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Dell Drac 5 User Manual

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Page 211

Configuring Security Features211
Table 11-10. Telnet Settings
Setting Description
EnabledEnables or disables Telnet. Checked=Enabled; 
Max SessionsThe maximum number of simultaneous sessions allowed 
for this system. Up to four sessions are supported.
Active SessionsThe number of current sessions on the system, less than 
or equal to the Max Sessions. 
TimeoutThe Secure Shell idle timeout, in seconds. Range = 60 to 
1920 seconds. Enter 0 seconds to disable the Timeout 
feature. The...

Page 212

212Configuring Security Features
Enabling Additional DRAC 5 Security Options
To prevent unauthorized access to your remote system, the DRAC 5 provides 
the following features:
 IP address filtering (IPRange) — Defines a specific range of IP addresses 
that can access the DRAC 5. 
 IP address blocking — Limits the number of failed login attempts from a 
specific IP address
These features are disabled in the DRAC 5 default configuration. Use the 
following subcommand or the Web-based interface to enable...

Page 213

Configuring Security Features213
IP filtering compares the IP address of an incoming login to the IP address 
range that is specified in the following cfgRacTuning properties:
The cfgRacTuneIpRangeMask property is applied to both the incoming 
IP address and to the cfgRacTuneIpRangeAddr properties. If the results of 
both properties are identical, the incoming login request is allowed to access 
the DRAC 5. Logins from IP addresses outside this range receive...

Page 214

214Configuring Security Features
Enabling IP Filtering
Below is an example command for IP filtering setup.
See Using RACADM Remotely for more information about RACADM and 
RACADM commands. 
 NOTE: The following RACADM commands block all IP addresses except
To restrict the login to a single IP address (for example,, use the 
full mask, as shown below.
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o 
cfgRacTuneIpRangeEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o 

Page 215

Configuring Security Features215
IP Blocking
IP blocking dynamically determines when excessive login failures occur from 
a particular IP address and blocks (or prevents) the address from logging into 
the DRAC 5 for a preselected time span. 
The IP blocking parameter uses cfgRacTuning group features that include:
 The number of allowable login failures
 The timeframe in seconds when these failures must occur 
 The amount of time in seconds when the guilty IP address is prevented 
from establishing a...

Page 216

216Configuring Security Features
Enabling IP Blocking
The following example prevents a client IP address from establishing a session 
for five minutes if that client has failed its five login attempts in a one-minute 
period of time. 
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o 
cfgRacTuneIpRangeEnable 1
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o 
cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailCount 5
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o 
cfgRacTuneIpBlkFailWindows 60
racadm config -g cfgRacTuning -o 
cfgRacTuneIpBlkPenaltyTime 300
The following example...

Page 217

Configuring Security Features217
Configuring the Network Security Settings Using the DRAC 5 GUI
 NOTE: You must have Configure DRAC 5 permission to perform the following steps.
1In the System tree, click Remote Access. 
2Click the Configuration tab and then click Network.
3In the Network Configuration page, click Advanced Settings.
4In the Network Security page, configure the attribute values and then click 
Apply Changes.
Table 11-17 describes the 
Network Security page settings.
5Click the appropriate...

Page 218

218Configuring Security Features
Table 11-18. Network Security Page Buttons
Button Description
PrintPrints the Network Security page
RefreshReloads the Network Security page
Apply ChangesSaves the changes made to the Network Security page. 
Go Back to 
Pa g eReturns to the Network Configuration page. 

Page 219

Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface219
Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP 
Command Line Interface
This section provides information about the Server Management Workgroup 
(SMWG) Server Management-Command Line Protocol (SM-CLP) that is 
incorporated in the DRAC 5. 
 NOTE: This section assumes that you are familiar with the Systems Management 
Architecture for Server Hardware (SMASH) Initiative and the SMWG SM-CLP 
specifications. For more information on these specifications, see the Distributed...

Page 220

220Using the DRAC 5 SM-CLP Command Line Interface
During a typical SM-CLP session, the user can perform operations using the 
verbs listed in Table 12-1 and Table 12-2.
Using SM-CLP
1SSH (or telnet) to the DRAC 5 with correct credentials.
2At the command prompt, type smclp. 
The SMCLP prompt (
->) is displayed. 
Table 12-1. Supported CLI Verbs for System
Verb Definition
cd Navigates through the MAP using the shell.
delete Deletes an object instance.
help Displays help for a specific target.
reset Resets...
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