, Specifications. Do not operate the projector close to water, such as near a swimming pool. Do not place the projector on an unstable cart, stand or table. If the projector is to be ceiling mounted, only use an Electrohome-approved ceiling mount fixture. A projector and cart combination should be used with care. Sudden stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the projector and cart combination to overturn. 714:DUQLQJV DQG#*XLGHOLQHV /DEHOV#DQG#0DUNLQJV#ö 3URMHFWRU#/RFDWLRQ#ö