Electrohome Vistagraphx 10k Roadie Users Manual
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23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO6047 displayed, the arrow keys still operate any current slidebar or pull-down list in view, such as Brightness or Color Temperature. From presentation level, press +HOS to access General Help information. Press ([L W to return to presentation level. Whenever the projector is not at presentation level, such as when there is a slidebar, menu, message or test pattern displayed, you have limited time in which to make a keypad entry before the projector returns to presentation level. These time-outs vary depending on the current display, as shown in the following chart: 7,0(02876 LVSOD\ 7LPH0RXW 6OLGHEDUV#+IURP#SUHV1, 8#VHFRQGV 6OLGHEDU#+IURP#PHQX, 48#PLQXWHV /DPS#7LPHU#0VJ1 63#VHFRQGV 6RXUFH#HQWU\8#VHFRQGV LUHFW#FRQWURO#HQWU\8#VHFRQGV 2WKHU48#PLQXWHV Most of the seven function menus allow you to change settings by using slidebars, checkboxes, and pull-down lists. To select a slidebar, toggle a checkbox status, or view a pull-down list, do one of the following from the function menu: · Enter the menu option number corresponding to the setting you wish to change (for example, press to select Left Blanking). · Or move the highlight to the desired parameter and press (QWHU. · Or move the highlight and press or (slidebars). · Or bypass the menus entirely and use the )X QF key to access immediately during your presentation (note: applies to certain options only). Once selected, change the setting as desired (see below) and press (QWHU to save and return to the current function menu. 6OLGHEDUV#0 The current level for a given parameter such as brightness, contrast, vertical position, etc., appears in the center of the slidebar icon. This number usually expresses a percentage, or it may have units associated with it (such as pixels, degrees Kelvin, etc.). Press or to adjust the setting up or down — both the number and the size of the bar change accordingly. For double )LJXUH#6091#*HQHUDO#+HOS#+IURP 3UHVHQWDWLRQ#/HYHO, 7LPH0RXWVö 8VLQJ#6OLGHEDUV#DQGö 2WKHU#&RQWUROV

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO6048 slidebars, such as pixel tracking/pixel phase or horizontal/vertical position, press (QWHU to select, then 21 or 2)) to adjust the second slidebar setting (see below). Press (QWHU when done. For fast adjustment, hold down the desired arrow key. ´LUHFWµ#6OLGHEDUV#0 For quick access, you can go directly to a slidebar (or double slidebar) without using the menu system. For example, simply press &RQW to immediately display the same contrast slidebar accessed with the &RQWUDVW option in the Image Settings menu. All direct slidebars are listed below. /,67#2)#,5(&7#6/,(%$56 +RUL]RQWDO#RU#9HUWLFDO#3RVLWLRQ3RV LW LRQ 3L[HO#7UDFNLQJ#RU#3KDVH3L[HO /HIW#%ODQNLQJ)X QF 5LJKW#%ODQNLQJ)X QF 7RS#%ODQNLQJ)X QF %RWWRP#%ODQNLQJ)X QF &RQWUDVW&RQW %ULJKWQHVV%ULJKW &RORU&RORU 7LQW7LQW HWDLOHWDLO Use arrow keys to adjust a direct slidebar. Press (QWHU or ([L W to save. NOTES: 1) You can still adjust a direct slidebar as usual if the menu display is turned off (see 26- or Preferences menu) — the slidebar just won’t be visible. 2) A direct slidebar disappears if it is not used within 5 seconds. 6DYLQJ#$GMXVWPHQWV#0 When you have finished with a slidebar, do one of the following: · Press (QWHU to return to the previous level · Press ([L W to return to your presentation &KHFNER[#0 Conditions listed next to a checkbox are present if the checkbox contains a checkmark. To toggle the checkbox, simply highlight and press (QWHU, or use to check and to uncheck. For any checkboxes that are numbered, simply enter the number of the option to toggle the checkbox. 3XOO0GRZQ#/LVW#0 Highlight and press (QWHU to pull down a list of options (or enter the menu option number, if present). Use the 21 or 2)) keys to navigate up and down within the list. Press (QWHU to choose an option.

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO6049 NOTES: 1) Press or to jump between “pages” in a long pull-down list. 2) Press ([L W while in a pull-down list to cancel any change. To enter or edit text (such as a channel name), highlight the desired parameter and press (QWHU to bring up an edit window. Current text is displayed in the text box at the top of the menu. Selectable characters for editing are displayed in a large central character box, and other function buttons appear at the bottom. Navigate between all with the arrow keys as usual. )LJXUH#60:1#(GLWLQJ#7H[W/#6XFK#DV#´&KDQQHO#1DPHµ NOTE: Entering a character while the current text is highlighted replaces all of the current text. Make sure you want to discard the original text before beginning, or press ([L W at any time to cancel. 7R#(GLW#7H[W#0 In the large character box, use the arrow keys to move from character to character. Press (QWHU on keypad to select and insert the character in the text box at the top of the screen. The blinking vertical line in the indicates the insertion point for the text. Select the on-screen or keys to move the cursor left or right as necessary (highlight and press (QWHU). 7R#HOHWH#7H[W#0 Select the on-screen Delete button to delete a character to the right of the insertion marker. 7R#$FFHSW#1HZ#7H[W#0 Highlight the on-screen Accept button and press (QWHU on the keypad. 7R#&DQFHO#7H[W#(GLWLQJ#0#Highlight the on-screen Cancel button and press (QWHU on the keypad. Cancel ignores new edits and removes the edit window. Or press ([L W at any time. NOTE: The “New Line” button is not available. Text must fit on one line. (GLWLQJ#7H[W ö

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO604: Enter numbers directly from the keypad in order to specify numbers representing projectors, sources (channels), switchers or slots. NOTES: 1) Once you enter the first digit, the digit replaces all old digits. 2) If you press any non-numbered key, the number entered up to that point is accepted and updated as the new value. 3) Press ([L W to cancel editing. NOTE: See Section 2, Installation and Setup, for a full explanation of how to connect sources to the Vista GRAPHX 10K. Vista GRAPHX 10K stores and automatically recalls up to 99 different channels for a variety of inputs. This memory feature allows you to define and conveniently use a wide variety of customized setups rather than having to repeatedly re- configure the projector for different presentations. ,1387#0 An input simply describes a physical location for an incoming signal connection. These connections are always either on the projector itself (one of the four inputs at the front of the projector) or on any switcher connected to the projector’s switcher port. ,QSXW describes the source signal according to two criteria only — to which switcher it is connected and to which slot it is connected — and is represented by a 2-digit number entered on the keypad. The first digit specifies the switcher (0-9), the second specifies the slot (1-9). Note that the projector is always considered “switcher #0”. (;$03/(6= ,QSXW = use source connected to switcher #1, slot #3 ,QSXW = use source connected to the projector, slot #1 (i.e., ,QSXW4) You can switch to an input in either one of two ways. Pressing the appropriate direct key — ,QSXW4, ,QSXW5, ,QSXW6, or ,QSXW7 — is a quick and seamless way to display from one of the four inputs at the front of the projector. Or, if your projector has a switcher connected to it at the 6:,7&+(5 port, press the general ,QSXW key and enter the 2-digit number representing the switcher and slot location for the desired signal (note there is no on-screen feedback). Regardless of which method you use to select a source/input, the image will be displayed according to the following: If it is the first time you have used the source/input (or if you used the input but did not adjust anything), the projector will recognize the input signal based on its frequencies and polarities, and will automatically display the image according to default settings for such a signal. It will resize as needed, producing an image as large as possible while maintaining the original aspect ratio. If you used the source once before and changed a display parameter such as focus, contrast, etc., then a channel was created and still exists in projector memory (see below). Using an ,QSXW key will automatically recall this channel and update the display accordingly. If more than one channel exists for the input, the image will be displayed according to the setup parameters for the first channel in the channel list. (GLWLQJ#1XPHULFDO#9DOXHV ö 618#8VLQJ#,QSXWV#DQG &KDQQHOV R#,#6HOHFW#DQ#,QSXWö RU#D#&KDQQHO

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO604; &+$11(/#0 A channel is a collection of measurements and settings that tailor a display to your specific needs. Since source types and applications vary greatly, you will likely want to adjust and define a wide variety of parameters, such as brightness, contrast, tint, etc., in order to customize and maximize the display coming from that source. For example, the display settings you choose for a VCR source may be very different from those you choose for a high resolution computer source, or one signal may vary from another used earlier through the same input location. Once you have adjusted a display parameter, such as zoom, focus, or pixel tracking, all current settings are collectively stored in the projectors memory as a unique 2-digit channel, such as . You can have numerous distinct channels to select for the same input, any of which can be used by using the &KDQ key on the keypad. NOTE: The precise function of the &KDQ key is flexible and depends on how you have defined it from within the Preferences menu (see Preferences later in this section). Shown at right is an example of a channel list from &KDQ. In order to use channels ( &KDQ on the keypad), you must first create them. See below. To use a new source with Vista GRAPHX 10K, a new channel must be added to your system so that the projector will respond properly to input from that source in the future. A new channel can be created automatically, which is the easiest, or you can use the New button in the Channel List menu. A channel is automatically created when an input signal is sent to the projector for display and you then change a parameter (such as adjusting brightness, etc.). The channel# assigned to an automatically created channel will be the highest available number from 99 down. Note that automatic channels do not appear by default in any channel list that may appear whenever you press &KDQ — you must first enter a checkmark for the In Menu option in the Channel List menu for each automatic channel that you want to list. You can also define a channel from within the Channel List menu accessed from the Main menu. This procedure is as follows: From the presentation level press 0HQX to display the main menu. To display the Channel List menu, press , or move the highlight to the Channel List icon and press (QWHU. The Channel List (Figure 3-8) displays a table of all defined channels and how they are connected to the projector. The numbers in the far left column represent each channel number defined so far, automatic or not. Other columns list details pertaining to each channel setup, such as its name, switcher number, slot location and other information. The last two columns in the Channel List menu list the frequencies and polarity (“ + ” or “ - “) detected for each channel signal. If neither symbol is present, there is no sync. &UHDWLQJ#D#1HZö &KDQQHO ³#$8720$7,³ &UHDWLQJ#D#1HZö &KDQQHO ³#86,1*#%1(:%³ 67(3#4

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO604< Use the scroll bar to see and work with any additional channels not visible in the table. )LJXUH#60;1#&KDQQHO#/LVW#0HQX Beneath the Channel List window, select the New button, which will store the current signal as a channel with the following defaults assigned: · channel number = the lowest unassigned number (up to 99). · switcher (SW) number = 0 (represents the projector itself). Or, if the input source is connected to a switcher, the default will be the lowest switcher number available (from 1-9). · slot (SL) = 1 ( ,QSXW4), 2 (,QSXW5), 3 (,QSXW6), or 4 (,QSXW7) for projector inputs, or current slot number (1-9) if the source is connected to a switcher. · InMenu = checked. The source will then appear in the channel list whenever &KDQ key is pressed. · AutoSource = checked. The projector will be able to automatically find this channel on power up if the input signal matches. · Locked = unchecked. Settings for the channel can be changed. If you define a new channel without a signal present, the projector memory remains uninitialized until you Update the setup with an actual signal. See Updating a Channel below. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each remaining new channel you wish to add. Press 0HQX or ([L W on the keypad to accept all new channels defined. NOTE: The new channel will not have frequencies—use Update function. 67(3#5 67(3#6

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO6053 You can edit the setup information assigned to a channel. For example, you can change its number or name (such as VHS#1 or My PC), or you can change the switcher number, slot number, etc. pertaining to a specific source, or you can add the channel to your &KDQ key list. From the presentation level press 0HQX to bring up the main menu. Enter or move the highlight to the Channel List icon and press (QWHU to call up the Channel List menu. Highlight and select the center button at the bottom of the screen. From the pull-down list, select Edit. This will turn this button into an Edit button until you select a different option — Copy, Delete, or Update — from the list. Using the arrow keys, return to the channel setup window above the Edit button and select the desired channel. Edit as necessary to accurately reflect your source connections: · Channel#: Enter any new valid number from 1-99. If the number you choose has already been assigned, a message box will appear upon exiting the channel window. Either cancel and enter a different number or overwrite the old channel. · Channel Name: Enter a maximum of 16 lowercase characters and/or 12 uppercase characters to describe your channel (see Editing Text, above). · Switcher#: Enter 0 if the signal is physically connected to the projector itself. Enter 1-9 if the signal is physically connected to a switcher. · Slot#: Enter 1-4 for a connection to the projector itself or 1-9 for a slot on a switcher. · Checkboxes: Toggle any checkboxes as desired for the channel. Repeat for each channel you wish to edit. Press 0HQX or ([L W to accept all editing. Highlight and select the center button at the bottom of the screen. From the pull-down list, select Copy. This will turn this button into a Copy button until you select a different option — Edit, Delete, or Update — from the list. Using the arrow keys, return to the setup window above the Copy button and select a channel you wish to copy. The new channel will be defined with the same settings from this setup and will be assigned the lowest available number — the original setup remains intact. To delete a particular channel, select the center button at the bottom of the screen and select Delete from the pull-down list. Use the arrow keys to return to the setup window above the delete button. Highlight the channel you want to delete and press (QWHU on the keypad. If the channel is unlocked, a confirmation box will appear to ensure that you really want to delete the channel (select OK or Cancel). If the (GLWLQJ#D#&KDQQHO ö 67(3#4 67(3#5 67(3#6 &RS\LQJ#D#&KDQQHO ö HOHWLQJ#D#&KDQQHOö

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO6054 channel is locked, a confirmation box will appear to remind you that the channel is currently locked and to ask if you are sure you want to delete it (OK or Cancel). To delete all channels, select the on-screen Delete All button and press (QWHU on keypad. A confirmation box will appear to ensure that you really want to delete all channels (select OK, Unlocked Only, or Cancel). Select OK only if you really want to delete all channels, regardless of whether they are locked or not. NOTE: You cannot delete the current channel with Delete or Delete All. Highlight and select the center button at the bottom of the screen. From the pull-down list, select Update. This will turn this button into an Update button until you select a different option — Edit, Copy, or Delete — from the list. Using the arrow keys, return to the main channel listings above the Update button and select the channel you wish to update. The setup for this channel will change to reflect any current settings, recognizing the horizontal and vertical scan frequencies present and recording them in the last two columns. All options for image adjustments can be accessed through two menus: Size / Position ( 0HQX ) and Image Settings (0HQX ), both of which are listed in the Main menu. While in either of these two menus, you can change settings affecting the image from the current channel by working with the appropriate slidebars, checkboxes and pull-down lists. ([L W will always return to presentation level and accept any changes you may have made within a menu. From presentation level, you can access any of the first ten individual options on these menus by pressing 0HQX followed by the appropriate two-digit number representing their location in the menu system. For example, press 0HQX to quickly access the color temperature option in the Image Settings menu. Note that for certain options, you may prefer to use )X QF from presentation level to go directly to a particular option rather than traveling through the menu system at all (note: this is not available for all options). For example, press )X QF to access the left blanking slidebar immediately. In addition, numerous “direct keys” such as 3RV LW LRQ, 3L[HO, &RQW, etc. access their respective slidebars immediately. Press any of these keys to adjust the corresponding slidebar during your presentation. For example, press &RORU to move the image. Press ([L W to return to your presentation. NOTE: 1) To hide the “direct” slidebars only, make sure the Display Slidebars option in the Preferences menu is OFF. 2) To hide the entire menu system from view, toggle the on-screen display OFF: press and hold the 26- key. 8SGDWLQJ#D#&KDQQHOö 619$GMXVWLQJ#WKH ,PDJH

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#43.#8VHU*V#0DQXDO6055 Select any of the following slidebars or pull-down lists to alter your image. Refer to Using Slidebars and Other Controls (earlier in this section) if you need help in selecting options and accepting changes. Changes made to the Size / Position menu will be saved when you exit the menu (press ([L W or 0HQX ). )LJXUH#60

23(5$7,21 9LVWD*5$3+;#;3343.HU*V#0DQXDO6056 sampled. Proper pixel tracking ensures that the image is of the correct proportion and not stretched or compressed from left-to-right. NOTE: By default, the projector samples at the correct frequency for a given source. For best results, it is recommended that this default not be overridden. Pixel tracking is adjusted most effectively using a good test pattern, such as a smooth gray image made up of a clear pattern of tiny black and white dots, or a similar graphic image. Steady flickering or several soft vertical stripes or bands across the entire image indicates poor pixel tracking. Adjust the slidebar up or down until the stripes broaden to the point where one large stripe fills the image. 3L[HO#3KDVH +6+257#&87= )X QF from presentation level. Or use 3L[HO key and adjust the bottom slidebar.) Pixel phase adjusts the phase of the pixel sampling clock relative to the incoming signal. It is used primarily for adjusting RGB inputs. NOTE: Adjust pixel phase after pixel tracking is properly set. Adjust pixel phase when the image (usually from an RGB source) shows shimmer or “noise”. Pixel phase adjustment is done most effectively from within a proper test pattern, such as a smooth gray image made up of a clear pattern of tiny black and white dots, or a similar graphic image. Adjust until the image is stable and each dot is clearly defined. Using the numbers on the slidebar as a guide, you will notice that you can actually stabilize the image at more than one point—i.e., you may find that the image appearance at 11 is the same as the image appearance at 38, thus you can select either setting. /HIW/#5LJKW/#7RS#RU#%RWWRP#%ODQNLQJ +6+257#&87= )X QF , , , or from presentation level.) Blanks (turns to black) the top, bottom, left, or right edge of the image so that any unwanted information is hidden. +6+257#&87= )X QF from presentation level.) Resizing generates a separate submenu of controls as described below. :KHQ#WR#8VH#5HVL]LQJ Resizing allows you to increase or decrease the size of your image. You can also control the horizontal and vertical sizes independently to change the aspect ratio of an image, and you can move the image to a specific area of the screen. Use resizing in order to match your image precisely to the specific screen size and aspect ratio (proportion) needed in your application. +RZ#WR#$FFHVV#)#$GMXVW#5HVL]LQJ The three sets of horizontal/vertical resizing controls plus a “Presets” option reside in their own Resizing submenu (Figure 3-10). Access this submenu through the “ 5HVL]LQJ” pull-down list in the Size / Position menu. 5HVL]LQJ#+VXEPHQX, ö