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Dell Drac 5 User Manual

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Page 191

Using and Configuring Virtual Media191
Preparing for Deployment
Configuring the Remote Systems
1Create a network share that can be accessed by the management station.
2Copy the operating system files to the network share.
3If you have a bootable, preconfigured deployment image file to deploy the 
operating system to the remote systems, skip this step.
If you do not have a bootable, preconfigured deployment image file, create 
the file. Include any programs and/or scripts used for the operating system...

Page 192

192Using and Configuring Virtual Media
The following procedure is a high-level overview for deploying the operating 
system on targeted remote systems.
Identify the remote systems that will be deployed.
2Record the DRAC 5 names and IP addresses of the targeted remote systems.
3Perform the following procedure for each targeted remote system:
aConfigure a VM-CLI process that includes the following parameters 
for the targeted system:
 DRAC 5 IP address or DDNS name
 Bootable deployment image file name...

Page 193

Using and Configuring Virtual Media193
 When a network time-out occurs, the DRAC 5 firmware drops the 
connection, disconnecting the link between the server and the Virtual 
Drive. To reconnect to the Virtual Drive, use the Virtual Media feature.
What should I do if Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 fails to install 
If you use Virtual Media and the Windows 2000 operating system CD to 
install Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4, your system may momentarily lose 
its connection to the CD drive...

Page 194

194Using and Configuring Virtual Media
I am viewing the contents of a floppy drive or USB memory key. If I try to 
establish a Virtual Media connection using the same drive, I receive a 
connection failure message and am asked to retry. Why?
Simultaneous access to Virtual Floppy drives is not allowed. Close the 
application used to view the drive contents before you attempt to virtualize 
the drive.
How do I configure my virtual device as a bootable device?
On the managed system, access the BIOS Setup...

Page 195

Using and Configuring Virtual Media195
Do I need Administrator privileges to install the ActiveX plug-in?
You must have Administrator or Power User privileges on Windows systems 
to install the Virtual Media plug-in.
What privileges do I need to install and use the Virtual Media plug-in on a 
Red Hat Linux Management station?
You must have Write privileges on the browser’s directory tree to 
successfully install the Virtual Media plug-in.
I cannot locate my Virtual Floppy device on a system running Red...

Page 196

196Using and Configuring Virtual Media
What file system types are supported on my Virtual Floppy Drive or Virtual 
Your Virtual Floppy Drive or Virtual Flash supports FAT16 or FAT32 file 
When I performed a firmware update remotely using the DRAC 5 Web-
based interface, my virtual drives at the server were removed. Why?
Firmware updates cause the DRAC 5 to reset, drop the remote connection, 
and unmount the virtual drives. The drives will reappear when the DRAC 
reset is complete.

Page 197

Using and Configuring Virtual Media197
3Locate the two subdirectories vm and vkvm. Navigate to the appropriate 
subdirectory, right click the 
rac5XXX.xpi file, and select Save Link 
Target As....
4Choose a location to save the plug-in installation package file.
To install the plug-in installation package:
Copy the installation package to the clients native file system share that is 
accessible by the client.
2Open an instance of the browser on the client system.
3Enter the file-path to the plug-in...

Page 198

198Using and Configuring Virtual Media 

Page 199

Configuring Security Features199
Configuring Security Features
The DRAC 5 provides the following security features:
 Advanced Security options for the DRAC administrator:
 The Console Redirection disable option allows the 
local system user to 
disable console redirection using the DRAC 5 Console Redirection 
 The local configuration disable features allows the 
remote DRAC 
administrator to selectively disable the ability to configure the 
DRAC 5 from:
– BIOS POST option-ROM
– operating system...

Page 200

200Configuring Security Features
Security Options for the DRAC Administrator
Disabling the DRAC 5 Local Configuration
Administrators can disable local configuration through the DRAC 5 graphical 
user interface (GUI) by selecting Remote Access→ Configuration→ 
Services. When the Disable the DRAC local Configuration using option 
ROM check box is selected, the Remote Access Configuration Utility—
accessed by pressing Ctrl+E during system boot—operates in read-only 
mode, preventing local users from...
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