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Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop Book 6 Supplement Rover

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    							e DEFENDER ENGINE 
    1 R0.27- 
    I I I 
    LST. 128 
    18G 1456 1 
    18G. 1464 
    ., ,:_:i ::..: , .. . ... .. 
    ST2344M 1 
    1BG. 1482 
    LST. 127 
    Note that where the use of special service tools is 
    specified,  only these  tools should be used to avoid 
    the  possibility 
    of personal  injury and or damage to 
    WARNING. Where  the use of an engine  stand is 
    recommended,  it  is absolutely  essential to follow 
    the  stand  manufactures instructions  to ensure  safe 
    and  effective 
    use of the equipment. 
    in  the  intrests 
    of safety  and efficient  working,  secure 
    the engine  to an  engine  stand recognised  by the 
    garage  repair trade.  Drain and discared  the sump 
    whilst  strictly  observing the the handling  and 
    disposal instructions  in the  Introduction  section 
    Remove the following  ancillary equipment prior 
    to dismantling  the engine. 
    Air conditioning  compressor-where  fitted . 
    Power steering  pump and alternator. 
    Starter  motor 
    Engine  electrical  harness. 
    Air Inlet manifold. 
    Exhaust  manifold and  turbo charger. 
    Whilst  dismantling,  make 
    a note of the the  position 
    of miscellaneous  brackets, clips, hamess,  pipes, and 
    hoses,  that are removed  at the  same  time, and any 
    non  standard  items, 
    to facilitate  assembly.  
    .. ._... . I.. .-.I .. 
    							121 ENGINE a DEFENDER 
    Rocker cover remove. 4. Having  removed  the rocker  shaft, lift-out the 
    push  rods and insert  them through  holes in a 
    of card  marked  from 1 to 8 to ensure 
    assembly  to their  original  locations. 
    5. Remove  the cap  from  each valve  stem. 
    1. Release the crankcase  ventilation  hose 
    connections,  evenly slacken  and remove  the 
    three bolts then lift-off the rocker cover. 
    See fitting rocker cover 
    See fitting rocker shaft 
    Rocker shaft  remove. 
    2. Evenly  release  the five rocker shaft  retaining 
    bolts  but do not  remove  the bolts  from the 
    shaft,  especialy  the 
    two end ones, to prevent 
    the  assembly  from falling  apart when  removed 
    from  the cylinder  head. 
    							. .I ., .,..  .. 
    Removing cylinder head 
    8. Evenly slacken  and remove  the eighteen  bolts 
    retaining  the cylinder  head and lift the  cylinder 
    head  from the cylinder  block and remove  the 
    See  cylinder  head overhaul  or see  fitting  cylinder 
    ST2951 M 
    Note:- If..necessary, at  this  stage  the cam 
    followers  may be removed  for inspection. 
    See  Cam  follower  removal 
    BE LT/CAM S HA fi 
    See radiator removehefit 
    Water  pump remove. 
    1. If necessary  remove the viscous  coupling 
    complete,  with the fan,  from  the water  pump 
    spindle,  using  a cranked  open-ended  spanner, 
    noting  that  it has  a  left-handed thread. 
    2. Remove  the four screws, to release  the pulley 
    from  the water  pump  hub. 
    3. If necessary  release the two Jubilee clips and 
    remove  the by
    -pass  hose. 
    4. Evenly  release  and remove  the six bolts  and 
    one  nut to remove  the water  pump from the 
    front  cover plate. 
    See  water  pump  inspection  and fitting. 
    Front  cover  plate or seal  remove 
    Front  pulley  and damper. 
    5. Release  the four bolts  and  remove the 
    crankshaft  pulley from the damper. 
    6. To remove the crankshaft damper retaining 
    bolt  use pecial  service  tool 
    FR I01 tor LST 127 
    o restrain  the damper  and a 30 socket  to 
    remove  the special  bolt. 
    Removing front  cover plate. 
    9. Unscrew the 11 bolts and one  nut to release 
    the cover  plate. 
    See fitting front cover plate 
    7. Fit the  pressure  button 18G1464/5 to the  end 
    of the  crankshaft  and using service tool LST 
    136, extract  the damper as illustrated. 
    See  fitting front  damper and  pulley 
    STZ 91 8M 75 
    Removing  timing  belt 
    1. Use the xstraining tool LST 127 to turn  the 
    crankshaft  in a clockwise direction  to 
    TDC so 
    that the valves of number  one cylinder  are 
    closed  with number  four cylinder  valves on the 
    rock and  the crankshaft  key aligned with  the 
    arrow  cast into  the front  cover 
    as illustrated. If 
    the crankshaft is turned  inadvertently  beyond 
    TDC do not turn it back  but  continue  on 
    round  until the above conditions are  achieved. 
    e. Q, .. J/ 
    							DEFENDER ENGINE 11 2 1 
    2. Now screw  the body of the timing  pin tool  LST 
    128 into the flywheel  housing and check  that 
    the  pin can 
    be inserted  in to  the  appropriate 
    slot  in the  flywheel  periphery.  Note that there 
    two slots  in the  flywheel  one being  wider 
    than  the othe.  The narrowest 
    slot determines 
    TDC for this engine  and it is therefore 
    important  that the correct  slot is used. 
    4. To lock the  pump,  Slacken  the locking  screw 
    anticlockwise  and remove  the inhibiting  plate. 
    Turn  the screw  clockwise  to 
    lock the pump 
    shaft.  Remove  the timing  pin from  the flywheel 
    I .:!. c. *. 
    a* 0 
    3. Remove  the three  screws  to release the 
    injection  pump access  cover from the front 
    cover plate  and insert  the locking  pin LST129/2 
    through  the U shaped cut-out in the  pump 
    hub  and into  the hole  in the  pump  body. This 
    will  confirm  that the injection  pump 
    is correctly 
    timed  in relation  to the  valves  and crankshaft 
    and  can 
    be locked  ready for removing.  Leave 
    the  pin in position  in the  pump. 
    CAUTION: It is  important  to ensure  that 
    once  the injection  pump has been  locked 
    no  attempt  must be made  to rotate  it. 
    Therefore  take care  not 
    to allow  the 
    crankshaft  to be  turned  until the pump  has 
    been  removed. 
    NOTE:- If renewing  the timing belt,oil seals 
    or  gears  (with the cylinder  head fitted)  and 
    is any  possibility  that the crankshaft 
    will  need  to be  rotated  after removal 
    of the 
    timing  belt, it would  be advisable  to remove 
    the  rocker  shaft. This will prevent  the 
    pistons  contacting  the valves  as the 
    crankshaft  is turned. 
    If necessary, See 
    rocker  shaft removal. 
    .. ...I .: .. .. - . .,... 
    							E[ ENGINE e DEFENDER 
    5. To verify any timing  error, check  that the 
    timing  marks inside  the front  cover  line-up 
    with the gear  wheels. 
    6. If necessary temporarily  fit the  damper and 
    restrain  the crankshaft  with service  tool 
    FR 101 
    while the three  screws securing  the pump 
    timing  gear 
    to the pump hub  and the camshaft 
    gear  wheel  retaining  bolt is being  slackened. 
    7. Remove  the single  bolt, special  washer and 
    remove  the tensioner. 
    8. If the  original  belt is to be  re-fitted,  mark its 
    of rotation  with soft chalk before 
    ST2959M/ 1 
    NOTE:- A used  drive  belt develops  a wear 
    pattern  relative  to the  driving  loads and its 
    of rotation. If the  belt  is to  be 
    -used  it must be refitted so that  it 
    continues  to operate  in the  original 
    S ee fitting  Timing  gears and belt.  Removing 
    belt gears 
    9. If the crankshaft  gear wheel cannot  be 
    removed  by hand, 
    use special service  tool 18C 
    1462-2 and pressure  button 18G 1464-5. 
    Assemble  the tool  and withdraw  the gear 
    as illustrated. 
    18G 1464-2 \\ ST2960M 
    10. Remove  the camshaft  gear wheel  retaining  bolt 
    assembly  to enable  the gear  to be  removed. 
    Use special  service tool 18G 1462-2 and 
    18G  1464-6. Assemble as shown and 
    withdraw  the the gear. 
    ST2960M 18G 1464-2 \\?--. 
    The  camshaft  and crankshaft oil seals  may be 
    renewed  at this  stage  with the engine  in the  vehicle 
    without  removing  the front  cover. 
    See fitting  front cover  seals 
    							DEFENDER ENGINE n 12 
    Removing injection pump 
    Removing  front cover I * .I 
    11. Release the injection  pump from the rear 13. To remove  the front cover,release the three 
    support  bracket. 
    bolts securing  it 
    to the cylinder  block front 
    face and the three  bolts that pass  up through 
    the  sump  and ladder  frame into lower 
    face of 
    the cover. 
    See fitting front  cover timing belt and gears 
    12. Remove  the three  nuts securing  the  pump 
    flange  to the  front  cover  and withdraw  the 
    pump  and gasket  complete  with hub and 
    timing  pin. 
    Removing  vacuum  pump 
    14. Mark the position of the  brake servo vacuum 
    pump  with relation 
    to the  cylinder  block. Using 
    a 6mm Allen  key  remove the  three  screws  and 
    -out  the pump. 
    See  fitting  vacuum  pump 
    							112) ENGINE DEFENDER 
    Removing skew gear 
    During  normal  operation of the engine  the camshaft 
    and  skew  gear teeth  develop  a mated  a wear 
    pattern.  It 
    is therefore  important  that if the skew 
    is to be re-used  it should  be fitted so that  the 
    teeth  on the  gear  and camshaft  engage in the 
    original  running  position. 
    To ensure orininal re-engagement of the  gears 
    turn  the camshaft 
    so that  the camshaft  key is 
    aligned with the oil groove  in the  thrust  plate 
    and  mark  the position 
    of the skew  gear in 
    relation  to the  one 
    of the  three  bolt holes for 
    securing  the vacuum  pump. Also mark the 
    skew  gear housing  flange to the  same  bolt 
    hole.  16. 
    To remove 
    the skew  gear assembly,  tap the 
    flange  round 
    so that the edge  overlaps  the 
    cylinder  block, then tap the  flange  upwards 
    enable  the skew  gear assembly  to be  lifted 
    If necessary  the oil pump drive shaft may be 
    removed  at this  stage 
    Removing  skew gear bush 
    17. Unscrew  the oil filter cartridge,  anti-clockwise, 
    using  a strap  wrench.  Dispose 
    of the oil safely, 
    18.  Release  the 
    two bolts and remove  the oil filter 
    adaptor  and gasket  from the engine. 
    19. Using  a 6 mm alien key  remove  the retaining 
    screw  and bush. 
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