Eiki Projector Lc Wul100 User Manual
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Appendix The command is sent from PC to the projector with the format below; 'CR' [Command] 'CR' Command: one character (refer to the command table below.The projector decodes the command and returns the 'Character string' with the format below; Format The tables on page 90 and 91 show the typical command lists for controll\ ing the projector. Please consult your local dealer for further information of other commands. CommandFunctionProjector ReturnProjector status CR0Status Read 00Power On 80Stand-by mode 40Countdown 20Cooling down 10Power Malfunction 28Cooling down at the temperature anomaly 24Cooling down at Power Management mode 04Power Management mode after Cooling down 21Cooling down after the projector is turned off when the lamps are out. 81Stand-by mode after Cooling down when the lamps are out. 88Stand-by mode after Cooling down at the temperature anomaly. 2CCooling down when the projector is turned off by the shutter management function. 8CStand-by mode after cooling down by the shutter management function. CR6Temperature Read%1 %2 %3 %1 = Temperature at Sensor 1 (˚C) %2 = Temperature at Sensor 2 (˚C) %3 = Temperature at Sensor 3 (˚C) (ex.) %1 = 12.3˚C, %2 = 23.4˚C, %3 = 34.5˚C --> The projector displays “12.3 23.4 34.5” ( For each sensor, two digit and the tenth place numbers are displayed with a space between each temperature.) ?Communication failure Status Read Command 91

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